16 Tips On How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Long distance relationships are a test for each pair, but with our tips and advice, you can learn some ways to make it easier to survive this period.

By Vera Aries
16 Tips On How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are often a challenge and sometimes very difficult to sustain. So, you will need some tips to help you stay together with your partner and keep the connection, even though you are miles away. Long distance relationships and romance of such a connection is a modern phenomenon. Even thousands of miles apart, a couple does not have to break the romantic relationship. But long distance relationships have unique difficulties. Will the relationship survive, largely depends on whether two people who are trying to maintain the relationship are ready to make some compromise. They need to adopt some basic advice and tricks for such a relationship and also forget about the quote: Far from their eyes far from the heart. But on the contrary, this kind of long distance couple needs to find some ways how the distance can make their relationship stronger.

Long distance relationships are accompanied by the voice that they rarely survive, but some networking experts disagree with this thesis. In their opinion for such a relationship to survive, it is important for both sides to be aware of what they are embarking on and wanting to work on. If you have a long distance relationship or an opportunity to get into such a thing, do not worry, experts come in. With the help of their tips, you can save your relationship and make it work. Here are some advice and tricks that they recommend, in order to make the long distance relationships survive the hard times:

1. Take Advantage Of Modern Communication Methods

Nowadays, long distance relationships are more usual. With today's modern technology, it is not difficult to maintain contact, so take advantage of them. Of course, this will not always be the cheapest solution, but it's a good investment, because it's the best way to make long distance connections. The good news is that with the development of modern technologies, your messages and calls do not have to be limited to mobile phones. To minimize costs, take advantage of other services and applications, such as Viber, Facebook, messenger, Skype and so on. Modern lifestyle and everyday obligations often lead to not having distance communication. By using modern communication methods, you and your partner can stay close even though you are physically far from each other. Communication is definitely the key to any connection, and it is certainly crucial in long distance relationship. The distance connection lives on communication, so it is necessary, in this relationship, to separate the necessary time to talk each day, whether it's a phone call or an internet video call. If you spend a little time at home, make sure your mobile company offers the best prices for long-distance international calls. Conversations will help you not to burn out and to maintain a fire in your relationship.

2. Use Some Tricks To Keep The Romance

Since you and your darling can not be together every day, it is essential that you keep your love-strokes with little signs of attention. Use some romantic tricks to point out love through small things, send a gift to your lover, dedicate a song, etc. Your love will surely enjoy this gift and what you think about it and how far you are. Probably your partner will return you the romantic gesture and will do a similar thing to show you how special you are. Romantic things make the partners closer in the long distance relationships.

3. Visit Each Other As Often As Possible

Snow kisses @styleitwithtrix

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Long distance relationships include traveling and visiting your beloved. Of course, both sides should take part and return the visit so that there will be no dissatisfaction. In this way, you will avoid the feeling that only one side is trying to make the relationship survive.

4. Be Flexible in The Long Distance Relationships

You will surely find the obstacle on this road, but do not despair. Since you and your partner live separately and in different places, it is important to continue with your daily life. This will help you make the relationship work and, full understanding and flexible. Sometimes there may be a change in the plan, something going on at work or an emergency in the family, and you will not be able to be there when your partner wishes, but that is normal. If your partner has to cancel the trip, do not make a drama, of course, unless this happens often. Keep in mind that you have accepted the long distance relationship and that the cancellation is at the last minute a part of the package. To make long distance relationships work, both partners must be flexible. Things will not always go as you imagined them. At the start you have to realize that the long distance relationship is a difficult task, you will encounter obstacles, so you have to be ready to face them and move on. Be prepared for the unexpected, and never let yourself disappoint you out of the way. Have a little more spontaneous approach and everything will be fine.

Matching kicks. @swesneakers

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5. Be Sincere To Your Partner

The simplest advice you will get, in order to make your long distance relationship function well, is to be honest. Honesty is of vital importance in every relationship, in order to build a happy and healthy connection with your partner. But in this case, in the long distance relationship, the honesty of the partners is more important than anything else. Long-distance relationships depend largely on the ability to communicate honestly and resolve issues. Is it more important for your partner the match on the TV or talking to you? Or is it for you better to chat with your friends on coffee rather than having a loud phone conversation with tour partner on the phone? Do not ignore the distance, and try to spend some time in communication with your partner. Try to be honest with your partner as this can only solve the problems. Tell your partner honestly where and how you spend your free time. You wouldn't like to lie that you went to bed last night, and then he sees some photos on Facebook of you partying. The honesty and good communication is the only key of successful long distance relationship.

6. Trust Each Other

To make the long distance relationships work, both partners must trust each other. The most likely reason for your long distance relationship to not succeed is the lack of trust. If you sit at home and wonder what your dear is doing in another city or state - then you have a problem. Without the honesty and trust there is not a relationship that will last, especially not a long distance relationship, where the partner is not so often by your side. If you are terribly upset when the phone line of your beloved is busy and if you are sure that he is having a loving conversation with someone else, then you still have a problem. You have to wonder if your dear gave you reasons for thinking in this manner or are the reasons from a past relationship with another person? If you have a problem with believing the sustainability of the long distance relationship, then you have to do something urgently. You should talk about this with your partner and you should both try to build a relationship where you will trust each other. Find a way to tell how you spend the day and what you were doing, so you could stop questioning yourself every second where is he, with whom and why.

