Wife Sharing Psychology: Reasons To Share Your Wife With Another Man
Despite the fact that the contemporary society still refers to wife sharing as an abomination, the psychology behind it happens to be a logical one.
Aug 03, 2018

Why wife sharing psychology holds water
Despite the fact that the world is always presumed as advanced and tolerant, there are certain practices that are still considered a no-no. For instance, a husband will face the wrath of the society if he chooses to sleep with another woman who isnât his lawfully wedded partner. A woman will also suffer the same fate if she is discovered to have a boyfriend besides having a husband. That aside, it is important to note that whether wife sharing is a taboo or not, people will continue doing it. And why is that? Itâs simply because people have personal reasons. People cheat or sneak around because they might not be happy in their marriages or are just in need of some thrill or self-discovery. But with wife sharing, couples can get to enjoy these thrills without having to bear the guilt. This is because their husbands are not only aware of their sexual escapades but are totally okay with it. In some cases, the husband will also like to participate either actively or passively (watching) which can fulfill his sexual fetishes. It is therefore important for you to find a way to talk to your wife about wife sharing especially if you are into it. You might be surprised to find out that she has been thinking about it all along but lacked the right words to say it. And since the thought of wife sharing is still shunned off by society, it is imperative that you find a better way of communicating with your wife. Find a way of sounding as cool about it as possible without having expectations. Here are some of the psychological reasons why wife sharing psychology works like a charm.
1. Wife sharing eliminates the cheating psychology
The psychology behind cheating is simple – your wife is bored to death and is in dire need of sprucing up her sex life. Most women agree that sleeping with another man is much more thrilling than sleeping with their husbands. But when you are cool with it and you have no issue with wife sharing, then your wife won’t see the need for cheating on you. More often than not, your wife would want you to watch or even better, join in the fun. Most men who have tried threesomes have confessed that at first, it felt like an abomination. But once they tried it, their minds got literally blown into smithereens. It also helps when your woman knows she has options that result in a healthier and exciting sex life. And you will sleep easy knowing that your wife loves you for everything that you have done for her. Let’s just be honest, it isn’t easy for a man to allow his woman to go off and sleep with another man. But remember, if your woman wants to sleep with another man who isn’t her partner – she will. And there is nothing you can do about it! So, wouldn’t it be better to consent and know that she isn’t out there getting smashed without your knowledge? Besides, you would have also jumped the jealousy huddle while fulfilling some of her deepest and darkest sexual fantasies. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! But remember, it is important that you get to do this for yourself and not because you want to make her happy. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it! And also make sure that you are letting her know where your heart is in advance.
2. Wife sharing psychology ensures her satisfaction
If you permit your wife to have a boyfriend that you know of, then you will have her sexually satisfied. Remember those days you just came from work tired but your wife happens to be horny and ready to make love to you? If you have been married for a while, I am sure that you have experienced this once or twice. And that is where wife sharing comes into play. The truth of the matter is that there will always be some horny dude out there ready to make your wife scream his name out loud. But wouldnât it be amazing knowing the guy and still be cool with it? Besides, it might even turn out to be some sort of entertainment for you. imagine knocking back a couple of cold beers after work while watching your hot wife getting banged? Well, thatâs how the wife sharing psychology works. Once you let another man bang her and then you get to bang her, then your wife will always be sexually satisfied. As a husband married to a woman who loves sex, constant sex can be exhausting! And that doesnât mean that you are a weak man at any given point. The truth of the matter is that people get exhausted from time to time and itâs okay. But at the end of the day, we all want to satisfy our women, whether itâs our girlfriends or our wives. So, if you and your wife are okay with the wife sharing psychology â then why not? But you have to be as genuine as possible when you are talking to her about it. And if you are to allow this to happen, then you need to let her be herself and enjoy it to the maximum. That is how she will end up being satisfied and loving you even more.
3. Wife sharing psychology = healthy communication
Most relationships hit rock bottom and crumble like feta cheese because of lack of communication. But when husband and wife are into wife sharing, it would be a tad easier to talk about feelings. If itâs ok with you, your wife can tell you how she feels and what she likes when she sleeps with another man. Apart from that, you can tell your wife how the wife sharing idea makes you feel as her lover and partner. And if you can get to talk about such intense matters freely, then trivial matters in your relationship will be communicated without pressure. And that is why wife sharing psychology is important despite being frowned at. When you communicate about your feelings and fantasies freely, your relationship becomes stronger, leaving your union happier. Again, you should take that opportunity to ensure that you are being honest with your feelings. A lot of people who take part in wife sharing do it just to please their partners, which is wrong. You need to be honest with your wife who is your life partner. If you are okay with doing it, then make sure that your heart is in the same place. It would be nicer if you take part in the exercise wholeheartedly. Who knows? It might turn out to be a mind-blowing experience especially when you, your partner and her boyfriend take part in the three-way sex. Trying is always important especially if you have doubts about something. That way, if it doesnât work out, then you can call it off knowing that you tried your level best. But if it does, well, there is no harm in keeping at it.
