4 Easy Steps Of Becoming A Witch Or Wiccan
Becoming a witch is a spiritual practice and decision to make, traditions show that Wicca is the best route to take. Let's explore.
Jul 24, 2018

So You're Becoming a Witch
In the days that we find ourselves living in, many go through life changes, mid-life crises, and other changes in their lives that may lead to making drastic elevations in their lives. So, it is no surprise; you are becoming a witch. Becoming a witch is an intimate decision that you've pondered on for some time now, and finally, you've decided to take steps to accomplish your goal. However, while the excitement of becoming a witch is still thriving through your mind, you find yourself at a lost to the actual steps to take. For example, you may have several questions like the ones below: 1. What exactly is a witch? How can you take the initiative to becoming a witch anyways? 2. What steps do you have to take to become a witch? 3. Have traditions changed? 4. Do you have to attend weekly witch meetings? 5. And most importantly, how will your family react to your decision? Well, even though those are well thought out questions, becoming a witch is something that takes times, and the decision is an intimate, spiritual decision. Witches are a part of everyday society and many would not know that they exist. So, before you run and tell the world that you are becoming a witch, keep in mind that you could have been a witch your whole life and have finally come to realize your spiritual calling. And most importantly, keep it a secret until you're comfortable with the entire idea of being a witch.
Becoming a Witch, What Does It Mean?
When you think about a witch, traditions would have you think of witchcraft, voodoo, Wicca, and other forms of magic. Of course, you're thinking of all the childhood television movies and shows you've watched as a child. You might even be thinking of a purchasing a large pot and various items to begin casting spells. However, as exciting as that perception is, you might find that you are probably completely wrong.
History of Witchraft
Ok, let's get a bit serious about this subject, to begin, the traditions of witchcraft began as a primitive practice that has been a part of humanity's history since the beginning of time. Witchcraft, though seems to have begun in Europe, has traditions that trail across the world including, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe (of course), and the Biblical days of Abraham. Some might find it difficult to accept the witchcraft trails back to the Bible, but we will discuss that later. As far as witchcraft is concerned, the practice began to surface during the Early Modern Era dating between the periods of 1500 AD and 1800 AD. During the period of the Early Modern Era, witchcraft was temporarily approved by the church and practiced out in the open. During this period, the attachment of witchcraft and "evil worship" or "Devil worship" were not connected. In actuality, the tie between the "Devil" and witchcraft did not make it's connection until the European Age of Enlightenment when more Christians came to be, and witchcraft became unwelcome by the general public. Let's rewind time before moving forward, so, witchcraft in the Bible. Prior to the Bible, the practice of witchcraft occurred in ancient Egypt and Babylonia. However, with the introduction of the Bible the many changes that have occurred over the years, witchcraft has been overlooked in the many Old Testament stories shared. In the King James Version of the Bible, the translation for Masoretic "kāsháf " with the word witch and witchcraft. The use of the word was in various Bible versus to differentiate between the "good" of God's people and the practice of witchcraft of non-followers. Also, in the New Testament, witchcraft is punished and titled as sorcery throughout many Bible chapters.
Witchcraft Throughout the World
Cultures such as Hebrew and Islam both view witchcraft as "evil" and "ungodly." However, within many other cultures and nations, witchcraft has two facets. For example, there are good witches and evil witches. So, let's learn more: In Africa, certain traditions use witchcraft for dark magic and to bring curses, spells, and to be all around spiteful to others. Those who practice dark magic are visited for the sole purpose of bringing harm to others. Southern African traditions are known for such practices, and these practices have harmed many. Along with the Southern Africans, other countries such as Cameroon, places in Central Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone are known to punish those found guilty of practicing witchcraft. However, though they hail from African roots, Caribbean nations such as Aruba, Haiti, and Jamaica are known for the practicing of both light and dark magic. Haiti is most notably known for its practice of Voodoo, which can bring prosperity to one's life as well as due to much harm. In Haiti, witchcraft is more of a spiritual practice that is a part of the nation and is the second religion practiced in the country. During the times of the Native Americans, witchcraft was seen as opposite of spirituality. For example, the Navajo viewed witchcraft as a form of hurting others and causing transgressions on societies. However, in Mexican traditions, witchcraft is viewed as a practice that can be beneficial as well as harmful to others. Hailing its traditions from African and Spain, witchcraft in Mexico is a mixture of cultural practices and traditions that have been made anew. For example, the Santeria holds history that trails back to the Western African nation of Yoruba. As well, in South America, the practice of witchcraft goes as far back as the 16th century in Brazil. In Chile, there are the Witches of Chiloe which is folklore shared by the culture generally. Witchcraft has been a part of India, however, in most recent times, there have been some lynchings regarding the practice of witchcraft in India. In China and Japan, the practice of witchcraft also dates back through the dynasties. For example in Japan, the fox witch is most popular and used to practice witchcraft. The fox witch is known for it's evil and bring harm to its victims.
