15 Warning Signs That You May Be Nearing A Divorce

Not all marriages work and you need to be alert for signs telling you that you may face a divorce soon. Find out some of the telltale signs.

By Dagmar Thomson
15 Warning Signs That You May Be Nearing A Divorce

15 Warning Signs That You Might Be Nearing a Divorce

Any couple can confirm that marriage takes commitment, hard work, and time. No one goes into a marriage thinking that it will end up in a divorce. However, many marriages end up not working in the end. Divorce can be a very hard decision to make but at times, it is the only option left. If you feel like your marriage has run its course, then it is coming to an end. There are various signs you can be looking for to know if you need a divorce. It is never easy filing for a divorce and you can be scared by the thought of it. However, there are situations where a marriage ending is the best option than staying in it because you are done trying. If you want to know that your marriage is ending, there are signs that will give you a heads up.

1. Lack of Communication

A healthy marriage requires a husband and wife to communicate openly with one another. Sharing information about each other’s lives will help keep each other informed and create a level of intimacy between a husband and wife. However, when you stop confiding in your spouse, then your marriage will start coming to an end and you are on your way to a divorce. If your marriage lacks communication, then this is one of the signs that you need a divorce.

2. Criticizing Your Partner

When you point out the flaws of your wife or husband, it might feel like it is a good idea to help him or her make the changes that are needed to make the marriage work. However, you should know that this might not work. The person who is being criticized will become angry and start to be unresponsive. When you constantly nag your spouse, it will cause him or her to start resenting you. When resentment comes up, just know that the marriage is coming to an end and the next step is divorce. This is a sign that will tell you that you need a divorce.

3. Priorities Are In the Wrong Place

With time, people change and so do their priorities. Things like children, a new job, or helping out a sick family member can cause a marriage to start being unhappy. When a husband or wife starts to focus more on things outside the marriage, then the marriage will start to head towards a divorce. Both partners will start to drift apart because their marriage is no longer a priority and they put no effort to make each other a priority. When this happens, this is one of the signs that you need a divorce.

4. Signs of Condescending Responses and Gestures

When a marriage has no respect, then condescending gestures start to appear. This is a sign of a potential divorce. A marriage lacks respect when a spouse starts to make negative facial expressions, rolls the eyes, and laughs when a spouse gives a serious comment. Disrespect and hatred are one of the signs that a marriage is done and headed to a divorce. When it is not addressed, it can increase hostility. The partner who is condescending will start to act like he or she is superior in the marriage. When a spouse shows signs of disrespect, it means that the marriage is coming to an end and you need a divorce.

5. Needs Are Not Met

Marriage is a partnership and each partner should do his or her part to ensure that the needs of the other are met. These needs could be emotional, physical, and even spiritual. These needs help you to grow together in the marriage. When you both no longer meet each other’s needs or it is one-sided, then it is one of the signs that you need a divorce.

6. Your Spouse Stops Complaining

If you and your partner have a disagreement and he or she is the type who is scared to argue his or her point, you might think that the issue has gone away only for it to come up again. If your partner no longer tries to plead their case, he or she is trying to decide if this argument is the one that leads to a divorce. Your partner has given up all hopes of making the marriage work and is contemplating divorce. When it gets to a point of your partner thinking about divorce, just know that this is one of the signs that you need a divorce.

7. You become unfaithful

Many people think that an affair is a physical relationship. However, that is not the case. When you start texting or chatting with one of your exes on social media, you are being emotionally unfaithful to your partner. When a partner starts to have an affair, it is usually one of the signs that you need a divorce. While some couples are able to get through the pain caused by an affair, others take it as a sign that they should get a divorce. Knowing when to divorce after an affair depends on the timing. Marriage counseling can help you decide if your marriage will work or you need a divorce. Being unfaithful can destroy a marriage so much that marriage counseling is not enough and the only option is to get a divorce.

