15 Amazing Techniques to Seduce a Woman with Touch
Every woman likes a man whose hands can seduce her in a pleasurable way. Here are 15 ways to seduce the lady on your mind with touch.
Jul 24, 2018

Examples To Seduce Your Woman With Touch
Any women would love a guy to flatter her and make her feel sexy. An easy way to do this is to tastefully seduce her so you can get the woman who you've dreamed of being married to, up at night and can't sleep without thinking of her, in your bed. Any guy can do this and it doesn't take good looks or swag to get the girl you dream about in your arms. But forewarning, you need to take things slow depending on the girl you're talking to. Not a lot of women are okay with men randomly touching her, so you have to go at the process slowly. Below are examples of how you can seduce and woman and make her yours.
1) Seduce With A Handshake
The first was to seduce a woman you are interested in is to seductively shake her hand. The best opportunity for a handshake is when you first walk up to the woman, look her in the eyes, smile, and introduce yourself. If you don't it's a missed opportunity to seductively shake this lady's hand. That first encounter of physical touch sets the mood for things. If the woman shakes your hand back, smiling, friendly, with eye contact, her name, and open to conversation, this is a sign that she could be interested. You have to feel her out through conversation to see if she is actually interested and before you do anymore physical touching.
2) Get Close To The Woman Of Your Dreams
The first was to seduce a woman you are interested in is to seductively shake her hand. The best opportunity for a handshake is when you first walk up to the woman, look her in the eyes, smile, and introduce yourself. If you don't it's a missed opportunity to seductively shake this lady's hand. That first encounter of physical touch sets the mood for things. If the woman shakes your hand back, smiling, friendly, with eye contact, her name, and open to conversation, this is a sign that she could be interested. You have to feel her out through conversation to see if she is actually interested and before you do anymore physical touching.
3) Be Likable Before Any More Physical Touch
Other than being yourself the one way to impress a girl and be more likable is to be funny and have a sense of humor. Being able to be silly is an important step because after getting close to her, she's more willing to get close to you and want to be involved with you. No girl wants to be involved with a boring guy who can't make her laugh. You have to be interesting in order to get her attention.
Make The Girl Laugh
Jokes can break the ice when you are talking to a girl who you like and are trying to seduce her and one day get married... if you're interested in that. Whether you're giving her one-liners or being full out sarcastic, being funny can keep a girl interested. "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past again?" is simple, but one of many examples of a one liner. One-liners are corny, but they will definitely make a girl smile. Making her smile is the most important part because no girl wants to be around a guy who isn't likable. You can't seduce a woman wants to create distance between you two.
4) Seduce with Eye Contact
All girls find it extremely attractive when a guy she is talking to is giving her eye contact. Essentially, you are giving her your undivided attention and letting her know that what she has to say is important. Any woman would want to get married to a guy like that and would fall head over hills for a man who will listen to what you has to say and value her opinion. Now, there is good eye contact and bad eye contact, so be careful. Examples of making eye contact are staring at her to the point where she is uncomfortable and it will turn her off. Don't do that! Hold her eyes for at least ten seconds when you first engage in conversation with her so that she is comfortable and warms up to you. Be simple in a genuine, not creepy way, so that she feels at ease.
5) Get In Her Comfort Zone
This is where a little more physical touch begins to happen. After you've made her comfortable in conversation and you know a little more about her and she's started to gain feelings for you because you two have been flirting a lot, you have to get into a girl's comfort zone, literally. Examples of this is sitting very close to her but not bringing any attention to the closeness and slightly touching her hand while speaking. Physical touch will definitely put a chill down her spine. Girls like soft, gentle touch of a man she's interested in. It makes her feel nervous and get butterflies all at the same time. Another example of getting in her comfort zone is if you're walking behind her, lightly put your hands on her hips to side step her. But make sure that this girl is into you.
6) Seduce A Woman With Building Sexual Tension
Building the sexual tension will make her want you more and crave you and your touch. If she's into you, grab her hand and look into her eyes while she's talking to you, play with the little piece of hair over her left eye, gently guide her with your hand on the small of her back. Also, talk to her gently, in a soft, yet powerful, manly voice. This woman will melt. Women like when a man is gentle, kind, but also strong and certain of themselves. The confidence comes when you are sure of yourself, not shy to guide her with your hand on the small of her back.
7) Arm To Arm Touch
The arm to arm touch is when you are sitting close to a girl, right beside her, and you let your arms touch. She will blush with you sitting so close to her, but pay no attention to it. Girls like a guy with confidence, she will feel drawn to you having you so close, but don't let her see you sweet. Laugh with her, converse with her, bump shoulders with her, just overall flirt, but stay cool.
8) Play With Her Stuff
Another was to get a girl ready to get married by touch through seducing her is to play with her things. Simple things, like her earring in her ear or a bracelet on her wrist. Tell her she looks beautiful with the earrings and they compliment her eyes, ask her where she got that bracelet and tell her it looks beautiful with her lovely outfit. If you're on a date with this woman, she definitely took time to pick the right accessories and outfit for you. Compliment her; let her know that her efforts to look nice were not wasted.
