20 Unmistakable Signs He's Just Not That Into You

20 Unmistakable Signs He's Just Not That Into You

Sometimes you might be with a guy who does not bring out his intentions clearly. Here are the signs to tell you if he loves you or he is just not into you.

By Dagmar Thomson
20 Unmistakable Signs He's Just Not That Into You

20 Unmistakable Signs He’s just not that Into You

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It does not matter what age or level of dating experience you have, reading a man’s interest in you is a struggle. Many men love to be mysterious. They keep every part of their life private until they are ready for a relationship. Finding a man who will tell you what his intentions for you are up front is a good thing. However, most men give obvious signs like body language, which tell you if they are into you or not. These signs will help you to avoid relationships that will not last. If you are not sure about the signs your man is sending your way, here are twenty unmistakable signs that will tell you he is just not that into you.

1. He Never Contacts You First

This is always a huge red flag in relationships. When a man is into you, he always wants to talk to you. It always makes him feel good. If he is obsessed with you, he will always keep track of his online apps like Facebook Messenger as he waits for you to come online. There are times when he can restrain himself from calling or texting you so that he does not appear too interested in you. However, he will make an effort to contact you first at times. If you are the one who is always calling or texting first and he never makes an effort to start a conversation, this is a sign that he is not into you.

2. He Never Spends Time with You

This is one of the biggest signs he is not interested in you. If a guy spends time with you, it is because he is into you and he feels really good to be around you. He is happy and positive and gets an exciting feeling in his stomach. This will make him put more effort to spend more time with you. He will not make any excuses to be with you. However, if you find a guy who is always too busy and never puts any effort to see you, it is one of the strongest signs that he is not into you. It could be true that his work keeps him very busy and he is into you, he just does not get the time to spend with you. However, you need to know that such a case is very rare. If he does not have a serious reason why he is not spending time with you, just know that he is not into you.

3. He Does Not Listen To You

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Whenever you talk to him, does it look like he is distracted and his mind is miles away? If this is the case, you need to know that you are not a priority in his life. You will always come as an afterthought even when you are together. A man who is into you will never put you second when you are spending time together. He will be present by talking and listening to whatever you have to say. If he is into you, he will have feelings for you, which will make him pay attention to you when you are together. However, if he sometimes appears distracted, just be understanding and know that he has other things going on in his life. A guy who is never present when you are together, tells you that you are not his number one priority and will never be in the future.

4. He Flirts With Everybody

Unfortunate for anyone who falls for such a guy. It is so easy to be interested in a guy who flirts with you. It makes you feel good and you wonder if he is into you. If he is into you, he will make a move on you. Such a guy is not shy and always goes for what he wants. If he flirts with you but does not make a move, it is a sign that he is not into you. He is just doing what he does best, flirting.

5. Not Being Jealous Is a Sign He Is Not Into You

A guy who is into you will always be sensitive to other guys around you. He will not threaten to fight any guy who checks you out but will pay attention any time you talk about another guy. If you are into a guy and he mentions a female friend, you better believe that you will also become attentive. So, if you are casually dating a guy or just have a crush on him, watch out how he reacts when you talk about having plans with a guy friend. If he becomes attentive and starts asking questions, it means he is jealous and into you. However, if he appears not to care, it is a sign that he is not into you.

6. He Talks About Other Women

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If a guy asks you advice about other women in his life, it is a huge sign that you are just a friend to him. He has no interest in dating you. A guy who is seriously into you would never talk to you about other women he is interested in. However, if you are just casually dating, you are both allowed to see other people. Therefore, it is not wrong if he asks you for advice. Nevertheless, if the dating is serious, it means that the other women are more important to him than you are. This is a sign that he is not into you and you have no future together.

7. You Hang Out When It Works For Him

It is hard to make a guy put in an effort about something unless he wants to. That is why you can find a guy taking time to pick guys in fantasy football but will completely ignore the dishes in the sink. He only cares about defeating his friends in the game and not about cleaning the dishes. If he is into you, he will put some effort to spend time with you like coming over to your place even if it is easier for you to go to his. He will make compromises for you rather than making you compromise for him all the time. If he does not compromise even on the smallest of stuff, it is a sign that he is not into you.

