Will He Come Back To You After A Breakup? Maybe. Here's Why
You and your boyfriend broke up, and now you're wondering if he might come back. Here is what to consider before taking him back.
Jul 24, 2018

Will He Come Back After The Break Up?
A break up is hard, especially when you were truly in love. Whether he was the one to dump you or you dumped him, sometimes you can't help but miss him. If you miss your ex, he may still come back. Here are some reasons why your ex boyfriend might come back after the break up.
His Life Isn't The Same After Break Up
One of the main reasons he might come back after the break up is that his life just isn't the same without you. He thought he had to dump you to better his life, but it ended up making him miss you even more. He won't realize he still loves you until something makes him laugh and he can't share it with you. This reason is going to be even stronger if you've cut off all contact with your ex. Sometimes it's better not to still talk to your ex after you've broken up, but it can also make you and your ex realize how much you miss each other. When you can't be in contact at all, it's easy to find your life missing the love you had before. If he feels like his life isn't as good now as it was when you were in it, he may change his mind about the break up and try to come back. He may also want to come back after the break up if he finds that his life is not as fulfilling without you in it. When this happens, he will see that the love you had for each other was strong and the he wouldn't miss you so much if you were together again. Sometimes life is better together, and once he realizes that, he'll want to come back.
He's A Different Guy After Break Up
Sometimes it takes space to develop yourself into a better person. Maybe all it took was being dumped for your boyfriend to change his ways. If he wants to come back after the break up, it may be because he's a different person than he was when you were in love. This is especially true if the break up happened because something about your ex made it hard to love him and even harder to miss him. He likely realized when you were apart that he had to change himself for the better in order for you to let him come back into your life. This could be something physical, like losing weight or changing his hair style, or something emotional, like seeking help for emotional issues or learning to talk about his feelings rather than letting it stew. If he has gone to great lengths to better himself, he will probably want to end the break up and come back. If your ex boyfriend tries to contact you after the break up, this will likely be one of the main reasons. He probably misses you enough to become a better person after you dumped him.
You're A Different Girl Post Break Up
On the other side, maybe your ex wants to come back after the break up because he sees that you have become a different girl than you were when you were dating. He might contact you if he sees positive changes in you because it reminds him how much he misses and loves you. Like with the changes in him, the changes in you can be physical or emotional. There are times when it takes a dumping to show you the parts of you that you don't always like. Maybe you think you should eat healthier and exercise to become a healthier person physically. Or maybe you want to see a therapist or talk with friends more to free your mind mentally. When your ex sees that you have put in effort to better yourself, he's definitely going to miss you and try to come back. It might also inspire him to put in the effort to better himself so that if he does come back after the break up, you're open to trying again.
He Regrets The Break Up
Regret is the biggest reason your ex will want to come back after the break up. It is usually a combination of everything else on this list that makes him regret ever dumping you (or that makes him wish you hadn't dumped him). He'll try to contact you to tell you that he wishes the break up never happened and he wants to come back. Regret is a hard thing to handle, and while it might be the most likely reason for him to want to come back after the break up, it's probably the worst one, too. Usually he'll want to come back because of regret because he can't stop thinking about what it would have been like if you hadn't broken up. However, 'what if' is the worst reason to get back together with someone. The regret has to be only part of why he wants to come back to make the relationship worth trying again. If regret is part of the reason he wants to come back, he'll probably contact you when he's drunk or extremely lonely to tell you that he regrets the break up. This is a major sign that he's not ready to come back because he wants to come back for the wrong reasons. It's not that he loves you, it's that he regrets the break up and is afraid to live with that regret.
He Wants To Come Back After Break Up
If your guy wants to come back after your break up, sometimes it's as simple as him just wanting to come back. A lot of guys will do whatever they want, so if they want to get back together they'll simply come back and ask you if you still love them. The problem with this is that there's nothing stopping him from wanting to leave. This reason for coming back is the most likely one that will lead to your ex leaving and coming back over and over again. A guy who comes back after a break up because he feels like it is the kind of guy who will walk all over you and ignore your feelings. He won't stay around long, and you'll be stuck missing him again. If your guy only comes back because he wants to and not because he loves and misses you, don't let him in the door.
Sex, Post The Break Up
Let's face it, most guys really like sex, break up or no break up! One of their favorite things about being in a relationship is that they get consistent sex. When you break up, he probably won't be getting the same amount of sex as he was when you were in the relationship, so he'll want to come back. Your ex will probably be okay on his own for a while. He'll enjoy random hookups and getting himself off to fulfill his sexual needs. However, eventually he's going to miss the sex that he was having with you. It may have been the best sex of his life or he just misses the emotional connection that came with sex with a romantic partner. Either way, once your ex realizes that sex with other people isn't as good as sex with you, he'll probably want to come back. Chances are you're missing the sex as much as he is, so when he comes back you'll be tempted to try a friends with benefits or purely sexual relationship. Don't just let your ex come back after a break up for sex. It's a relationship or it's nothing! You can both find better people to sleep with who aren't just using you for the night.
