15 Sex Games To Play With Your Significant Other (For Couples)

15 Sex Games To Play With Your Significant Other (For Couples)

Here are 15 sex games for couples to be added in their bucket list. These games will add excitement and spice to their relationship.

By Tanaya Nath
15 Sex Games To Play With Your Significant Other (For Couples)

15 Sex Games To Play With Your Significant Other

Your arms are my garden. Your body is my home. Your soul is my universe.

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It is easy for couples to fall into a routine, and let their bedroom life and relationship get boring as well as monotonous. It takes some creativity and willingness to spice up your sex life. So, if you think you are falling in a monotonous routine and your sex life is taking a backseat, and you want to ramp it up a little, adding some spice to it, here is the idea. Listed below are 15 sex games that will help you in breaking the routine of your sex life and making it interesting. So here we go!

Include Dice Game Of Sex In Your Bucket List

You must have played this game many times before, but this it will be sensational and different. All you need for this game is a sex manual and two dices. Each one you take the turn in throwing dices. Whatever number comes in the dices, open that page number in the sex manual and try what is given. You can also do that with a sex magazine or a hot novel like fifty shades of gray. And apart from dices, you can write down numbers on a page. For choosing the number, close your eyes and run the fingers over the numbers, and stop only when your partner says stop - who will also be there with eyes closed. Whatever number comes, open to that page and try whatever is written. You will see how much fun it can be and how very spicy. This is a wonderful game for couples who are looking to reignite the fire in their sex life. The game is easy and doesn’t need many accessories, just your willingness and an open mind.

The Strip Pong Sex Game

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For this game, use that dining table of yours. Set it up like a beer pong table, just skip the beer part. Get 16 ounce plastic cups and arrange then in the shape of triangle and each end of the table. Get some ping pong balls. Stand at one end and make your partner stand at the other end. Each of you take turns in throwing the ping pong balls in cups at the other end of the table from where you are standing. Every time one puts the ball in the cup, the other removes the cup and one piece of clothing. The one who first put the ball in all the cups can ask the other a sexual favor as well. If you have stripped naked and yet you are willing to play, let the winner ask for a sexual favor of ten seconds. That will surely get you going. This is a wonderful couple game for rekindling the romance in their relationship. Watching a movie or having dinner outside is something that you do every weekend. Someday try playing this game and you will love it for sure and the heat it will ignite between you both will take you to another world of satisfaction altogether.

Tick Off Role Play Sex Game From Your Bucket List

Sexy love the things you do! #hotcouples

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You must have done this at times, but this is not your usual role play game. For this, you will need a large bag and some costume props, like a feather duster for maid, a cheerleader’s skirt, a barmaid’s or a nurse’s dress, a fireman’s hat, a doctor’s coat etc. put your hand in the bag and pull out a costume from it. Whatever costume you get, you will have to do the role play accordingly. There is no harm in indulging yourself in a little role play and some cheesy porn stereotypes. Make the best out of it and as sassy as you can get. This is a game that should be played by couples with an open mind. If you keep deriving some meaning off the actions or the words your partner said or did during the game, it could impact your relationship adversely. So indulge in this game only when you are absolutely sure that nothing could affect your relationship.

The Time Bomb Sex Game

Most couple take foreplay for granted. Some do it like it’s a science or a routine or skip it altogether. This game brings back your focus on the forgotten part of the game, something that used to be so thrilling and exciting when you weren’t living together. So, every couple must keep this game in their ‘to try’ bucket list. It takes your relationship back to the days when you weren’t living together and were looking for little moments of privacy for sneaking a kiss or a little groping or a quickie. Slowing down changes things and you will be surprised how much. It makes you get really creative and really turned on. For this game you need a timer or a clock. Pick an interval, say 15 minutes. For this time interval tease each other with acts like kissing, touching and other foreplay acts. And keep in mind, no matter what, don’t let things go out of that until that much time has passed. It will reignite the fire between you and making things a thrill again.

The Sex Game Of Punishment

The punishment, like spanking could be very hot. When done correctly, it creates a tingly sensation that initiates other feelings of sex. These sensations get all the more interesting if your guy plays with the other displayed boy parts as well. And if you are looking for the best time to use vibrators, this is it. In this game, you need something to be spanked with; his hands will do as well. Begin with telling your partner about all the things you did wrong today. Like you forgot to buy some groceries, you burned some food while cooking; you forgot someone’s name or watched a movie on Netflix without him, etc, come up with stories like these. Then kneel on the bed or if he asks, across his lap. He will spank you for everything that you did wrong today. And he will do other naughty things to you as well. Spanking will not only make you hot but seeing you like this will turn him on as well. Many couples do not like these kind of games, but you don’t have to make it hard and intense if you can’t handle it. Begin with light spanking and if you both are comfortable keep increasing the intensity gradually. If any one of you feels that it is getting a bit out of hand or is making you uncomfortable, you can stop it right then and there. Relationships can be dented if the game is played forcefully and unwillingly.

