Josh Lawson Wiki: 5 Facts To Know About The Eleven O’Clock Actor

Josh Lawson Wiki: 5 Facts To Know About The Eleven O’Clock Actor

Get to know more about the actor, Josh Lawson who stars on the show 'The Eleven O'Clock.' Below are facts about the actor including his overall net worth.

By Jesse
Josh Lawson Wiki: 5 Facts To Know About The Eleven O’Clock Actor

Who is Josh Lawson?

Tequila called. We answered.

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Australian actors are taking over Hollywood, in fact, they have been doing so for years now. One of those actors happens to go by the name, Josh Lawson. This doesn't mean there aren't enough talented actors from the United States, because trust me, there are plenty but what it does mean is this-- Australian actors are talented and Hollywood is beginning to take notice. Josh Lawson is quite popular, with appearance in movies and TV shows like “House of Lies,” “The Little Death,” “Any Questions for Ben?” “Sea Patrol” and “The Eleven O’Clock.” Lawson is also very talented which means he has received worldwide acclaim for his performances. Perhaps you don’t know much about him or maybe you've never heard of him, but try to remember his name. He's soon to be an actor you won't want to forget. Josh Lawson was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. He studied at St. Joseph’s College, in Gregory Terrace as well as the National Institute of Dramatic Art. He graduated in 2011 and moved to Los Angeles where he spent a year studying improvisation techniques at ACME Comedy Theater and at I.O. West. He was living with his brother, Ben Lawson when he landed a full-time role on “Neighbours” as Frazier Yeats. For his performance on "Neighbours," Josh Lawson was nominated for an Oscar 2018.

Facts About Josh Lawson

People Criticized his Role as Paul Hogan

There was a TV show that aired last year from February 12 until February 17. The show, named “Hoges: The Paul Hogan Story” starred Lawson as he played the part of fellow Australian actor Paul Hogan. Critics felt that this role was a parody of Paul Hogan, played in a way that he didn’t resemble Hogan in the last respect. Lawson made his name for himself on TV and his face is more common on the screen today then every before. There was an instance when the real Hoges, played by Paul Hogan himself, reached for his knife and said “That’s not a knife” while showing the audience his hunting blade, “That’s not a knife,” made the audience break into laughter. But when Lawson said the same words, the humor was missing because is voice was not good and the subtlety of the line was gone. This is the moment Lawson faced criticism for playing the role of Hogan. The Instagram memes were hilarious and Lawson still managed to make a profit from the role that he played in the film.

He Paid Tribute to Paul Hogan

The thirty-six year old actor stated in an interview with Men’s Health that it’s Paul Hogan who paved the way for actors like Lawson to end up in Los Angeles. Lawson further added that when Americans' said that they loved Australian humor, they thought about Paul Hogan before any other Australian actor ever came to mind. Lawson praised Hogan stating that he played the key role in defining Australian humor. If it were not for him, Australian actors like Rebel Wilson, Chris Hemsworth, and Josh Lawson wouldn’t be where they are today. Despite all his success, Lawson still feels like he hasn’t made it yet in Hollywood. He has appeared in many movies, but there is something he still hopes to achieve. Lawson said he felt that creative actors like himself are cursed and that sometimes he feels as though he's taking one step forward and two steps back.

He Believes Explosive Claims Like Sexual Allegations Help Improve the Industry

In December 2017, Lawson urged the AACTA Awards to put the spotlight on sexual harassment scandals that are becoming a norm in the entertainment industry. The actor talked about the dark side of the industry ahead of the awards ceremony and stated that he was optimistic that the claims surrounding the likes of Harvey Weinstein and Don Burke would help make the entertainment industry better. Lawson told The Daily Telegraph that he was standing with the victims and he looked forward to a day when everyone regardless of gender would be able to work anywhere without being intimidated. He is also an advocate for equal footing and equal pay. Lawson compared the process of cleaning the industry with the procedure it takes to cut out a tumor. It would be messy and bloody, but at last, it will be better, and actors will make better net worth.

He Never Thought he Would Stand out as Funny on The Little Death

Lawson stated that of course, 'The Funny Death' was a comedy, but he didn’t think that the audience would laugh much because of instances such as sweetness, drama, sadness, and danger. Lawson’s goal was to make the comedy an experience because he felt that movies in Hollywood were becoming more predictable. Lawson further stated that his motive was to create surprise through plot and emotions that he wanted the audience to feel. He wanted the film to trigger a mixture of emotions, so that after 90 minutes, one would come out feeling like he or she had just had sex and that they were now in need of a cold shower. Lawson's other films include “Any Questions for Ben?” “The Eleven O’Clock,” and TV shows like “House of Lies,” “Sea Patrol,” and “Hoges.”

He Finds Sex Fascinating

Suited and booted at the AACTA awards last night. 🤩

A post shared by Josh Lawson (@thatjoshlawson) on

Lawson is comfortable and never embarrassed when it comes to speaking about sex. He stated that the reason he's not bothered is because he finds the topic quite fascinating. Lawson went on to say that sex as a subject is great because everyone has a different story to tell. Lawson also said that sex is comical because someone can’t show his ego while enjoying their time between the sheets. The subject also makes you naked literally and figuratively. It’s certain that he enjoys such talks and it's obvious that girls like guys like Josh Lawson.

His Net Worth

Lawson has a net worth of $19 million. He has made much of his money mainly from acting and some TV ads produced in his native country of Australia.

Me and my godson Jamie. His onesie game is on fleek.

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It looks like this year that Lawson is taking a break from the film industry. You can still catch him however playing his recurring role on the television show “Superstore.” You can also keep up to date by following him on Instagram. Let’s hope he'll win the Oscar 2018 Award this year for one of the many roles he has recently played on both the big screen and on television as well.