I Hate My Boyfriend: 15 Ways to Get Rid of Him

It's been long enough! Here's a bunch of new ways you would have never thought of to kick that boyfriend you hate to the curb!

By Emmie Collins
I Hate My Boyfriend: 15 Ways to Get Rid of Him

You Hate Him But He Just Won’t Leave!

It’s time to talk about it. If you clicked on this article, I bet you know what I’m about to tell you. Let’s face it. That guy you’ve been seeing, he sucks, and you know it. By now, everyone probably knows it and hates him just as much as you do. It’s time to let that boyfriend disaster go. We’ve all been there. You’ve been dating this guy for a bit, and then when you want it to be over, he just won’t seem to go. No matter how many times you attempt to bring up the breaking up conversation, it either ends without a breakup or gets diverted. You keep trying to dump him, and for whatever reason, the conversation ends with you two still being together. So what do you do when you try to break up with someone and they just won’t let it happen? You’ve tried everything: the easy letdown, the firm “It’s over,” the break up over text, the in-person breakup, and maybe even avoiding him. Nothing’s worked! Somehow he just doesn’t get the picture and the relationship won’t end. Trust me, I know it’s not for lack of trying. Some people never give up. His persistence is making you go from loving him to hating him. He will not respect your decision to end the relationship and it has got to be driving you crazy by now. He’s left you no choice. You hate him and you want out. It’s time to make your boyfriend hate you back so you can be rid of him for good. Everything on this list will make him wish he had just left you alone when you tried to dump him in the first place.

1. Always Be Too Busy For Your Boyfriend

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Make a point of being unavailable as often as possible. Be sure to let your boyfriend know that you are too busy to hang out with him, or when you are free that you would rather have some alone time. Be consistent with this. Once you start, maintain a schedule (or the appearance of one) that is too full to be bothered with spending time with him. It is important that once you begin this, you do not back down. He will take any chance he gets to think that the relationship might still work out. Every time he asks you if you want to do something, tell him no and what you will be doing instead. Include how excited you are to do what you have planned that night and how you barely even have time for him anymore. When you don’t have plans, be adamant that your alone time is extremely important to you. Talk about how little of it you have and how much time you lose to your relationship.

2. Refuse to Talk About the Future

Even if it is a conversation about tomorrow, let him know you do not want to talk about the future. Refuse to make plans. Let him know you don’t know what you’re going to be doing then, no matter how soon it is. Absolutely refuse to acknowledge a future where you two are still together. Insist that you do not want to talk about the future. If you talk about your own future, make sure that it is clear that you are speaking only about yourself with no way for him to assume he is a part of that future. Never say “we” if you can get away with it. Only talk about what you will be doing and what he will be doing as if those things are mutually exclusive.

3. Always Talk About Your Lives Seperately

Avoid speaking about yourselves as a unit. Always use “I” and “you,” never “we” or "us." Always acknowlege that you are individuals and have entirely different lives that should not be lumped together as one. Focus on your own life when you talk and do not reference things you have done together in the past. Try to keep conversation directed at what you do separately. Focus on your own hobbies and friends when talking. Do not engage in topics that are relevant to you as a couple and show no happy emotions even if he talks about something in the past that you remember.

4. Be as Distant as Possible From Your Boyfriend

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Try to be hard to reach. Whenever possible, do not answer the phone or respond to texts. When you must reply, keep it short. When you are in the same place, appear to be thinking about something else. Act as if you are not interested in what your boyfriend is trying to tell you when he speaks. Do not react to anything or show any emotion when he is talking to you. Try to look away from him as much as possible. Do not make eye contact with him when he is speaking to you. Pull away from him if he tries to touch you in any way. This should send a clear message that you're starting to hate him and will be frustrating for him to deal with.

5. Stop Referring to Him as Your Boyfriend

Anytime someone talks to you about him, be sure to correct them and say that he is your ex-boyfriend now. Continue to do this even if he is present. If he challenges you about it, this can be an opportunity to bring up how you have already tried to break up with him. Remind him that you do not want to be in this relationship anymore. If he calls you his girlfriend when you are around, try to distance yourself or make a correction. You can say you are not dating anymore or that “it’s complicated.” When this happens, be sure to project negative emotions. Be clearly upset by this mistake. Avoid calling him by any pet names you used to use. Make sure that you tell him you do not want to be called any pet names either and be sure to correct him if he does.

6. Get Friends Involved

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If he still will not allow the relationship to end, start getting friends involved. Ask your friends to contact him to let him know you do not want to date anymore. If you know any of his friends, you can talk to them, too. Tell them how awful he is and how much you want to break up. They will likely tell him that you were talking badly about him and that he should leave you. Hopefully, he will listen to them more than he has listened to you. Ask your friends to convince him that neither of you are happy and that he should break up with you. You can even get them to tell him that you are talking about him behind his back or spreading lies about him. Try to create a situation where he becomes fed up with you and will finally leave you himself.

