25 Best Falling in Love Quotes and Sayings From the Heart
Are you falling in love? These are the best quotes for you
Jun 02, 2019

Cute and Famous Falling In Love Quotes for Him and For Her
When you're first falling in love, the feelings can get quite intense and sometimes you lack the proper words to describe exactly how you feel without sounding like a total dweeb or as off-the-rails as you feel. Famous quotes that were spoken by love Jedi's before us help us put these feelings in words so our partners know exactly what is going on in our heart chambers.

Albert says: pure love quotes.com/#alberteinstein
Prepare to fall in love all over again with these beautifully worded love quotes that will get your partner to see just how much off the cliff you've gone. Enjoy!
1. First I saw him
Imagine just wandering your eye around and then something truly amazing happens... Your wandering eye lands on the boy that you're pretty sure holds the key to your everything.

#fallinginlove: @touchyfeelyvibes/Instagram
Sometimes it really is as easy as locking eyes with a stranger to know that they are the 'It factor' missing in your life.
2. You're the most important to me
This quote says it all... You never know when someone becomes literally everything in your life, you just wake up one day and realize that they are the sun and there you are. Falling in love is this beautiful buildup of such wonderful, distracting emotions and when you realize just deep you've fallen, you fall even deeper.

falling in love quotes: sensational quotes/pinterest
3. Falling into you

falling into you: sensational quotes/pinterest
You know that dream we've all had where you're falling off into infinity, that's what this is. Falling into someone is infinitely more. It's like falling into a world that is as deep and vast as the ocean and being totally okay with it. The feeling of falling can be scary but it's so good, especially if you're both doing the falling that it turns into something exciting and exhilarating rather than scary.
4. My sunshine, my smile

source: @friend wishes/ Pinterest
We all want to have that special someone in our lives that just makes us smile for no apparent reason. You'd be smack in the middle of a really busy day and suddenly, they cross your mind and your entire face transforms. That is the beauty of falling in love.
5. I love you to the moon and back
Poetry works out so perfectly when you're trying to convey your feelings of the deepest love to your partner. This piece is so simple and perfect it just might inspire you to say a whole lot more, perhaps in a song... no pressure. One thing's for sure, it will make your special someone feel even more special once they know just what they're doing to you.

Falling for you: @c.m.kae_poetry/ Instagram
6. Falling in love is out of your hands
It's true that we generally have the sense to choose who we want in our lives as friends. You can also choose to like someone but falling in love is beyond your control and you have no choice but to give in to the wave of emotions that you experience and just fall in love. The rest will take care of itself as you go.

love quotes: @slinetworks/ Pinterest
7. I love you
When you love someone, they become your whole world and losing them is completely out of the question. Your life is complete with them in your life and makes so much more sense. You know you're falling in love with them when you can picture your entire life and they are there with you, through every waking moment of it.
8. What I feel for only you
You don't love anyone but them. They are the ones you'd rather spend your days with. Suddenly you're curving other people trying to hit on you because it doesn't even make sense to be with anyone but them and then you find yourself wondering why you ever thought you'd been in love before because is just the real deal.

love quotes: for you quotes.com-Stacey wall/Pinterest
9. I want you
John Legend got the whole world swooning with his song "All of me" because of how honest and open it was. A perfect display of a man falling in love. Falling in love means accepting who they are their flaws plus perfections and just loving these sides of them so wholly that you'd never want to change a single thing about them.

I want you quotes: @Titiloyetimothyblog/ Pinterest
10. I will forever love you
No better declaration of the love you feel and how deep you're falling than saying exactly that. Sometimes all you need to say is as simple as 'I love you' and 'I am falling in love with you'. Sure the big words and gestures work but the simple truth is there for you to take advantage of too.. So take advantage and tell them just how you feel.

I love you: @kaitlinprahl/ Pinterest
11. You're my other half
When you need your bae to know that you're falling in love with them and you're feeling without a shadow of a doubt that they are your soulmate, your other half, then very few words can express it better. Sure you're taking a big risk and it's a really big step admitting these kinds of feelings but we're rooting for you... Go buddy!

cute falling in love quotes: @happylovequotes/ Pinterest
12. You found me
Having someone that finds all the parts of you that you thought were lost or broken, or you never even knew existed is one of the most amazing reasons that you fell in love. If you have experienced this wonderful life-changing kind of love then you should let your partner know just how deeply you feel.
13. Falling in love over and over again
Falling in love isn't something that just happens one time. Once you begin falling, it's a process that goes on over and over and just when you think you can't possibly fall any deeper in love, your heart proves you wrong by plunging to deeper unchartered territories that should be impossible by all means, but here you are...

Falling in love quotes: purelovequotes.com
14. I love you to the end of the world
Imagine falling in love so deeply that you know that you will love them way past your death day and then still some more. Pretty intense and astronomical to promise your partner this kind of thing but if you are sure about the way you feel about them, then why not?

pure love quotes.com/ Annie Kaufman quotes
15. I walked into love with you
When you fall in love with someone because you chose each other despite all the voices that scream at you not to, then you have walked into love with this person and you already know what you are getting yourself and no matter how hard or bad it gets, you're more than willing to fight for your love because you chose this love and now there's nothing left to do other than enjoy it.

falling in love quotes: Michaelbliss/ Pinterest
Fear of Falling in Love Quote for Him and For Her

16. Scary is good
Falling in love is a scary process and the fear experienced in knowing that another human being can have such a huge impact in your life is very real.

Seth Godin quotes/ Pinterest
17. Vulnerability
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do for anyone. Being vulnerable means putting your emotions at risk of being hurt and those scars are quite hard to heal.

Bob Marley quotes/elite daily: Pinterest
18. Hurting to find love
Being hurt is something you'll g through at one point or another. Just remember that love is still out there and finding it still after being hurt takes a lot of strength so don't take it for granted.

Bob Marley quotes: fangirl quotes/Pinterest
19. Don't fear falling in love
Vulnerability brings about the fear of falling in love and you might be having a totally different idea of what love is and but your heart picks a different route.
20. Fear of commitment

source: @beautaplin/ Instagram
Being afraid of commitment might lead you to be afraid of falling in love because you don't want to commit to something. It is a totally understandable situation but perhaps you should look a bit deeper and realize within yourself what it is you really fear.
21. Scared of falling in love

Shardell Monique quotes/ Pinterest
22. Scared to be loved
And then there's the fear of being loved because you are afraid of someone having so much power over you. You wonder why you're happier when they are around and that just plain sacres you.

source: m.lovethispic.com/Pinterest
23. Why I push you away

The love notebook/ Tumbler
Fear of falling in love often may lead us to push the people that deeply care about us away because we don't want to be open to being hurt. Maybe you're pushing them away as a test to see who really cares about you but be careful, you might just push the right one away completely.
24. Letting guard down

25. Can't let anyone in
Someone once said, take your muddy shoes off when entering someone's house. If your soul has been tramped on by muddy shoes, you might be a little shy in letting anyone else in cuz who wants a dirty soul?

Source: myteardrop45.tumblr.com/Pinterest
Admitting that we're falling in love is just as hard for some of us as it is easy for others. Finding the right inspiration to help you get your feelings out in a way that makes your partner understand just how much they mean to you is our business and we hope that you enjoy and use some of those quotes.