350+ What If Questions To Ask Your Crush: Rearrange The Puzzle

Energize the evening with these exciting questions to ask your crush! You can learn a lot about someone with the sometimes shocking answers you may get!

By Nicole Muir
350+ What If Questions To Ask Your Crush: Rearrange The Puzzle

What If...

What if you could ask your crush a question that reveals their deepest thoughts, beliefs and values? What if that question was a fun way to get to know them, without the stress of having to ask typical questions? Do not expand the generic questions of, "so, nice weather huh?" Instead ask thought-provoking questions, showing you have a fun side and can think outside the box! You want to ask questions to get them to want to ask you out or take you on a date!

Ask These Questions For A Fun Game

You can have fun getting to know your crush with these 350+ questions! Make them into a points game on who gives the best or craziest answers. Ask these questions from the list or look at them before hanging out with your crush to think up questions on the spot. Most of all have fun getting to know your crush! You may even surprise yourself with some of your answers.

What If Questions- About Love

Present and future love questions to ask your crush

1. What if I left you, would you get over it quickly or would it take a long time to heal? 2. What if you could tell your crush one thing, what would you tell your crush and why? 3. What if you could only see your crush one day a month, would you stick around or move on? 4. What if there was no love, would life be worth living? 5. What if another man or woman were to ask your crush on a date, would you be jealous? 6. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you? Would you work on the relationship or leave them? 7. What if someone you love committed a crime, would you turn them in or help them hide? 8. What if I asked you to have an open relationship with another couple, or another man/woman? 9. What if you could be with me forever, would you be able to commit right now? 10. What if the love of your life was dying, would you still be with them? 11. What if I was actually a guy or a girl? Would you like/love me either way? 12. What if you had to be with one person for the rest of you life, does the thought of that scare you or excite you? 13. What if you could live forever but no one you loved could? Would you still want to? 14. What if you could ask one person to live with you for 1,000 years? Who would you ask? 15. What if your crush had to move for work, would you follow them or find a different boyfriend or girlfriend? 16. What if you lost the love of your life, would you ever be able to move on? 17. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend bought you flowers, what flowers would they be? 18. What if you were not capable of loving someone? 19. What if someone were to ask you to be their fake boyfriend or girlfriend to make their significant other jealous? 20. What if you could only clearly see me, everything and everyone else are a blur? 21. What if you planned your dream date with your crush, what would you do? 22. What if I became clingy, would you still want to be with me? 23. What if your childhood crush came forth and told you they liked you? Would you leave me for them or stay? 24. What if I gained 100 lbs? Would you still love me? 25. What if I told you I was pregnant? Would you ask the question "Is the baby mine?" Or would you trust me? 26. What if I didn't exist, where would you be? 27. What if your boyfriend was arrested? Would you break up with him or find a different guy? 28. What if you could only tell the person you loved that you loved them, if they told you it first? 29. What if you could design your girlfriend or boyfriend based on everything you wanted? Would you? 30. What if I dressed up as a guy or a girl? Would you recognize me? 31. What if I never let you ask me a question about my past love life? Would you find that odd?

What If Questions - About Your Ex

Ask these questions to know their previous love life

32. What if a guy walks into the room you used to want to date; do you say hi or ignore him? 33. What if an old girlfriend or boyfriend saw you again today; would they be happy or mad to see you? Would you ask them a question or act like you didn't see them? 34. What if your ex girlfriend or boyfriend were to stalk you? Would you ask for a restraining order on them? 35. What if your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend tried to add you as a friend on a social media site? Would you accept that request? 36. What if your ex were to ask you for closure? Would you give it to them or ignore the question? 37. What if you could go back an interview your ex's before dating them? Would you still date them after the interview?

