25 Ingenious Ways To Make Your Husband Love You More
No matter how much your husband currently loves you, do you know you can make him love you more? Yes, he can grow madly in love with you. Learn how here.
Jul 24, 2018
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You Can Make Your Husband Love You More
As a married woman, one of your greatest desires is to feel your husband's unwavering love for you at all times and in all circumstances. To put it in your language, you want to be pampered. You desire a husband that would give you his attention, take care of you and the kids, and make you feel like a queen that you really are. That's not too high an expectation from you; the truth is that a happy husband can even do much more than these. Even if you are currently having it good with your husband, things can surely get better and you can make your husband love you more. This is achievable by the way you also relate to your husband. Below are some 25 ingenious ways you can make your husband crave and love you more.
1. To Make Your Husband Love You More, Respect Him
Men love respect, especially from their wives; they love to be treated and honored like a king. A big congratulations to you if you have been able to recognize this early enough and have exploited it. There is hardly anything a man who feels respected by his wife cannot do for her. How you regard him at home and even outside before others communicate love to him in a way that no other thing can probably do. Respect makes men feel emotionally secure and only a secure husband can genuinely love his wife. Don't make your husband feel like a dummy by your incessant questioning of his decisions. Even if you don't agree with him on certain things, present matters to him in a way that he'll not feel his ego damaged. Again, as much as possible, let your husband always have the last word. That's how you respect him.
2. Look Good for Your Husband To Love You More
One way you can keep attracting the attention of your husband is through your appearance. Men are largely controlled by what they see. If you can keep working on how you look, you can as well make your husband glued to you till forever. This approach in conjunction with others that will soon be discussed will shift your husband's attention from every other woman to yourself. And isn't that what you want? If you have his attention, what else do you need? Appearing cute would have to be a conscious decision you'll make. Being married, you are naturally prone to not being careful about how you look and dress any longer. The security of marriage can make you become less fashion-inclined and all these can take your husband's attention away from you. As a tip, get to know what dressing style attracts him most and dress accordingly. To get your desired result, you'll have to dress according to his taste and not necessarily yours. If you sense he doesn't like makeups, however fashionable the idea may be, you may have to drop it. So long as his taste is not irrational, his wish should be your command.
3. Your Husband Will Love More If You Keep Close To Him
No one is talking about being clingy here; that's a straight turn-off to most men. The point is, do you get physically close enough to your husband every time you're together? Maybe you don't know that men love the touchy-feely thing from women. Make use of this 'power' well. Snuggle up to him quite often especially when you're both at home; rest on his shoulder and hold his hands when you can. Your husband would love you again and again for this. Of course, you'll need to know when this approach is inappropriate. You don't wrap yourself around your husband all day or do so when he's at a public function. That would amount to you taking things too far.
4. To Make Your Husband Love You More, Appreciate Him
If you want your husband to love you madly, appreciate him always. Without being unfair to women, the truth is that most men receive far less appreciation from their wives than they actually deserve. They get all the naggings and complaining with little or no thank you for their efforts. Surprise your husband by coming up with a list of the things he has done for you and the kids and express genuine appreciation for all of them no matter how big or small. Apart from enabling him to do more, your husband would feel loved and valued by your kind words. And you can almost guess what the result of that would be for you - more love and attention. You are going to be precious and valuable in his sight and he'll do anything within his power for you anytime you so request. That is what an attitude of gratitude can bring.
5. Learn To Cook To Make Your Husband Love You More
Of the two major ways of gaining access to a man's heart, food is one. Woe betides you as a woman if you don't like cooking or cannot cook well. Your husband can quickly turn to another woman's husband because of this. Yes, everyone loves food but married men seem to love it more especially the one prepared by their wives. No matter your current level of cooking, you can always improve your skills. Get new ideas about cooking and make each meal a memorable one. Avoid serving the same thing every now and then; it soon gets boring and your husband may no longer be interested in eating your food. A good cooking skill is not complete unless you combine it with timeliness. If it has become your habit to prepare food for your husband late, no matter how delicious it might be, it won't command the same attention, appreciation, and acceptance a delicious and timely food would command. So, you have to balance things up.
