30 Powerful Feng Shui Tips For Attracting Love

30 Powerful Feng Shui Tips For Attracting Love

Are you trying to attract your partner with love? Here are 30 powerful Feng Shui tips for attracting love and having a successful relationship.

By Janani
30 Powerful Feng Shui Tips For Attracting Love

Feng Shui To Attract Love

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that uses the energy of the forces of nature to enhance the well-being of people and to attract love in relationships. It tries to balance the people with the building and the energy within and without all landscapes. Feng Shui is known to have the tools that attract one's desired energy into their love life. By using the tips and tricks of Feng Shui you can attract better love relationships, get rid of the bad romances and learn ways to have a long-term relationship with your significant other. You can redecorate your house using Feng Shui tips but the best place to enhance love is in your bedroom area. Here are 30 tips to attract love using Feng Shui.

All About Feng Shui More info www.feetlovesocks.com/fengshui

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1. Get A Headboard for Your Bed

A good quality sleep is very important for having a better love life in your existing relationship. So, get yourself a great solid headboard for your bed and enhance the quality of your sleep. Having a good night's sleep increases your emotional and mental health as well. So, it is important that you get a good quality sleep for the night when using Feng Shui to have an improved romance in your love life. Make sure to get yourself a bedroom that helps you sleep better to enhance your love with your partner using feng shui.

2. Change Bed Linens Regularly

According to Feng Shui researchers, it is very important to freshen up your bed-sheets and linens for a romantic relationship with your husband. It is to be noted that even the colors used for your bed-sheets and linens have an impact on your personal life. Make sure to use colors like white, green, pink to get the passion going in your relationship. Avoid red which is expected to have a negative impact on your relationship according to Feng Shui experts. So, change your bedspreads regularly so you spread a positive vibe in your relationship. Having clean bedspreads also keeps you healthy and hygienic.

3. Position Your Bed In the Right Place

When using Feng Shui tips for your bedroom to enhance your relationship with your husband, you need to position your bed in the right place. Make sure that you don't place your bed against the wall of your bedroom so that either of your partners feels trapped in the relationship. Both you and your husband must be able to feel that you have enough space in your relationship so placing your bed at the place where both the partners can roam freely reflects your relationship. The basic conflicts in your relationship can be avoided by positioning your bed in the right spot using Feng Shui. This is one of the powerful tip using Feng Shui that you can enhance your romantic life.

En una habitación así es imposible recuperar energías !! Todo es muy Yang ! El espejo reflejando las personas cuando duermen, las sillas y mesita al pie de la cama son muy grandes y eso debe ser más bajito que la cama, los ventanales a los costados de la cama. Ustedes notan el aglomeramiento de objetos grandes ? Por dónde puede pasar la energía? Les paracece un Spa ? La habitación debe ser Yin y sobretodo despejada !!! Tiene algo muy bueno y es el copete o cabecera de cama. Ahora observa tu habitación 👌😑👌 #decoracionconfengshui #cursogratisdefengshui _______________________________________________________ #decoracion #decoraciondeinteriores #diseñodeinteriores #interiordesign #decor #decoradores #fengshuimiami #buenavibra #pareja #fengshui #fengshuicharms #buenfengshui #fengshui2 #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiconsultant #fengshuitoday #fengshuideco #decoradoras #cursogratisdefengshui #influencer #predicciones #googvibes #fengshuitips88 #miami #weston #brickell #homedesign

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4. Never Place Extra Pillows In Your Bed

Having a bed filled with extra pillows or stuffed animals sends a message that you have no room for another in your life. So, avoid placing them in your bed and try having as much as space as possible this is a symbol that you are ready to accept a partner in your life. This Feng Shui tip is mostly an advice for singles, who are actively looking to attract love through Feng Shui. So if you are currently looking a romantic relationship it is better that you get rid of those extra pillows and stuffed animals in your bed.