What If Questions- About The Future

Ask about goals, dreams and the future

38. What if you lost your job? 39. What if you got promoted at your job? Would you be able to ask for a raise if they didn't give you one? 40. What if you won a million dollars? How would you spend it? 41. What if you started your own business? What business would that be? 42. What if you had to choose between success and happiness? Why would you choose that path? 43. What if you could choose any job, would you pick a boring job with great pay or an interesting job with little pay? 44. What if your child was just like you, would you be happy? 45. What if you were able to see the future? 46. What if you were to interview for a job, would you exude confidence or nervousness? 47. If you saw an employee ask an inappropriate question of another employee would you speak up? 48. What if you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? 49. What if you found out you were going to be a mom/dad, would you be happy? 50. What if you could decide how and when you were to die, would you want to? 51. What if you decided between living in the country or the city? 52. What if you could be a Firefighter or Police Officer? 53. What if you were able to rewrite your past, would you? 54. What if you were in a career you didn't like, would you change careers or stay put? 55. What if you were to interview yourself in 10 years, what would you future self say you have accomplished? 56. What if you could see other people's future, would you tell them what happens regardless of the outcome? 57. What if you were to choose cremation or burial after you die? 58. What if you never had to go to work again in your life? 59. What if you taught your children one valuable lesson? 60. What if you ran out of money and needed to ask your family for financial assistance until you could support yourself again? 61. What if you could live in a tiny house and save the majority of your money? 62. What if you got to decide your children's gender, would you? 63. What if you got to pick the characteristics your children would have? 64. What if you had to leave your children with one question to ask everyone they met? What would that question be?

What If Questions- About Your Purpose

Serious questions to ask your crush

65. What if you never accomplished your dreams? 66. What if a fortune teller told you your purpose in life, would you believe them? 67. What if this was only your first life, what would you be in your next life? 68. What if you lived the same day over and over again, what would that day consist of? 69. What if you always failed, would you still try or give up? 70. What if you were given a second chance on your death bed? 71. What if you died today, what are you most remembered for? 72. What if you could gain a new strength suddenly, and what strength would that be? 73. What if life was meaningless and no one had a purpose? 74. What if you could ask your past self about what they think their purpose will be in the future?

What If Questions - About Animals

Who doesn't love talking about animals?

75. What if you chose a dream pet animal? 76. What if you could be an animal, what animal would you be? 77. What if sharks could live and walk outside of the water? 78. What if all animals could fly? 79. What if dinosaurs still existed? 80. What if you were to ask your dog their favorite activity? 81. What if we all spoke to each other like gorilla's do? 82. What if you were like a cat with nine lives? Would you use them all up quickly or be able to spread them out for a long time? 83. What if you could climb and swing on trees like a monkey? 84. What if animals ruled the world? Which animal do you think would be at the top? 85. What if all animals could speak English? 86. What if you could ask every animal a question, what questions would you ask? 87. What if you could ask an extinct animal one question about their life?

What If Questions- About Fun Topics

Entertaining questions to ask for the best laughs

88. What if you could live for a thousand years, make your dream bucket list? 89. What if everyone on the planet suddenly disappeared? 90. What if someone threw you a surprise party, would you like it or be annoyed? 91. What if you could be a singer or dancer, which would be your ideal choice? 92. What if you chose a movie that symbolized your life, which movie would that be? 93. What if you believed in a fairytale, what fairytale is it? 94. What if you could live in luxury, what are your must have items? 95. What if you could design your dream home with no limit on spending, what would the style of that home be? 96. What if you were asked to join a band, what band would you join and what instrument would you play? 97. What if you could only use your index fingers, would you like that challenge? 98. What if you could only eat with your toes from now on, would you find this fun or annoying? 99. What if you had the option between having a butler or personal chef? What would you ask them to do first? 100. What if your parents had a recipient in their Will, what would they leave for you? 101. What if gravity didn't exist? 102. What if you had a maid, would you ever clean again? 103. What if you told me every thought that popped into your mind, would I like them? 105. What if children could rule the world? 106. What if drama didn't exist, would you like that? 107. What if you could only go on one more vacation for the rest of your life, where would you go? 108. What if you were given a million dollars to change your identity, would you? 109. What if you designed Hallmark cards, what would you design on them? Would you have a question or statement as the inside greeting? 110. What if you became a pilot, would you enjoy it? 111. What if you could work at Disneyland, would you? 112. What if there was an apocalypse, would you survive? 113. What if zombies existed? 114. What if you could ask a Disney character a question about playing the part in the movie? 115. What if you could be hypnotized? What question or word would you have be your trigger word to activate the hypnosis? 116. What if you were the antagonist in a movie, what character are you? 117. What if you were the protagonist in a movie, what character are you? 118. What if you wrote a book, what would it be about? 119. What if all the planets were habitable? 120. What if cars could fly? 121. What if a clown walks past you on the street, would you think it was a guy or a girl? 122. What if you could meet aliens? 123. What if you were invisible? 124. What if someone pranked you? Would you find it funny? 125. What if you could breathe underwater? 126. What if you lived in a house of mirrors? 127. What if we all stayed babies forever? Would we eventually learn how to ask questions to one another? 128. What if every day was a giant party? 129. What if the world was flat and not round? 130. What if you didn't have any teeth? 131. What if had a remote to flash forward time, would you ever use it? 132. What if you could only speak in rhyme? 133. What if you could turn anything into stone? 134. What if you lived in a horror movie? 135. What if you got stuck in quick sand? How would you get out? 136. What if you were a ghost, would you haunt anyone? 137. What if you were a vampire? Would you drink human or animal blood? 138. What if everyone wore diapers? 139. What if could communicate in song form? 140. What if your life was live-streamed on TV 24/7? Do you think people would watch it? 141. What if you could freeze time and move people from their frozen position? Would you use your powers to put people in funny positions? 142. What if transformers were real? 143. What if you could ask inanimate objects any question? 144. What if we ate with our feet and walked on our hands? 145. What if you went skydiving, would you be scared?