Bucket List Should Have Park And Pretend Sex Game

If this game is not in your bucket list, you must take a chance on it for sure. It will make your relationship thrilling and more fun than it already is. For this game you will need a car and a parking spot that is secluded, where you won’t be disturbed. You could also pick the spots like your driveway or your garage and the late night. Pretend that one of you is virgin. The other will teach how it’s all done and what to do. It will be a step by step lesson on the ways of using hands, lips and other parts of body for stimulation. Correcting and improving will be a part of the game. It's like going back in the past and having a blast. You will also get to know what your partner likes and how to do it. You will be surprised at the things you will find about your partner and how you have never been able to know that because you have taken each other’s pleasure for granted. It will not only spice up your moment but also add heat to your sex life entirely. These things should be in your bucket list especially after you are going steady in a relationship.

Are Hot Board Sex Games In Your Bucket List?

If you look on internet, you will find different board games. Nah, not the usual board games but the hot ones. Like the board game called hearts are wild. It is a long adventure game for two. It comes with card decks, a game board, a feather tickler, cinnamon massage oil and a blindfold. The set of instructions for the game comes along with the set and you will end up doing more than playing this board game somewhere in the middle I guess. However try getting till the end if you could. Around the world in bed game comes with male and female cutouts and a dart board. Read the instructions to know what to do. There is another board game named bumps and grinds. This game includes stripping, drinking and candlelight. These games could be funny and hot at the same time and a perfect surprise gift for the birthday of your better half or your anniversary.

Play Use The Mouth Game From Your Bucket List

You don’t really need anything for this game, just your imagination, creativity and your body. Let your spouse lie down in the bed with the blindfolds over the eyes. Feed things like strawberries, chocolate and the other food items to the one who has the blindfold and ask to guess the name. Then go one step forward and put one of your body part like fingers, lips etc near the mouth of your blindfolded spouse and ask to be pleasured. Keep changing the parts and let your spouse pleasure you with the blindfold on. You can also tie the hands or just ask not to use them. Take turns in the game. You will find it raises your pleasure and anticipation both. While you are getting pleased, the other will be waiting in anticipation on what will be the next thing for their mouth to taste. Shed all your inhibitions and get bold and creative.

Tick Off Follow The Honey Game From Your Bucket List

All you need for this game is a squeeze bottle of honey and may be some tissues. Now, in whatever place in your body you want your partner to kiss, put a dollop of honey there. You could also make a treasure hunt map towards the final place where you want the magic of your partner’s lip or indicating towards those erogenous zones of your body that are yet to be explored. It could be your navel, your neck, your collarbone or your toes, anything. You could also use the variety of food, like molten chocolate or condensed milk or even cherries and berries. You could also play the game with a flavored lube if you don’t want to include food items. Let your desires lead you.

Include The Sex Task Box Game In Your Bucket List

This game can last as long as you can take, as many days as you want. Get some pieces of paper and write naughty things that you want to try in the pieces, fold them at put them in separate boxes, one for you and one for your partner. It could be something simple like kissing with passion for five or ten minutes without expecting anything more or something more daring like blindfolding and handcuffing. Think up of as many things as you want to try. You can either pick one by one from each other’s boxes and do what’s written in the same day or you can take chance, one of you each day. If you are going to take it over few days, pick the paper in the morning and know that you have to finish it before you go to bed. And try to do it in a naughty style, in a way that would thrill your partner and make them eager to do things to you. It will encourage more foreplay in your relationship and to make you try different and new things. It will also get you thinking about sex all day. However, you should play this game with an open mind. No laughing on the fantasies of others. And yes, both of you should have the owner to say no to the things you feel really uncomfortable with. That doesn’t mean you should not give it a try.