Loneliness Of A Break Up
When your ex is sitting in his room alone at night trying to fall asleep, that's when he's most likely to miss you. It's not just about the sex, but t's about having someone beside you to talk to and share your life with. If your ex feels lonely, he might want to come back after the break up. The thing about loneliness is that sometimes it is used interchangeably with love. Loneliness and love are not the same things, though. After a break up, it is natural to feel lonely. You've gone from being with someone to not having a romantic partner. This is a hard transition to make, and it's easy to feel like you're still in love with your ex because you're lonely without them. If your ex wants to come back out of loneliness, you both need to take a step back and ask yourselves if you're still in love or if he's just lonely and wants a partner. If your ex just wants to come back because he's lonely, it's more about the partnership than it is about you. You want to be with someone who loves and misses you, not your company. If loneliness is the only problem, your ex should get some new friends and the break up should stay a break up.
The Break Up Was A Mistake
Sometimes your ex will try to come back after a break up because he thinks the break up was a mistake. He will probably contact you with a million apologies for dumping you or begging for forgiveness after you dumped him. Either way, he thinks the break up was a mistake and you should get back together. The most likely reason your ex thinks the break up was a mistake is that the break up came from an argument or a specific event. Rather than the two of you deciding your relationship isn't working and you should see other people, you had a major blow out that ended in tears and a break up. You were both emotional and angry and the break up was a spontaneous decision. When people break up because of an argument, they're very likely to get back together. Your ex will want to come back if he thinks the break up was a mistake, and you'll have to talk about the argument or event that lead to the break up in the first place. If it was something simple like a small argument that got out of hand, strong communication can fix the problem and your relationship can return stronger than ever. If the relationship ended because of something more extreme, like cheating, then you both need to really consider whether or not the break up was a mistake. If you do decide to get back together, make sure you're open with each other. And remember, this is a second chance, so one strike and he's out.
You're Better Together So Forget The Break Up
Some people really are meant to be together. It's not that you're lonely when you're alone; you just know that you and your ex bring out the best in each other. When you're together, nothing can stop you. It won't take long for your ex to realize that he misses you and that he needs to be with you to be his best self. He'll figure out that you make him better and that together you can do anything you set your minds to. Once he realizes this, he's going to want to come back. This situation can't be one sided. If your ex contacts you saying that he thinks you should get back together because you're better as a team, make sure you feel the same way. It's awesome to feel like someone needs you and that you have made a huge impact on someone's life, but you can't work as a team if only one person is playing. You have to agree that you're better together. If you do, getting back into your relationship will make you better people and you'll be stronger than ever. When you're better with someone else, you should be with that person. You will both feel like you're missing something when you're apart, like there's a huge part of your life that isn't whole when you're not together. If that's the case, you really are better together, so when your ex comes back after the break up, it's okay to let him in.
You Let Him Come Back Post The Break Up
The easiest way for your ex to come back after the break up is if you let him. He doesn't have to do anything to convince you that he's changed or that he deserves another chance, you just let him back into your life without a second thought. This is okay if the reason you broke up is silly and you wish it had never happened. If you're still in love with your ex boyfriend and you want him back, you can let him. However, if you broke up because your ex is a jerk and you're just letting him prance right back into your life and your heartβ¦take a step back and decide if this is really the best idea for both of you. He hurt you once, and he'll probably hurt you again. Don't let him walk all over you and just come back because you're not putting up any walls to protect yourself. Unless your ex deserves your love and forgiveness, you shouldn't just let him come back without making him work for it. If he screwed up the first time, he has to apologize and grovel before you let him in. But if things ended over something ridiculous, or the break up was your fault, and you wish you hadn't ended it, then letting him come back is the best thing you can do for both of you.
Things To Consider Before You Allow Him To Come Back
No matter what his reasons are for trying to come back after the break up, you have to ask yourself if you really want to get back together with your ex. Here are some things to consider before you allow him to return to your life. 1. Are you happier without him? Think about your life since your ex became your ex and decide if you were better without him as your boyfriend. If you've been happier without the relationship than you were in the relationship, you shouldn't let him come back. 2. Did you break up with him or did he break up with you? If you broke up with him, you have to decide if your reason for the break up still stands. If it doesn't, get back together. If it does, send him away. If he broke up with you, then he's the one deciding if the reason still stands. Chances are, he's trying to come back because he regrets breaking up with you and you can take him back. 3. Have either of you seen someone else since the break up? If you've both had relationships since the break up, you have to look at why those relationships didn't last. Were you both still hung up on each other? If you were, you should get back together. If it was something else, work on yourselves before jumping back into the relationship with your ex. Consider all of these questions, and any other hesitations you have, before you get back together with your ex!
Should You Let Your Boyfriend Back In After A Break Up?
Getting back with your ex isn't a light decision for you to make. Be sure to consider these reasons and questions carefully before you get back together, and take your time. You don't want to rush into anything! But it might be worth it to get back together if you both agree to give things another try, as long as you take it slow!