Training camp to wr2018 bigway. Sector BG skydive vatulino.

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What If Questions - About Superpowers

146. What if you could read minds? 147. What if you had x-ray vision, would you use it? 148. What if you could ask anyone a question and you they had to tell you the truth? 149. What if you had the perfect poker face, would you use it to win at gambling? 150. What if you could control people's actions without them knowing it? Would you use this power? 151. What if you never got tired, would you sleep for fun or stay awake 24/7? 152. What if your body could stretch like rubber? 153. What if you could turn your head all the way around 360 degrees? 154. What if you could fly? 155. What if you could change who you were in seconds? 156. What if you could ask a question of Superman? 157. What if you could ask a question of the Joker? 158. What if you could ask a question of your favorite super-hero? 159. What if you were to ask the question "what is your biggest fear," to batman?

What If Questions - About Famous People

Questions to ask about celebrities and historic figures

160. What if you were granted one question to ask the President of the United States 161. What if you could interview your favorite celebrity, would you be nervous? 162. What if you were a celebrity, who would you be? 163. What if you could meet a famous person from the past? 164. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend became famous? Would you use them to get into VIP parties and events? 165. What if a famous person showed up at your next party? 166. What if 167. What if your favorite famous person were to tell you that you were their role model? 168. What if you were able to ask a historic mummy (like a Pharaoh) any question, what question would you ask? 169. What if you had someone in your family who was famous? 170. What if you could ask the first astronaut a question? 171. What if you could interview Abraham Lincoln? 172. What if you could ask this question, "what was your biggest regret," to a famous movie star? Do you think they would answer your question? 173. What if you could eat at a table with 8 famous people, who would sit at each seat? 174. What if you could ask the question of a famous person who lost it all because they became too greedy? 175. What if you had the opportunity to ask a question of a self-made billionaire? What question do you think they would ask you? 176. What if your favorite celebrity started a trend? Would you follow that trend no matter what? 177. What if you were seen in public by a celebrity with no makeup on or in your worst clothes? Would you be embarrassed or not care? 178. What if you were to ask a question of the most famous person to ever live? 179. What if you were to ask a question of the wealthiest person to ever live?

What If Questions - About Sports

Questions about coaching, playing and watching

180. What if you were a coach? What sport would you coach? 181. What if you were to invent a new sport? What would be the instructions and rules of that sport? 182. What if the only way you could play sports was if you had to tryout for a year to make the cut for the team? 183. What if football was only played every 4 years like the Olympics, would you be upset? 184. What if you could make it to the next Olympics to be a spectator? 185. What if your favorite sport didn't exist? 186. What if you couldn't swim, would you want to learn? 187. What if you were to train for a marathon, would you be able to finish it? 188. What if college didn't have sports? Would you be able to pay for college through other scholarships? 189. What if you could interview an athlete from the Olympics? 190. What if you could interview your favorite athlete who is now dead? Who would you pick to interview?

What If Questions- About Transportation

A fun way to imagine...

191. What if the only way of transportation was by pogo stick? 192. What if people got around not by walking, but by using roller skates? 193. What if everyone walked around naked, clothes were too expensive so people chose not to buy them? 194. What if we could transport ourselves in a balloon? 195. What if we commuted by donkey instead of by automobile? 196. What if you could only walk in circles? 197. What if the only way to work was to ride roller coaster trains? 198. What if we walked backwards everywhere? 199. What if we could transport ourselves with our minds? 200. What if you were able to transport yourself anywhere in the world instantly for $200? 201. What if you were told to blink your eyes 10 times and you could transport yourself back in time? 202. What if we could only travel by walking? Would you stay in town or ever travel farther? 203. What if every freeway had 2 levels? 204. What if we could transport through our phone? 205. What if you were able to transport to a favorite memory and relive it?