The Scratch Card Sex Game For Relationships

my valentine since 2009💋 @claudioportillocamilli . . . . - el verdadero amor es raro de encontrar. No lo busques en las fiestas o clubs. No lo busques en los yates o mansiones. No lo busques en regalos y apellidos. No lo busques en lo sencillo y fácil. El verdadero amor se encuentra en las miradas y en los gestos, en las palabras convertidas en acciones. En la lealtad fijada como norte. En constantes sacrificios pintados de sueños para el futuro. En pequeños grandes momentos de felicidad al día. El verdadero amor es raro de encontrar y es lo único que le da un verdadero significado a la vida❣️ . . . - true love is rare to find. Don’t look for it in parties and night clubs. Don’t look for it in yachts and mansions. Don’t look for it in gifts and last names. Don’t look for it in what’s simple and easy. Truelove is found in looks and gestures. In words translated to actions. In loyalty pictured as a destiny. In constant sacrifices painted with dreams for the future. In those little great moments of daily happiness. True love is rare and is the only thing that gives life a real meaning❣️ . . . . . #fashionblog #fashionblogger #love #fashion #larosavita #fashionmom #lifestyle #lifestyleblog #lifestyleblogger #babyalessa #babyA #babyalessaantonella #perfectbabies #babygirl #cutebabies #happiness #ootd #larosavita #monicadelgado #photooftheday #topwomanlifestyle #hotcouples #couplegoals

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The excitement of scratching the card and figuring out what have you won never gets old. You can make your own naughty scratch cards at home or buy it online as well. These cards come with four columns of action, location, time and bonus. You can either just gift it to your partner and that means you will end up pleasing your partner without expecting such fun in return. Or, you both can have one set so that you both can receive and give the pleasure equally. Randomly scratch one section from each column. That will give you a direction about what is to be done, where and when. It will keep you both excited and will make your ex life thrilling. If you want to make these scratch cards at home, this is how you can do it. For this you will need the heavy card stock, scissor, a pen, white crayon, craft stick, plastic cup easy ring spoon, dish soap, acrylic paint and paintbrush. Now, print the design you want on the card stock and cut it out with the scissors. Now, in the shape, write the options and fill that shape with white crayons. And make sure that you color them heavily. Now mix 2 teaspoons of acrylic paint with 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Use a small paintbrush to fill these shapes with the prepared mixture. Now let it dry, you are done.

Include Never Have I Ever Sex Game In Your Bucket List

This is a classic slumber party game but this one is just for you two and with a twist. Both of you sit opposite to each other and facing each other. Now hold all your ten fingers up, both of you. Now take turns in telling each other something you haven’t done ever and make them naughty and dirty. Like say that never have I ever had handcuffed and blindfolded sex. If your partner has never done that, one finger goes down on their hand and if they have, one goes down on your hand. Make sure you including naughty and wild things in it. The one who has all the ten fingers gone down loses the game. And the winner gets to pick one among the never have I ever things and try it with the one who lost. This game will help you in knowing each other’s kink and fantasies irrespective of the fact that whether you have just been a couple of have been together for a long time.

Play The Dessert Bar Sex Game

For this game you will need your favorite desserts like whipped cream, sprinklers, cherries, strawberries and you can give in some chocolates and ice creams as well. After dinner, don’t just have your dessert usually. Try having them in a sexy way instead. Make your partner lie down you can also have your partner handcuffed. Now top your partner up with your favorite dessert. Lay down a trail of the desserts on the body of your partner, from the whipped cream to the warm chocolate sauce. Now lick them off, as slowly and sensually as you like. Now let your partner do the same to you. You can wash it off together after you are done and of course finish what you started, you know what I mean.

Include Sex Scenes From Movies In Your Bucket List

You don’t need anything for this game, just a movie with hot scintillating hot sex scene. There are some movies with truly insane sex scenes like Black Swan that came in 2010. It has the scene with Mila Kunis going down on Natalie Portman. Although this is a hot scene between two hot women but no one said you can’t enact it with your partner. Another movie is Boogie Nights that came in 1997. It has a porn role play where the guy is being interviewed by the hot woman boss and they end up having a steaming session on the office table. You can also refer to the 1998 movie Wild Things. It has a threesome scene. You can’t enact a threesome scene but you can pick the one where the guy is involved with any of those girls. Even if you can’t do it, just watching it will make you hot enough to have a steamy sex. When it is coming to the movies with hot scenes, you can’t ignore the 2001 movie Mulholland Drive. This movie also has a hot scene between two women but as said, you can enact it between you two. And how can you forget the scene between Tom Cruise and Kelly Preston in Jerry Maguire. The scene is a cinematic uninhibited depiction of love making that is different from usual sex scenes because it doesn’t leave anything to your imagination. One of the hottest scenes comes from the movie Cabin Fever that came in 2002 between the actress with the hottest body in Hollywood Cerina Vincent and rider Strong. And yes the love scene from the Notebook in 2004. Either you will end up doing your thing by the end or you will have fun trying them over and over again, being aroused and laughing.

The Balancing Act Sex Game

Bet with your partner for some cents saying they can’t balance two quarters of the back of their hands for ten minutes. Make them place their hands on the table, palms down. Now make each quarter sit on the back of their hand. Now, you have ten minutes to do all the naughty things to your partner. Kiss, tease, make them wiggle and drop that quarter from their hand. You will end up having a steaming session soon and winning the cents that you have bet as well.