8. You Are Worried What Your Family and Friends Will Think

Some people see divorce as a failure or humiliation. However, if you feel that you are scared of what your family or friends will think when you get a divorce, then it is one of the signs that you need a divorce. You deserve to be happy instead of staying in a marriage that is not working. If your family and friends really care about you, they will support you regardless of their opinion concerning divorce. Therefore, go ahead and get a divorce instead of hanging onto a marriage that cannot be saved.

9. Marriage Counseling Has Failed

The realization that your marriage is over and you need a divorce comes after you get some signs that your marriage will not work out no matter what you do. Marriage counseling requires both partners to work on their marriage by changing or improving their attitude in order for the marriage to work out. If you and your partner have gone for marriage counseling but your partner is not putting an effort to help the marriage get back to where it was before, then it is time for you to get a divorce. Your partner has given up on the marriage and he or she could just be scared of bringing up the divorce issue. Finding out when you need to get a divorce requires you to put an effort in trying to fix the marriage so that none of the partners regret after the filing of the divorce.

10. Abuse Is a Sign that You Need a Divorce

There is no excuse for any form of abuse, be it emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. A marriage is an agreement between two people who want to make a home together and not a license of ownership. If your partner is abusing you, you should not feel bad about getting a divorce or that he or she will not see the children when you get a divorce. Someone who abuses the person they had promised to cherish and love for the rest of their lives does not deserve sympathy. He or she deserves any pain that comes his or her way after a divorce. You and the children are better off staying alone than in an abusive marriage. Abuse is one of the major signs that you need to get a divorce.

11. Constant Arguments

Arguments that are continuous and hurtful are one of the signs that you need to get a divorce. Many married couples do not know when to get a divorce and continue staying in marriages that are unhealthy simply because they hardly argue. They forget the fact that most of the times the arguments are filled with abusive and hurtful words. The number of arguments can be a sign, and you should be ready for a divorce, particularly if those arguments are mostly about personal insult and not a disagreement. Arguments are normal in a marriage but they should not be frequent or make a partner feel degraded by the other. One of the signs of a successful marriage is when a couple sticks to one topic when arguing and do not turn a small matter into a huge one. If you are not able to solve arguments in a simple way, then it is best to get ready for a divorce.

12. Lack of Intimacy and Affection

Lack of intimacy or affection can kill any marriage. However, this does not mean that you have to be constantly intimate with your partner every second. A relationship that lacks affection and intimacy usually has problems. Things like raising a child, stress, and job requirements can cause intimacy to lack in a marriage. Intimacy and affection are supposed to bring a couple together after a long day apart. When your spouse becomes just a roommate, it is a sign that you need to get a divorce.

13. Emotional Fatigue

Emotional fatigue is mostly one of the final signs that you need to get a divorce. When you feel like you have tried everything to make the marriage work and it has failed, then you should get ready to get a divorce. When both partners close themselves off emotionally, it means that the marriage is not going to work and they should be ready for divorce. Marriage requires both partners to be ready for commitment. Therefore, one of the signs that a divorce is on the way is when both partners have given up.

14. Uncontrollable Anger

There are times when issues in a marriage can make you angry to the point of wanting to harm your partner. This is a sign that the marriage is not healthy and you should get ready for a divorce. People who have harmed their partners have been in your position and they chose to stay instead of getting a divorce. It is better to be divorced than behind bars.

15. Lying

Lying is a sign that there are trust issues in the marriage. This is a clear sign for anyone who is questioning whether to get a divorce. Lies however small can cause distrust in the marriage and eventually destroy it. Instead of waiting too long, just get a divorce and be done. At the end of the day, only you can decide if you want to get a divorce. Divorce is a personal decision that should be done carefully. If you decide to get a divorce, you need to find a calm way to tell your partner. If you are in a lifeless and abusive marriage, just do what is best for everyone and get a divorce. It is the best thing that could ever happen to you and your children.