7. Optimism Needed The Long Distance Relationships

If you want your long distance relationship to succeed, you need to be optimistic, positive, so you have to see the glass as half full and not empty. Do not despair or look at things negatively. When you feel sad and disappointed because you cannot see your beloved one, does not mean that you did not love him. Use the passion and plan how your next encounter will be romantic and even if it is distant for months. Write a calendar date for your next meeting and count the days. You will be able to look positively forward. Although the long distance relationships are much more demanding than the traditional relationships, that does not mean it will fail. People who are in a relationship with a long distance partner have learnt to appreciate moments spent together and are not taken for granted. People in long distance relationships learn to be more open and more communicative, grateful, confidential and independent. Watch your long distance connection as a chance to get to know the partner, but also yourself.

8. Agree On Your Obligations

Who are you kissing at midnight?💋 @grlwithbangs @grlwithbangs

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If you want your long distance relationship to work, you need both to agree on the level of commitment you expect from your relationship. If one of you is experiencing a serious relationship, and the other just wants to have fun then there will definitely be problems. So to begin with, it is very important that both you expect the same things from your relationship. Talk seriously to your partner before getting into a long distance relationship; communicate honestly and openly about your views of the relationship. Of course, it is important to immediately put your relationship at the beginning as a solid foundation for the future in order to avoid disappointment.

9. Make Some Compromises

In order to make long distance relationships work, both partners must make some compromises. Readiness to compromise is a very important element of a successful long distance relationship. Common time, and even that spent on the phone is certainly essential for your relationship. Be prepared to turn off your favorite show or, in his case, a crucial match on TV when in order to spend some time online talking with your other half.

10. Be Present At Important Events

Fashionnnn @styleitwithtrix

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One of the reasons why we decided on a long term relationship is the fact that we want to have someone with whom we will share the good and bad moments together. The presence on important events is just one way to show your partner that he means to you. So, give your best to be there for your partner when something important happens in his life. For an example, his sister's wedding or celebrating his promotion, maybe his birthday, etc. This way you will make a pleasant surprise for him and also show him how much he means to you.

11.Freedom Of Long Distance Relationships

In many relationships we completely surrender to our partner and soon our hobbies, exit places, friends ... we forget. Many are lost in these "common" things - they are deprived of individuality and live the life of a partner. Your greatest predilection in long distance relationships is, in addition to finding the love of your life, and still you can enjoy your own life. However, the purpose of each relationship is compromise, not just sacrifice, right?

12. Long Distance Relationships Need Basic Rules

Now who wants to match w/ babe? @Omeregozi 💋 @Tamarfuss

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The long distance relationship requires specific rules that you and your partner need to set up and follow for them. One of the essential things is to clear how often you are seeing each other and how often you will talk online to each other. Keep in mind that 70% of couples who do not have basic rules end the relationship within 6 months. The organization may be the most important item on this list. You would certainly not feel well to send a message to your partner and get the answer in a few hours or even the next day. This problem is possible especially if your partner travels to another time zone. Find out what his schedule is and listen to him. It would also not be good for you to disregard your obligations, and inform your partner of your schedule and work.

13. Express Your Emotions

When you are in a long distance relationship it's harder to show your emotions, so tell your partner more often how you feel about him, that you love him and need him. Your relationship will be better if you bring in it something romantic and emotional.

14. . Keep Excitement In Long Distance Relationships

Sunsets with you ❤️ @carleighelise @g

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It does not matter just to contact daily - it is important what you talk about, as well as telling small secrets that will help you to feel close to each other, so that things work among you. It can easily happen to you to fall into the routine of persuading the contents of the day behind you or repeating how much you miss each other. There is nothing wrong with it, but it's also important to include some exciting episode in order to avoid monotony. Long-distance relationships are most often missing those sexy, silly moments that make you crazy one after the other - for example when he challenge it or suddenly decide to take you to a nearby town in the afternoon by the river. And the experts confirm how important it is to find a way to maintain this element in moments of separation - which means that you have to become creative.

15. Support Your Partner

Be here for your long distance partner, especially when there are some difficult times and when your partner needs a conversation with his loved one. Support him in his plans, ideas or career wishes. Be the biggest fan and the greatest support for your partner. Although you are in a long distance relationship and you cannot always hug your partner when times are difficult, you can always be a support for him and have some time for deep night talk.

16. Simple Advice : Do Not Give Up

The long distance is really a tough job in a relationship, but do not just watch the negative things because it can leave the relationship to an end. Devote yourself to positive thoughts and appreciate every moment you spend with your partner.

Final Word

Nowadays, long distance relationships are not an unusual occurrence. Many people go to other cities to study, or move for a new job. Plus, modern technology is in favor of this trend and allows people to be in constant contact, so they increasingly accept long distance relationship if they find themselves in such a choice in life. But maintaining a relationship can be unexpectedly difficult if you do not respect certain key aspects that uplift your relationship. Unfortunately, many long distance relationships under the pressure of separation and the distance break up, but, believe it or not, it is not difficult to maintain this kind of relationship with the right mood. Sometimes long distance relationships can be good for the partners, because you get a chance of missing each other. However, no matter how in love you are, you still need to do some creative tips and tricks to stay in a long distance relationship. You will find a lot of tips or tricks on the internet that will tell you how to behave in your long distance relationship. Also, with this 16 advice above, you can make your long distance relationship to survive the hard times. It all depends on you and your will to make this relationship last. Remember: When it comes to love, everything is possible.