7 Traits of a Sigma Male and How to Become One of Them

7 Traits of a Sigma Male and How to Become One of Them

A Sigma male is mysterious and very attractive! Be one now!

By Fred S.
7 Traits of a Sigma Male and How to Become One of Them

Whenever male personality types are talked about, two contrasting classifications standout as the most popular ones; Alpha males and Beta males. It’s common knowledge that these two groups in the male hierarchy are complete polar opposites of one another.

If you come across a male that doesn’t fit into either one of these descriptions, but split the difference and live somewhere in between, they could very well be a sigma male! But you can’t know for sure unless you find out what the sigma personality type is all about, and the qualities it possesses. So without further ado, let’s get right into it!

What is a Sigma Male?

A sigma male is essentially an Alpha who’s mainly introverted, and prefers to live his life the way he wants it. He’s got contrasting characteristics that find their home in either one of the two major classifications of males, i.e. the Alpha and Beta. What makes them stand out is the perfect combination of the best traits each extreme class has to offer, making their personality easily stand out from a group.

A man belonging to the Sigma type isn’t easy to decipher, he’s typically a lot more than meets the eye. You’re gonna have to dig through layers of complexity to see the guy’s true personality shine, which might be more unique than you’d assume.

Unlike a true Alpha male, a Sigma wouldn’t necessarily want to be the dead center of attention. You’ll rarely see him approaching a girl head-on or doing funny stuff to gain the group’s attention – that’s just not him. He’ll lay low, so much so that he may even come off as uninteresting or boring, but that’s far from true. Once you dig deeper into his personality and see beneath the walls he’s built socially, his independence and silent charm might just blow you away.

His blatant disregard for caring about the opinions of the group and self-sufficiency can be downright attractive. These men will just go around being their own selves, not even paying heed to whether or not they’re getting any attention or approval.

7 Traits of a Sigma Male

1. Independence

If you’re of the opinion that this guy actually needs you in his life, you’re wrong. His dominance doesn’t allow him to get influenced by people, he’ll always do things the way he likes. No expectations or traditions can bind such men, and they’ll always do their own thing unbothered by social norms.

Often tagged as being anti-social, they couldn’t care less about social structures. You could do anything but change a Sigma male because he’s anything but a people pleaser. Sigma men are lone wolves who simply don’t require other people to give meaning to their lives, they’re enough for it on their own. Truth is, he can always make it on his own, no matter what happens.

2. Introspection

A Sigma male will always be hungry for self-improvement, and looking to make better decisions as he moves forward in life. He knows himself super well, and conserves his time and energy for himself instead of spending it mingling in social circles. He analyzes himself deeply and rarely makes a decision impulsively, he’ll think it all the way through.

Such men have an alarm for extensive drama and won’t ever get drawn into it, this stems from their overthinking habits and their ability to handle situations effortlessly. They live their lives inside their mind and never stop working on improving themselves.

In no way does this mean that these are perfect decision makers that are mistake-proof, no, they’re humans too. But making a wrong choice is often improbable because of the thorough thinking and reasoning they practice before making serious commitments. When it does go wrong though, he’s quick to learn from it and rarely ever repeats the same mistake over and over again.

3. Silence

Sigma males aren’t seen talking a lot, and that’s why they won’t impress you at first glance. He’s not someone to throw compliments at you to gain your affection, and doesn’t resort to empty phrases or small talk to keep a convo going. He’d rather remain silent unless he has something of value to say that he knows the group would be able to appreciate. Their introverts, and they won’t ever talk solely to get noticed or to fill silence.

However, if you do find such a man addressing you one-on-one or talking about something particularly with him then he’s intrigued by you. Prepare to be flattered and impressed because you’ve piqued his interest! Whatever he tells you in seriousness will have a deeper meaning, and he’s not the type to just say things without a reason behind it.

Just like before every decision they make, they take their time to think their responses through too. Give him time to respond and he’ll hit you with a thought-provoking reply. Also, his general silence shouldn’t be mistaken for shyness, he just doesn’t care all that much about talking for the heck of it.

4. Intelligence

What makes a Sigma male stand out the most is his spontaneous wit and super high IQ. This stems from his strong desire for constant self-improvement, making them well-informed, educated, and blessed with natural intelligence. They’re super observant and masters at analyzing experiences, expressions and situations like other people couldn’t. They learn from not just their own mistakes, but those of others too – and see other’s failures as a tactical advantage for them to learn without taking a fall.

He’s not afraid to ask questions if a certain topic interests him. He won’t hesitate to look for the answer to his curiosity. He’s a quick learned and never stops gaining more and more knowledge about the world around him, and the stuff that affects him. Such men might not be known for their social skills, but the brains they possess.

