What Does Your Sleeping Position Tell Us About You!
Do you sleep like a soldier, fetal or starfish and what it means
Jun 01, 2020

Sleeping positions and personality

Believe it or not, your sleeping position reveals a lot about your personality. Without further ado, let’s check out the different sleeping positions.
Starfish/Shooting star position

This sleeping position is characterized by people who sleep with their arms and legs pointing in four opposite directions, like a starfish. People who sleep like a starfish tend to be more laid back and free-spirited, and they tend to be more open to new experiences. However, they may not rank very high on the sociability scale. Penn State University states that they avoid crowded places and they enjoy having their own personal space.
Stargazer sleeping position

Do you sleep with your arms folded behind your head? This position is known as the stargazer position. Ranker magazine mentions that stargazers tend to be dreamy and idealistic, and they tend to see the glass as half full as opposed to half-empty. They could be hedonistic at times and they like to indulge in worldly pleasures.
Thinker sleeping position

Sleeping with one hand placed firmly beneath your chin-as if you are in deep thought? You are a thinker. Thinkers frequently experience mercurial moods, as well as wild swings in personality.
Soldier sleeping position

Dog sleeping in soldier sleeping position
Do you sleep with your arms firmly bolted to the sides of your body? If you sleep like a soldier, you are probably a very serious and stoic person, not revealing your feelings easily. You may tend to be more reclusive and conventional. You may have certain expectations of yourself and other people as well.
Fetal sleeping position

A paper by the West Chester University of Pennsylvania indicates that people who sleep in a fetal position tend to be more insecure and show higher anxiety levels than people who sleep in other positions.
Freefaller sleeping position

Do you tend to sleep on your stomach? According to a recent questionnaire by Sealy, a popular mattress manufacturer, chances are, you are probably an agriculture specialist or someone who consumes a lot more alcohol than the average person. As for the West Chester University of Pennsylvania, they hypothesized that people who sleep on their stomach tend to be less sociable, and more conventional hence, they are suited for jobs like accounting.
On the contrary, the Better Sleep Council suggests that extroverts tend to sleep in this position. They also postulated that these people are also more sensitive to dealing with negative feedback and unexpected scenarios.
Side sleeping-left or right?

Do you prefer to sleep on your side? If so, left or right? Sealy’s survey showed that if you prefer to sleep on the right side of the bed, chances are, you probably have a career in the transport and manufacturing industry, you are a smoker or a coffee lover. On the other hand, if you prefer to sleep on the left side of the bed, chances are, you probably work in a creative field such as design or advertising.
Log sleeping position

If you sleep at one side of your body, with your arms firmly placed at the sides of your body, you are probably an open book who wears your heart on your sleeves, according to Dr Chris Idzikowski, a sleep specialist. You could also be quite naive.
Yearner sleeping position

Do you tend to sleep on one side of your body, with your arms stretched outwards, as if you are reaching for something? Dr Idozikowski states that Yearners are less trusting of other people, and they are not easily duped by others compared to Loggers. They tend to be decisive and headstrong when it comes to making decisions as well.
Freestyle sleeping position

What if you do not show a preference for any sleeping position? You are probably a freestyler. Sealy’s survey goes on to say that freestylers are commonly found in the utility sector for essential services such as energy or water.

8 signs that someone is thinking about you and you are feeling it

If you love horoscopes and personality tests, I hope you enjoyed reading this article on sleeping positions. Do you think that your personality accurately reflects your sleeping position? If not, you should take this mini piece of trivia with a pinch of salt! We are not a homogenous and monolithic population after all, and our sleeping positions may vary for other reasons as well. Though some facts about sleeping positions can be backed up by medical science and ample research, it may not be generalizable to the entire population.