Do Girls Like Facial Hair? 15 Thoughts You Should Note
Facial hair on guys; Is it a hit or a miss? Here are 15 things that you should know about whether or not girls like facial hair.
Jul 24, 2018

Thoughts of girls on facial hair
Some girls prefer a guy to be clean shaven while others like full beards. Some just want a mustache, some scruff, and some don't care either way. Girls have a lot of different opinions when it comes to facial hair on guys. Here are fifteen thoughts that women have when thinking about facial hair on guys.
1. Can you grow facial hair?
One of the most important things to think about when considering facial hair is whether or not you can actually grow facial hair. Guys who can’t grow full beards but try anyway aren't going to be as attractive to women as guys who are clean shaven. Some guys can grow patches of facial hair but not a full beard or mustache. If you can't grow it, don't try! Girls don't find patchy facial hair attractive, so don't bother!
2. Can you pull it off?
Face it: some guys just look hotter without beards or a mustache. If clean shaven suits you best, stick with that! Girls love it when guys know what looks best on them. Whether you look in the mirror and just aren't feeling the facial hair or you've been told by women in the past that you can't pull off any of the styles of facial hair, know your own face and pay attention to whether or not facial hair looks good on you. If you know you can't pull off facial hair, it's fine to leave your sexy face clean shaven!
3. Facial hair feels weird
You know how facial hair is all scratchy and itchy when you first start growing it out? Well, most styles of facial hair feel that way to women when they're kissing you. A mustache will tickle girls when your lips touch theirs. Stubble feels scratchy against girls' chins during hot make out sessions. Full on beards are a little less weird, but they still tickle or scratch women. Plus, when you go down on her, she can feel your beard then, too. If you're considering a beard or a mustache and you're in a relationship, talk to her about what styles are hotter and which she absolutely hates. If you're on the prowl, think about how girls feel when your beard, mustache, or stubble touches them when kissing or doing other things. That should help you determine if you want to grow it out or keep things clean shaven.
4. Talk to girls
If you're worried about whether or not women will find your beard attractive, don't just go ahead and start growing it without getting any input. Ask friends who are girls if they like beards or mustaches and why they do or don't. You can even ask family members what they think about beards. Everyone is different, but getting input from people who know you will help you decide if you look hotter with facial hair or if you should stick with being clean shaven.
5. Are you up for the upkeep?
Girls definitely don't like facial hair that isn't well cared for. Beards and mustaches, and all other types of facial hair, require maintenance. You have to trim and shave and make sure your beard doesn't gather tons of gross food when you're eating. Girls will notice if you let your beard go without proper care, so if you don't want the hassle of keeping up with your facial hair, don't bother growing it.
6. Mustache or no mustache
Some girls find mustaches to be a little creepy when they're not paired with other facial hair. Some styles do work, and it depends a lot on the person. There are a ton of styles of mustaches that you can choose from, so pick the one that works best for your face. Handlebar mustaches seem to be making a comeback and they're a ton of fun and great conversation starters. They do take some maintenance, though, so if you're a grow it and forget it kind of guy, pick one of the styles that requires less work. Avoid an overly thin mustache or a mustache that is patchy even after you've spent some time growing it out. Girls do dig some mustaches, as long as it doesn't make you look weird!
7. Facial hair is manly
A lot of girls like a guy who looks masculine and facial hair can definitely do that. If you have a natural baby face, growing facial hair can up your masculinity factor and make you even more attractive to girls. If you're worried about looking manly enough for girls, facial hair is a good way to help.
8. Girls like to touch beards
While some facial hair feels weird against girls' skin, beards are fun for girls to touch. Stubble can be stroked but it'll be scratchy. Beards can be tugged and played with just like the hair on your head, and it makes for a fun, sexy addition to your intimacy. Beards can make kissing, touching, and sex hotter when they're long enough to play with.
9. Clean shaven is boring
Having a fresh, clean face without any stubble or facial hair is totally boring. First of all, smooth skin belongs on babies and girls, not guys. Second, guys with facial hair look like they're ready for a good time, not like they're ready to sell you a car. Girls like guys who are both serious and fun, which is what facial hair does. Plus, like mentioned earlier, it gives her yet another thing to do with her hands to make things more entertaining when you're intimate. If you have the ability to grow sexy facial hair, do it. It'll keep your face from looking boring and let girls know you're a fun guy who can be serious, too.
10. Facial hair should be on the lower half of your face
Facial hair is totally sexy, as long as it means a beard, a mustache, or even side burns in some cases. The rest of your face should be well groomed, though. Girls don't like guys with unibrows or bad haircuts. Spend as much time on the rest of your face as you do on your beard. If you can't handle maintenance on your eyebrows and hair, don't try growing a beard and adding to your morning routine. Girls will prefer a really well groomed upper half of your head and will be able to look past your clean shaven lower half. But if you have nice facial and terrible hair/brows, that's a total deal breaker for girls.
11. Soul patches are a hard no
No one looks good with a soul patch. Even if you think you do, you don't. Girls don't like this style of facial hair and they'll judge you if you try to grow it. Your soul patch makes it look like you're trying way too hard and it doesn't do anything to make you look good. If anything, it brings your attractiveness down a level. If you're going to grow facial hair, go for a full beard, or stubble, but don't both with a soul patch. Girls will thank you for avoiding this terrible facial hair style.
12. Live up to your beard
A sexy beard can only do so much if your personality and other looks don't match it. Make sure that when you grow your beard, it fits with who you are. Growing a long lumberjack beard when you work a desk job? Probably not a smart idea. Super clean stubble when you're actually a lumberjack? It just doesn't fit the image. Nothing is more disappointing when girls fall for your beard only to discover it's a lie. Wear your beard proudly and make it an extension of your personality, not a cover up.
13. It doesn't have to be a beard
Stubble is still facial hair. If you want the facial hair without the effort required for a full beard, just don't shave as often. A few days of stubble is sexy on a guy's face and girls can tolerate the prickly feeling for a little while, at least until you shave again only to start all over. This also gives you the opportunity to change things up with how you shave before committing to a full version of any style of facial hair. The same goes for a mustache. Grow some stubble, as long as you don't look super creepy, just to figure out if you like having a mustache. You can always shave instead of committing to grow it longer, or shave different styles until you find the one that works for you.
14. Do your grooming at home
Don't be the guy who combs his beard over dinner. It's gross and not necessary. You can take care of all of that when you're at home and then show up to your date looking exactly how you want girls to see you. You wouldn't want girls to show up on dates and start doing their makeup over dinner, would you? Or, even worse, imagine if she took out a razor and shaved her legs during dinner. If you wouldn't want her to do it, you shouldn't do it either! If you're worried that you don't have the time or energy to maintain a beard when you're home and need to get things taken care of, a beard probably isn't for you.
15. When it comes down to it, it's up to you
If you're looking for a relationship, or you're already in one, you should absolutely think about what a girl wants in terms of your facial hair. But when it comes down to it, it's really up to you whether or not you grow facial hair and how you maintain it. Girls will appreciate that you put effort into considering their feelings and in the end; they want you to be happy with your appearance as much as they're happy with your appearance. Definitely think about potential girlfriends when you're considering facial hair, but remember it has to be on your face, so you have to like it, too.
So what do girls think about facial hair?
Facial hair is one of those things that girls have different opinions on. Some girls love it and won't date a guy who doesn't have the right kind of beard. Some don't care either way. And even others won't date a guy that has facial hair at all. Take these fifteen things into consideration when you're planning your own facial hair to ensure you're growing the kind of facial hair that girls will find irresistible.