You Are Worth So Much More Than You Think You Are

Realizing your worth is just the start of a brighter journey!

By Aey
You Are Worth So Much More Than You Think You Are

How Often Do People Realize Their Worth?


You can either be your own best friend or your biggest enemy when it comes to having a relationship with yourself. I haven’t met many people who’ve been able to fully realize their worth. Perhaps one of the reasons why people have such a hard time realizing what they’re truly worth is because self-worth comes from within, you get to determine how external factors influence your inner sense of worth. Having said so, many people have a hard time overlooking the actions, judgments, and reactions of other people.

Moreover, societal expectations force us into pushing ourselves too far – we want to be perfect in every sense – what we often forget is that nothing in this world is perfect. Many people base their self-worth on external sources, making them tread down a challenging path. The opposite is also true. Some people are born and raised in an environment where societal expectations aren’t given much importance and one’s sense of individuality is appreciated. These people are far more capable of realizing their worth. However, the sad part is that such people exist in microscopic percentages in comparison to those who have a weakened sense of self-worth.

Why Do Some People Not Realize How Worthy Or Important They Are?

Over the years, society has introduced a variety of indicators of success. This includes money, power, love, or health. When it comes to people not realizing how worthy they are – the answer is simple – they simply expect too much from themselves. However, it is to note that self-worth is subjective. For some, becoming the leader of their country might make them appreciate themselves, for others, simply being remembered as being a good person might be enough to make them feel worthy.


Many people don't realize how worthy or important they are since they might fear taking risks. However, today, we live in a world where not taking risk itself is a risk, since you’ll only end up being envious of those who’re living they’re life to the fullest. Moreover, your friends and family play an important role in determining how important you consider yourself to be. If you find that your friends and family members constantly hold you back by convincing you that you don’t have what it takes to live up to your dreams, you’ll eventually end up believing in every word that says. Similarly, a combination of nature and nurture applies here. If a child doesn't receive much-needed love and approval from adults, it becomes a challenge to develop self-love and self-esteem later on in life.

How Do We Realize Our Own Worth?


It could be a challenge realizing your own worth in a world where people constantly bring you down. But like we mentioned before, you can either be your own best friend or your worst enemy. Luckily, when you feel like the world is at odds with you, you yourself have the power to change how you see yourself. Here are three ways you can easily realize your own worth:

1. Set up personal goals

When you strive towards achieving something that you’re passionate about, you’d end up boosting your confidence and self-esteem. This could be an area of interest that you are enthusiastic about or something you always dreamt of doing. Perhaps you wanted to start a healthy workout plan, or you’d always wanted to discover what it takes to play the guitar or save up money to attend your favorite musician’s concert. The point is, when you set up goals you’d want to achieve, it’ll make things clear as to how far you’ve come along the road to self-realization.

2. Analyze your circle of friends and family members

Hanging out with people is fun, but the kind of people you hang out with leaves a profound influence on your thoughts and self-esteem. Take some time out and analyze the people you hang out with and ask yourself if these people radiate more positive than negative energy or whether it’s the other way around. You see friendships in which friends genuinely respect and value each other’s self-esteem rather than make fun of them last longer. If you feel like the people around you lead you to be a prisoner to your own thoughts and force you to feel unworthy, perhaps it’s time to look for new friends.

3. Practice self-love

We get it – practicing self-love can’t be put into effect overnight. However, don’t make the mistake of assuming that simple thoughts and perceptions have little value. Something as mundane as a simple thought can change your entire outlook on how you view yourself. It only takes a single thought and we end up being fully convinced about something. Having said that, try complimenting yourself out loud throughout the day. Moreover, you could also jot down all the things you like about yourself every day and then read them aloud later to remind yourself of who you truly are.

What Are The Positive Outcomes Of Rrealizing Our Worth?


Once you’ve been able to unleash your full potential and realize what you’re truly worth, you’ll notice drastic changes in your outlook on life through a bunch of positive outcomes:

1. A newfound sense of purpose

Once you start believing in yourself, you’ll notice that you’ve found a new sense of purpose for yourself. This would help you to plan out your future since you’d know more about yourself. Thus, understanding and believing in your talents would help you construct your vision board for life.

2. A desire to succeed in life

Once you know what you’re truly worth, you’ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level since you won’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Good relationships are based on mutual trust, and once you trust yourself as well as your partner, you’d realize that your relationship with them is authentic and sincere rather than a façade.

3. Healthy relationships

Once you know what you’re truly worth, you’ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level since you won’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Good relationships are based on mutual trust, and once you trust yourself as well as your partner, you’d realize that your relationship with them is authentic and sincere rather than a façade.

How Can We Help Other People Realize Their Importance?


If you’re someone who wants to help a friend having a hard time realizing their own worth, these tips will help you help them better understand and realize how important they are:

1. Show them that you’re present

One of the kindest and sincerest actions you can do for a friend is simply being present in their life. Make them truly believe that you value their time by honoring it with your presence. Listen to what they’re saying and make sure your body language is welcoming and relaxed. Try to make your friend the center of attention. It truly helps one realize that they’re important to you.

2. Believe in them and let them know it through your words

Believing in others and encouraging them to believe in themselves is akin to handing them the keys to their own powers. It’s like lighting a row of matches with a single strike. We help positively trigger their thinking. You see, words are contagious. Just like negative words hurt others – the opposite is also true –positive words have a positive effect on peoples’ mindsets.

3. Offer hope and radiate positive energy

One of the simplest yet the most important things you can do for a person who’s having trouble realizing their importance could be to simply shine a ray of hope on them. Talk them out of their pessimistic view of themselves and let them know that there is more to life. Often people with low self-esteem suffer from mental issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. Thus, it’s important to radiate positive energy towards them and let them know everything will be okay.

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In conclusion, it can be said that even though many of us have frequently been prisoners to our self-perception, it is treatable. All you need to do is re-evaluate some of your habits, the people you choose to spend time with, and the overall energy you absorb from your surroundings. In the end, you’ll be able to conquer your demons – fight your way up to self-victory!