Miss Him? Wait. Don't Text Him, Just Yet.

Miss Him? Wait. Don't Text Him, Just Yet.

You just met this guy and really like him. Wait, don't text him right away. If you want to meet the guy again, then know how to win him over a text.

By Sanchari
Miss Him? Wait. Don't Text Him, Just Yet.

Hold your urge of texting right there

So, you had an amazing evening and can’t wait for the second date? Wait; don’t jump on to make the first call or text him right away. This is the common mistake most of the girls commit. Let him call you back and win you over the next date. What are you thinking? Men hate the idea of nonsense texting. You might love to reminisce the evening that you have spent with him, but he is in no mood to do that. Don’t you get the sign? If he was eager to discuss all of that, then he would have called you or texted you by now. If he hasn’t done that, then you should allow that space to him as well. You will have to understand these small hints; else you will ruin your chances of winning a second date with him. Some guys actually freak out when they start receiving texts just after the first meeting. Trust me, guys are not good with texts and when you send them some random texts, then they don’t know how to react, so they choose to avoid.

When to text a guy

Do you have any idea what a guy would love to see in his inbox? Most of you go wrong here. Girls can start chatting on any random text, but the guys are not blessed with that skill. Sometimes, it takes them so long to answer any random text that it sends out wrong signals. Both of you decided that you will catch up next weekend and it is already Friday still you haven’t heard from him yet. Now, what? Don’t send a text in haste or call him up. He should be the one coming after you and not the other way around. If he really enjoyed your company then he will definitely give you a call and plan something over the weekend. So, drop the thought of texting and wait for his call. By doing so, you will also know whether he is chivalrous or not! By now, you must be thinking that why does it sound so complicated, it is just a text. Why can’t I text him when I feel like? Why is it such a big deal? It is a big deal and if you send a wrong text, then your dream of winning a second date will be in a big soup.

The right time to text him

You met this guy a few days back and you think you have fallen for him. But, if you don’t meet again, then how come you will make sure about your feelings? So, you plan to meet him again. Now, the next step is to text him and ask him whether he wants to go out or not, right? But, how will you do that? You can make it happen by keeping quiet and not sending him a single text. Surprised? Don’t be. All the adrenaline rush and excitement is quite natural and the overwhelming thought of sending him a text is bugging you down, still, you have to keep yourself calm. Wait for a few days before sending him a text. Your friends might be bugging you down with their experiences of first text and how and when and what to say in your first text. But, you know every situation is different and every individual is also different. So, it is obvious that what worked for your friend might not work for you. Trust your gut feelings and if at all, your guy is not replying and you have to text him first, then we have a guideline for you that you can follow.

Text him with a proper plan

Don’t just send in a simple ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ in your first text, instead you must plan something beforehand. It can be a party at your friend’s place or a fun fair that you want to attend. Text him about the event and ask him whether he would like to join in. If he is really interested in you, then he will definitely reply back with a “yes”. A simple conversation can be boring for a guy, so instead of engaging in a casual chit-chat where the guy will disappear after your first text, it is better to give him some action that he will be interested in. You can also invite him over a game of bowling or some other activities like rock climbing, rock concert, etc.

Expecting a text back?

Now that you have sent the first text out, you are expecting him to reply immediately. Not all the guys are good with texts, so be prepared to wait. It might happen that he will take his own sweet time to reply. Before you receive a text back, don’t jump to any conclusion. He might be busy with his work, so he chose not to reply at the moment. If you want him to text you back, then you will have to understand that and wait for his text. If he is not replying, then don’t bombard him with your texts. Just be a little more patient and he will reply.

Texting a guy - timing is important

If you thought that you can send a text anytime you want, then you are wrong. A guy would prefer to receive a text in the evening when he is done with his work and in a mood to socialize. If you want a quick reply then text him around 5 PM to 8 PM. You are sure to get a response within a matter of few minutes.

Why is he not texting back?

There can be hundreds of reasons why he is not replying back. He might be busy with his regular chores or he is thinking of a perfect answer to your text or he must not have noticed yet. Here we have listed numbers of reasons-

Simply lazy or forgetful

One of the reasons, why your guy has kept you waiting for long, without replying might be because he is simply lazy or forgetful. He has seen your message and thought that he will reply after some time, but that ‘some time’ changed into hours and he completely forgot about your message. Finally, when he remembered, it was too late and he was too shy to reply by that time.

Change of priority

If you are still in college, then there are chances that you will manage to receive a text from a guy you like. But, if your guy is working by this time, then most certainly his priorities have changed and he is not that much into the text. Wait for some time and if you can send a constructive plan, then he will surely reply. But, if you are interested in casual chit-chat, then there are chances that he won’t reply to your text.

Better in person

Some guys are too boring when it comes to texting, but, the same guy can be so much fun when you meet in person. It is just the way some guys prefer communicating. Come up with a plan to meet and he will agree readily. So, the best thing to do is to have a plan before you text him. Otherwise, there are high chances that he will completely ignore your text.

Making him aware of your plan

When you are texting him your plan for the weekend, you are actually sending two messages. One, you already have a plan for this weekend and even if he doesn’t join it won’t matter much and secondly, you are actually asking him to join in. You are sending the message across that your life is full of fun and excitement and if he accepts your invitation, then he can be a part of that fun too. When you can make the guy understand that your life is too exciting, even without him, he will definitely want to be a part of it. Let him know, that he is always welcome to join in, but the fun doesn’t depend on his presence and don't let him know that you miss him.

Get a hold of your emotions

While texting a guy you must get a hold of your emotions. You might be super excited about texting him or meeting him, but you should not let it out while you are sending him the text. If you are thinking that how will a guy understand our emotions as it is just a text? Believe me; he will sense it whether you miss him or you are excited to meet him while going through your text.


A little bit of mystery always spices up things. If you come across a guy who is an open book, then would you be interested in him for a long time? Would you like to hang out with a guy who is creepy and is always looking for your approval? No, right? Then why do you think a guy will like that in you. If you are desperate to get his attention or you are drooling over him, then he is surely going to run away from you very soon. He won’t even reply to your text, ever. So, girls maintain a certain amount of mystery to get the ball rolling.

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Summing up

1. When you are texting him, make sure you give out a plan and not just casual chit-chat. 2. Relax and be comfortable before you take the phone in your hand for texting else the guy will sense your anxiety, your desperation and trust me that is bad. 3. Try to be playful and fun in your first text and don’t engage in some serious conversation. 4. You must not ask about relationship status or about his ex in your first text. 5. Your first text should not be a paragraph long, instead, it should be short and crisp. 6. Stay away from sending multiple texts, otherwise, it will be a disaster You are missing him and want to hear from him, but sending out just about any text won’t serve you any good. Rather, it might damage your chances of seeing him again. If you don’t know what to write, then don’t send any vague message. If you have a concrete plan, then you can definitely send out the first text and there are chances that he will reply in affirmative mode. It’s important to know that when it comes to texting a girl and a guy has a completely different approach. Generally, guys are not that much into texting, so if you want to get a reply, then you will have to do it properly. Here we have tried to help you in texting without making a fool out of yourself. Just follow them and you will get a reply without wasting any time.