How To Use Psychology To Get Him To Like You

Whether a person will like you or love you depends a lot on psychology. Use it intelligently to make someone like you or fall in love with you.

By Amanda Palmer
How To Use Psychology To Get Him To Like You

Psychology is a deep science

While psychology is a deep science, it ain't rocket science, and anyone can master the art of psychology to have people buzzing around you like honey bees. Psychology is nothing but making yourself presentable and likeable to others. It does contradict to the old sentiments which say, "Be yourself" or "Your prince charming will come riding on this magical horse to get you." In today's world, you cannot just sit and wait for your knight in shining armor! You might have to very well go and make yourself seen and noticed so that someone can like you or fall in love with you. Psychology is a mind game, and often, if used smartly, will lead to great relationships, great friendships, and great business deals.

Well, with better presentation of yourself, you might not be able to make the other person fall in love with you, but you definitely fall into their good graces. Good hygiene, a strong personality, presentable looks, decent or fashionable clothes, being well-versed in current affairs, a liberal outlook to life, a helpful personality, and many other such factors definitely put you into the 'charming person' category. If some guy is not already smitten by someone else, your pleasing personality might make him fall in love with you. Find out things that he likes from his friends, and see if you share similar interests. While you cannot make someone fall in love with you with 100% positive results, using psychology, you can definitely triple the chances. An initial attraction towards someone may come due to his cuteness, manly ruggedness, sex appeal, other various other such factors. Only then does real love blossom between two people. You too can use certain obvious ways to make someone fall in love with you or at least become attracted to using the following tips:

Исследователи Университета Глазго выяснили, что за полсекунды можно произвести первое впечатление. Люди формируют мнение о надежности собеседника, слушая их голос на протяжении первых 500 (!)миллисекунд. Психологи показали, что большинству людей достаточно простого "привет", чтобы сделать выводы о типе личности. Люди примут решение даже не зная человека, с которым говорят. В ходе эксперимента участникам проигрывали записи голосов людей, говорящих "привет". Затем испытуемых просили присвоить им места. Оказалось, что большинство звучащих голосов, вызывали одинаковую реакцию у большинства участников, и что эти мысли были сформированы очень быстро — всего за 300-500 миллисекунд. Это говорит о том, что тон голоса, который использует человек для приветствия, прямо и непосредственно создает первое впечатление о нем у того, к кому он обращается. Исследование показало, что мужчины с более высоким голосом и женщины, что меняют высоту своего тембра, считаются более надежными. Властность частично определяется за счет снижения тембра. Вот так наш с вами мозг делает выводы за столь короткие промежутки времени независимо от визуальных ориентиров. #eatpraylovepsychology#selfdevelopment#selfimprovement#russia#psychology#selflove#самопознание#саморазвитие#психология#психологияжизни#самопознание#любовьксебе#осебе#подпишись#следуйзанами#фоллоу#следуй#отношения#психологияотношений#путьксебе#медитация#life#love#selfhelp#mentalhealth

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Good use of body language to make someone like you

Even though you might feel like you are faking it, remember physical attraction is often the first sign of true attraction. You can secretively use your most valued assets to attract the other person. While this does not necessarily mean to dress in skimpy clothes, there is no harm in being a little suggestive to your target. You can lean in just a little under some false pretext to give him a whiff of your perfume, or you could just show off your dazzling smile to get his attraction. Remember to use your feminine wiles impressively without appearing as improper. Dress in your favorite floral dress when you see him next time - get your hair fixed, and make sure your breath does not smell. These are the first must-dos to make a good first impression.

Try to develop similar interests so that he may start to like you

Your love interest would love the fact that you two share common hobbies, interests or life goals. This might make him talk with you more and more, and more conversation can lead to a budding romance between you two. Try to bump into him in the library at common hours. If he loves to play golf, reach his favorite spot 10 minutes early to amuse him. If he is an adventure enthusiast, you two can even consider trekking through nature together. Show him that you too have deep concern for wounded animals and things like that. These small actions pave the way into a love relationship between you two. All you need to do is a bit of snooping around to find out his interests, and you can convince him that you share the same interests!

