10 Ways to Get Out Of a Bad Relationship

There are many people out there who are stuck in bad relationships and don't know how to leave. Find out how you can actually walk out of such relationships.

By Dagmar Thomson
10 Ways to Get Out Of a Bad Relationship

10 Ways to Get Out Of a Bad Relationship

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There are times you can find yourself in a relationship that is unhealthy and makes you miserable more times than it makes you happy. You know in your heart that the relationship is bad for you, yet you find yourself still holding on to it. Ending a bad relationship and becoming independent is one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. If you and your partner are always fighting, it is highly unlikely that you will have a happy ending. Leaving the relationship with your dignity still in place and being positive about the future is the best thing you can hope to have in the end. You deserve to be loved and if your partner is not giving it to you, then you should look for it somewhere else. Avoid being codependent. Here are some of the ways you can get out of a bad relationship and become codependent.

1. Never Settle In a Bad Relationship

You have been in many relationships, none of which ever worked out, and you are tired of that. Therefore, you decide to stay in the bad relationship you are in- however unhealthy it is. This is the wrong thing to do. You should not stay in a bad relationship with a narcissist or a controlling person just because you are tired of ending relationships. Think about yourself because you deserve nothing but the best. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who makes you happy, loves you the way you are, and lifts your spirits on your worst days. You are beautiful both inside and out and you need to be in a relationship with someone who cherishes you. Remember that there is someone out there waiting for you.

2. Be Honest With Yourself

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To get out of a bad relationship, you first need to be honest with yourself. You need to ask yourself if you are unhappy in the relationship. If the answer is yes, then you should know that it is time to get out of the unhealthy relationship. In addition, being codependent is the worst case scenario and you should get your act together and leave.If your partner is a narcissist or a controlling person, do not lie to yourself by thinking that you can change him or her. Narcissists will never put other people before them and a controlling person will never want to be controlled. Therefore, get out of that bad relationship and stop hurting yourself. You should never sacrifice your happiness for anyone.

3. Keep a Record

If you are not sure whether you want to leave the bad relationship, start keeping a record of things in the relationship that are unhealthy and those that make you feel bad. If your partner is controlling, abusive, or a narcissist, then you deserve to leave the bad relationship. There is no use staying in a relationship where your partner is bad to you but he or she pretends to be good afterwards. Do not let yourself settle for less. If you are constantly unhappy in the relationship, then leave because it is bad for you. You should be in a relationship that makes you happy and that which you can be proud of.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Alone

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This is the worst thing you can ever do. When you avoid ending a bad relationship because you do not want to be alone, then you are missing finding the right person for you. You do not have to stay in an unhealthy relationship simply because you want company. That is what friends are for. You should also learn to be independent and stop being codependent. Go out with your friends and have fun. Join a book club or a cooking class and you will be surprised at how many new friends you are going to make. Enjoy being independent and get to know yourself better. You will be surprised to learn new things about yourself and things you want in a relationship. Leave the folds of the bad relationship and go live your life. Life is too short to spend it crying and being unhappy. Remember that before you got into any relationship, you were alone. Therefore, do not be scared to take that step.

5. Do Not Make Excuses

The most important thing in a relationship is that you should not have an excuse for your partner’s behavior. You should never defend the bad actions of your partner. You should accept and admit that the way he or she is treating you is wrong. People lie or defend their partner to their friends and family since they do not want them to seem as bad as they are. If your partner is a narcissist, abusive, or controlling, do not make up excuses or try to hide his or her actions. Do not think that he or she is ever going to change. If you make excuses and stay in the bad relationship, you are only going to hurt yourself more. Be open about who he or she is and you will be able to avoid such bad relationships in future. If you keep on making excuses for your partner, his or her actions are never going to change. Your partner will keep on treating you badly and you will not be able to escape from the relationship.

6. Identify What Is Holding You Back

All relationships even unhealthy ones tend to offer certain benefits. That is why you find people still putting up with a bad relationship instead of ending it. If you are finding it hard to leave a bad relationship, you need to find out what is keeping you there. It could be your partner still makes you feel attractive even though he or she still disrespects you or you do not want to leave the comfort zone of the relationship. When you know what you are getting from the relationship, it will help you decide if it is worth it being unhappy and staying in the bad relationship. Also, do not stay in a relationship because you are afraid of people judging you. Remember that you are the one who is suffering in the relationship. Even if your partner spreads false information about you when you end the bad relationship, do not go back. It is his or her way of getting back at you; so do not be pulled back into the relationship.

7. Have a Support System

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Ending a relationship, even a bad one is a hard thing to do. There is no need for you to do this alone or you might back down from the decision. Ensure that you have a strong support system from your friends and family. They will ensure that you have the emotional support you need during and at the end of the bad relationship. Just reach out to them and ask them for help during the hard time. Chances are they already knew that you are unhappy in the bad relationship and they were waiting for you to end it. They just did not know how to inform you and were hoping that you would soon realize it. You are guaranteed that they will give you the love and support you need as you move on from the bad relationship. Therefore, take the step that is required to get out of the bad relationship.

8. Take the Plunge

Once you are ready to put an end to the bad relationship, just tell your partner directly. You should avoid breaking up through a text, call, or email unless you fear for your life. Do it in person so that your partner sees how serious you are. Prepare yourself for emotional outburst and blackmail as your partner tries to keep you from ending the relationship. Tell your partner in a calm manner why you want to end the bad relationship. Give him or her time to respond. Listen to what your partner has to say but do not be sucked back into the bad relationship. You should keep in mind that you have made your decision and you are telling your partner out of respect. However bad it hurts you, do it, and move on with your life. One day, you will be thankful for taking that plunge.

9. Take Time to Grieve

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Even if it was your choice to get out of the bad relationship, just know that you will have your share of pain. Do not keep the pain bottled up inside you. It might be too much for you and it might make you get back to the bad relationship. Therefore, take a few days to mourn the relationship however bad it was. Lock yourself indoors, listen to some music, have a good cry, or surround yourself with people. Just do whatever is necessary to get rid of the pain. Grieving will help you to move on and put the bad relationship in the past. You will not harbor any bad feelings towards your partner. You will be able to forgive yourself and your partner.

10. Be Busy

One of the best ways to forget a bad relationship is to get busy. Do something that will keep your mind distracted. Occupy yourself with work and even take some work home. Travel alone or with your friends. In fact, even some tiring routines of domestic life like shopping for grocery and taking out the trash can help occupy your mind. They will keep you busy and prevent you from being cooped up in the house, which can make you lonely and depressed. When you are busy, you will not think about the bad relationship or even think of going back to it. In the course of keeping yourself busy, do not get involved with anyone because it will be a rebound relationship. You will only be trying to distract yourself from the bad relationship you left. You might also find yourself getting involved in another bad relationship. You should avoid hurting the feelings of someone who really cares about you. In order to prevent all these, just avoid getting into another relationship until you are ready to. You do not want to be the cause of another bad relationship. Get the wrong person out of your life. You live in a big world and the right person is out there waiting for you. Do not miss this chance because you are in a bad relationship and are afraid to get out. Take the bold step today and step out.


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