10 Genuine Body Language That He Is Attracted To You
How his body language is showing that he has a crush on you
Sep 13, 2019

Let's analyze this situation, you like a man, but you don't know if he feels the same about you. Or maybe you discovered a guy who was watching you and you felt that there was a "crush" and you wonder if he will be really interested or you are just making up your mind.
Maybe you don't even like him, or he is just not your type of man, the important thing here is to know if he likes you or not, right?
How to know if a man likes you or not? You will meet women everywhere asking themselves this question or asking their friends, but in reality, it is very easy for you to know if a man likes you for these two simple reasons:
- Most men are like open books because their body language gives them away easily.
- Women have a sixth sense to detect if a man is interested in them.

As a woman, your instinct tells you when a man is interested in you, it is something innate, and you can trust your intuition. Therefore it should be enough for you to trust your hunch.
However, there are women who doubt their instinct and want more concrete evidence to be sure whether a man likes them or not. That is why in this article, we will show you the body language when a man likes a woman so that you don’t have any doubts once and for all.
Secret Signs Of Attraction Portrayed By His Body Language
You can discover a lot about what a person is thinking or feeling just by carefully observing their body language.
In fact, here is something that most women have not noticed: while women have more than 50 body language cues that indicate we are interested in a boy ... men only have around 10.
So what does that mean for you? It means you can guess quite easily if you are interested or not by just observing some key signals! All you have to do is know what you are looking for.
Women know much more about body language than men, the reason could be in the psychological fact that women are more in touch with their bodies than men.
Since most men do not master body language, they do not know how to hide when they like a woman, and they send a series of clear signals that totally give them away. When you manage to identify these signs, you can easily tell if they are interested in you.

Men are not good using their body language and in most cases, their unconscious actions are a clear reflection of their feelings.
Some men are experts approaching a woman: they make constant eye contact, they give you their most seductive smile, they approach your personal space, they start a conversation and after some jokes, they end up asking for your phone number.
Such men are "professionals" using body language, but these are a minority. Most men do not know how to show their interest and are usually very insecure expressing their attraction.
However, these men show subtle signs indicating that they like you or that they are attracted to you, these are the signs that we are going to analyze here so you can identify them and know by just observing. Here they go:
10 Genuine Body Language To Show That He Wants To Be More Than Friends
1. Eye contact

Eye contact is one of the most important things you should observe in your boy. Many men will look at you in secret when they think you're not seeing it, so if you see that they look away when you look at them, it's a good sign!
Most men tend to be shy when making eye contact with the woman they are strongly attracted to.
If you discover a man looking at you when you are not seeing him, and quickly look in another direction when you look at him, this indicates that he likes you (it may not be love, but it certainly attracts him).
If you meet a man who makes shy eye contact with you, it is almost always a sure sign of attraction to you.
If a man watches you shamelessly and gives you a morbid look, it shows that they are interested, but in a "lustful" way. With that he is telling you that he finds you hot, and he is sexually attracted to you. If this is not the type of relationship you are looking for, just turn around and ignore it.
When a man is not physically attracted to a woman, he will not be shy when making eye contact, and this contact will be occasional or give you a selfless look.
There are very confident men who make direct eye contact to the woman who attracts them, with these men the signs of attraction are so obvious that you do not need to read an article to know if you are interested or not.
2. A warm smile

When a man is secretly in love, he is unlikely to show "flirtatious" behavior and will rather behave in a "chivalrous" manner.
Most of them will show a warm smile to show their respect, adoration, and admiration for you. If you feel warmth and respect in his smile, it is an indication that he finds you attractive (instead of "hot") and may have effusive feelings of love for you, rather than feelings of lust. So a warm smile is a good sign and suggests the possibility of love interest.
If you see a man who smiles at you nervously, with a half uncertain smile, it means that he feels attracted to you, but he also feels "insecure" about his possibilities with you. You can give him security by returning a warm smile, so, next time he sees you, he will show a more confident smile.
3. Look at his Adam's apple