8. You Have Not Met His Friends

If he is into you, you will meet his friends. This is because he wants his friends’ opinions and cares about what they think regarding you. He does not have to plan for you to meet them. It will just happen and you will find yourself spending time with him and his friends. If you never meet his friends and he avoids that possibility, it is a sign that he is not into you. He is never going to be serious about you. This is a sign telling you to be on the lookout for.

9. He Never Touches You in Public

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If a guy loves to kiss, cuddle, and embrace when you are at home but he avoids to hold even your hand in public, you should be alarmed. This is a major body language sign that he is not into you. He does not want to be seen in public with you or he does not want his other lovers to see you together. He might not be aware that his body language is betraying him.

10. He Avoids You Leaving Stuff at His Place

A guy who is into you will be okay with you leaving some essentials at his place if you are constantly there. However, if you cannot leave a toothbrush at his place, be alarmed. It is either that he is an obsessive-compulsive neat freak or he is hiding you from other women in his life. Either way, such a guy is not into you and you should avoid him.

11. He Avoids Making Future Plans Meaning He is Not Into You

If a guy does not make any future plans with you, it is one of the signs that he is not into you. A guy who is interested in you should make plans with you and not include you at the last minute. If you find him squeezing you into a corner of his life and putting his friends first, just know he is not interested in you.

12. He Is Not Interested In Intimacy

A guy who is into you will find you desirable and want to be intimate with you. His body language will let you know that he wants intimacy with you. If he has no interest in being intimate, it is a sign that he is not into you. Go find a man who finds you desirable.

13. He Disappears

When he goes missing for days, weeks, or even months without a good explanation, he is not into you. It means he is seeing other people or does not want to spend time with you. It is one of the signs that you are not a priority in his life.

14. He Encourages You to Date Other People

This is a sure sign that he wants to be free. He does not want to be committed to a relationship. This is his way of sending you signs to let you know that he is not interested in you. A guy who is into you would discourage you from seeing other people. He would let you know that he is into you.

15. He Attends Major Events Alone

There are times when a man wants his independence and privacy but not all the time. If he goes to events you have both been invited to alone, he is trying to pass a message. He does not want you to be too involved in his life. That way he can move on anytime he wants. It is one of the signs that he is not that into you. Therefore, you do not mean that much to him.

16. He Never Cares When You Are In Trouble

Men are providers in nature. A man who is interested in you will go out of his way to bail you out when you are in trouble. One of the signs that he is not interested in you is when he does not care when you are in trouble. If he appears to care less about your problem, it means that he does not consider you part of his life.

17. He Is Not Open Emotionally

If he never opens up to you emotionally, it means he does not want to be emotionally attached to you. It is a sign that shows he has no interest in you. He will just talk about facts and the current events that everyone is talking about.

18. He Treats You like Everyone Else


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One of the sure signs that he has no interest in you is when he treats you like everyone else. He does not value you like someone special in his life. This will make you know that you are in the friend zone and it is not going to change. If he were into you, he would be going out of his way to make you feel special.

19. He Rudely Ignores Your Ideas

It is obvious that a guy might not agree with all your ideas, but still should care. If you find him rudely shooting down your ideas or ignoring them, it means he does not think much of you. It is a sign that he does not care about your point of view, and you should just keep them to yourself. He is not that into you and you should not waste your time with such a person.

20. You Have a Gut Feeling

You need to know that a gut feeling is never wrong. When you have a feeling that he is not that into you, you are probably right. You get this feeling if he has been sending signs your way that says he is not interested in you. Your instincts notice these signs and warn you to back off. Relationships are tiring at times. If your guy is sending you signs that he is not that into you, just be strong and move on. Remember that there are many guys out there and one of them could be your Mr. Right.