6. Good Sex Will Make Your Husband Love You More
How good you are in bed can also determine how much your husband would love you. Sex is very important to men; they need it. And of course, you need it too. If you can improve your bedroom affairs, then you're sure to court your husband's attention always. What's the point? Add life to your sex life. Stop giving endless excuses for refusing your husband access to your body. Be open to new styles and don't always wait for him to initiate sex; after all, he's your husband. You should occasionally initiate sex too. That way, your husband would feel desired. If most women knew the magic a healthy bedroom affair can perform in their marriage, perhaps they would have utilized the opportunity well. Most disaffections that take place at homes are because of unmet expectations in the bedroom. Make your husband enjoy the time you spend together in bed and he'll be forever interested in you.
7. Be Positve To Make Your Husband Love You More
Men love women that are positively minded. Today can be rough but they love it when their wife believes so much in a better tomorrow. They love to see an enduring wife and not a wife that would always remind them of their challenges. They can notice it if you're discouraged about a challenge and that breaks the heart of real men. Perhaps we should drive the point home clearer. Do you nag and complain around when your husband has challenges meeting your day-to-day needs? Are you always discouraging an exploit he wants to make because you think he'll fail? It's time for you to change if you want your husband to love you again. Moral and mental support is a very potent love pill for men. And come to think about it, you don't need to pay any amount to get it. All you have to do is change your way of thinking and believe more in your man. Keep making him feel he can do it and you'll notice he'll love you greatly for this.
8. Forget The Past To Make Your Husband Love You Again
Let's say your husband has offended you before, it won't be a nice thing for you to keep bringing up the past event. No one likes like. The reason it is called the past is that it is actually past. Except your past is a very lovely one, let your past remain where it belongs - the past. No one is okaying cheating in any sense but if he has been involved in one before, you should learn not to always bring up the issue especially if there's no need to. You don't have to refer to it in all examples you make otherwise he'll feel taunted and that may take his love and attention from you. You can't forget the past if you stay there; you have to leave it and focus on now. There is hardly anyone without an ugly past. We only let go and press forward. Do so likewise and you'll notice how again and again your husband would love you for it.
9. Be Mature To Make Your Husband Love You More
You can't do without having one misunderstanding or the other with your husband. When such happens, do you bring your issues to the notice of every tom, dick and harry or you settle things amicably with him? Your answer here would determine whether your husband would keep loving you or not. When you learn to pocket your anger till the right time before showing it, that is being mature and your husband would not only notice it but also appreciate it too. Rather than shouting around and making everyone know that something is not right with your family, you can win your husband's love and respect by going to him personally and ironing things out without inviting a third party to it. The more you keep displaying this kind of maturity, the more your husband would love you. In fact, he'll be mindful not to intentionally do anything that would make you angry because he'll feel you have been understanding enough. He'll know you're not interested in making him feel incompetent and that'll make him love you more.
10. Admit Your Mistakes And Apologize
Another way to make your husband become madly interested in you is to admit your faults when he brings your attention to them. How pleasant is it when you do so! It tells him you're responsible, humble, and reasonable. And which husband would not be madly in love with such a wife? Admitting your fault is not easy but it is a thing you have to learn to make your husband love you more. Or let's ask; how do you feel when you tell someone what they have done wrong and instead of them contesting it, they just admit and apologize? Does it not feel great? Of course, it does. It kills any ill-feeling that may arise because someone does not want to say sorry. Apologizing for a wrong is not a sign of weakness as some may think; on the contrary, it shows the strength of a person's character. You'll notice those who admit their wrongs and apologize lead a healthier and happier life than those who don't. That's because they have no stomach for malice and resentments. Being someone like this would make your husband always interested in you.
