200 Sweet Things To Say To A Girl To Melt Her Heart
Whether it be a friend, a crush, or an established relationship, you always want to be sweet. Here are 200 sweet things to say to a girl to melt her heart.
Jul 24, 2018

Sweet Things To Say To A Girl
It doesn't matter if you're still trying to enter the dating scene or you've been married for 20 years, you always have to say sweet things to your girl. Here are some cute, romantic sayings that will help you get your crush, keep your girlfriend, or keep the love alive in your marriage.
Things To Say To Your Crush
Having a crush can be painful and exciting. If you want to turn your crush into your girlfriend, you have to be extra sweet. Here are ten romantic things to say to the girl you're crushing on. 1. I knew the moment I met you that you would change my life. I hope you'll let me change yours, too. 2. When I imagine my ideal girlfriend, I imagine you. 3. I've had a crush on you for a long time and I'm ready to make my move. I've never met anyone as cute, sweet, and amazing as you. I hope you'll be my girlfriend. 4. The more I spend time with you, the more I know that I really like you and I want to go out with you. 5. We're so great together. Let's make it official. 6. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 7. I didn't know what a crush was until I met you. 8. I've never been the romantic type, but you make me want to change. 9. You're everything I've ever wanted. 10. I really like you and I hope you really like me, too.
Sweet Sayings For Friends
You don't have to be in a relationship to be sweet. You can let your friends know you're glad you met them with sweet sayings. Or you can turn your friend into your girlfriend using sweet, cute sayings. Here are ten things you can say to your friends that you want to stay friends, and your friends that you want to become romantic with. Just Friends: 11. I just wanted to say that I'm lucky to have you as a friend, and I wouldn't want it any other way. 12. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you as a friend. 13. Thank you for always listening to me rant and complain. You're the best girl, and I'm so glad we're friends. 14. Friends are like family, but we get to choose them. I chose you and I'm glad you chose me. 15. Having you as a friend has made my life a million times better. Romantic: 16. Having you as a friend is amazing, but having you as a girlfriend would be even better. 17. I know I say we're just friends, but it's not true. I like you as a lot more than a friend. 18. People see us and they think we're dating even though we're just friends. Maybe we should try it their way and get together for real. 19. I don't want to lose you as a friend. I want you to be more than just my friend, though. I want you as my girlfriend. 20. I like being your friend, but I would love being your boyfriend.
Questions To Ask A Girl
Girls think it's sweet when you ask them questions. It shows that you're romantic and that you want to turn your crush into something more. Asking questions is a good way to get to know someone, and they help keep conversations going when there's a lull. Here are some questions to ask a girl you just met or that you've known for a while in order to let her know you like her and want to date her. 21. What is your idea of the perfect date? Can I make it happen? 22. What's your favorite food? Favorite color? Favorite...? 23. Would you like to meet my family? 24. What is your dream job? 25. Have you ever been on a road trip? We should plan one together. 26. What would be your ideal vacation? Let's go. 27. How many siblings do you have? What is your family like? 28. Where do you go when you want to clear your head? 29. Do you have any pets? What are their names? Which is your favorite? 30. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Sweet Things To Say For High School Love
You can like a girl in high school. It's pretty normal, and sometimes high school relationships keep going even after graduation. If you want to let your high school crush know that you're into her, say some of these sweet things to her. She'll think it's cute and romantic, and you'll have your high school relationship in no time. 31. I hated (class you have together), but I looked forward to going because I knew you'd be there. 32. Seeing you in the hall makes my day so much better. 33. Ever since we met, I've actually started to like coming to school. 34. We should sit together at lunch. I want to get to know you better. 35. I'll meet you at your locker in the morning and we can walk to class together. I know it's loud, but we can still chat on the way there. 36. Being partnered with you on that project was the best day of my life. 37. Will you go to homecoming/prom/other school dance with me? 38. Our friends are already friends with each other, so us hanging out more makes sense. Maybe it'll lead to something more for us. 39. I wish our teacher didn't assign seats, because I want to sit next to you. 40. I would stay in high school forever if it meant I could be with you forever.
Sugary Sweet Sayings For Any Occasion
You don't need a special occasion to say something sweet to a girl you like, you've just met, or who is already your girlfriend. You should try to say sweet things no matter what the situation. Here are ten sweet things you can say to a girl on any occasion so she knows you like her. 41. I need sunglasses to look at you because you shine so bright. 42. I developed a crush on you when we met; I fell in love with you when we started to spend more time together. 43. You make me want to be romantic every day of the week. 44. I've never met anyone as incredible as you. 45. You're as sweet as even the most sugary desserts. 46. You're so cute I want to take you with me everywhere I go, because looking at you always makes me happy. 47. It would crush me if I ever lost you. 48. You started as the girl I like, now you're the girl I love. 49. It's so cute when you laugh, when you smile, when you do anything. 50. You make me into a better version of myself.
