10 Witty Ways to Get a Scorpio Man to Chase You
It will be a challenge to get him to chase you without these ways
Sep 06, 2020

Why Is It So Hard to Get a Scorpio Man to Chase You
Is the guy you´re interested in born between October 22 and November 21? You've got your eye on a Scorpio and you may have your work cut out for you if you're willing to have a relationship with him. Why? Well, Scorpios play hard to get and that may pose a problem for you if you want him to chase you. There are reasons why they're not easy to "catch". One of the main natural characteristics of a Scorpio man is his mysteriousness... yes he can be distant and it can be very hard to read him. Mysteriousness can be a total magnet, but it makes it very hard to know for sure if he's into you because, unless he's really into you, he won't make move.
A Scorpio man can be very charming and very good at flirting but he also likes to play a push-and-pull game and keep you on a limbo, not knowing with certainty if this game will lead to anything more. That can be so frustrating! Apart from the mysteriousness of his personality, there are other reasons why it's hard to get him to chase you.
Scorpio men are pretty mercurial
One day he would be totally infatuated with you, and you would be the center of his universe but by the next day, he'll have lost all interest. They said not to take it personally... easier said than done, right? Scorpio is a very mercurial sign so it's hard to get him to chase you if he's prone to change his desires from one day to the other.
Scorpio men have high expectations
While that's something we should all aim for, it's crucial for a Scorpio man. Not because he thinks you're beneath him, it's just that he knows what he wants and if you don't have what he's looking for, then he won't chase after you. Scorpio men love intelligent and strong-willed women by the way.
Scorpio men are afraid to get hurt
Yes, they can be outgoing but when it comes to sharing feelings and personal thoughts... they don't do that because that makes them vulnerable and they're very afraid to be hurt. That is why your Scorpio man has some well-built walls around his heart and is playing it cool.
10 Witty Ways to Make A Scorpio Man Chase You
Are you hoping to conquer the heart of your Scorpio man? You are in for a huge challenge. You need to understand his personality first so you can have an inside on what interest him enough to chase after a woman. As you already know a Scorpio man has some kind of mysterious aura around him and, while that's attractive it can also be confusing.
What can you do to get his attention long enough so he chases after you? Maybe we can share some light on what you can do to conquer his heart. Here are 10 witty ways to achieve your goal.
1. Create a strong connection with your mind
Scorpio men are highly intelligent individuals so if you're the intellectual type, your chances just got higher. You'll have to find ways to engage him in topics of interest to him. Maybe do some investigative work before you meet up and find out what he's interested in. If you're knowledgeable about any of those topics don't hesitate to discuss them with him. Being a sharp conversationalist is one sure way to connect with your Scorpio man.
2. Be subtle when you're flirting with him
He needs to know you have an interest in him, that's why flirting is a good idea. You just have to find a way to do it subtly because otherwise, you'll scare him away. He enjoys solving mysteries (he's a big mystery himself), so let him solve the mystery of you. Give him some compliments and accidentally touch his hand...then go on your merry way and don't be to fast in answering his messages or phone calls.
3. Show him your gentle side
Your Scorpio man may need to see your gentle side too. He won't go for you if you're unkind and treat others badly. Don't fake kindness when you're with him because he'll see through you and that will turn him off. He may be a tough guy himself, so he'll be looking for a partner with a gentle and kind side to balance things out.
4. Don't try to be someone you're not
Being genuine is something you should aim to be always, especially when you're trying to attract a guy. It's essential with a Scorpio man. He has a very sharp eye, so he'll see your BS right away. Don't pretend to be someone you're not with him just to get his attention because you'll achieve just the opposite. A Scorpio man doesn't like to feel betrayed and/or deceived in any way.
5. Let him set the pace
Once he's ready, he'll enjoy the chase but he needs to be in charge. Let him set the pace of your budding relationship. It's easy to get impatient when he's taking so long to start chasing you but don't try to take the reigns from him to go at your pace. That's a sure way to scare him away.
6. Do things to win his trust
Scorpio men take their time to fall in love because they have trust issues, so they value honesty very much. Gaining his trust is something you should aim for from the get-go. Your Scorpio man is very intuitive, so don't lie to him. He's a pretty reliable guy and while it may seem different, he'll be trying to gain your trust too. All you need to do is reciprocate.
7. Show you're a confident and independent woman
Confidence is always sexy. Show him your confidence by holding your own while conversing with him and expressing your thoughts and opinions. Scorpio men have confidence in abundance and sometimes that could be intimidating but you need to hold your own giving him straight answers and not backing down when there's a disagreement. He'll be impressed with you and his curiosity will be piqued enough to start chasing you.
8. Entice him with your appearance
Scorpio men are very visual creatures too. Looking good can definitely spark their interest. Just remember that being obvious is not going to make. If you're going to dress up for your Scorpio man then choose clothes that are sexy but classy. Revealing too much won't do, wear pieces of clothes that'll accentuate your curves but let plenty to the imagination. You'll get his attention and keep him wondering, a great way to get him hooked.
9. Play the damsel in distress
This works for most men and in this case, Scorpio men are no exception. He'll not be able to resist a damsel in distress, just don't overplay it because he'll see through you. Make him feel like he's your knight in shining armor because this will awaken his inner protector and that is a sure way to get him to chase you.
10. Don't play games with him
He won't care for games, he likes his woman to know what she wants from the beginning. He needs to be sure about you before he starts the chase, so don't play games with him, he'll be running but in the opposite direction.
3 Best Scorpio Male Celebrities And Their Partners
Are you wondering which male celebrities were born Scorpios? Do you think they share the characteristics of a Scorpio man? Here are 3 examples of very hot Scorpio men that are driven by their passion, are fiercely independent and have such great personalities.
1. Ryan Reynolds
This very hot and very funny actor was born in Canada on October 23, 1976. Ryan is not only an actor, but he's also a film producer and a screenwriter. He began his career in his native Canada in a teen soap opera called Hillside before landing the role of Michel Bergen on the sitcom Tow Guys and A Girl. From then on he has starred in a range of movies, from comedies to dramas. His wife is the lovely Blake Lively (who's a Virgo) and together they have 3 children. Each time Reynolds is asked about his wife, he gushes about her and how much he loves her.
2. Leonardo DiCaprio
Who doesn't love Leo? He's gorgeous and a great actor and is such a mystery...Typical Scorpio. Leo was born on November 11, 1974, he's an actor, a film producer, and an environmentalist. His starring roles in movies like Titanic, The Wolf of Wall Street. The Revenant, The Great Gatsby, and the most recent one, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood have gained him recognition from the critics (3 Golden Globes and 1 Academy Award) and from the fans. Leo has a long dating record but, since 2017, he has been linked to the model/actress Camila Morrone, 23-year-old up and coming star.
3. Ryan Gosling