What If Questions - About Food

206. What if you could eat as much as you wanted, would you? 207. What if you went to a buffet, would you eat until you wanted to puke or stop yourself before that point? 208. What if chocolate was a vegetable, would you eat more of it, the same or less? 209. What if you had to choose between ice cream or cake? 210. What if dessert didn't exist? 211. What if food could talk? 212. What if we only got to eat snacks? What snacks would be your favorite? 213. What if your favorite restaurant was shut down? 214. What if you came into a lot of money? Would you buy a franchise of your favorite restaurant? 215. What if you could eat whatever food you wanted and not gain any weight? 216. What if the only food you could find were bugs, would you eat them? 217. What if junk food did not exist? 218. What if junk food was healthy food and healthy food was junk food? 219. What if food could speak of where it came from?

What If Questions - Miscellaneous

Even more questions to ask to keep the fun going

220. What if you had to be operated on a family member, would you trust them? 221. What if you were a scientist? 222. What if you had a lot of friends but they were not quality friends? 223. What if you found out you got married to your sister/brother you didn't know existed? 224. What if a fortune cookie told you what to do, would you listen? 225. What if you could never smell again, what scent would you miss the most? 226. What if you had to choose between dying or letting someone else die instead? 227. What if you donated to a charity, which charity would you choose and why? 228. What if your current life was just a dream, would you be sad or glad? 229. What if you always succeeded, would there be a limit to what you tried? 230. What if someone gave you your favorite quote in a fortune cookie, what would that quote be? 231. What if you were a teacher, what subject would you teach and what grade? 232. What if you could never tell a lie? 233. What if your guy friends had sleep-overs and pillow fights like girls sometimes do? 234. What if you had to give up your most prized possession? 235. What if you committed a crime, would you run or turn yourself in? 236. What if no one could make mistakes, would this be bad or good? 237. What if there were no rules in the world, would you be scared? 238. What if guy time meant going to get their nails done at a salon? 239. What if life was simple, would you like that? 240. What if someone found out your deepest, darkest secrets? Would you be embarrassed? 241. What if you could only remember one moment from your past, what would it be? 242. What if you could only have one thing for the rest of the year, what item would you choose? 243. What if you could ask your role model what motivates them, who would you ask? 244. What if you couldn't laugh, would you be sad? 245. What if a random guy or girl asked you to be his girlfriend or boyfriend, would you find that odd or a fun adventure? 246. What if you were diagnosed with a life threatening disease, would you live your life to the fullest or wallow around in sadness? 247. What if you noticed a weird mole on your body, would you get it checked out right away or wait? 248. What if you got lost in the woods, how would you survive? 249. What if someone hurt your feelings, could you forgive them right away or would it take you some time? 250. What if a friend stole something from you, how would you approach the subject with them? 251. What if you couldn't see color, would you purchase the special glasses that would allow you to? 252. What if you had to protect a family member with your life? 253. What if you were injured and became paralyzed? 254. What if a family member needed an emergency kidney transplant, would you volunteer? 255. What if someone jumped out from behind a door, would you scream? 256. What if you had to decide between coffee or tea? 257. What if you won a free vacation for 2, who would you bring with you? 258. What if someone were to praise you for a personality trait, what would that trait be? 259. What if you lost your hearing, what voice would you remember the most? 260. What if your biggest fear came true? 261. What if someone complained about you, what would they complain about? 262. What if a guy told you that you could be a model? Would you trust them more or less than if a girl told you the same thing? 263. What would an old girlfriend/ boyfriend say was your strength and weakness in the relationship? 264. What if college was free, would you go back or stay longer? 265. What if grade school was not required, do you think the majority of children would go? 266. What if you were locked in your room for a week? 267. What if you visited a foreign country, where would you go? 268. What if you broke a bone, what would most likely be the bone and why? 269. What if someone passed out in front of you but there was also a large crowd around, would you help them? 270. What if you invented an app, what would it be? 271. What if you had to choose between silence or constant noise? 272. What if you were stuck on a raft in the ocean? How would you survive? 273. What if you watched your favorite memories on tv, what would they consist of? 274. What if someone near to you needed CPR, would you perform CPR on them? 275. What if someone tried to pick pocket you, would they get away with it? 276. What if no one ever blinked? 