5. Color Your Walls To Attract Love Using Feng Shui

Add more colors to your bedroom walls and windows. Make sure that the colors complement each other. Try adding colors like pink which emphasizes more on love, joy, and happiness. By adding bright colors to your wall and window it creates a balanced flow of love and creates a sensual energy. So, make sure to use this tip using feng shui to enhance your romantic relationship with your husband.

6. Place The Right Artwork In Your Bedroom

Hang romantic paintings or artwork that has love symbols on it. This will make you enrich with romantic thoughts and feelings for your special someone. Having arts that reflect sorrow and sadness may cause you to feel stressed and lonely, and it will have a negative impact on your life. This will not only have a greater effect on your life but your health will also be impacted. This is one powerful tip that you need to follow when trying Feng Shui for your bedroom to attract love.

7. No Television In Your Bedroom

According to the Feng Shui experts, it is very important to get rid of the television in your bedroom if you have any. It is a fire element and brings the Yang energy into your relationship and that is not what we want. Make sure that you move your television to some other part of your house as it creates a distraction in showering love to your loved one. Having a television in your bedroom might make you focus less on your dear one beside you in your bedroom. This is the reason that a television is never suggested to be kept inside a bedroom according to Feng Shui. This is one powerful tip to follow when you are trying to attract love.

8. No Work In The Bedroom

Never mix work with romance, make sure your bedroom is free of your work environment. Having work furniture in your bedroom is not suggested as it brings the memories of your work partner. Make sure never to take your laptops or mobile phones to your bedroom as it disrupts the romance in your love life with your husband. Having your laptops in your room might keep your mind constantly fixated on your work. This will make it difficult for you to focus on your love life. This is one of the powerful tips to attract love using feng shui.

9. Place Your Bedside Table In Symmetry

This is one of the modern approaches to feng shui. By placing a bedside table on both sides of your bed in symmetry tells that the relationship with your husband shows equality. It is a symbol that both the partners have equal space in your relationship and that you never have to worry about either one having extra space or no space at all. This is one of the feng shui tips to attract love in relationships.

10. Clear The Clutter To Attract Love Using Feng Shui

Make sure that clean up your clutter in your house. It causes stress in your relationship when there is a lot of clutter in the house and it needs cleaning at all times. Make sure that your house is clean. Having a cluttered house or bedroom can cause mental stress and it will destroy your relationship with your loved one. It would become one less thing that couples could fight for. This is one tip to attract love using Feng Shui. This tip not only attracts love but also creates a hygienic safe and improves your health.

11. No Photographs Of Friends And Families

Never have photographs of your friends and families in your bedroom. It gets a little uncomfortable to get a little romantic having your family’s pictures or friends picture staring right down at you. So to have a happy relationship with your husband make sure you remove the photographs of your friends and family. By removing their pictures you might be able to make sweet love to your significant other at all times without any hesitation. This is one powerful tip using Feng Shui that you can attract love in the relationship with your husband.

12. No Mirrors Facing Your Bed

Make sure that you have no mirrors facing your bed. This is one Feng Shui tip, if a mirror faces your bed it tends to involve a third party in your relationship. Having a mirror in your bedroom also deprives you of sleep and makes you have bad romances in your relationship. So, make sure that you have no mirrors in your bedroom so that you can have a better health and have a great romance with your love. This is one of the powerful tips using Feng Shui to attract love.

13. Never Have Additional Room To Your Bedroom

According to Feng Shui experts, it is never suggested to have an additional room to your bedroom as it invites infidelity into relationships. Never have a room inside your bedroom even if it is for having a living space. It is not advised by Feng Shui experts even to use small dividers in the bedroom and split the space in your bedroom. It gets more similar to having to split the relationship. This urges your relationship to cheat on your partner. So make sure you never have an additional room in your bedroom. This is one powerful tip that uses Feng Shui to attract love.

14. Privacy Is Important In Your Bedroom

Create privacy in your bedroom space. Never make your bedroom a little public as many are not comfortable displaying public affection. Make sure you have heavier curtains or good doors that shield you from the outside world. It has to be open and airy at most part of the day but you must be able to keep them closed or cover your bedroom from the outside world if you are planning on displaying romance or physical interest. This is one of the powerful Feng Shui tip that attracts love.