Try to be everywhere around him

Try to coincidentally bump into him wherever he goes. As the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind." So try to be within his vicinity all the time. It is common for humans to keep on looking at something they find attractive. If he finds you around him all the time and finds you attractive, he will smile at you the first time, say "Hi" to you the second time, and then try to make a conversation with you the third time. Who knows? You two might hit it off from the very first time and the result will be a blossoming love relationship between both of you. All you need to do is just play your cards well.

Go slow and steady with conversations

Discussing your problems with him during the very first meet could be a big put off. Start with small introductions about family and friends, next come to hobbies and goals, and later maybe you could confide some secrets in him. This also gives the other person a notion that you trust him, and this will make him feel protective and be caring about you. Initial conversations have to very apt and precise or else your love interest will run away from you. The more you meet, the more he will know you, and this will continue the passion in the relations. Do not reveal all about you at once. Show your mysterious side a bit so that he will want to meet you more and more.

Find out about his ideal partner in your conversations

Every person has a certain set of criteria he wishes his partner to have. In your conversations, try to extract it out of him. Find out about the kind of partner he wishes to have. See if you have all the qualities, and at the same time, also analyze whether he fulfills your criteria. If he does more or less, and if you wish to have him by your side always, maybe you could mold a few points in your own self to be the perfect partner he has been looking for.

Excite him by doing things he will like or love

Once you two have reached the 'good friends' level, it's time to get his adrenaline pumping and make him desire you. Do things that he likes such as going on an adventure trip together, watching a scary movie together, playing a game of chess or monopoly, etc. You could even play a sporty game like basketball with him. Such activities will arouse him and increase his attraction for you. Swimming together is easily one of the best ways to excite your partner. You could go on a pub crawl or dancing or even for a quiet stroll at the beach.

You could do with some help from friends

If mutual friends are full of praises for you, then chances are that he too will start thinking about you in the same way. If they all call you a fool, he too might think you to be one. It's all a mind game. You can confide in your friends and seek their help in getting you closer to your love interest. Persuade your friends to hold some parties and invite common friends. It will be really fun to go in a party where your love interest is invited too.

You can even win someone's love back again using psychology

If a past relationship has turned sour with a person, but you still want him back, then maybe you can start afresh and attract him again using clever tactics. Show him that you were his true soulmate, and that he would never get someone like you again. The best way to win someone back again is to be around that person often and do things the way he likes. This will make him think about you and maybe even approach you again. He may even realize what a big mistake he has made by leaving you. All you need to do is to be the person he always liked. Winning him back would be the best way to satisfy your hurt ego.

Hug him often if you want to make him fall in love with you

After the initial phase of lust, your relationship falls into a comfort zone. Hugging him often will make him a fan of being cuddled, and he will seek your comfort often and wish to be with you more and more. Men love to seek comfort in the arms of their woman. Be that comfortable woman he can always turn to. Hugging someone releases endorphins and makes one feel safe and secure. Get him hooked to being hugged by you. This may sound silly, but this is often something that will make him want to stick by your side forever.

Do all the things that he used to like or love to win him back

After hitting it off well together on grounds of similar tastes and hobbies, circumstances might have gone sour or your love interest's mind must have wandered elsewhere. But you can easily win him back again doing all the things that he used to like doing. Showing your concern for animals or playing similar games, adventure sports and any activity that he used to like can reignite his interest in you. It's fun to make someone fall in love with you using psychology. It makes you proud of your capabilities. You take it as a challenge, and it keeps your mind occupied wonderfully well. Gone are the times when one would consider this as a deceit. In today's world, you need to be a go-getter. This is nothing but a smart play of your cards. Smart people use their assets smartly to get whatever they desire and there is nothing wrong with it. Considering the above, it is also necessary that you do not forget your own natural self while using psychology to woo someone. You can only do a few things to please someone for a temporary period. If you hate playing golf, you cannot play it for the rest of your life in order to keep your love interest attracted to you always. Do things that you feel you can acquire a taste for in due time.

While certain laws of human psychology can be quite helpful in making someone fall in love with you or to start liking you, it also applies to you in a big way. You can only do something to please someone for some time but not forever. Obviously, you do not want your beloved to run away from you once he realizes your real interests or hobbies. You could always try to adapt to his tastes though.