Witchcraft in Europe
Witchcraft was introduced in Europe between 500-1750 AD and has a mixture of history. Throughout Europe, the practice of witchcraft has changed with the induction of Christianity. With more people searching for salvation from Christ via baptisms and sacraments, witchcraft has become a dying practice throughout Europe. Throughout the history of witchcraft in Europe, witches were traditionally women. During the Early Modern Era in Europe, witch-hunts began becoming the common way of extinguishing the country of its witches. For about most of the 14th century, witches were burnt at stake during such witch hunts. Witch hunts occurred in countries like Germany, Hungary, and many other countries throughout Europe. With the New World being created, witchcraft found it's way to America where the witch hunts continued through the mid-18th century. Everyone is familiar with the Salem witch hunt that has been taught in every classroom throughout the nation. Over the years, American pop culture has popularized witches and have made them cool. And the history of witchcraft and the practice of witchcraft in America has become more accepted over the years.
So, What is Witchcraft?
Witchcraft is one of those traditions that has earned a poorly understood perception. From misunderstood history to the wild imagination of pop culture and Hollywood media, witchcraft is sometimes perceived as either pure evil or simply unknown to most. However, witchcraft is not only a pagan tradition but also a spiritual journey for most who practice it. Though witchcraft has earned some popularity over the years, we can only imagine your reasons for wanting to take on becoming a witch. Let's first discuss the true meaning of witchcraft before you finalize your decision. Witchcraft is defined as the practice of magic. Witchcraft is practiced by sorcerers, witches, and voodoo priests. Though most would confine witchcraft as a religious practice, many consider it similar to Wicca which is an actual religion.
What is Magic?
Traditionally magic is perceived as a spiritual practice. Those who are thought to practice magic are made to believe to have some form of spiritual powers; however, the practice of magic follows the laws of nature and physics. Being able to practice magic may seem difficult, but is more simple then many assume. By first understanding the key strategies of the basic sciences, one can become acquainted with magic by first studying the sciences. Understanding that magic does have duality is key in the beginning practices. Just with all other aspects of our reality, the universe, duality plays its part in magic. Magic can be used for both good and evil. And understanding the truth behind duality in magic can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the subject.
Wicca...What is it?
Wicca began as pagan witchcraft that later became a religious movement. Wicca began in Europe and gained popularity in the Americas during the early 20th century. With no central authority, Wicca as a religion evolves with its practitioners. Wicca is a duo-theistic religion, meaning that its worshiping both a God and Goddess. In Wicca, the Moon Goddess and Horned God share pantheistic divinity. Wicca celebrates the cycles of the Moon, and this practice is known as Esbats and the cycles of the Sun as Sabbats. As a result, the Moon serves as the Goddess, and the Sun is the Horned God. Though Wicca and witchcraft practice forms of magic, Wicca, and witchcraft are not the same thing. In Wicca, the practice began during the 1960s and adapted both male and female energies in its practice. Wiccans believe that magic is important in the religion and incorporate the practices of Aleister Crowley. According to Crowley, magic is the science and art of causing the change to occur in conformity with the will. In Wicca, many believe magic is the law of nature and that modern sciences disregard this aspect of the natural world. In Wicca, there is black and white magic. Black magic is the most common practice which is in correlation with the Devil or Satan; and also is known as the "left-hand path." White magic is described as "right-hand path" and is known as being practiced with good intentions. Unlike modern religion, Wicca does not follow a dogmatic belief system, but follows the Wiccan Rede which states "an it harms none, do what ye will." This allows Wiccans to practice their magic as long as no harm is brought to themselves or others.
