12 Cute and Useful Anniversary Gift Ideas for your parents
Ideas on what to buy or make for anniversary gifts for your parents
Apr 05, 2019

We all must have come across this very popular quote at some time, “Never complain about what your parents couldn’t give you. What they did give, was probably all they had”.
How easy it is to forget and how difficult to make the time to reflect on all that our parents have done for us? An anniversary is a great time to appreciate and thank them for their love for us.

How to know what to buy or make for your parents
Every person is different. Put them in different situations and the picture gets even more complicated on how different people react to it. It’s the same way with gift giving. You know your parents the best. What worked for a close friend or a cousin for an uncle or aunt may not necessarily work for you.
You know your parent’s anniversary is coming up and you want the best gift possible for them. Understandably, you are under a lot of pressure especially if the anniversary is a milestone one. Take a deep breath and start from the basics.
Anniversary gifts to surprise your parents
The best way to go about planning a surprise gift is taking time and understanding what it is that they both would like. It will not make any sense to buy something that one may like and the other parent would not be too excited about.

Ideas on how to make your parents romantic again
1. A Vacation
A milestone anniversary is a great time to make your parents feel special. Everyone knows the amount of sacrifices parents make to grant their what their kids desire. Maybe your parents never managed to take the vacation they've always planned. What better time than granting their heart's desire than their special day?
Gift them an exotic vacation to a destination they always planned to visit but never did. If they are living in a cold region then send them off to a sun-drenched paradise and they will thank you for it. Plan all the little itty-bitties right from their cab to the airport till their ride back home and you will feel great about doing this extra special thing for your extra special parents.

2. A romantic dinner
If sending them off to an exotic destination is not possible, then plan a special romantic dinner for them. Everyone has a favorite place and what better time than an anniversary to plan a romantic dinner for the two very important people in their lives. Do your research and try to find a place suitable to their palatte and tastes.
3. A cruise
If your parents have been talking about a planned holiday such as a cruise but have never got around to doing it then a cruise as a gift would be the ultimate gift to them. This can also be a throwback to a vacation. Many cruises cater to a particular age group and focus your search on the activities and events available rather than the length of the actual cruise.

4. A Couple bucket list book
Have you and our siblings grown up around listening to all the things your parent’s keep planning to do and places they’d like to visit as a couple? Take this as an opportunity to note them all down and prepare a bucket list of things your parents could do together along with dates for recording their adventures. This is a great gift to motivate them to achieve all their plan and achieve their goals as a couple.
5. ‘Hers and His’ Couple rings
If romance is what you want to remind your parents of, the couple’s gifts are great gift ideas too. These days, thanks to the internet, there is no dearth of ideas or opportunities to buy the perfect ones for your parents.
A great idea would be to combine their birth stones and get the designs that complete each of their rings. This is not only a great idea for a romantic gift but will also show your parents how much you love them simply by the effort in putting the idea together.

Homemade and thoughtful ideas
Giving people who gave their all to you, is always a challenge. This is where handmade gifts and thoughtful gestures will do the trick for you in lieu of gifts.

6. Makeovers
Do you know about something that your parents are pining for but unable to do it themselves? This could be a yard project or a kitchen makeover that they’ve been planning for a long time.
How about that garden or flower patch they never got around to planting? Seize this opportunity to do something in kind for them and they will never forget about your thoughtful gesture on their special day.
7. A family tree or photo collage
It is very true that humans are emotional beings. As one tends to age, one tends to let go of materialistic things and start appreciating emotions and past memories and try to hold on to them. This particular gift, if you want it to be a memorable one, needs days, if not months, of planning.
Try to pull out the pictures and videos of your parents fondest memories and build it into a beautify home movie or a collage of their most cherished memories. This is one gift that will speak a thousand words and will surely be treasured by your parents for a long time to come.

8. A quilt set with memories
This can be combined with the pics or can be a stand-alone gift by itself as, as mentioned earlier this requires time and effort.
Pick and make cut outs of fabrics from clothes that bring back memories of your childhood. It can be pieces from the Yankees t-shirts you all used to wear to or while watching games on TV. It can be a favorite T-shirt, throws, or a cooking apron or anything the memories of which will bring a smile to your family’s faces.
9. Personalized gifts
Personalized gifts make for great gifts as well. These can be hand painted T-shirts of the family’s favorite quotes or your parents’ names. This gift will test your creativity by nullifying all the boundaries and stretching your imagination to the absolute limit.
Hand painted coffee mugs, wall art, embroideries pieces that can be mounted are perfect examples of creating treasured gifts for your parents. If you find that you are not the creative kind then look around for the many places that create personalized gifts that will last a life-time.

10. An Ancestry Report
Finding our place in the genealogy pool fills all of us with great deal of excitement. Wouldn’t you like to know your genetic makeup? Well, so would your parents. Now with all kinds of DNA testing kits on the market, we can trace back to our ancestors to at least a couple of hundreds of years. We can also come to know with these easy testing kits more of our lineage and origins.
Imagine how exciting it would be for your prints to trace back their lineage to as far back as you can go? Order these kits and with the results present your ancestry report to your parents as an anniversary gift. They are not going to forget your amazing gift any time soon!
11. Create an heirloom
An heirloom is a treasured ‘something’ that is passed down through generations. Create a family heirloom that your parents can treasure and pass down through the generations. Collect the things that they treasured through their lives as a married couple and add to it something of your grandparents to make it more cherished.
This can be an album of pictures of your great grandparents, grandparents, parents, right down to the youngest members of the family and start off as an heirloom that the coming generations can add to and build upon as the years go by.

12. Personalized Picture Frame with inscriptons and messages
This one too takes a bit of team work and time, but the end result is worth it. Frame the best picture of your parents as a couple and mount it with a back-ground paper that holds messages and initials from all the members of the family.
This is one sentimental gift that is sure to melt even the most hardened of hearts.

Our parents mean the world to us. Often times, as we get busy with daily living, we forget to show them how important they are to us. Anniversaries are occasions that give us the opportunity to express to them how much they’re treasured.
Pick any one of the above ideas to create the most memorable gift for your parents on their most precious day.