5. Confidence

While an Alpha male makes sure everybody knows just how ‘amazing’ he is, being the dominant extrovert he is, the Sigma type is a dominant introvert. He doesn’t feel the need to be known for the capabilities he possesses, neither does he want to be loud just to feel better about himself. On some days though, you’ll find him brighter than anybody in the group – almost as if it’s their drunk personality, but that’s just him enjoying a social twist, making everyone laugh uncontrollably while he’s at it.

He doesn’t care about popularity in the group or online, he’s fine knowing himself just how much he’s worth. He won’t try to convince others about his abilities or look to prove them wrong, knowing that he’s right within himself suffices. Social media isn’t the source of his high self-esteem, neither is other people’s approval.

They’ll only ever listen to what their brain tells them, which are usually positive affirmations which stem from the well thought-out decisions they’ve always taken. This makes it almost impossible for anything to convince them that they’re not enough, because they always will be.

6. Loners

The need to blend in might be a popular one among people, but not when it comes to Sigma males in particular. He’s not bothered about whether he blends in or not, nor does he feel the need to be dominant or stand out in social situations. Following trends just isn’t for him, and they don’t understand why people could ever drool over-popularity. He’s a true loner, and doesn’t even feel the need to vent when he’s sad or heartbroken – don’t get me wrong, he’ll feel it deeply, but doesn’t see the point in venting and would rather spend time alone.

Some might think that such a man doesn’t have close friends, but they actually do socialize openly with people that actually spark an interest within him. He’s got a good eye for spotting unique people in a room, and nothing intrigues him more than unfiltered originality. With such people, he’ll be happy to invest his time and energy in an eventful day out. But building friendships with people just for the sake of socializing doesn’t make sense to him, and would rather stay a loner for years on.

The most important thing to note here is that no matter how close you might be with him or how much importance you have in his life, a true Sigma male puts his privacy and space above anything else. He’ll always need some time away from everyone, organizing his feelings, thoughts, without the slightest bit of interference.

7. Sigma males can control a room

Sigmas may not be similar to the Alpha type, but they surely can control a room just as well, just more subtly. People get drawn to listen to them more because they speak less. Their mysterious vibes ironically make people trust in their choices and wisdom, which often turns out to be the right decision. Alpha males control a room by actively trying to gain attention, but a Sigma will draw more attention progressively without even trying.

Famous Sigma Males

Combinations of Fictional and Real Examples

James Bond and Elon Musk

Source: https://live.staticflickr.com

No matter how difficult the task at hand might be, if they set their mind to it, you can bet on its completion. They’re not talkers, and don’t care if you don’t believe in their ability to get it done – they’ll get it done and not even care about your reaction. Socially, they’re silent and have no desire to control the atmosphere by being loud.

Jason Bourne and Steve Jobs

Source: https://live.staticflickr.com/6220/6216457030_2cf0aff09d_z.jpg

A sigma male is not truly attached to anything except for a mission or goal they’re passionate about. Jason Bourne, though frictional, takes every decision with a careful thought process behind it, and never just ‘winging it’ and hoping for the best. That’s what makes a Sigma male distinct among the rest – never failing to tie up loose ends before committing.

Captain Jack Sparrow and Keanu Reeves

Source: https://img.cinemablend.com

This character is possibly the best representation of how a Sigma male attracts the attention of people without even wanting, caring, or trying for it. His silent charm, unmatched intelligence and spontaneous wits are enough for people to see him as a leader, even though he possesses little to no qualities of an Alpha. That’s a Sigma male summed up in a nutshell.

How can you eventually become a Sigma Male

In complete honesty, it’s best to point out that none of us gets to choose which personality we’re naturally blessed with. Each type has its own pros and cons, and people are a combination of their natural qualities and hard-built habits. However, it’s true that you can start working towards a different personality type if you really commit hard for it. This is because while you may not be able to control natural qualities, the habits are in your hands.

To transform into a Sigma, you’ll need to start incorporating elements of the traits we’ve listed above into your daily life. Isolation would need to become your comfort zone, rather than a source of boredom. Independence would need to come naturally, with a disregard for peoples’ approval and attention. It all takes time, but read into more and more details about a Sigma male and start building habits that adopt them. With time, you should be able to possess most of their key qualities!

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Alphas are naturally extroverts, who lead and crave to be under a massive spotlight in social situations.  Beta man, on the other hand, are more comfortable living in the shadows. They’re happy to follow others and find themselves going with the flow more often than not. But, not every man will find a perfect description of themselves within these two groups. What happens to the outliers? They could be Sigma males. This article goes into deep details about the traits they possess and their way of thinking, to tell you all you need to know about them!