11. Make Your Husband Love You More By Surprising Him
We all love to receive gifts especially from those that we care about. Instead of sitting there expecting him to always bring the gifts, turn things around by surprising him with very intuitive gifts. Gifts tell the receiver that they are being thought of and if it meets a particular need of theirs, it conveys the message of care. If you've noticed your husband talks about a thing he needs to get either for himself or for the house, why not present such as a gift? He'll be happy about it. Or maybe on his birthday, you can decide to get him his favorite wear. That would make him happy for a while and you can be sure the happiness would be extended to you. Gifts don't have to be huge or expensive as such before they communicate the intention of the giver. You only need to tailor it to the personality of your husband and that's all. If your man is into sports, a signed football or a nice jersey would probably communicate more love to him than a million dollar other gifts with no relevance to what he's interested at.
12. Flirt More With Him
Bring more fun into your marriage by flirting with your husband. Yes, it's good to be great in bed but outside the bedroom, the feeling should still be made to linger on. Flirting is that means by which you keep your husband's bedroom experience fresh on his mind and you can be sure he'll love you for that. Any act that is both exciting and sexually suggestive may constitute flirting with you. Do something unusual or better put, unexpected with your husband. Rub his chest; play with his hair and ear, and occasionally, you can send him some really awkward and sensual texts. After all, he's your husband. If you seem to have a husband that is introverted, this is one way you can make him come out of his shell. He can't help but to laugh and play with you. And never mind the way he looks, it's just a mere appearance. Play with your husband and watch him fall madly in love with you again and again.
13. Don't Be Too Dependent On Technology
No doubt, technology has improved our lives in no small way; it has saved us a lot of stress and made life more pleasant. However, you have to caution yourself from being too dependent on it. Phone calls should not take the place of face-to-face communication with your husband neither should text messages do either. You can't effectively convey your mood via text and many misunderstandings that often pop up between partners are attributable to the misconception of a text. Put technology in its right place when dealing with your husband and you'll notice he'll also have time for you. The point is this: don't get hooked on your phone, tablet, or PC when your husband needs your love and attention. When you do, what you're saying is that these things matter more to you than your husband does. Of course, you don't mean to make him feel that way but that's what your action is saying.
14. Make Your Husband Love You More By Honoring Him
Recognize your husband in public and you'll notice how great he'll feel; tell your friends you respect him a lot and watch how madly in love with you he'll become. You think it's only women that love attention? Certainly not. Men too love it. Being appraised in public by his wife makes a man wins the respect of his colleagues and this, in turn, pumps a lot of courage and confidence into him. In return for this gesture, you can be sure your husband would not only love you more but adore you also. You have painted him nice before the world and he's going to shower on you loads of love that your soul desires. One thing about this gesture is that it is reciprocal. Apart from making your husband madly in love with you, he too would start appraising you in public. He'll brag about you to his friends and accord you a high respect wherever he goes. Don't you like that? Of course, you do. But note that if you do otherwise, that is you rate your husband so low before others and fail to recognize him, the reverse of what has been said here would also be true for you.
15. Become Interested In Your Husband's Goals
Men love women that are interested in their career and to such extent, would do everything possible to motivate them to succeed. Your husband needs to know that you've got his back in his endeavor and you just doing that makes him love you more and more. Ask him how he's doing with his project and encourage him regularly to keep pushing. How great is it when you affirm your confidence in his ability! Rather than raising needless skepticism, raise his hope. Make his interest yours and you'll just see how madly in love he'll become with you. There are enough things in life to discourage your husband and it would be bad adding yours to it. If he knows that his wife is always there for him, that alone can keep him going even against all odds.