15. Stress-free Bedroom Attracts Love Using Feng Shui

According to expert Feng Shui experts, it is very important to bring Yin, the positive energy into your bedroom for a better relationship and better health. Set an environment that makes you feel relaxed in your bedroom. Try having soft music, dimmer lights or even colors that induce relaxation. By making your bedroom a relaxing place to stay it creates a space to connect with your partner romantically. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip that attracts love in your relationship and also improves your health.

16. Decorate Your Bathroom

It is equally important to make sure that you beautify bathroom as well to attract love. Try creating a healing energy in the bathroom. Feng Shui experts suggest that it is important to pamper yourself in the bathroom so they insist that you create a space for that. It is also suggested that you need to add decors like flowers, artwork, and heart-shaped symbol to make the bathroom more appealing and relaxing. This is a Feng Shui tip which is not associated with classical Feng Shui but to its modern approach. By making your bathroom more sophisticated, it gets to communicate love and care in your relationship.

17. Bathroom In The Love Area

To avoid negative energy impacting your love and relationship it is important to know the location of your bathroom area in the house. The southwest corner of the house is considered as the love area of the house, having a bathroom at this corner may cause a negative impact on your relationship. The southwest area is considered as the earth element according to Feng Shui science, so it is important that your bathroom is not located in this area. If the bathroom is located in the southwest area, there are ways to minimize the bad effects of Feng Shui by combining the earth element with the fire element. Also by maintaining toilet hygiene and practicing good manners like closing the lid, it helps to reduce the negative impact of bad Feng Shui. This is one powerful tip to ensure that Feng Shui attracts love in your relationship.

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18. Flowers To Attract Love Using Feng Shui

This is a powerful Feng Shui tip for singles and it is not suited for married couples. Try placing a vase of flowers in your living room if you are trying to fall in love and get married. The flowers must be placed in the living room and not in your bedroom as it might not create the impact needed if placed in the bedroom. Placing the flowers in the right place will bring you love and it is a symbol that you are waiting to fall in love. Married couples are never meant to have flowers in their bedroom as it might invite other people in your relationship. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip to attract love.

19. Use Art That Speaks Love

Add few love paintings in your bedroom to promote love. Feng Shui experts suggest it is a cure for bad relationships and to bring back romance. Have pictures or paintings of love like a couple holding hands together, kissing each other in a beautiful sunset and much more. Even heart-shaped symbols or paintings speak love. It is advised that you use the painting that creates an impact on you when you look at it. The most popular painting for is the mandarin duck this is a symbol that tells us love is everywhere and we need to look for it within ourselves as well.

20. Dispose Your Exe's Belongings

It is important that you get rid of the stuff from your previous love. It helps you move on with your life and also to get rid of the negative energy from the past relationship. According to Feng Shui experts, it is suggested that you need to get rid of the bed and mattress that you have used with your previous love as it detours the relationship with your current one. It is revealed that the former partner's energy might impact your love life-disrupting your mental health and love life. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip that attracts love in your relationship.

21. Always Leave Space For Someone Else

This is a Feng Shui tip for singles who are trying to get into a relationship. Make sure that you have some room left in your wardrobe, bed so it can be readily used by another. Having some room for another in your bedroom and in your house symbolizes that you are ready to accept another in your life and you are open to the relationship. By leaving some space for the other you are honoring your partner and it is one of the powerful Feng Shui tips to attract love in your relationship.

22. Use Candles To Attract Love Using Feng Shui

Always use candles to lighten up the mood and add sensuality to the environment. Light up candles as many as possible to promote love in your relationship. Make sure you use multicolored candles, these are said to be Feng Shui love cures. Candles tend to strengthen the fire element and lighten up the water element so make sure you use the candles in the right place according to Feng Shui to bring your love luck back in your bad relationship. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip to attract love.