More Sex Games To Include In Your Bucket List

There are some more sex games that you can play for making your sex life spicy. For example, you can turn your everyday chores into a striptease. Cooking, watching TV, whatever you are doing, just keep stripping one piece of your cloth at regular interval. You partner wouldn’t help noticing and getting turned on. You can also blindfold your partner and caress their erogenous spot with something like feather or other things that you can get or think of. Now, let your partner guess what the object is. Continue caressing until your partner gets the name of the object right. There is another sex game named guess the spot. Think of a spot on your body part. It could be any part. Now, let your partner do the kissing till he or she reaches the right spot. If you are feeling adventurous, there is a game that’s just suitable for you. When your parents are at home or you have some friends over at your place, hop into a secluded corner and set your alarm at five minutes or seven minutes, now have a quickie. The urgency will make it even more thrilling for you. If your partner or you like surrendering and being dominated in sex, you will love this game. This sex game is a simple and yet incredibly romantic. For this you will need four poster bed and four neckties. With the neckties, tie up your partner to the bedposts in way that he or she is sprawled on the bed. Now start arousing your partner the way you want, do whatever you want. Being aroused and teased and yet unable to do anything is a whole new different sexual experience. You must have had the pillow war many times. But in this game, be stark naked before you engage yourself in a titillating pillow fight with your partner. The softness of the pillow will arouse you, tickling your entire body. You both will be aroused in no time. And when one of you loses, do a sexual favor to the winner. With this little game be ready to experience a kinky, hot, passionate and steamy night. You can also turn the playing cards into your sex games. For this game get a deck of cards and a timer. Now let each color card stand for something like hearts for hugs, spades for kissing, clubs for massage and diamonds for hands on stimulation. You can choose something else as well. And the numbers on the card will represent the time, the seconds that the particular activity should last for. Scrabble is a game most of us have played in our childhood. You will be surprised to know this game can spice up your sex life as well. Test your dirty vocabulary with the scrabble. The only rule is you can only use dirty sexual rules. This game will arouse your deepest sexual desires. If you haven’t ever tried role playing then you are missing something mind blowing. You can find many variations of this game and can pick the one that stirs your desires. It will not only awaken your desires but will also make you aware of your fetishes, fantasies and wildness in you. You can also turn truth and dare game into a sexual game. Just include dare and little or no truth. Give interesting dares to your partner like sexting from workplace, kissing without hands or touching any other part of the body, having a little escapade in a public place, talking dirty for thirty minutes, etc. make it as interesting as you could. You can also have a little questionnaire game with a twist. Lie naked on the bed and ask your partner to stand at the door. Then ask him or her the questions related to you, like your wildest fantasy, what position you love most, what turns you on, your fetish etc. with the right answer your partner gets to take one step forward and for every wrong answer your partner takes one step back. Keep playing a little with yourself for arousing your partner and making him or her desperate to reach you. It will heighten your climax and passion between both of you. Change your way a little when you go down on your partner. For this you will need ice or cold water and something hot like tea or water. Take a swish alternately of the hot and cold in your mouth before going down on your partner each time. Oral job is always exciting but the change in temperature makes it more thrilling and fun. Another thing that you can do is bet your partner to have a straight face no matter what you say. Now you can write down something that will get your partner’s attention or say something that will make your partner smile. If he or she so much as cracks a smile you get to remove one piece of their clothing. Do that alternately to one another. Whoever gets naked first loses and gets to do a sexual favor to the winner. There is something primal about the hot sweaty and steamy sex. When you both are slipping over each other and your skin are hot and flushed. Try having some fun in the sauna room. However it will be a little difficult since you can’t really lie down in the sauna room. So, for having the same experience, turn up the heat in the room and rub some oil on your body that will make your skin slick and sweaty with all that heat. Your bodies slipping over each other, your skin hot and flushed! It will take your sexual experience one notch up and will make it a lot more pleasurable. There is another bet game that you can play. Make bets about who can restrain the self from the temptation of having hot and intense sex longer. Not just that; you both are allowed to entice and teach each other but without touching. The one who gives in to the temptation loses. This game will make you see the wild and sensual side of your partner. It will take you to an intense session of pure pleasure and desire. You can touch yourself while teasing so get exotic and creative with the ways you can entice your partner into giving in to the temptation. However these are the games where winning or losing doesn’t really matter. Both the winner and the loser get to have fun and a lot of pleasure.

Hope these sex games for couples will make your bucket list and your sex life more spicy and thrilling. You can either try all of them or just a few over a period of time. If you are creative enough, you can also create your own private sex game and make your sex life thrive. Have fun with these sex games.