9) Touch Her Leg
While you and this woman you are trying to seduce are building a deep, emotional connection, gently place your hand on her leg. She will feel more comfortable with you, safe, with you so close to her. Your presence and gentleness during such a vulnerable state will make her feel more drawn to you and make her want you more. This will allow you all to build a connection. With a newly form connection, women are no longer using their heads, but their hearts. Now she feels like she can trust you, and she thinks you're a catch, so it will be easier to seduce her.
10) Phone Hand Touch Trick
This is a fun little trick you can do to touch a girl and get a little bit of electric shock into her. The phone hand touch trick is when you ask a girl for her phone so you can put you number in it, or you could let her see your phone to show her some cute picture of your dog. Either way, a hand and a cell phone are present. Once you go to retrieve the phone from the lovely lady's hand, make sure you ever so lightly touch her hand in the process. Let you hand linger a tiny bit. If she looks at you, this is a perfect time to make eye contact and give her your best, pearly white smile. This will make a woman blush and the butterflies will make and stomach and other areas on her body flutter. The smile is the icing on the cake. If you see her blushes and smiles but she doesn't make eye contact, she's definitely interested and the seducing is working well.
Hold Back a Little
After you get this girl's number, hold back a little. Text her the next day, this sounds contradicting, but hear me out. The trick is to communicate with her the next day, as much as possible, but the days afterwards, hold back and don't text her. When you see her in person, act cool. Don't let her know you like her. The reason for this is because girls are completely turned off by a guy who is so forceful and doesn't give her any amount of space. If you stop texting her and text her less frequently, she will begin to wonder what's going on, which will make her want you more. When she texts you, keep the conversation short and don't jump to the phone and text back so quickly. After about two days, whether you see her in person or write her over text, ask her out on a date. At this date, and onward, act as romantic and sweet as possible. Don't go back to texting her less frequently and acting like you're not interested because that will be a complete turn off and you'll think you're inconsistent, so only do this when you first meet (acting cool in person) and after the first day (texting her less).
11) Goodbye Hug
When you finally get that date with the woman that you think you'd like to be married to, or at least you're trying to seduce, the goodbye hug is important. It's a way to show the girl that you had a great time with her and you'd definitely like to see her again. Make the hug linger a bit, almost like you don't want to let her go, let her feel safe in your arms. To make sure this hug isn't lingering too long, say the line, "I had a great time with you tonight. I really hope we can do this again," release the hug, and look into her eyes, "What do you think about that?" It's a simple take! When you are telling her you had a great time, whisper softly into her ear. It will make it more magical for her. But only do this if the date was a successful one. A girl may not be all that interested in talking to you again if the date was crappy.
Hug Hello
Don't forget the "Hello" hug when you meet up with her again. It's important to keep that physical contact going. This hug does not need to be all that long, like the goodbye hug, just a little squeeze and a "How are you?" will do the trick.
12) Spark a Dirty Conversation
The best time to do this is during a date, preferably not the first or second date when you are getting to know her. That's coming off a bit too strong and no girl is going to be interested in that. You have to be uber romantic in the beginning because girls like that and they will be more drawn to you, then you hit them with the dirty talk. A way to tastefully spark a dirty conversation without turning a girl off is to ask a sexual question slyly. This is an innocent, but definitely dirty question like, "Where is the craziest place you've had sex?"
13) Hold the Woman's Hand
Let's say you're going on a peaceful walk with this lovely lady, maybe at the park or the beach, grab her hand. Girls like hand holding, it's an intimate act that provides security and romance. It's another gentle gesture that women melt over. If you've been in the clear this long and she hasn't pushed off you're other attempts to touch, she allowing you to hold her hand is a big sign that she's attracted to you.
14) Kiss Her
Have you just experienced a successful first day with this woman, yet? Well at the end of that first date, if she has been feeling all of you other physical touch attempts, and she's smiled and kept eye contact the whole night and you feel a connection, it's time for a kiss. Make it gentle. You've been a great guy all night long, but the kiss is the most important part of the date. Don't let your lips linger too long, and don't devour her face. This isn't a make out session, yet... this is the end of the first date kiss. You have to make this memorable for her. If the last thing she remembers is you practically eating her face, it's going to be a turn off and all of your previous work would be for nothing. Try not to mess this up.
15) Finally, the Make Out
Well the time has come. The make out (and more) session! After you've gotten to know this woman well, and gently touched almost every part of her body, you've done well with seducing this woman. Try to hold back and not be so aggressive (unless she says otherwise), continue to remain gentle. If she allows you to go further, slowly undress her while kissing every tiny part of her body. You have to be slow and gentle because you don't want to kill the mood by being wild, some girls don't like that.
Last Words of Advice
One thing that's important among all these tips is to make sure the girl is interested and flirting back with you. If the girl you are talking to isn't engaging with you, she might be married or has a boyfriend, or she just flat out may not be interested. If she is smiling at you, blushing, playing with her hair, these are examples that she is actually interested in talking to you. The experience will be the better if the girl is into it as much as you. When seducing a woman, romance and being gentle are very important. No girl is going to be interested in a guy who is only looking for sex and not treating her like a lady. Also, things that are being rushed and forced are a turn off for a woman and she may not want to talk to you. It is important that you build up the level of attraction. Add a lot of conversation and attention to detail, pull back slightly so she doesnât feel suffocated, touch her lightly and gently everyone once in awhile. The more you hold back sexually, and present the sexual attraction and let that attraction grow, the quicker you can get her into your arms... and essentially, your bed.