277. What if you were to interview for your current job and didn't get it? How wold you feel? 278. What if the main language was sign language? 279. What if murderers and criminals were never arrested? Instead they only paid a fine and sent on their way? 280. What if you had a clone? 281. What if you had a twin no one knew about? Would you use them to pretend to be you at times? 282. What if you discovered the human race was an endangered species? 283. What if you were a brain surgeon? 284. What if you couldn't read? 285. What if medicine never was discovered or invented? 286. What if we were our own doctors? 287. What if the only form of GPS was by the stars? 288. What if the internet didn't exist? 289. What if the only way to communicate was by written letter? 290. What if there was one day a year people could do whatever they wanted with no consequences (yes, like the movie The Purge)? Would you lock yourself inside to stay safe or go outside and act on the ability to do whatever you wanted? 291. What if no one could physically harm another person? 292. What if you could get away with breaking into banks, would you? 293. What if someone accidentally deposited $1,000 into your account? Would you come forth and give the money back or keep it a secret so you could keep the money? 294. What if you had to go to therapy? What would you go for? 295. What if you could snap your fingers and be ready (showered and dressed) already? 296. What if buildings were built downwards instead of upwards? 297. What if you were trapped in a building after an earthquake? 298. What if when you were driving you could only turn left? 299. What if someone were to ask you the question, are you happy? 300. What if someone were to ask you to slap them in the face? Would you? 301. What if a stranger were to ask you to be their best friend? 302. What if there was no night-time, only day time 24/7? 303. What if you never slept? What would you accomplish with your extra time? 304. What if we could ask anyone anything without offending them? 305. What if you could not shed a tear, no matter how sad you got? 306. What if you could change one thing about your appearance? 307. What if life was always joyful? 308. What if every child was loved by their parents and no child was abandoned? 309. What if no one had homes and everyone lived on the streets in tents? 310. What if make-up did not exist? Would it make the world a better place? 311. What if you lived in a basement? 312. What if you were never allowed outside? 313. What if you could only ever drink water? 314. What if you were to ask your parents how they met? 315. What if cried in public? 316. What if you could only see the stars at two o'clock in the morning? Would you set an alarm to see the stars or no? 317. What if it always smelled like a dumpster? 318. What if everyone was actually dead? 319. What if we could only ask one question a year? 320. What if everyone had some sort of disease? 321. What if everyone had a lot of money? 322. What if no one had a lot of money? 323. What if you were bald? Would you wear a wig or not care? 324. What if your parents never met? 325. What if you found out you had other siblings you had not known about for years? 326. What if you saw a guy crying, would you ask him what was wrong? 327. What if you fell into a black hole? 328. What if you had the opportunity to go to space? 329. What if you have to wash your hands every time you touched something? 330. What if your eyes were neon pink? 331. What if your hair completely fell out every 30 days? 332. What if no one ever told you they were sorry? 333. What if you call fall through the ground? 334. What if people were watching us through mirrors? 335. What if everybody became an object when they died? 336. What if you had to give a speech at an event? 337. What if you could only eat candy? 338. What if gum tasted like different foods? 339. What if there was only one country? 340. What if there were no states in America? 341. What if someone cut your hair on accident with scissors? 342. What if each state was its own island? 343. What if your face was always blue? 344. What if you had to work out every day? 345. What if you could only workout once a month? 346. What if the only human interaction you had was via email? 347. What if you always had to walk around barefoot? 348. What if your computer could read your thoughts? 349. What if the average lifespan was 20 years? 350. What if you sneezed every time you lied? Would you sneeze a lot? 351. What if you had to choose between being generous or rich? 352. What if you were never allowed to shower? 353. What if the average amount of water you had to drink was 2 gallons a day? 354. What if you had to get a blood transfusion every month? 355. What if the only way you could drink milk was straight from a cow? 356. What if you could visit a historic monument? 357. What if you had to wear the same thing for the rest of your life? 358. What if the only bathrooms were porta potties? 359. What if shoes could help us spring up as high as we wanted?

When a fortune cookie become your therapist . #fortunecookie #selfesteem #anxiety

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Getting To Know Your Crush The Fun Way

Use these questions to bring excitement to an evening and learn even more about your crush! You may be surprised and get closer through these funny, intimate, and thought-provoking questions! Now, go ask... "What If?"