Fractionation Seduction: Seducing Your Way To A Woman's Heart
Did you know that you can seduce a woman immediately after meeting her? The tool you need is fractionation seduction. Find out how effective it is.
Jul 24, 2018

The Origin Of Fractionation Seduction
The word fractionation is defined as the division of a mixture into several smaller portions. In relation to seduction, it refers to an assimilation of persuasion, hypnosis, and psychology. It is a way of brainwashing a woman and hence it is a type of dark art. Fractionation was invented accidentally when a hypnotist noticed his regular clients going into a trance faster with every visit they made. One day, he decided to move the client in and out of the hypnosis and he got similar results; that’s how fractionation was born. Truth is fractionation is a common method which you will recognize if given a few examples. Fractionation seduction was explored for the first time by renowned psychologists, including Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, and later developed by John Grinder, a neuro-linguistic programming expert. In the 1990s, another expert, Derek Rake perfected the technique and produced the Sonic Seduction course, which can be learned today online.
How it Works
Any man would agree that the process of wooing a woman is not only tiresome, but also expensive. Many men desire to exercise mind control over their women because dominance would bring a lot of benefits e.g. deciding on where to go out. If a woman knows you are in control, she will take your position in the relationship seriously and feel more comfortable because she has someone to count on.
How do you control her mind?
The most effective form of attraction is fractionation seduction. This technique has been used by men for a long time to short-circuit women’s mind and make them fall in love in minutes. Yes, that’s right- within minutes, unlike typical dating which takes a lot of days, weeks, or even months. When using fractionation seduction, you can be as slow or as fast as you can. Basically, it is a hypnosis process where you bring a woman in and out of trance so that her experience in getting hypnotized increases over time. This type of seduction is deemed to be the deadliest secret to making a woman fall in love with you. Here, you will get a head start in the application of this seduction technique and hopefully, you will see the outcomes quickly.
What You Need To Start Fractionation Seduction
There is no way you can approach a lady and start playing mind games to move her emotions. Even though fractionation seduction can be used by anybody, it is imperative that you do some preparation. There are several things you need to work on: confidence, social skills, leadership skills, familiarity with the area, and special interests. Your objective is to present yourself in a manner that a woman starts liking you even before you speak. It is of utmost importance that you dress properly and smell nice. Then proceed to take the following steps.
1. Catch the attention of the woman you want to seduce
Fractionation seduction experts offer a number of guidelines for attracting a woman instantly. These include negging, push and pull method, and peacocking. Negging: This is a situation whereby you make a negative comment concerning the woman and initiate a discussion about it. However, you must not use any insulting language. Push and pull: This is about grabbing a girl’s attention by a conversation, which you should break just before it starts getting deep. After a while, you can go back to it and this time she will be more curious. Peacocking: This method involves attracting a woman physically with smart clothes and eye-catching pieces like bling, red hat or t-shirt.
2. Narrate emotionally exciting stories about falling in love
There are several stories you can come up with, such as love stories. As she listens to you she will put herself in the shoes of the characters and identify with the feeling involved. To bring your fractionation game into play, break the story up and incorporate a fluff talk that does not include deep feelings. Do not go overboard with the fluff talk, but make sure you get back to the story so that she can continue imagining the process of falling in love. In other words, you will be alternating between an emotional conversation and another one which is non-serious. Make sure that you evoke new emotions in her each time you resume the exciting story. Go ahead and talk about her future aspirations for several minutes and then discuss your favorite meal without getting into emotional details. But during her turn, let her describe the feelings. You can talk about anything and she will associate the feelings involved with you.
