120 Fun Questions To Ask Your Partner On Date Night
Planning a fun date with your partner? Ask him these funny questions. You can ask these funny questions and have a hearty laugh with your partner.
Jul 24, 2018

Fun questions to ask your partner
When you are in a relationship for a long time, you will notice that your date nights are not that exciting anymore. In the beginning, you used to laugh your heart out when you were with your boyfriend. But, nowadays it seems that you both end up discussing the household chores or children. We are here to cheer you up. We have prepared a list of fun questions that you can ask your spouse to rekindle your love. Below is a list of 20 fun questions to relive the childhood memories of your partner. Both of you can share a hearty laugh over this.
Relive the childhood memories of your partner
Our childhood days are known as the golden days of our lives. We all did something that we shouldn’t have done. Our parents embarrass us in front of our friends by sharing the pictures and events of our innocent childhood. When we start dating someone, our mischievous childhood activities remain under a wrap mostly. But, if our partner coaxes us into sharing these events, then we tell them some of our decent and innocent acts of our childhood. It is only when specific questions are asked; the cat comes out of the hat.
1. What was that one game that you hated the most as a kid? 2. Who was your childhood crush? 3. What was the worst form of punishment you were ever subject to? 4. What was the worst prank that you had played on someone? 5. When you were scared whom would you liked to cuddle? 6. What is the most adventurous thing you have done in your childhood? 7. While watching a sci-fi movie, what kind of scene scared you the most? 8. Have you ever wet your pants in a public place? 9. Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were a kid? 10.What is the fondest memory of your childhood?
It’s also fun to walk down your spouse's memory lane
11. Did you have any annoying pet name? 12. Were you a nerd or a popular kid in your school? 13. Did you have any kind of phobias? 14. How many times were you grounded for not following your mother’s rule? 15. As a kid, did you prefer ice- creams or milkshakes? 16. What was your favorite hangout place? 17. Did you have a crush on any celebrity as a kid? 18. What was your favorite holiday location as a kid? 19. Tell me something that I don’t know about your siblings. 20. Which celebrity did you imitate as a kid?
Challenge your partner with fun questions
If you are the one who does most of the talking in your relationship, then it is high time you take the back seat and allow him to speak his mind. For a change, try to become a good listener. To set the momentum of the date, ask him the following questions and have a hearty laugh.
For hearty laugh
1. What is your favorite movie of all time? 2. Have you ever cried watching a sad movie? 3. What is your idea of a perfect date? 4. When was the last time you laughed your heart out? 5. What was the first CD that you bought and when? 6. What is your current obsession? 7. Do you still watch cartoon shows? 8. Describe yourself in three words. 9. Which is your favorite holiday destination? 10. What will you prefer – bungee jumping or hot air balloon ride?
Questions to help you know your boyfriend even better
11. Name one of the strangest food item that you have ever tasted. 12. What is the craziest thing you have seen in your dreams? 13. Which is the one app on your phone that you cannot do without? 14. Which is your favorite music band? 15. Tell me something about yourself that no one knows. 16. What activities would you like to do once you retire? 17. Tell me the story behind your nickname. 18. Share one of the happiest moments of your life. 19. Which superpower do you want to have and why? 20. What is your favorite song of all time?
Ask fun questions to tickle the funny bones
When you are going out on a date with your spouse, you can ask these fun questions to light up the evening. It will also help you to know your partner better and also laugh over silly things. If your partner has the ability to make you laugh, then you can consider yourself to be the luckiest in the world. Your partner will bring your stress level down by making you laugh.
Silly questions to understand your partner better
1. Which food you think resembles me? 2. Name one movie that you can relate to our love story. 3. Do you have the habit of collecting any odd stuff? 4. Name one friend of mine whom you find funny. 5. What is that one thing that you don’t like to share with anybody? 6. Would you like to feature on any magazine cover? If yes, then which one and why? 7. Have you accidentally pooped in your pants? 8. Name one of the funniest movies that you love to watch again and again. 9. What was the model of your first mobile phone? 10. Tell me about the wildest things that you have ever done in a hotel room.