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Just hearing that name can make you swoon right? Ryan Gosling was born on November 12, 1980, in Canada. He's an actor and a musician. He began his career as a child actor on the Mickey Mouse Club and from then on he has not stopped. He's got some memorable roles in his career in films like The Notebook, Crazy. Stupid Love, and, of course, La La Land (which landed him a Golden Globe) that has made him a favorite among the female fans. His wife is the actress Eva Mendes.they have 2 daughters and have been together for 10 years now.
Things to Note When Falling in Love With A Scorpio Man
Loving a Scorpio man is not easy, he has multiple layers that he likes to hide from the world because he's very protective of his heart and who he lets in. But since you can help who you fall in love with, here some things you need to note to better understand him.
Passion is written on his DNA
He does everything with passion, that's what makes him succeed in life.
Loyalty is everything

For him being loyal to someone is extremely important and if you do something to break his loyalty you'd have done something unforgivable.
Sexuality is the same as Emotion
He loves to flirt, he loves seducing and he loves sex and all the good feelings that come with it. He is the best in bed and takes sex very seriously too.
He doesn't like to be controlled
He values his independence and he doesn't like to depend on anyone. Don't try to control him or tell him what to do.

It wouldn't be wrong to call the mysterious Scorpio man as the God of sex. Read on further to know how to seduce a Scorpio man through the art of seduction.

Getting a Scorpio man to chase you is definitely a challenge but if you get his mysteriousness and are willing to be patient you'll get there. Before you know it you'll have him chasing after you.