3. Ask about her happy and sad experiences
The first question you should ask her is something related to her happiness. You can get her to talk about her positive experiences in different ways and indirectly. For instance, you can inquire about her best childhood memory. As she narrates her story, you can analyze her true feelings. If she cherishes the memory, she will smile, giggle, and laugh about it. Through her body language, you can determine the level of happiness she associates the memory with. The next step is to make her talk about some sad experiences. You cannot ask her directly so you need to be more tactful. Start by describing one of your saddest experiences and without knowing, she will start to describe hers. Tell her some disaster you’ve faced or something like a funeral. After finding out what she relates to sadness, you can then start probing deeper. Within minutes, she will start to develop feelings for you. The polarity theory states that exposing the human brain to alternating scenes of pain and pleasure builds a strong emotional connection. Repeat the sequence of these two steps and she will be yours. The quick succession of happy and sad feelings combined with your nonverbal cues will melt her. Such an emotional ride is synonymous with a soap opera where characters are subjected to heart-wrenching circumstances and in turn, make the audience invest their emotions in such scenes. In your fractionation seduction tactics, your woman will be hypnotized by the stories is you take the two steps
4. Fractionation seduction creates an emotional bond
To use this mind-controlling technique, you must be a good conversationalist. Learn how to speak to a woman first and use your best non-verbal cues. You must earn trust if she has to invest her emotions in you. An emotional bond encourages a woman to open up. Forget about the notion that a woman can be out of your league; you are the one who should make her feel you are the one who is out of her league. Be confident and ask as many questions about her as possible.
5. Build suspense
Women love dramas; building suspense will drive her crazy and will keep her on her toes. The first time you meet her; do not hint immediately that you want her. You should make her earn your attention by acting nonchalant. If a woman becomes too comfortable with a man, she loses interest soon. So, try to confuse her once in a while if you have begun dating. One minute, act aloof and in the next, express how excited you are to be with her.
6. Earn her trust
Your seduction game should be geared towards developing trust between you and her. You can do this by letting her know you inside out. As you engage in an interesting dialogue, tell your woman a personal story about yourself or even better, a secret. Relationship experts have found that partners who tell each other secrets stay long in their relationships. If you can share personal information with her, she will be more attracted to you. The whole purpose of fractionation seduction is to evoke a rollercoaster that will stir up her feelings towards you. If you can earn her trust, she will not make unbiased decisions concerning her true feelings for you. The technique is simple and your girl will not realize that you are using it on her unless she is focused on it.
Why Is Fractionation Seduction So Effective?
Compared to pick-up artist trickery, fractionation seduction is by far powerful. The reason why most women are easy to manipulate psychologically is that they are addicted to particular emotional triggers. The mind control technique targets certain weaknesses in a woman thereby making her subversive to whatever you want (you bet this sounds great). In every female mind is an emotional rollercoaster addiction, meaning that there are some things she simply cannot get enough of such as romantic movies, books, and soap operas. Do you know why she loves this world of fantasy? Such films or books take her through a cycle of emotions - negative and positive - and she somehow gets addicted to this. When a woman’s mind goes through in this emotional ride, her brain registers instantly an emotional bond with a fantastic story and of course with the person narrating it (in this case the man wooing her). And this is how fractionation seduction lures a girl’s mind into thinking that she has found a romantic connection with her seducer.
What To Avoid When Using Fractionation Seduction
Your seduction game must not end at the first date you have with a woman. You still have a lot of work ahead after she falls in love with you. There some things you must not do whether you are in a relationship or in the process of pursuing a woman. 1) Do not act cocky 2) Avoid talking about how hot other girls are 3) Be a gentleman and keep your manners in check- don’t swear or get rude 4) Never post pictures of you hanging out ladies wearing trashy dresses 5) Do not let your hygiene go out of control 6) Do not tell a woman to calm down when she’s angry 7) If you spend a whole night making love, do not ask her for morning sex
The entire idea of fractionation seduction is luring a girl into an emotional rollercoaster so that she becomes more reliant on you. Because you will engage her in a deep conversation, she will forever remember it and she will see you as one of a kind. Go on and let her talk about her personal experiences and you will have mastered the art of controlling her mind. Next time you have a new date, apply this technique but avoid the common mistakes most men commit afterward. So, do your homework well; get ready, and try fractionation seduction on a woman you like. If it doesn’t work, just walk away. Good luck!