4. Wife sharing psychology eliminates the case of STIs
Most people who end up with STIs are those who sneak around and making love in a hurry. But when your wife is with another man after you as the husband has given consent, trust that every protective measure will be taken. First and foremost, you as the husband and her other partner might meet up and get to know each other. During the conversations, you can talk about safety during the sex. You can agree to either use protection or go for a test especially if the wife likes it raw and hardcore. And since you and your wife are very good at communicating, you will both have a healthy conversation about it before she goes on to sleep with her other partner. Itâs always fun for the husband to join in. The sex will be explosive and the husband will always enjoy it knowing that the new boyfriend or the other guy that his wife is banging is healthy. Proper measures can also be taken to avoid your wife getting pregnant apart from avoiding STIs. You can also watch as your wife is getting satisfied and take notes. For instance, if she likes being sucked here or rubbed there, you can make sure that you are taking it into consideration. So, when itâs your turn, you can blow her mind away as you would have learned a few new tricks. But all this will come as soon as you have put any doubts and have taken the necessary precautions towards keeping the three of you healthy. You can also end up trusting your wife; even more, knowing that she is protecting both of you. Most women who run around/ and sleep with other men arenât always cautious and almost always come home filled to the brim with STIs.
5. Wife sharing psychology helps you set the rules
Most people who end up with STIs are those who sneak around and making love in a hurry. But when your wife is with another man after you as the husband has given consent, trust that every protective measure will be taken. First and foremost, you as the husband and her other partner might meet up and get to know each other. During the conversations, you can talk about safety during the sex. You can agree to either use protection or go for a test especially if the wife likes it raw and hardcore. And since you and your wife are very good at communicating, you will both have a healthy conversation about it before she goes on to sleep with her other partner. Itâs always fun for the husband to join in. The sex will be explosive and the husband will always enjoy it knowing that the new boyfriend or the other guy that his wife is banging is healthy. Proper measures can also be taken to avoid your wife getting pregnant apart from avoiding STIs. You can also watch as your wife is getting satisfied and take notes. For instance, if she likes being sucked here or rubbed there, you can make sure that you are taking it into consideration. So, when itâs your turn, you can blow her mind away as you would have learned a few new tricks. But all this will come as soon as you have put any doubts and have taken the necessary precautions towards keeping the three of you healthy. You can also end up trusting your wife; even more, knowing that she is protecting both of you. Most women who run around/ and sleep with other men arenât always cautious and almost always come home filled to the brim with STIs.
6. The wife sharing psychology = open-mindedness
The world is moving forward. Meaning that a lot of things that were once referred to as abominations are now being accepted, wife sharing being one of them. If you are totally okay with your wife shagging her âboyfriendâ or sleeping with another man, then you will be in a position to easily accept other aspects of life as well. Open-mindedness is what makes a man grow and is, therefore, a very important aspect of life. And once you have incorporated wife sharing psychology as part of your life, you will almost always find yourself in peace. And that includes those times that you feel as though you are cornered by tough situations. You wonât have to worry when another man sleeps with your wife and the same happens when you are faced with any form of challenge. Once you are an open-minded husband who doesnât get fazed by petty things, then your wife will fall in love with you even more. And thatâs an advantage besides being sexually satisfied by more than one man. But as far as open-mindedness about wife sharing psychology goes, you will be required to do quite a number of things. First and foremost, you will need to take things one step at a time. Rushing will always end up badly for you. You can also talk to your wife and make sure that you are both on the same page. Wife sharing should always be about teamwork and nothing less than that.
7. Your wife will love you more
A wise man once said, give your wife freedom and she will love you forever. No adult loves sneaking around looking over their shoulders because they are out to have some fun. So, if you bear that in mind, then youâll certainly give wife sharing psychology a chance. That way, you wonât have to worry about where your wife is and what she is doing. And if you do that to your wife, then you should also expect this to reciprocate. More often than not, she will tell you when she is planning to sleep with her other partner or boyfriend. And since you are totally fine with it, you wonât make a big deal out of it and your wife will love you for it. And as history has shown over the generations, when a wife is happy, she will always find ways of rewarding the husband. Apart from overlooking petty issues, your wife will have your back at all times. She will learn how to cook (if she doesnât) and get you nice gifts from time to time. Hell, she will even learn a new, mind-blowing sexual trick and take your breath away in bed. Therefore, you might want to reconsider if you still think wife sharing psychology is useless. The good thing about this kind of mentality is that you can try and see if itâs working out for you. Trying has never hurt anyone. And who knows â if you can let another man sleep with your wife, maybe, just maybe, she might allow you to sleep with another woman. Oh, and just in case you were wondering who the wise man responsible for the opening quote was - itâs me.