7. Point Out Everything You Hate About Your Boyfriend

Every time he does something that bothers you, bring it to his attention. Get extremely critical to the point of being mean. No matter what it is, make it a big deal and do not let up. Do this whenever you can, no matter where you are. This will be even more effective if done in front of other people or in public. If he shows any emotion, try to continue until you provoke an outburst or argument. Make sure these criticisms are personal. Eventually, these hurtful comments will make him not want to be around you anymore. This is an opportunity to air all of your negative feelings so let him really have it. He has trapped you in a relationship with him for so long that you likely have more than enough ammo in your arsenal.

8. Tell Him ANYTHING That Might Make Him Hate You

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You know him well enough to know what will really upset him. Try to think of anything you can say that will make him not be happy with you, or even start to hate you. Anything that will mess with him emotionally. If he is close to his family, tell him how much you dislike his family members. If he is jealous, tell him about all the people you flirted with or who flirted with you. Tell him about all the other people you’ve been texting (even if there aren't any!). Tell him that your family hates him. Tell him how you don’t like his friends. Tell him you’ve been thinking about cheating on him. Say whatever you have to say. You can lie if you need to. It doesn’t matter what it is, all you’re trying to do is get him upset and frustrated with you.

9. Keep Lying and Getting Caught

Tell him lies constantly. Be sure to tell lies that you will get caught in or that he will know are lies. This will create an immense amount of distrust and bad feelings. Try to make sure that he thinks you are genuinely lying and not trying to get caught, or this might not work. For example, tell him you can’t hang out because you are going to go to a family dinner. Later, have a friend post a picture of you out with friends. Make sure whoever posts it will be visible to him. When he sees it, keep lying even though you were obviously just caught. Continue lying, and the more times you are caught in your lies, the more he will be inclined to leave you.

10. Remind Him Constantly that You Are Not Happy

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Bring up the fact that you are not happy at every opportunity. Let him know that you are not happy being in a relationship with him and that you want to leave. You can tell him how long you have been unhappy and how you cannot stand staying with him anymore. Become visibly emotional every time you tell him this. Remind him that he has done this to you by not leaving when you asked him to. Everything that has happened since then is his fault for not letting you go when you tried to leave in the past. Tell everyone you know that you are not happy, too. Your family will be there to support you. Your friends will come to your defense and people who know him may be willing to put pressure on him to leave you.

11. Let Your Boyfriend Know You Hate Him

You have to keep telling him how you feel about him. It’s his choice that he hasn’t left yet. You did everything you could before it came to this. Tell him straight up that you do not love him anymore. Explain how much you do not want to be in a relationship anymore and how you hate him for putting you in this position. Make sure that he understands that if he really cared about you, he would have been gone by now. By staying, he is just continuing a failing relationship because he is selfish and is willing to let you suffer on his behalf.

12. Make a Scene About Everything

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You’re already mad anyway, so let it out. Anytime you should probably just forget about something, don’t. Let loose. Yell loud and often. Pick fights constantly. Make the amount of energy required to keep fighting you entirely unsustainable over any period of time. Get mean when you lose your temper. Just say all the things you have been too good of a girlfriend to say to him up until now. Make every fight personal. You know what buttons to push, so push away! Anytime you can start an argument in public, do it. This will be frustrating and embarrassing for him and will likely make him want to leave you after this happens just a few times. He will want to leave pretty quickly after enough of this, or at least be less likely to want to stay together when you bring up the big conversation.

13. Tell Him It’s Over and Then Do Not Respond

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By this point, it’s getting ridiculous. This is when you need to send a text or have a phone call where you break up with him for good. Say what you need to say and then do not let him open up a discussion about it. Do not listen to anything he says after you tell him that it’s over. Next, block his number and all his social media accounts. Cut off any avenue that he could use to contact you, including not responding to any messages from his friends or family. Do not engage with anyone about the breakup. Let everyone cool down for a while before you respond to anything. If you think he will come to your home to try to talk to you or if you live together, go stay with a family member for a few days if it is an option available to you. Make sure they know that you do not want to talk to him if he attempts to contact them. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ANSWER any direct attempts to contact you. This is only going to begin the cycle all over again. Do not allow that to happen to you again.

14. Start Dating Someone Else

Source: https://images.pexels.com

You’re free! You have either successfully gotten rid of the old boyfriend or you have made it abundantly clear that you are over the relationship. It’s time to move on! Go on dates and start seeing other people. Dating can be fun and relationships can be rewarding and loving. It’s about time that you felt that way again and you should feel no shame in jumping back in. You had been over your boyfriend for such a long time that you have already had more than enough time to move on from that relationship. Get back out there! Focus on finding someone who makes you happy and treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Not every relationship has to be like the one you left behind.

15. Get a Restraining Order

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If after all of this, your ex will not leave you alone, it’s time to get a restraining order. This will not allow him by law to contact you or to come to close to you. This would be an option to consider if you have noticed him following you or continuing to contact you after being asked to stop repeatedly. Some men never learn how to understand rejection. That is not your fault and you should never feel that you should have to tolerate it. You should be respected in your wishes to end a relationship with someone. You have every right to make that decision. If you ever feel that you are in danger of being harmed, you should call your local police department IMMEDIATELY and file a report against your ex-boyfriend. If you choose to file a restraining order and you see him or are contacted by him, that is something you should contact police about as well. This is the last resort but an option that should be considered if you continue to be harrassed by an ex-boyfriend after you have broken up.