Why Does Bleeding During Pregnancy Happen And Is It Normal?
May 11, 2019

Is bleeding during pregnancy a normal or abnormal occurrence?

Congratulations on the most awaited news of your life. We know how you are feeling right now. You are happy, you are scared, and you are overprotective, careful and concerned. Pregnancy comes with a lot of things that can actually overwhelm you.
We understand all the changes you are going through. Psychological and physical changes are part of pregnancy. There will be many physical issues like nausea, morning sleekness, etc. But when it comes to bleeding during pregnancy, most of the women freak out.

And if you are scared of pregnancy bleeding, then don’t blame yourself for being afraid. You are worried because you care, you want reassurance about your soon to be born child’s health because you are a mother.
If you are reading this, then you must be going through the initial pregnancy bleeding stage. Don’t worry, here, we will try to elaborate on the different types of pregnancy bleeding, signs of abnormal pregnancy bleeding and how to stop pregnancy bleeding.
When Do You Bleed During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the boon every woman wants and pray for. You start glowing as soon as you feel that growing life inside you. The entire thing is something beyond happiness. Its pure bliss and Divine grace.
But pregnancy comes with specific issues as well. Your body starts going through some alien changes. These changes can be combined with physical problems like bleeding during pregnancy. So, when do you bleed during pregnancy?
It is entirely normal to face mild pregnancy bleeding during the initial days. The reason behind this may vary from woman to woman. But it is quite a natural thing.
Bleeding during pregnancy is relatively common as we have already mentioned. Almost 20% of women face vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. Most of the women face this issue during the first 5 to 12 weeks. It is also known as trimester bleeding. If you are going through the same phase, then don’t worry. We are here with all you need to know.
What is Considered Normal?

You may think how much bleeding is normal during pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding is not always a sign of any complication. Light or mild flow during this phase is actually normal. But the color of the blood often varies.
The color can be pink or red or brown. But the entire thing can be divided into two types:
Spotting and Bleeding
Vaginal bleeding is part of pregnancy. It is merely a discharge and can happen anytime during this phase. This kind of bleeding is not alarming. This spotting usually looks like uncertain blots of few drops of blood. Don’t be frightened! Your panty is not going to be thoroughly wet.
If you’re bleeding increase, you may need a panty liner to preen the awkward spotting. In such a situation, it is always better to talk to your gynecologist or physician. If the bleeding is not like the menstrual bleeding, then sit back and relax.
How Much Bleeding is Considered Heavy and Abnormal

Bleeding can happen due to many reasons. It can be an infection, an early sign of ectopic pregnancy. But don’t freak out! Just read the rest to understand the signs of heavy and abnormal bleeding during pregnancy.
We never recommend any kind of self-diagnosis. Try to track the flow to help your doctor to understand your situation. Share your fears and pains with him or her. Though you should seek doctor’s guidance right away after first pregnancy bleeding, here we are just trying to explain a few situations when you should take the whole thing very seriously
Heavy Bleeding

You should not be stressed when you are wetting an entire pad or tampon within three hours just like a regular menstrual day. Then it is relatively moderate. But anything more than that is the right time to frown and go for a check-up.
Painful Bleeding

Mild cramps with bleeding are not abnormal. Slight pangs of uneasiness are also usual. But anything more than that is a clear sign of some internal problem.
Bleeding for Several Days

If your bleeding is mild but continuing for several days associated with severe cramps, then have an appointment with your doctor. Even the bleeding is not severe then also do not ignore persisting pain and spotting.
Being reassured is not at all bad. If reassurance is making you stress-free, then don’t waste time. Call your doctor, book a slot and talk with him or her regarding your concerns, all the symptoms and issues.
How to Stop Bleeding When It Happens

Let us be honest here; you just can not stop the bleeding instantly and forcefully. Pregnancy bleeding is a natural thing, and it should be stopped naturally. But taking the prescribed medicines to prevent any complication is the best thing you can do.
Well, if you are facing the issue then follow the precautions mentioned below to stop any complication related to pregnancy bleeding:
Take a lot of rest