Steps to Becoming a Witch
First thing's first. You want to be a witch, but before diving in, you must first decide which type of witch you will become. Prior to sitting for hours contemplating your decision, let's search your soul in the following steps:
Are You a Good or Evil Person?
Funny thing about becoming a witch is that you must first realize who you are inside. Many of us think we are "good" people until they have the powers of the universe at their fingertips. So, to figure your true self out, you must dive deep within yourself. So, let's take a test: The Good v Evil Test: 1. What are your deepest desires? 2. What are your favorite colors to wear? 3. For Halloween, would you be an Angel or a Demon? 4. Does the thought of the Devil scare you? 5. Does the thought of God scare you? 6. What scares you? 7. What was your childhood like? 8. Were you raised religious? 9. What was your first reaction to the "creation" and "Christ" stories in church? 10. Do you have a "praising" spirit? I think you understand the flow of these questions. They are in place to help you think deeply about yourself and get to know who you are. This is a prerequisite to becoming a witch. For when you finally agree to become a witch, you will have to decide which form of magic you will practice. I guess you could say you will join a team and probably remain there for a long time. The worst thing to realize on your beautiful journey is that you're on the wrong team. Being on the right team is important when deciding to become a witch. So let's continue:
Step 1: Becoming a Witch Takes Learning
Becoming a witch is no different than becoming a Christian. You are deciding to change your life, the practices you partake in, and the future decisions you will make. So, how could you possibly make such an important decision halfheartedly? It's impossible to make such a decision without fully understanding what's at stake. So, if you read everything above, you might have a small understanding of what witchcraft, witch and Wicca is; your work is just beginning. You will find a multitude of books, movies, and historic facts regarding the subject. Finding out all that you need to know about the subject will not only help in making the decision but will make the decision more concrete and permanent.
10 Do's & Don'ts When Becoming a Witch
1. Do understand your reason for becoming a witch. 2. Do understand that becoming a witch is a lifestyle changing experience. 3. Do understand that there is an expectation of you when you become a witch. 4. Do know that constant learning is required to becoming a witch. 5. Do know that there are good witches and bad witches. 6. Do know which type of magic you wish to practice when becoming a witch. 7. Do understand that this is a spiritual decision that is a serious one. 8. Do know that spirituality is nothing to play with (you may hurt yourself without proper guidance). 9. Do know that becoming a witch can have effects on your loved ones. 10. Do continuously learn new aspects of your witchcraft.
1. Don't underestimate witchcraft. 2. Don't feel alone in your decision to becoming a witch. 3. Don't participate in rituals that you don't understand. 4. Don't join into any cults or sects that you don't understand. 5. Don't go into rituals and practices too quickly as this may confuse you. 6. Don't join covens when you initially become a witch. 7. Don't become a witch out of fear. 8. Don't feel discouraged if learning your new skill becomes difficult. 9. Don't practice any spells that you don't understand. 10. Don't and never cause harm to others.
Step 2: Becoming a Witch Takes Reading
Most who wish to become a witch may think reading isn't essential to the practice. However, they would be greatly disappointed. Reading is crucial to witchcraft not simply concerning ancient tradition spell books, but also in the learning of the history of the craft. While reading might not be something that you partake in as a favorite pastime, you will find that reading about witchcraft is essential to your growth in becoming a strong witch. You might be thinking of the list of books you should read and become a bit confused when deciding on the right books to start your studies with. Witchcraft, you will find is not a simple subject to undertake, and requires much understanding to fully grasp the entirety of the subject. There are a multitude of books you can download on your Kindle and read for days if not years. However, if you are not reading the right books, you will misdirect your understanding of witchcraft, become confused beyond repair, and eventually, give up on your new desire. So, here is a list of essential books to read if you'd like to become a notable witch. These books are listed by your hierarchy in practice. So, get to reading.