When you talk to a man who is normally sure of himself, and you notice him a little "nervous" in your presence, see if his Adam's apple moves irregularly, this may be an indication that he has feelings for you.
He feels nervous because he is worried about making a good impression on you, and when a man is nervous his Adam's apple begins to rise and fall due to nervousness. When a man is not interested in a girl, no matter how beautiful she is, he will not be nervous in her presence - he will feel calm with her.
4. He helps you

If you meet a man who tries to be useful at work, helping you, or giving you more important than other people, it is indicative of his interest in you. Men tend to be very conservative to offer help, especially at work, and they do so only if they have an interest in a certain person.
He can offer to help you with your office work, try to help you repair or fix things for you, accompany you to your home or seek to be close to you at office meetings.
5. He cares about his looks

When a man is in love he tries to take better care of his appearance. If after he gets to know you, you notice an obvious change in the way he dressed or a new haircut, it could indicate that you have had a positive impact on him.
Most men are not naturally good at dressing, so if you see a man who makes a conscious effort to look good, it means he is trying to impress a girl - and that girl could be you.
6. The way he stands

When a man is in the company of a woman he is attracted to, he unconsciously seeks to show his masculinity by walking straight, with his forehead up and with his stomach inside.
It is the way man has to try to impress a woman with his body. Most men tend to stoop a lot, so it becomes evident when they suddenly stand upright before a woman.
7. He exaggerates his behavior

Some men tend to behave very exaggeratedly around their friends and colleagues when their "love interest" is in the vicinity. Be aware of how his behavior is with other men when you are close.
Does he suddenly start telling jokes, talking loudly or making comments and giving opinions? This is again an unconscious behavior on the part of man and is done in order to impress and want to prove that he is the leader of the pack.
8. He will want to know if you are single

If a man is interested in you, he will try to find out if you already have a relationship with another person. Some men may ask you this question directly, while others will try to figure this out by some other means, such as asking your friends or someone close to you.
One way to find out about your life could be by asking yourself indirect questions about your plans for the weekend. All this in order to find out if you already have a boyfriend. Once he is sure that you are single, he will make his next move or wait for the green light to proceed to go for it.
9. He leans towards you

This one is one of the gestures that give away when a man likes someone. When you are interested in what someone is saying, you bow to them. It is something we all do instinctively.
You will notice that he bows even though he can hear what you say perfectly. When someone really likes you, he naturally leans toward you. If he were selfless, he would lean back, away from you.
10. Other subtle signs

The fear of being rejected stops most men from making this final move: Inviting a girl out.
Most men send indirect signals to tell you they want to date you. Some of these signs can be: accompanying you to your home (if they are working in the same office or studying in the same school / university), giving you gifts, telling you about their plans for the weekend (meaning they are alone).
He will try to see if you take the opportunity and ask him out. Of course, some men will be much more direct than others.
What To Do If He's Interested In You?
Once you know that he is interested in you, there are two ways everything could go:
1. You like him back

First, if you like him back, you can let him know that there is no need to hide feelings anymore. You like him back and you two could have something beautiful together. How? Be responsive to his body language, show interest in his life, talk to him, make plans with him, and finally, let him know that you know how he feels and that you feel the same way, too.
2. You don't like him back

If someone is showing interest in you, but you don’t like them at all, kindly ignore these gestures. Don’t be responsive to anything he does, just be normally kind to them as you would with any other person, or simply let them know you are not interested in them if the signs get too obvious.

Are you dating a guy who likes you but can’t say it out loud? That's a rough situation. Here are signs that he's just scared to admit his feelings.

Once you start dating him, you'll want to know if there is chemistry between you two. The relationship may fade or become very stable, depending on the compatibility that exists between you.
Men become much more open about their emotions and feelings once they feel comfortable in the company of a woman (they rarely talk about their emotions with their friends, unlike women).
If the guy you like displays some of these signs, congratulations! There is a good chance that He is interested in you!
The best way you can show interest is by being receptive to his signals - and looking for some excuse to spend time alone with him. Good luck!