Well this the period, when no one is going to judge you for abnormal napping. It is normal to feel tired and fatigued during pregnancy. Do not fight with that. Resting is what you need most this time. Pregnancy bleeding needs enough rest.
Avoid using tampons

Go for traditional pads while you are bleeding. Many women face vaginal infections during this time, apart from that women abdominal structure is complicated, and pregnancy makes it more complex. Inserting anything like tampons in the vaginal path may have some other unpredictable side-effects. So it’s always better to use standard pads.
Don't take pills

To avoid the mild pain, you can try low dose pain killers like paracetamol. But do not overdo it. Try not to use any anti-boutique or other pain killers excessively.
Quit your bad habits

If you are into any bad habits like smoking or drinking, then quit.
Drink more water

You’ll need more water to keep your system running for two during pregnancy. Though it really varies based on your body type and size, how active you are, and so on, the general rule of thumb is somewhere between eight and 10 8-ounce glasses of water (from all sources) a day. But be sure to talk to your practitioner about what works for you and your situation.
Try to space out your sips to keep them coming steadily throughout the day rather than gulping a lot at once, which could leave you feeling uncomfortably full. Since most of us don’t drink enough fluids, filling a water bottle or two every morning and keeping it handy all day takes the hassle out of hydration. Be sure to sip before, during and after you work out, or if you find yourself outside on a hot day. Note, too, that if you feel thirsty, it’s a sign that your body is already on its way to being dehydrated.
Avoid sex for a few days

Sex during pregnancy is the absolute last thing on some women’s minds, especially when they are dealing with nausea, vomiting, and overwhelming fatigue. Other women, however, may crave sex in pregnancy. And men, too, are split into different camps regarding sex during pregnancy. Some men may find nothing sexier than a pregnant woman, but other men may be too afraid of hurting the baby or their pregnant partner to enjoy sex. So avoid sex for a few days even if you are bleeding slightly or just spotting a bit.
Dont do any exercises

Do not do in any workout without consulting to your doctor. Light yoga or workouts can be done, but you need to know the exercises to be avoided altogether.
A healthy lifestyle

Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good fetal brain development, a healthy birth weight, and it reduces the risk of many birth defects.
A balanced diet will also reduce the risks of anemia, as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness. Good nutrition is thought to help balance mood swings and it may improve labor and delivery as well.
A well-balanced pregnancy diet includes:
- protein
- vitamin C
- calcium
- fruits and vegetables
- whole grains
- iron-rich foods
- adequate fat
- folic acid
Always talk with your doctor

Make sure that you are getting prenatal care throughout pregnancy. Do not skip the maternal supplements recommended by your doctor.
Always track the flow and keep your doctor updated about your situation and situational change.

You cannot stop what is happening or what is going to happen, but you can prevent some of the future complications. We cannot control external factors. But we can think positive and opt for a better living for the growing new-life inside.

The answers to all pregnancy symptoms faced by pregnant moms

So ladies, stop worrying about pregnancy bleeding and enjoy the binge eating and weird cravings for mint chips. Be pampered by your hubby and feel like a queen. All you need is rest, naps and relaxation.
You have waited so long for these days. You are going to get the best gift of your life. Relish each moment of pregnancy and stop worrying about the pregnancy bleeding. Just follow the rules and see your doctor from time to time.
Initial pregnancy bleeding doesn't mean that you or your baby are in danger. It does not mean that you are going to have a complicated pregnancy. Uncertainty is normal. But that is a part of pregnancy. Do not try to face all these alone.
Prenatal and postnatal care is very important during and after pregnancy. A woman needs special attention to be a healthy mother of a healthy baby. Don’t let the pregnancy be the reason for your depression or anxiety. Seek guidance if you feel unsure and helpless.
Pregnancy is one of the challenging times of a woman’s life. Face the challenge with courage and grace you already have. Leave your worries to us. We are here to suggest, consult and guide to the most awaited day of your life.