Few more interesting and fun questions to ask your spouse
11. Which movie character reminds you of me? 12. Which kid of ours has inherited your qualities? 13. What is the worst job of yours till date? 14. Which five food will you take along with you to a deserted island? 15. What is the worst birthday gift you have received from someone? 16. Which is that one toy that you wish never existed? 17. Would you like to play the role of an elf or a hobbit? 18. Which are the two languages that you wish to learn? 19. Which fictional character would you bring to life and why? 20. What was your favorite pastime while growing up years?
Ask your partner some intimate yet funny questions
No matter how long you two have been together, there are some questions that remain unanswered. Make the most out of the date night by asking your boyfriend/ spouse some of these personal questions.
Personal questions for your boyfriend
1. When we are with our friends, do you feel that you are still my priority? 2. Which activity of mine makes you feel taken care of? 3. What is that one question that you always wanted to ask me? 4. Is there any topic that you are totally obsessed with? 5. If you can change any one thing about me, then what will that be? 6. Whom do you confide to when you are stressed out about something? 7. What is the favorite thing about your personality that you are proud of? 8. Whom you were dating before me? 9. Do you like to get intimate during daytime? 10. Do you get jealous when I am talking to another guy?
Fun questions to make him laugh
11. What do you think we should do to make our relationship even stronger? 12. Do you have any carnal fantasy? 13. What is that one thing according to you a woman should never do? 14. How do you want to relax? 15. What is that one thing about yourself you simply adore? 16. Tell me about the most painful incident of your life. 17. Is there any scene from your favorite movie that you want us to enact? 18. Do you have any regrets? 19. Is there any new hobby that you want to take up? 20. Will you be able to give up alcohol?
Go for a funny date night
After spending almost a decade together you might think that you know everything about your spouse. But, ask them few unpredictable questions and you will realize that there are several untold stories.
Unpredictable questions to dig up the several untold stories
1. Is there anything that you really wanted as a child, but never got? 2. What is your favorite breakfast? 3. What would be that one thing you will never do even if you are offered a million dollars? 4. Which potato chips flavor is your favorite? 5. Would you like to bring anyone back to life from their grave? 6. Would you lock up any relative or friend in a mental institution? 7. What is your favorite historical figure? 8. Which is that one place where you will not mind waiting? 9. Have you been to any sports stadium? 10. Is there anything, because of which you want to visit a psychiatrist?
Questions to help him unwind
11. What makes you fall asleep very easily? 12. What is the one household chore that you have never ever done in your life? 13. Is there any fast food chain that you would want to close due to the disgusting food quality? 14. Do you possess any car repair skills? 15. When you are home on a rainy Sunday evening, which activity would you indulge in? 16. Tell me the name of one country where you do not want to go. 17. Do you remember any dialogue from your favorite movie? 18. Have you met any celebrity? 19. Would you prefer taking an autograph of your favorite celebrity crush or a selfie? 20. What is your all time favorite kid’s movie?
Make your partner ask you funny questions
When your boyfriend is planning for a date night you can prepare a list of funny questions that both of you can answer. It will help you to know each other better.
Ask your boyfriend these 20 funny questions and see how he replies
1. Do you apply lotion all over your body? 2. Is there any family TV-sitcom you want to be part of? 3. If you become a director who will you cast in your movie as your leading pair? 4. One fashion trend you want to follow from the past? 5. How many pizza slices can you eat at one go? 6. Do you want to have a huge collection of shoes and watches? 7. What is the one fashion trend that you dislike the most? 8. What is the last comic book that you read? 9. Which is the last YouTube viral video that you have watched? 10. Do you love to paint?
Some innocent questions to make your boyfriend laugh
11. Have you ever written poems for any of your dates? 12. What will be the title of your autobiography? 13. What do you do when you are drunk? 14. Would you dress up like a girl to win a bet of hundred dollars? 15. What is that one habit of yours that you are trying to get rid off? 16. Have you ever taken advantage of someone intentionally? 17. Would you love to watch a stand-up comedy? 18. Do you like to go out or stay indoors? 19. Sunrise or sunset – which one is your favorite? 20. What was the very first thing you noticed about me?
Take Away
So, now you have a list of 120 funny questions to make your date night exciting. The aim of these funny questions is to make the partners aware of the unknown facts of each others lives on a lighter note. By the end of the question answer round, you will realize that you have fallen in love with your spouse all over again. If you want to perk up your relationship, then you should definitely try this out.