51 Solid Reasons to Stay Single Forever (Guy Version)

This is why some guys prefer to have a single status forever

By Fred S.
51 Solid Reasons to Stay Single Forever (Guy Version)

With all of your social media buddies posting wedding pictures and congratulating each other for marriage and babies, it’s easy to forget the wonders of single life. If you’re looking to commit to the choice of staying single, you might need reminders as to what makes it valuable in the first place. In this article, we’ve produced a giant list of the simple yet notable benefits of remaining single.

The Simplicity of Being a Single

When you think about the implications of a single life, a mix of good and bad words can come to mind. The positives range across many directions, but the negatives are more or less limited to loneliness. If you’re fine with a ‘me-myself-and-I’ lifestyle, which many of us are, it’s gonna be mostly just plus-points for you! Pros like unmatched freedom, more time, relaxed mental health, and a healthier bank account should be at the top of the chart. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we’ll dive way deeper into it with 51 solid benefits of staying single – so, keep reading!  

51 Solid Reasons to Stay Single Forever As a Guy

1. You don’t have to manage anyone else’s insecurities; just yours.

2. Jealousy issues of someone else don’t get to dictate your life choices.

3. Your bed space remains all to yourself!

4. Everything in your house belongs to you.
There’s going to be no fight over what’s mine and what’s yours – it’s all yours. Use whatever you want, whenever you want.

5. There’s no need to hide your sweets stash, as no one’s gonna raid them!

6. Your leftovers aren’t for someone else, they’re for tonight.

7. When you eat, you buy and cook for one.
Buying food or ordering it for midnight cravings is gonna be much simpler when you’re single. You’ll save a lot of money, which will be a repeating theme in this article.

8. A frozen burrito can be your dinner; no judgements, no questions.

9. The whole "old maid" thing is old news.

10. You don’t have to lose comfort for looks.
Who likes abandoning their pajamas without a necessary need to do so? Being single, you’ve got no one to impress, so there’s no need to dress up beside for work.

11. You don't have to make excuses for going where you wanna go.

12. Say goodbye to arguments, forever! *Phew*

13. Your late nights are all yours.
There’s no pressure to entertain anyone when you’ve got the free time. Play COD with the boys as long as you want, or watch football without dealing with arguments.

14. The only mess-ups you have to put up with are your own.

15. There’s no need to share
Anything you buy, eat, and drink – you get to enjoy it yourself till the last bite and sip!

16. The only filth you need to clean up is your own.

17. Less stuff to move when you do move

With an entire human-less to move with, the luggage and stuff to transport get reduced to half. That itself has its obvious benefits relating to comfort.

18. No more fighting over the thermostat temperature, set it according to your own comfort.

19. There's only one way to do stuff - your own way.

20. You don’t have to deal with your partner’s annoying friends. Just your own.

21. One bedroom apartments suddenly feel sufficient

While they can be a bit too tight for two people, one-bedroom apartments are cozy and spacious enough for one person. You don’t need to invest in a larger house being single, and again, you’ll save on rent money!

22. The only fetishes you have to worry about are your own.

23. If you want a child, single people can still adopt.

24. You get to orgasm whenever you want.

Your sex life isn’t shared any longer, neither are your orgasms. It’s all in your hands, and the only orgasm you’ve got to worry about is yours. You’ll have to experience this one to realize this point’s importance.  

25. Getting an out-of-state job has no implications on anyone else’s wants or needs.

26. You don’t have anyone else's disgusting (or annoying) habits to deal with.

27. Only the doctor can tell you what to eat
There’s no one to impress, and no one to stay in shape for! Yes, maintaining fitness is vital, but singles get to eat on their cheat days with absolutely zero judgment. Now, that’s priceless.

28. You can snore without any consequences.

29. Only you decide when to jump into bed – no questions asked.

30. No more fighting over what to watch on Netflix.

31. You decide when to shave and where

In a relationship, it’s considered basic decency to keep yourself groomed up out of respect for your partner’s preferences. Being single, all that flies out the window. Shave where you want, whenever you want.

32. Your closet is all to yourself!

33. The whole wedding mess? Yeah, you don’t have to deal with any of it.

34. Valentine's Day is irrelevant
All of a sudden, 14th February means nothing to you. It might be a sad thought, but not if you think about the hundreds of bucks you’d save without having to buy chocolates and overpriced roses.

35. No one’s there to complain about the music volume. Except the neighbors, of course.

36. You don't have stand someone who can't stand your parents.

37. You don't have to use the "headache" excuse anymore when you’re not feeling like sex, as rare as that may be.

38. No dates, birthdays, or anniversaries to remember
Let’s face it, guys really do suck at remembering dates. That’s a true stereotype for most of us. It doesn’t matter when you’re single though, because who’s there to complain about it?

39. More time to spend with friends, without any judgement or excuses!

40. The only person who checks your inbox is you. Privacy is priceless.

41. The holiday season gets way cheaper.

The holiday season is already hard on one’s pocket on its own. With a whole additional family to shop for, the idea of staying single sounds more and more financially feasible.

42. You can fall asleep anywhere. Not gonna lie, the couch feels extra comfy some nights.

43. The chances of the "oops, I'm pregnant" factor get highly reduced.

44. Walk around nude whenever you feel like it.
Living alone, there’s no one to even wear clothes for. That might be extremely ridiculous, but it’s extremely comfy too – try it.

45. No doubts or worries about someone cheating on you. That’s a relief.

46. Things stay where you put them, as messy as they may be.

47. You can follow your own decency standards while leaving dirty clothes lying around.
No one’s there to nag about where you keep your dirty clothes, and that’s incredibly freeing.

48. You can have your quiet time and meditate when you need it.

49. The only thing whining about not being fed is your cat, that too, if you have one.

50. Your trash will take twice as much time to fill up. Speaking of trash, you can take it out whenever you feel like it – no pressure.

51. You get to put yourself first, all the time.

It’s not selfish to prioritize your happiness in all of your life dealings. It’s how it should be, because you’re the leader of your story! Without being happy yourself, you can’t expect to make others happy either.

Scripts to Fend Off Naysayers

On your path to living single happily ever after, you’ll find a lot of people who just won’t let you do that so easily. They’ll say stuff that might bother you, and it won’t just happen once. Different people somehow manage to say the same annoying things when it comes to people who have remained single for a long time.

Don’t get me wrong, some of these people genuinely care about your well-being, and thing that getting married really is the right move for you. If this is coming from a close relative or a caring friend, then it’s understandable. However, strangers or colleagues who barely know you might make things awkward by prying into your own personal life choices.

To people who push you to ‘find someone’ out of real concern for your well-being, you should mostly be polite with your answers. Explain to them why you feel like staying single seems like the right thing to do, at least for now. You can give them some of the many reasons mentioned above, such as how you’re focusing on self-growth, or need a lot of free time at hand at the moment. If they care about you, they’ll not only understand your point of view but also respect it!

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Being single is an absolute blast! It’s for people who love themselves enough to be able to enjoy every aspect of their lives by themselves. Especially, with almost everyone around us complaining about a cheating partner, and a sky-high divorce rate, it seems like a more and more appealing option to just stay single forever. In this article, we’ve addressed all the golden advantages of single life, from the simple pleasures to the deeper benefits.