23. Have Happy Family Pictures

Hang a lot of your fun times together with your dear one. It will remind you of all the love that happened during and after the time. Framing your happy memories is a great way to bring a spark to your relationship. Make sure you have a lot of fun pictures of you couples in your house even in your kitchen and in areas where you tend to stay for a longer period of time. This way you can make your marriage or the current relationship that you are in to grow stronger and happier.

24. Place Furniture Legs On The Rugs

Make sure that you have one end of your bed on the rugs so it helps you to sit back and have a relaxed communication with your dear one. Communication is the key to the relationship, but making the communication between the couple easier and relaxed helps in increasing the intimacy. This is one powerful Feng Shui that attracts love in your relationship. This way you can kindle the romance through proper communication.

25. Use A Rooster Figurine

Sometimes relationships can never be the same, it might be a toxic relationship that you are in. To make sure that you cure the bad relationship and get into a good one place a small rooster figurine in your house. According to Feng Shui experts, you need to put the rooster figurine on a shelf higher than a man's height with its beak pointed towards your front door. By doing this you can get rid of your bad romance and then it also invites new love. This is powerful Feng Shui tip to cure bad romances and attract proper love.

26. Peach Blossom For Love

Peach Blossom is a very powerful and popular Feng Shui tip to attract love in your relationship. You need to find your Chinese zodiac and then according to the peach blossom chart for your zodiac, you will have to place the animals in their corresponding areas. Peach Blossom Luck is a bigger area of study but by doing this you can attract love in your relationship. Make sure to do this as it is more fun to promote love this way. This is one of the most powerful Feng Shui tips to attract love in your relationship.

27. Maintain A Good Love Area

The southwest corner of the house is the love area. It is the earth element and it needs to be activated encourage more love in your relationship. So try using objects with earth element or fire element to trigger the earth element in your love area. This, in turn, will boost your love in your relationships and make it a successful one. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip that attracts love and promotes love in your relationship.

28. Have Everything In Doubles

According to Feng Shui experts, you need to make sure that you have all your furniture in doubles in your bedroom. Never leave a single night stand or single furniture or a single bedside table. This will leave behind a message that you are not ready to accept a partner in your life. So, this tip works for both married couple or singles who are trying to attract love. Make sure that you see everything in doubles in your bedroom, sending you unknown information that your dear one is always a part of your life.

29. Place Your Dining Table In A Circle

When it comes to attracting love using Feng Shui, the dining room is the second most important place to attract love. Make sure that you place your dining room in a circle so every member of the family group feels included. It is a way of making your significant other feel included in the part of the family or for families who are trying to attract more love. By having circle dining table the family gets to see each other when they are seated and it creates an environment for you to dine together with your family. This is one powerful tip using Feng Shui to attract love in your relationship.

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30. Remove Negative Objects

Studies have confirmed that couples who had negative objects like crisscross, guns, or paintings of war-fields made the couples fight a lot. The negative energy from these objects tends to pass on to you creating a state of mind that needs argument. Make sure you remove all the negative objects in your house to stop the negative flow of energy from these objects. By doing this, it makes your relationship a happy one and also it creates a stress-free environment for you and improves your mental health. This is one powerful Feng Shui tip to attract love in your relationship.

Some people have a #crosswall but we have a #swordwall! @caseystebbins ;)

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Love Also Needs Some Work

Feng Shui tips might be powerful and might help you find your true love but you need to put in your effort when you are truly in need of love. Just by changing a little bit of your lifestyle you are not going to be a 100% successful in your love. Feng Shui tips might help to an extent but the rest is in your hands. Make sure that you look into your partner's needs and value them. Spend time with each other as much as possible by doing all these you can easily get rid of the other obstacles that life throws at you. Feng Shui might create a space and might attract love but that doesn't mean you can never put in your effort in shaping up your relationship. So make sure that you also put in some extra effort to attract more love whilst using Feng Shui tips. All the best!