6 Reasons To Take A Break After Dating For Some Time

When Should You Stop And Take A Break From A Relationship

By Diana Nadim
6 Reasons To Take A Break After Dating For Some Time

Signs When You Need To Take A Break From A Relationship

Being in a relationship that is not working is very exhausting. It simply drains you emotionally!

When you are in such as relationship, there are only two options that you have; one is ending the relationship and the other is taking a break from the relationship so as to figure things out. Taking a break is usually the perfect option for people who are still not sure if breaking up is the best option and would like to do some soul searching before they make a decision.

So which are some of the signs that shows that you need a break from the relationship? The following are some of the signs to look out for:

1. You start resenting your partner

When you began dating you could not be separated from each other. You found comfort in the company of your partner and you could not imagine being with someone else. If things start to change and you realize that your feelings for your partner have changed and you now dislike him/her, then it’s time for you to take a break. During this time you can even find yourself imagining how your life would be if you were with someone else. 

2. You start avoiding your partner

During your happy days, you were looking for all sorts of reasons to be with your partner as much as you could. So when you find yourself giving weird reasons so as to avoid spending time with your partner, it should be a sign of your need to take a break from the relationship. 

3. You are always in an on-off relationship

When you are in a relationship where you are constantly breaking up or even taking breaks and getting together again, it is a sign that something somewhere is wrong. You need to take a break and figure out what you are doing wrong or where you are headed as such type of relationships rarely succeed. 

4. Your sex life is dead or the fire has died down

Sex plays a huge role in all romantic relationships. Most new couples normally have a breathtaking sex on a regular basis as they can’t get enough of each other. Couples who are past the honeymoon stage also have amazing sex even though not on a daily basis but with a lot of chemistry. Therefore, if you find yourself in a relationship where sex is no longer a priority or does not mean as much as it used to, you should take a break as something might be going on. 

5. You are always tiptoeing around your partner for the fear of starting fights

Fights are there in all relationships and there is no way you can avoid them. This is because relationships are made up of two individuals with different personalities and points of view. In a healthy relationship, this should not be a problem as you should be able to solve all your differences as they arise. So if you find yourself always avoiding a confrontation with your partner, then you should take a step back and think about how you got into such kind of situation and how to deal with it. 

6 Reasons On When To Take A Break From Love

There comes a time when you need to take a break from dating but how do you know when that time comes? The following are the six reasons on when to take a break from love: 

1. When you are unable to achieve your goals as a result of dating

When your dating life becomes a barrier towards achieving your goals then it’s time for you to take a break from love. This is because you will only be wasting your valuable time and in the end, this lifestyle will leave you broken socially and also emotionally.  

2. You are always getting into familiar relationships

Always finding yourself in familiar relationships is a sign that you should seriously consider taking a break from love. If you find yourself getting pulled into this type of situation its most probably because you have become used to being in dysfunctional relationships hence you have become conditioned to it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take a break from love. 

3. You cannot figure out what exactly you are doing

When dating, you can find yourself in a situation where you don’t know exactly what you are looking for in a partner or even what you are doing. This is a clear sign that you need to take a break from dating as to try and clear your mind which will help you to get some sense of direction.

4. To take off the pressure

Dating is not only naturally exhausting but also comes with a lot of pressure. This is because it’s disappointing when you blame yourself for not finding the right match. When this happens it is time for you to take a break from all things love and relationships so that you can be able to relax and also to focus on other pressing matters such as realizing your goals. 

5. When you find yourself faking everything

Love is the only situation where fake it till you make it, does not apply!  If you find yourself sugar-coating things on a regular basis so as to look cool when dating, it is time for you to take a break from love as nothing good ever comes from lying while on dates.

6. When you find dating is the only hobby you got

This is for people who go on dates as if it’s a hobby. If you find yourself going on a date every week, you need to lay low. Find yourself a real hobby instead such as taking part in sports, or dancing, or even start taking part in volunteer work.

How Long Should You Take A Break From Falling In Love?

After an unsuccessful relationship, people are advised not to jump into another one right away and instead to take a break from falling in love. This helps to avoid repeating the same mistakes over again as you will get time to reflect and to work on yourself. But how long should you wait until you start dating again?

Some people say that you should wait until you have no more feelings for your ex. This, however, is far from the truth as there is no set time required for you to be able to date again. According to experts, even one month is enough for you to go back to finding love again! The bottom line is the time a person takes from finding love is influenced by the duration of their last relationship. The longer the relationship was the longer it might take for you to be able to start dating again. What’s important is for you to be patient with yourself and take one step at a time, all within your comfort zone.

How To Take A Break From An Existing Relationship

Before you decide to take a break from an already existing relationship, there are some things which you should first take care of and some of them are such as:

1. Confronting the issues pushing you away head on

It is good to let your partner know exactly why you are taking a break from the relationship. This will give your partner a chance to see things from your perspective and it will also help you to make your decision.

2. Discussing with your partner how things will be during the break

This helps to clear everything so as to avoid confusion during the break. This is where you discuss how often you will be communicating or if you will be seeing other people during your break.

3. Setting a time frame for the break

Anything more than six months is no longer a break but a break-up. You should, therefore, ensure that you agree on a time frame for your break so that you can all be on the same page.

Ways to Take A Break From A Relationship

Breaks are of many types and some of them are as such as:

1. The monogamy break

This is the type of break where you and your partner are not supposed to date or even to sleep with other people.

2. The blackout break

This is the type where both parties are not supposed to have any kind of contact during the break. The main advantage of this type of break is that the couple gets to see how life without each other.


Taking a break in a relationship is usually a very bold move which requires a lot of courage. This is especially harder for those who have been in a relationship for a long period of time as it involves them leaving their comfort zone and stepping into the unknown. Taking a break is very essential as it enables those who are in unproductive relationships to find themselves and even to rekindle the spark breathing new life into the relationship. Now, is it time to take a break?