16. To Make Your Husband Love More, Decide Together
Truth be told, the day you agreed to get married, you have lost your independence and privacy to some extent. Hope you aren’t scared by this. Having a husband means you are agreeing to share a larger part of you (if not the total you) with someone else. Therefore, you cannot afford to live a separate life from that of your husband. Let him know your plans especially the major ones and those that affect him too. Before you invest in a business, ask for his opinion and advice. Don't take a decision without first checking it with your man. As you make this your habit, you'll win your husband's love and respect and it is even then that he can fully support your plans because he'll feel carried along.
17. Avoid Comparing Him To Another Man
Comparison hurts a lot especially when it is done to show the weaknesses or defects of one person. Don't ever do that to your husband! He's not another man and he can never be! Train yourself to accept him for who he is and not who you want him to be. Doesn't nature itself teach us that we're not all the same? No two people have the same fingerprint and we're not all of the same height, shape, and color. These differences should be celebrated and not used as a basis for an unhealthy comparison. So, if the other man down the street has several cars and buys several things for his wife while yours only gives small gifts, accept them with joy and be contented. The man is probably not happy with his condition already and you bringing up this needless comparison can make things worse.
18. Remember To Massage Him
Let's say your husband has had a busy day at work and he comes back looking tired and exhausted, get close to him and offer to help massage his body. That would put a lot of stress away from his body and help him relax. Make this a habit and you can be sure his heart would always be with you. Most women desire this from their husband but rarely get it. You can be an exception and you'll notice how magical it can be in winning your husband's love.
19. Embrace Your Husband's Siblings And Parents
When you hate your husband's people, it is your husband that you hate. And don't be surprised that even though these ones are not living with you, they can decide how your husband would perceive you in general. When you love and respect them, they would commend you to your husband who in turn would appreciate your great love and care. Of course, you should know that when you agree to marry a man, you're also consenting to make his people yours. So, just be nice to them and your husband would love you for it.
20. Give Him Space
Smothering is the last thing you want to do with your husband; he detests it. Don't be too clingy or set people to start monitoring him around. It can be very annoying. At some points, it's just good to let your husband be. Give him breathing space and allow him to move freely without raising any undue suspicion and he'll love you for it.
21. Regularly Plan A Surprise Date
Treat your husband to a nice date at memorable places particularly those places that remind him of how you met. Make sure he'll be free on the day you choose so your effort is not wasted. That portrays you as a very intuitive person and your husband would love you more because of that. It means you're not just waiting for him to take you out, you are also willing to offer the same gesture.
22. Have A Goal You Are Pursuing
Laziness pisses most men off in women. Men want to see that you are not just living to eat and sleep but that you also have a set goal for yourself and you're working very hard to meet it. That will challenge him to opt up his game too.
23. Be Good With Words
What you say to your husband matters a lot. Speak kindly and humbly with him if you want him to love you more. But even kind words have to be said in a kind manner for him to see it as kind. In other words, what you say and how you say it can determine if your husband would love you more or less. Rather than come up with a pointless sarcasm, tell your husband you're proud of him. He'll be happy hearing that.
24. You Want Your Husband To Love you More? Pray
Every heart including that of your husband belongs to God. If you seek Him through prayer, He can help tune the heart of your husband to yours so that he'll love you always. Don't relegate prayer in your marriage. It may be ancient or crude but the fact is it still works. On every issue pertaining to you and your husband, seek God's face and you'll notice things would work out for you.
25. Regularly Tell Your Husband That You Love Him
You are not the only one that wants to hear that you're loved. Your husband also wants to hear the same. consider leaving a note in his pocket describing how much he means to you. You can also send him love texts at unusual moments but whichever method you choose, let the "I love you message" be clear and loud in your husband's hear and he'll reciprocate the gesture back in action.
Final Word
You are not the only one that wants to hear that you're loved. Your husband also wants to hear the same. Consider leaving a note in his pocket describing how much he means to you. You can also send him love texts at unusual moments but whichever method you choose, let the "I love you message" be clear and loud in your husband's hear and he'll reciprocate the gesture back in action.