Benefits for mommies going for prenatal classes

Benefits for mommies going for prenatal classes

What are the advantages for mommies attending prenatal classes

By Patti Flinsch-Rodriguez
Benefits for mommies going for prenatal classes

There are lots of advantages for mommies attending prenatal classes. The classes themselves are educational for the mommy and the daddy, or significant other.  Prenatal classes focus on the various stages of pregnancy that your body and fetus go through as each month progresses.  You will learn to identify the key elements that indicate you are in labor, and trust me, this is the most important piece of information you will want to have in your backpocket. Your instructor will guide you and your partner through the entire labor process.  so that you know what is happening to you and your baby throughout this amazing experience of pregnancy and birth. 

Prenatal classes are educational

Above and beyond everything else, prenatal classes are educational for the new mom-to-be.  Once you know that you are pregnant, you will have lots of questions on nutrition, prenatal vitamins, and what exactly you should expect as the weeks progress.  I know what you are thinking.  "I'll find out all of that stuff from my OB/GYN at my first prenatal visit."  Well, yes and no.  Your first prenatal checkup is usually between weeks 8 to 10 of pregnancy, so you will be nearing the end of your first trimester! You do not want to wait until then to learn about nutrition and prenatal vitamins. Taking prenatal classes will help you on your way to a happy and healthy pregnancy. 

Prenatal classes are educational and particularly helpful for your partner too.  After all, you are the one who is carrying the baby and he or she may be feeling a little left out.  Of course, your partner is thrilled to be a parent, but since you are doing most of the heavy lifting in this endeavor, they need a way to feel connected, and prenatal classes may be just the panacea needed.  

Your partner will learn how to help you through your pregnancy and learn techniques on how to relax you.  This will be a boon to you when you are getting closer to labor.  Your partner will also discover just how uncomfortable it is for you in your pregnancy and because they are getting this information from an independent third party, it will be devoid of bias and probably make them feel more sympathetic towards you.  

Prenatal classes on delivery and labor

Prenatal classes on delivery and labor will help to ease your anxiety, at least a little.  This is what you have been waiting for, right? You definitely need to know what a contraction is in the first place and then what constitutes the starting point of labor? If you are like me, I was ready to head to the hospital at the first contraction (please, do not do that), but did you know that contractions can last for days?  Contractions alone does not mean you are in labor.  If the contractions are 10 to 60 minutes apart, you are not in danger of imminent birth, and you can relax.  Learning the timing of contractions is critical and you and your partner will be happy you know what they mean. 

Pain management is an important topic.  By this time, you and your partner have probably discussed the type of birth you want and for some, this means a natural birth.  Natural birth plans do not include the use of any drugs and rely on breathing techniques and massage therapy.  For others, the mere thought of no epidural sends chills down their spine.  Regardless of which birth plan you opt for, keep an open mind.  Your labor and delivery classes will introduce you to some birth scenarios that might occur, and this could definitely involve a change to your chosen birth plan.

Here are some of the popular prenatal classes you can choose:

1. Lamaze

Lamaze educational classes focus on the promotion of safe, natural childbirth because its fundamental philosophy is that birth is natural and normal.  Women should not be pressured to undergo rountine medical interventions that are unnecessary. Lamaze provides options and explains the benefits and cons of common medical procedures.  The Lamaze method concentrates on teaching you birthing strategies to help you through the pain so that you may not require medical intervention. 

Lamaze for Parents : Lamaze for Parents


2. The Bradley Method

The Bradley Method of childbirth has a philosophy similar to Lamaze.  They believe that childbirth is natural and they want women to experience a natural birth without using drugs to get through the pains of labor.  The classes focus on preparing women on how to have a natural childbirth low risk pregnancy.  Classes focus on pain management techniques, relaxation, nutrition, exercise and the role of your coach through pregnancy and labor.

You will learn what can happen during the birth process if the baby is in a specific position.  Although most women do not plan it, there are times when a C-section is required to ensure the health of the baby and mom.  Again, while all of this sounds scary, it is better to know about all of these possibilities prior to going into labor.  This way, you and your partner can read up on these topics and feel as if you will be making an informed decision in the labor room should any of these scenarios arise.

The Bradley Method

3. The Alexander Technique

The philosopy of the Alexander Technique revolves around how stress leads to muscular tension in the body, causing various ailments.  It is particularly well suited for pregnant women because the courses teaches relaxation as a way to de-stress. The classes teach the best postures and sleeping positions for all stages of pregnancy.

Exercise is a focus of the Alexander Technique and you will be instructed on opening your pelvic floor muscles and releasing of your hip joints to allow greater flexibility.  Breathing methods are taught as a way to relax and lessen pain.  The center is in Ireland, but you can find teachers trained in the technique all over the world and course materials are available in books and CDs.

The Alexander Technique

Prenatal classes on after birth for mommies

Fight the urge to skip the prenatal classes on after birth for mommies because you are going to learn a lot of useful things in that course. Once that baby is in your arms, it's real.  That baby will depend on you for everything and it is a huge responsibility.  You will learn how to diaper and bathe an infant, soothe a crying baby and understand the proper way to hold a baby. Learning these skills will make you feel like a confident parent.

1. Mama Natural Birth Course

The Mama Natural birth course offers online educational HD videos so you can stream right in the comfort of your own home.  Courses are taught by a Certified Nurse Midwife and cover the regular natural birth topics the other classes offer, but they also offer aftercare for baby, mama and breastfeeding. Learn how to handle the after birth soreness using natural remedies, how sex changes after birth, all you need to know about breastfeeding, post partum blues and ways to combat it.  The course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so you may want to to give this course a try.

Mama Natural Birth Course - The #1 Online Childbirth Class

2. The Baby Manual

The Baby Manual is an online HD streaming video series offering advice from pediatricians, baby care coaches, lactation specialists, doulas and infant CPR instructors on caring for your infant.  This includes everything from breast and formula feeding, diapering, soothing, bathing, sleep routines, car seats, clothing and nursery set-ups. If you know very little about babies, this is an excellent educational course that will help you feel ready to take that baby home after giving birth.

The Baby Manual


Even if you aren't planning on having a natural childbirth, learning the breathing techniques and how to massage a pregnant woman will be beneficial.  Once your partner learns how to properly massage you, you should practice often so that they know what level of touch you prefer.  You do not want to wait until you are in labor to start experimenting with massage. Since it is relaxing, you will want to reap the benefits early on in your pregnancy.

The key takeaway here is that you want to be as knowledgeable as possible before heading into that delivery room.  People have been giving birth since the dawn of time, and they didn't "need" prenatal classes to do so.  However, if taking a prenatal birth class will make you feel more in control and confident about giving birth, you should not hesitate and sign up for those classes.  You and your partner will get a lot out of going to these classes together, and it will strengthen your relationship.