Read On To Find Out What To Write On Baby Shower Cards
Looking For The Perfect Words To Adorn On Baby Shower Cards?
Oct 14, 2018

What Are Baby Shower Cards?

Our special moments and milestones in life are made even sweeter by celebrating them with who we care about; i.e. our friends and family. One perfect example of an achievement that is worthy of celebration is your pregnancy and this celebration is referred to as a baby shower. The protocol for inviting those who you would like to grace this extraordinary event requires that you send them an official invitation in advance; this is where baby shower cards come in.
Baby shower cards are stiff papers that contain special printed congratulatory and heartwarming messages and that are given by the guests to the parents hosting the baby shower. Even though we are living in a digital world where everything is being done online, traditional baby shower cards are still the best way of sending your love and warm messages to the parents-to-be.

Some of the merits of sending digital cards are such as; they are much cheaper, they are easy to update, and everyone can be able to see your message. Despite digital invites having all the above merits, traditional cards are still the favorite for many people.
The following are some of the benefits of using cards in baby shower celebrations:
They have privacy

Baby shower cards give you an opportunity to freely express yourself as they are private. You can be able to write whichever message you like freely for one guest and a customized one for another.
They are memorable

Digital baby shower messages can get buried easily which is not the case with baby shower cards. Baby shower cards are tangible hence they are easy to hold on to as keepsakes even after the event is over.
They are elegant

Baby shower cards are normally exquisite as people go out of their way to ensure their card is unique. The beauty and style of these cards leave a lasting impression on the parents-to-be making them feel special.
Heartwarming Messages For Baby Shower Cards

When sending your baby shower card there are several things that you should always keep in mind. The first step when writing your baby shower card is to recognize the parents involved. Baby showers used to be women-only affairs but things have changed and men are increasingly getting involved. When writing a baby shower card you should also write from the heart, this means using your own words to write the message. Also, even though the parents-to-be are the center of attention, it is good to mention the baby when writing your message.
Inspiring baby shower messages for a boy

- A baby boy arrives, and just like that everything changes. The world gets bigger, the heart grows fuller, and the life gets better as he is in it.
- This little guy is already blessed with amazing parents. We can’t wait to watch your family grow.
- If he’s anything like his dad, he’ll be a handsome baby boy! Congratulations!
- Oh boy! We can’t wait to meet him. Thanks for inviting us to share in your baby shower celebrations!
- Tiny fingers and tickly toes, cowboy boots and trucks to tow. A bundle of joy, created by love. A precious gift, from Heaven above.
- A precious little boy is on the way. What an exciting time for your family.
Sweet baby shower messages for a girl

- A beautiful little angel to play with and adore; to spoil a little and love a lot, who could ask for more!
- Your daughter will be beautiful, happy, and smart – just like her mom! Congratulations!
- Here’s to smiles, joy, laughter, and patience. We hope you get a bouncing baby girl!
- The long wait is over, the little angel has come. We rejoice with you for this sweet gift. May she grow to be a loving person with a gentle spirit!
- One minute you’re dressing her in little pink bows and tutus, the next you’re buttoning the back of her bridal gown. Enjoy all the little moments; they fly by fast!
- A great joy is coming all wrapped in pink. We can’t wait to meet her.
Heartfelt baby shower messages for boys and girls

- Babies are a gift from heaven. Enjoy your new addition and may you have a happy and healthy long life together.
- Congratulations! Your home will soon be filled with toys and will never be quiet again. Your house will often be a mess and you’ll frequently be tired. But there will always be love and laughter! All the best and many happy memories.
- If you are worried about not having enough space when the baby comes, get rid of your bed. You won’t be using it for a while anyway. Congratulations!
- Congratulations to the wonderful mom! We know it is a very exciting period for you and we pray that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. May your baby brink you happiness that lasts forever. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a safe and a healthy pregnancy!
- I heard about your newest development. Congratulations on being so creative!
- Sending happy thoughts your way as you prepare to welcome a little someone new to your family.
Interesting Quotes And Sayings

Baby showers are meant to make the parents-to-be relax as it can be a very tense period. That is why they are surrounded by close family and friends to help support and reassure them that they got their back and everything is going to be okay. One sure way of lightening up the mood is by including interesting quotes and saying in your baby shower card. The following are some of delightful baby shower quotes and sayings you can use:
- “Enjoy a great night’s sleep tonight. Soon you won’t remember what that even means.”
- “’Because I said so.’ Is going to be your new catchphrase.”
- “Kids cry, throw fits, eat all your food, and keep you up all night. Don’t worry, that’s for only the first 18 years!”
- “Wishing you full days of excitement and merry, your world is about to get much brighter!”
Messages For Twins

Twins can either be fraternal or identical and they normally require unique baby shower card messages. Examples of messages you can use in case the parents-to-be are expecting twins are such as:
- Have a happy baby shower for twins. With the soon to be arriving twins into your life, may your joys and lovely moments become twin fold and brighter.
- Gear up for double nappy changing and double sleepless nights. If earlier sleepless nights were for hubby, now it’s for the twins. Have a happy baby shower for twins
- Let me send you double wishes, double congratulatory, double presents, and double happiness on your way. It is your baby shower day! All the best for being a mother of twins and may you experience a life full of joy and thrill.
- May the birth of the twin’s babies double your happiness and joy! Happy baby shower and enjoy the journey of your pregnancy!
- Twice the diapers and twice the mess, twice the smiles and twice the love! Congratulations on your two little miracles!
Free Printables With Predesigned Wordings
Free baby shower card printables make things very easy as they can easily be downloaded and personalized. The following are some of the baby shower card printables you can use:




Sources include; Gifts , Jolly Greets, and Best Baby Gifts .
Baby shower messages should not be taken lightly as they go a long way in making the parents-to-be feel less overwhelmed. Some people will choose to write a serious message while others will choose to be funny. Whichever message you will choose to include in your baby shower card, ensure that it comes from the heart. Join the people you love in celebrating the coming of their bundle of joy in style with an exquisite and a meaningful baby shower card.