Meaningful Things To Say To A Girl
The best way to say something sweet to a girl is to say something that is also meaningful. A girl will think it's romantic if you show that you can be cute and sweet. You want to show that you listen to your girl and you pay attention to her. When you say sweet, cute things to your girl, you're showing her that you care. 51. Do you remember when (fond memory you have of something you did together). That was the best day of my life because you were with me. 52. I want to make all of your dreams come true. I know you want (dream house). Let's make it happen together. 53. You look great in anything, but my favorite outfit you've ever worn is (outfit). 54. I remember the day I fell in love with you. (Describe memory). 55. I was walking down the street and I smelled (the name of her perfume). It instantly reminded me of you. 56. My favorite memory of us is (memory). 57. Every moment we spend together is special, but when we (memory) I knew I'd want to share the rest of my life with you. 58. Every morning I wake up next to you, I know it's going to be an amazing morning. 59. I think about the time we (memory) all the time. It gets me through the day. 60. If I ever feel like I can't go on, I think of (memory) and it reminds me that I have you. You're my reason for living.
Sweet Sayings For A Girl Playing Hard To Get
Sometimes you like a girl but she's playing hard to get. You have to work a little harder to say sweet things to the girl you like when she's playing hard to get. Here are some cute and romantic things you can say to a girl in order to break through her shell and melt her heart. 61. I'm going to break down your walls. Just you wait and see 62. I don't care how hard I have to try, I'm going to get you to love me as much as I love you. 63. You may not see it yet, but you and I are meant to be together. 64. I'm like a fire because I'm going to melt your heart. 65. Days, weeks, months, years - I don't care. I care about you and I will win you over. 66. You may play it cool but I know you like me as much as I like you. 67. I'll keep getting more and more romantic until you stop playing hard to get. 68. It's not just about the chase for me. I'll still like you even after I've won your heart. 69. You can play hard to get all you want but that won't stop me from loving you. 70. You built walls around your heart to protect yourself. I'm here to break them down.
Sexy Things To Say To A Girl
It takes more than just being extra cute and romantic to win over your girl. You have to be sexy, too. Say some of these sweet, sexy things to your girl in order to keep her in your arms. 71. I wish I had x-ray vision so I could see what you look like under all those clothes. 72. The only way I get through the day is imagining what we're going to do at night. 73. You turn me on more than anyone ever has before. 74. I didn't know what sexy was until I met you. 75. You're the hottest person I know and I'm so glad it's my bed you're going to be in tonight. 76. Sometimes I dream about you and when I wake up, I'm incredibly turned on. 77. You look good in anything, and you look really good in nothing. 78. If I could spend the rest of my life in bed with you, I would. 79. When I see you looking like that, I want to bring you to bed right away. 80. There's just something about you that keeps me turned on all the time.
Sweet Apologies
Unfortunately, relationships aren't always perfect. Sometimes you screw up and you need to figure out a sweet way to apologize so your girl will forgive you. Here are some examples of sweet things to say in order to apologize to your girlfriend. 81. I was an idiot and I am so sorry. 82. I know I have to earn back your trust, but I will do anything to stay in your life. 83. I'm sorry for what I did/said. You didn't deserve it, and I'm going to be better. 84. I wish "I'm sorry" was enough to make up for what I did. I know it's going to take more to earn your forgiveness, but I'm sorry is hopefully a start. I'm so sorry. 85. You deserve so much better than me, but I love you and I'm sorry. 86. I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry. 87. I promise you I will never do that stupid thing again. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. 88. I don't care how long it takes, I will never stop working to earn your forgiveness. 89. I'm sorry I messed up. I'm going to be better for you. 90. Please don't give up on me. I'm so sorry and I swear it'll never happen again.
Sweet Ways To Tell A Girl You Love Her
Once you've reached the next stage in your relationship, you have to tell the girl you like that you love her. Here are a few examples to help you out. 91. I love you. 92. I didn't know what love was until I met you. I love you. 93. Things have been uncertain my entire life, but there's one thing I know for sure: I love you. 94. I knew the day I met you that I'd fall for you. I love you. 95. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to get a girl like you. It's a privilege to love you. 96. After everything that happened in my past, I didn't know I could ever fall in love. You changed that for me. I love you. 97. Love was just a four letter word until I met you. Now it's my entire life. 98. I love your eyes, your hair, your skin. I love your kindness, your passion, and your grace. I love you. 99. It took me a long time to realize it, but I'm in love with you. 100. If we had never met, I don't think I ever would have fallen in love. You're my one and only and I love you.
