Find Out His Personality Based On The Undies He Wears
What underwear says about your dude and his character
Mar 22, 2020

What's his underwear saying about his personality?

You think you know your guy pretty well right? You know what food's his favorite, what kind of movies he likes, what music he loves to listen to, what cracks him up, what turns him on. Those are great things to know about him, it gives you a lot of things to work on to keep your relationship going and growing. But aren't you a little bit more curious? Wouldn't you like to know more about his personality traits? Discover new things about him, his quirks, his character, what ticks him off, what he's hiding behind that facade?
Well, you can go a lot of ways to achieve that goal. If you're into Tarot, you can try and read some tarot cards, or you can try some personality quizzes or maybe a fortune cookie? But how about his underwear? Have you really pay attention to what he wears under all those fancy clothes, or under that gym gear or under that tight jeans? If you've already seen his underpants, did you like what you saw? Have you rummaged through his drawers to glimpse what other kinds of underwear he has there? Is he more of a boxer kind of guy, or does he like to be looser down there? Does he own a lot of tighty whiteys? Is he more a G-String/Thong guy? Or is he more of a commando kind of guy? So many options... have we picked your curiosity?
You can learn a lot about your guy's personality by taking a good look at his underwear. You may have shared lot's about each other on those late-night talks, but if you want to know who he really is, then pay attention to his underwear and stick around because we're going to tell you what he's like according to what he wears under all those layers.
Tighty Whiteys

The tighty whiteys made a return at the beginning of the decade. Manufactures decided to return to be basics and some men dig that. Better known to all as Briefs, they are worn basically by two kinds of people: twelve-year-old nerds and very ripped guys (like underwear model ones). If your guy wears briefs, then he's one who takes good care of himself. He's eye candy and probably spends a lot of time at the gym so this kind of underwear fits him just fine. He's also a very confident man (sometimes it could be too much), but he knows what he has and is not afraid to show it. He's happy with what he's got down there because this kind of underwear showcases the package. He's got an outgoing personality because he's very confident in his looks.

If your guy likes to wear boxers then he may be a "let loose" kind of man. This could go two ways: One, your guy is not all together yet, he still doesn't know what he wants and it may seem that he doesn't care. He may tend to go with the flow, go where life takes him. This may not work for you if you notice that his boxers have holes in them and are kind of faded (from so many washes). He may not even do his own laundry. If this is the case, turn the other way fast! Two, he may be a Type-B personality, which means he likes to wear things that make him feel sexy while not being tight. He may not like control in his life but he means well, so there's an opportunity there.
Boxer Briefs

Guys that wear boxer briefs have found the perfect combination. This underwear is suited to most body types and can hold everything in place without showcasing too much. If your guy wears this kind of underwear it means that he likes to take care of the way he looks and that he is proud of the results. Since he likes things snug and cozy, he feels comfortable sharing with you things about his past (good and bad), He's a sensitive guy and not afraid of his emotions and what he feels passionate about. And the best thing is that he wants you to know that he's totally OK with that. He's also considerate, loves to talk a lot and can multitask. He's got a lot of confidence and shows it in his choice of clothes and in the way he approaches life. He's a keeper.
Funny and weird designs

He definitely has a colorful personality (or is still a child inside?) and he likes to wear funny underwear to prove it. He misses those days when it was ok to wear this kind of boxer shorts or briefs where he could adorn his package with Looney Tunes or Nickelodeon Characters or some kind of cleverly positioned arrows and legends making funny innuendos like "Pull down in case of emergency".He may also be tacky and most women are not onboard with that. Besides that funny personality, he may be a person who doesn't take life seriously and has a weird sense of humor.

According to a poll conducted by AskMen in the US, only 2% of them admitted to using thong underwear. If you're dating one of the 2% then you're dating a guy who's really ripped and he's fearless. As you know this kind of underwear is not the most comfortable but it provides lines so he has to be totally sure of himself to pull it off. He's his own man and he owns it. He is willing to sacrifice comfort for what makes him feel sexy and good. He may be a little weird but it works on him.

It would seem that men that choose to wear a jockstrap as underwear are reluctant to leave their football days behind. They're not ready yet. If your guy likes to wear his jockstrap still, first he must have an impressive behind and he likes to show it; second, he's got a lot of wild in him. He's a party animal and likes to dance and just have a good time. He may not be boyfriend material though, but if you're looking for a fling and some good times, he's your guy.
Or he can wear no underwear at all. A guy who likes to go commando is either very down-to-earth or kind of dirty. He likes to live life on the edge and enjoy that feeling of freedom. He's very direct and he "tells it as he sees 'it. He doesn't like and doesn't play mind games. He's also practical because why bother laundering underwear when you can avoid it by not wearing any?
Underwear Personality Quiz/Game

Are you curious to know if you're are boxers or a briefs guy? Do you want to know what it says about your personality? There are tons of quizzes or games on the internet where you can answer some questions and they would tell you if you're one kind of guy or the other Or they tell you what kind of underwear is the one you prefer. They all required for you to answer questions related to your likes and preferences regarding comfortability, fashion choice, lifestyle, love life, colors, how you take care of them, etc.
We thought it could be fun to provide you with a couple of them so you can take them and finally have your answer. Take a look at this Underwear Personality Quizzes and find out if what you thought matches the quiz results.
Before we provide you with the links, here are some examples of what you could expect in regard to questions.
- What are your color and design preferences when choosing underwear?
- What kind of fabric do you prefer to wear?
- Do you have a good sense of fashion?
- Do you use your underwear for other purposes (like a bathing suit, for example)?
- How much are you willing to spend or are spending on your underwear?
- Is style an important factor when choosing underwear?
- Which are your deciding factors when buying underwear?
- Do you have an active lifestyle?
- Do you think your current clothes and underwear are stylish?
- Your reasons for wearing boxers/briefs
- Is feeling comfortable important to you?
- Is taking pride in your physique important to you?
- What kind of job do you have?
- Do you think you were cool when you were a teenager?
- What are your hobbies'
- What do you do on a first date?
- What do you consider fun activities?
- Are you Ok with changes?
Now, click on this link and start answering the questions. Or you can do this one too, it'll tell you what kind of underwear you are based on your answers.
We hope you have tons of fun doing it!

Who could have thought that what your guy wears under his clothes can give you a glimpse of his personality? Now you have more clues that hopefully will help you determine what kind of relationship is he good for. Good luck!