8. Your wife will trust you more
It is important for you to have an incredible level of trust if your relationship is to thrive. Tolerating of the wife sharing psychology and allowing your wife to sleep with another man shows that you trust her. Apart from trusting her, doing this shows that you are a selfless husband who is keen on making his wife happy. Agreeing to the wife sharing psychology also shows that you arenât about brooding over petty, jealous driven issues. And if you are okay with allowing her to sleep with another man, then she will trust you more. So, if you also have the urge to sleep with another woman, your wife will trust you to take care of business amicably. The trust will not stop there. Your wife will also trust you in all the matters pertaining to your relationship. For instance, if you tell her you will take care of something, she will have no doubts because she trusts you. If you can trust her to sleep with another man and have fun while protecting your marriage, then she will have no reason not to reciprocate. A lot of problems in relationships stem from lack of trust. And if you and your wife are in a position where you can trust each other without any issues, then you are most certainly in it for the long haul. And even if you offend her â because no one is perfect â she will trust you to make amends without verbally swatting you about it.
9. Youâll have time for self-improvement
Having a wife is amazing. And while we are always encouraging people to get married and have beautiful marriages, acknowledging the fact that marriages come with a fair share of challenges is important. For instance, having regular, mind-blowing sex with your wife can be a draining affair. Most men have confessed that satisfying their partners can be a daunting task. But if you can have a lover or a boyfriend to step in when you canât, then your partner will be eternally grateful for it. So, whenever you are on a business trip and your wife is horny, all she needs to do is call her other dude - period. The same applies when you are a gym goer and constantly come home drained and in desperate need of rest. Wife sharing psychology is incredibly amazing since it gives you all the time in the world to improve yourself, becoming a much better person in the long run. Therefore, allowing your cute wife a desirable boyfriend on the side isnât as bad as the âholier than thouâ section of the society makes it look. Besides, adopting the wife sharing psychology can end up save relationships that might have otherwise crumbled as a result of cheating.
10. Happy wife, happy life
Women have very many fantasies, most of which husbands will never know unless they ask. And even though most women wonât admit, they have had fantasies about sleeping with another man more than they can care to remember. It is, therefore, a good idea for you as the husband to create an environment where your wife is free to talk about fetishism and her sexual fantasies. Fetishism is a very important part of your sex life and as a husband; you need to learn the importance of being open-minded. When she sleeps with another man or partner or boyfriend, your wife will be sexually and emotionally satisfied. This is because she no longer has to carry the burden of guilty of having sex behind your back. Being sexually satisfied â especially if it means allowing your wife to sleep with another partner or boyfriend â has a plethora of benefits. It means fewer arguments in the home and genuine, raw sex which will also put you in a very good place both physically and emotionally. And since you compromised for her, she will most definitely compromise for you. For instance, if you do something that would normally offend her, your wife will either forgive you for the discretion or choose to ignore it completely. She will always be rewarding you over and over again because not all men are open to change or fetishism like you are. If you are having doubts about allowing your wife to sleep with her boyfriend, try finding out the benefits that come with it. If you wonât be impressed, then I am afraid nothing will ever impress you. You donât have to like the idea, but giving it a thought wouldnât be such a bad thing, now would it?
Final word
Despite being scoffed at, wife sharing psychology has paid off a great deal to those who have the neck to try it. More often than not, a lot of marriages have been saved just because the husband had the guts to allow his wife to sleep with another man. Also, as mentioned earlier, you wonât have to worry about jealous related issues because embracing the situation is a huddle that you would have already skipped. This is a remarkable milestone for any couple because most marriages crush and crumble because of something as petty as jealousy. Women can also be very hard to please sexually. And I am not saying that men arenât up to the task. As earlier stated, there are quite a number of factors that can contribute to men not being able to satisfy their women sexually. One of such factors includes stress or overworking. If that seems to be the case, then another man can comfortably step in and please your wife while you watch or recover. Wife sharing can also be a spectacle that brings life back into your marriage. The above are just but a number of amazing issues that come with wife sharing mentality. It should, therefore, be reason enough for you to think about incorporating it into your love life. But if it doesnât rub you off in a good way, then, by all means, donât!