Sweet Sayings For New Couples
When your relationship is new, it's especially important to say the right things. If you want to say sweet things to your new girl, try some of these phrases. 101. We've only known each other for a short time but I already like you a lot. 102. I know it's new right now, but I hope we get old, too. 103. I'm ready to take things slow with you. I'm happy to be with you, no matter what. 104. It took a long time for us to get together and now that we're here I plan on holding on to what we have. 105. Going from friends to a relationship hasn't been easy, but I couldn't ask for a better person to do this with. 106. You're the best thing in my life right now. 107. I hope that our relationship feels this new and amazing for a long time. 108. We may have just gotten together, but it feels like I've been with you forever. 109. I'm happy to be with you right now. You're all I need. 110. Knowing that you're mine is enough to get me through anything.
Sweet Sayings For Long Distance Couples
Being in a long distance relationship isn't easy. You have to say the right thing to assure your girlfriend that you love her no matter how much space is between you. Here are some sweet things for you to say to your long distance girlfriend so that she knows you care about her. 111. There may be physical distance between us, but in my heart we're closer than ever. 112. I hate that we're so far apart, but I love you. 113. Not even long distance can stop me from loving you. 114. I just wanted to say that you're my everything, no matter how far away you are. 115. Love doesn't care about distance. It can overcome anything. 116. You and I are meant to be together. Distance isn't going to stop that. 117. I love you more than the number of miles that separate us. 118. When I feel like you're a million miles away, I look at the sky and remember you're seeing the same stars. 119. It sucks to fall asleep without you here. I can't wait to have you in my arms again. 120. This distance isn't forever. Once we make it through this, we'll know we can make it through anything.
Sweet Things To Say To Your Long Term Girlfriend
You still have to be sweet with your girlfriend, even if you've been together for a while. Be sure to say sweet things to your girlfriend so that you can keep your relationship fresh and strong. Here are some sweet things to say to your long term girlfriend. 121. We've been together for a long time, but it feels like we met just yesterday. 122. Knowing that your mine is the greatest thing in the world. 123. I don't know how to say I'm glad we've been together for so long, other than to say that I love you. 124. We have hearts that are meant to be near each other, no matter what. 125. Being with you for these months/years has made me a better person. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you. 126. I know I don't deserve someone as incredible as you, but I am so glad to have you in my life. 127. When I think about the time we've been together, I know I'm the luckiest guy on the planet. 128. The time we've spent together has been the best time of my life. 129. There's something about you that makes me believe a relationship can last forever. 130. Even after all this time, I still think about how lucky I am to love you.
Things To Say To Take Things To The Next Level
Whether you're friends and you want to be more or you're dating and you want to take things up a notch, there are certain ways to say what you want her to know. Try to say some of these sweet things to your girl in order to take your relationship to the next level. 131. We've been together for a long time, and I think it's time to take the next step. Let's move in together. 132. Being your friend these last few years has been amazing. I can't help but feel like there's something more between us, though, and I think we should see where this goes. 133. I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me? 134. Sometimes I have trouble finding the right words to say, so I'm just going to say it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me? 135. We spend most of our nights together already. Let's make it official and move in together. 136. I've had a crush on you for a long time and I'm sorry I haven't acted on it until now. Will you go out with me? 137. You are the person that I think about when I first wake up, and the only one on my mind when I fall asleep. I can't think of anyone in the world I could ever love as much as I love you. Will you marry me? 138. My apartment is lonely. You should move in to make it feel more like home. 139. You're my friend and I know you know I care about you. What I want to say, though, is that I care about you as more than just a friend and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend. 140. You and I could be really good together. What do you say? Will you go out with me?
Sweet Sayings For Engaged Couples
Just because you've already popped the question doesn't mean you're off the hook. You still have to say sweet things to your fiancée. Here are some examples for you to try. 141. Putting a ring on your finger was the smartest thing I've ever done. 142. Calling you my girlfriend didn't feel right, and neither does calling you my fiancee. I can't wait to be able to call you my wife so that everything feels right in the world. 143. I know we don't need vows to prove our love to each other, but I can't wait to marry you. 144. I knew from the day we met that we'd end up here. You've always been my forever. 145. I was so scared when I proposed, but now that we're engaged I am so glad I got the words out. 146. Seeing you with my ring on my finger brightens up my day. 147. Your hand was made to hold my ring just like my heart was made to hold your love. 148. Forever isn't long enough for me to show you how much I love you. 149. No one was surprised when we announced our engagement because they know what I've always known: you and I are meant to be together. 150. Asking you to marry me was the easiest thing I've ever done because being with you forever is the only thing in the world that makes perfect sense.