Books Every Wiccan Should Own
1. Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland: This book focuses on the traditions of the subject of witchcraft that have been lost over the years. New practitioners of witchcraft will find this book most useful in understanding the art and how to best begin their practice. 2. Wicca: Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham: A well-written book for beginners and those with Wicca admiration alike. The book introduces readers to the world of Wicca, and it's traditions. Though it is seen as a beginner's book, it is a key must have for all Wiccan libraries.
Books on Witchcraft for Beginners
1. Guide of the Solitary Practitioner by T. Thorn Coycle: This book is a go-to for beginners of witchcraft. The book can be used as a manual throughout your exploration in becoming a witch. 2. Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton: This book was written by a professor who doesn't practice witchcraft but gives beginners a non-biased view of the subject matter. For those on the fence on the religion of Wicca and witchcraft, this book is an entire world that is waiting to be explored. 3. Wicca: Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham: A well-written book for beginners and those with Wicca admiration alike. The book introduces readers to the world of Wicca, and it's traditions. Though seen as a beginner's book, it is a key must have for all Wiccan libraries. 4. Power Of The Witch: The Earth, The Moon And The Magical Path To Enlightenment by Laurie Cabot: For beginners who've not heard of Laurie Cabot, they will find that Cabot is one of the highest profiled witches in the world. Her work dates back to the 1970's and covers subjects as the Arts, Science, and Religion. As a beginner in witchcraft, there may be many questions regarding your previous religious practices and coming into witchcraft that they book will answer in detail for you. 5. Religion and Spirituality In Contemporary Witchcraft (The Spirit Of The Witch) by Raven Grimassi: Author Raven Grimassi has over 40 years of teaching witchcraft. The book is a teaching tool for those wanting to learn about the craft. The book gives readers the essential tools they need when being introduced to the spiritual realm of witchcraft and proves to become a go-to as your skills improve.
Books on Magic, Practices, & Covens
1. Magick, Meditation, and Psychic Development (The Inner Temple of Witchcraft) by Christopher Penczak: The author Christopher Penczak is an award-winning author on the subject of witchcraft, Wicca, and magic. Penczak has studied with witches, shamans, mystics, and healers and has gained an amass of knowledge on the subject of Wicca, magic, and witchcraft. The book is one of seven in a series that explores witchcraft and it's sacredness to practitioners. 2.Intuitive, Personal And Practical Magick (Natural Witchery) by Ellen Dugan: The author Ellen Dugan is a practicing witch of over 30 years. Her book focuses on the natural appreciation of magical energies. This book works well as a general library collection and as an introductory guide into witchcraft for beginners.
Books on Crystals, Intuition, & Spirituality
1. The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing: Energy medicine for mind, body and spirit by Philip Permutt: This book teaches beginners about the Chakra system, and how it affects our daily lives and experiences. 2. The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall: This book introduces readers to the world of crystals, their purpose, and reasons for their use in daily living. 3. Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals by Karen Frazier: As a beginners guide to crystals and meditation, this book serves as an important must have to all libraries.
Step 3: Becoming a Witch Takes Understanding
Most importantly, you must take time to understand your new passion. Just as with religion and the Bible, witchcraft requires studying and understanding. Use the books listed above as your beginning guide into witchcraft and as you build on your understanding and skill, may decide to join a coven to further your practice.
Step 4: Becoming a Witch Takes Practice
Once you've made your decision on the type of witch you will become, have read up on the subjects, and understand clearly the importance of your decision; you are now ready to begin practicing witchcraft and magic. To practice magic, you must first learn the importance of crystals, the phases of the sun and moon, and your body chemistry. The more you look within yourself through meditation, you will be naturally guided by the magical practices that are most suitable for you. So be patient and relax, time will enhance all your experiences and lessen any frustrations.
Take it Slow
Now you have the four basics of becoming a witch, so remember to take it slow. Learning is most important and remembering that you're a novice in this subject will allow you to gain more respect for the craft. So happy witching. Blessed be.