Newly Married Couples
Couples who have recently tied the knot have a lot of pressure on them. You have to adjust to life as a married couple, and that's not easy. Here are some sweet things to say to your new wife that will make the transition easier. 151. No matter how hard things get, I'm glad you're my wife. 152. I can't think of anyone I would rather go through hard times with. You and I are in this together, no matter what. 153. Marriage is just a vow. We've always been great together, and these rings won't change that. 154. I am the luckiest guy on Earth because I get to call you my wife. 155. Forever is a long time and I look forward to spending it with you. 156. We can make it through anything life throws at us. Together, we're unstoppable. 157. From the moment we said, "I do," I knew our lives were about to change for the better. 158. Becoming your husband was my proudest moment to date. 159. You were the most beautiful bride to have ever lived. I love you. 160. Marriage isn't going to be easy, but I know we can do it. Our love will get us through anything.
Couples That Have Been Married For A Long Time
Five, ten, fifty years down the road, you still have to be sweet to your wife. Here are some things to say to keep the romance alive even after you've been married for a long time. 161. You're still as beautiful as the day we met. 162. Every day we're together is another day I'm sure of one thing: I love you. 163. Marrying you was the best thing I ever did, and I'm reminded of that on every anniversary. 164. They said we wouldn't make it and proving them wrong with you has been the greatest adventure of my life. 165. We've been together for (number of years) years, but I fall in love with you again every day. 166. You're my wife and the mother of my children. That makes you my everything. 167. There have been bumps in the road, but we've proved that love is stronger than any obstacle. 168. I love you doesn't seem strong enough to describe how I feel about you even after all these years. 169. Our anniversary is a reminder of the best day of my life because it marks the day I promised to spend forever with the woman I love. 170. Married life hasn't been perfect, but no one said it would be. All I know is I get to make mistakes and miracles with my best friend and I am so in love with you.
Sweet Sayings For Getting Back Together
Break ups suck, especially when you're still interested in the girl you were dating. Here are some sweet things to say if you want to try to get back together with your ex. 171. I think we're good together. Let's try again. 172. Breaking up with you was a mistake that I'm sorry I made. 173. If you'll give me another chance, I know we can make this work. We're meant to be together. 174. There's no one in the world who makes me feel as alive as you do. Please, let's get back together. 175. Our reasons for breaking up weren't worth ending our relationship. Let's try again because our love is worth it. 176. I never should have let you go. Will you take me back? 177. I tried dating other girls, but none of them make me feel the way you do. Can we give it another go? 178. Breaking up with you made sense at the time, but now I know how wrong I was to think I could ever let you go. 179. We may have broken up, but you've stayed inside my heart where you belong. Am I still in yours? 180. You and I are too good together to stay broken up. We should try again.
Telling A Girl You Love Everything About Her
Saying you love her isn't always enough. Here are some ways you can tell a girl that you love everything about her. 181. There is not a single thing about you that I don't love. 182. I've been in love before, but it wasn't the same. There has always been something that I hated, but with you, I love everything. 183. I love everything about you. 184. Even when it's been a long day, and we're both exhausted in our pajamas watching bad movies on TV, I still love you. 185. I don't care if you change your hair color, paint your nails, wear more make up or wear none. I love you for more than what you look like. 186. I love you when you're dressed up and I love you when you're dressed down. Nothing you wear could make me love you less. 187. I had no idea it was possible to love someone so much until I met you. 188. I love you exactly how you are. 189. When I think about you, I try to think of something I would change about you. I can't think of a single thing, because I love everything you are. 190. You're beautiful inside and out and I don't deserve to love you, but I do.
Sweet Ways To Tell Her She's Your World
If you really like a girl, then you should tell her that she's your world. Here are a few things you can say to let her know your world begins and ends with her. 191. You must be the sun because my world revolves around you. 192. You're on my mind in the morning, throughout the day, and every night before bed. 193. My world is a better place with you in it. 194. I can't imagine my life without you in it because you have become my entire world. 195. Without you, the world doesn't make sense. 196. You are my world. 197. You are the best part of every day, the sunshine and the moonlight, the love in my heart and my entire world. 198. I didn't know my world was missing something until you filled the empty hole. 199. No one understands how you can mean so much to me, but I get it. You are my life and I love you. 200. You are the water and the land. You are the air I need to breathe and the water I need to drink. You are my everything.
Saying Sweet Things To Your Girl
Your girl deserves someone who is sweet. Use these 200 examples to always let your girl know you care about her and keep your relationship sweet and strong.