How To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Want You Back

How To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Want You Back

If you like a girl, the best way to get her to like you back is over text. Try some of these tips to help you get the girl you like to like you back.

By Rose Elementary
How To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Want You Back

Getting A Girl To Like You Over Text

Liking a girl can be scary and overwhelming. Sometimes it's really hard to tell a girl you like her in person. Luckily, you can let your girl know that you like her over text. Using your phone to talk over text with the girl you like is a great way to tell her you're into her and get her to like you back. Here are some secrets to getting a girl to like you over text.

Start Off Simple

If you're going to get a girl to like you over text, you have to start off simple. You don't want to overwhelm your girl by going too fast over text. Instead, take things slow over text in the beginning. Try sending nice things to your girl over text about how you were happy to see her that day or that you're glad to know her. Your girl will appreciate that you're taking the time to let her know over text that she makes you happy. Starting off simple also means just talking to the girl you like over text. You don't have to get mushy with your girl right away. Start by just saying, "Hi" over text every day. Ask your girl how her day went and what she's doing over the weekend. Simple conversations over text are the kinds of conversations you have with your friends over text. The important part of getting a girl to like you romantically is to first get her to like you as a friend. By starting things off simply over text, you'll get there in no time. You also don't want to be too clingy over text, especially when you're still trying to get her to like you. Your girl will be turned off if you're too clingy over text. Don't spend all your time texting the girl you like. If she doesn't answer you over text right away, she's probably just a little busy. Don't go hounding her over text and sending a million messages in a row when she doesn't respond. And don't stalk her over text, either, like seeing that she left you on read and pointing it out. Girls don't like clingy guys who need constant attention. Keep things simple and relaxed when you're trying to woo your girl over text and she'll start to fall for you the way you've fallen for her. Once you've won your girl over text, it'll be a piece of cake to take things into real life.

Ask Her Questions Over Text

Waiting for bae to respond

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A great way to make your girl smile over text is to ask her questions. If you want to get a girl to like you over text, you have to make sure she knows you want to get to know her. The best way to get to know someone over text is to ask them a ton of questions. You don't have to jump right into it and ask her over text what her life goals are and her favorite ways to kiss. Instead, start off with simple questions that will show her you're interested in getting to know her over text, not just jumping into a relationship. She'll smile at the thought that you're taking the time to ask her questions over text and that will definitely make her like you. You can also use texting to ask her questions over text that you're too afraid to ask her in person. You can ask over text if she has a boyfriend or if she wants to go out with you. It's not as personal to ask these things over text as it would be to ask her in person, but you'll still get an answer. Sometimes it's easier to ask questions over text than in person because you can carefully consider what to say and it's a lot less nerve wracking than doing it in person. Asking important questions over text should be kept to a minimum, but if you have to do it, make sure she knows it's because you care about her and not because you're a coward who can only ask things over text. If you're not sure what kinds of questions to ask a girl over text, no need to worry. Ask things that are specific to your relationship and questions that can be expanded upon over text. Definitely ask things that will make her smile. Here are ten examples of questions you can ask over text that will get things started. 1. What's your middle name? Why did your parents choose it? 2. Do you have a favorite holiday? What is it and why? 3. What is your favorite memory? 4. How many siblings do you have? 5. What's your most used app? 6. What is your favorite candy bar? 7. What's your most embarrassing memory? 8. Do you have a favorite season? What is it? 9. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be and why? 10. Do you have any pets? Which is your favorite/what are they like/what are their names? Ask some of these questions over text to get things started. Soon enough, you'll be having full on conversations over text and she'll be falling for you in no time.

Share Secrets

If you want to get a girl to like you over text, a really important thing to do is to share secrets with each other. You want your girl to know that you're interested in her, so telling her a few secrets over text will let your girl know you're serious about getting to know her. It will also show your girl that you trust her enough to share your secrets over text and it will make her want to share that trust. The girl you like will share secrets with you over text and that will help to solidify your relationship. You shouldn't immediately start sharing major secrets with the girl you like over text. Work up to that by starting slow with little admissions over text like your guilty pleasure or something that you love but your friends don't know about. You can build up to sharing really intense secrets with your girl over text, like dreams for the future that you're afraid of or something you did that you're ashamed of. You want your girl to smile at the thought that you trust her enough to share big and little secrets over text. If you start telling the girl you like secrets over text, she'll see how much you like her, and your girl will start to like you, too.

Don't Wait To Text The Girl You Like

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There's a common misconception that if you like a girl, you shouldn't send the girl messages over text for a few days. Even then, you have to wait a while before you respond to her over text. This is ridiculous! If you like a girl, you have to talk to her over text and you can't wait to do it. You won't look desperate if you respond right away over text, you'll look like the kind of guy who can keep up a conversation over text and doesn't make her wait. To show a girl you like her over text, don't spend a lot of time questioning how you talk to her over text. Don't wait to respond to her over text because you think it's how you're supposed to behave. You don't have to be monitoring your phone so you can answer her over text the second she sends you a message. Just don't intentionally wait to respond to her over text because you don't want to seem desperate over text or in person. You wait to respond to her over text, and she'll move on to someone else! Waiting too long to respond to someone over text could lead you to lose your chance with the girl you like. To get a girl to like you over text, don't wait too long to respond to her. Your girl will appreciate that you're not making her wait for you over text, and it will definitely make her like you more.

Try To Be Sexy

Once you've broken the ice with the girl you like over text, you can take things to the next level with her. Getting her to like you even more over text is as easy as being sexy with her. You can start small and work your way up to full on sex over text if that's something you're both interested in. You want to turn the girl you like on over text without it being overkill so that she knows you're work her time and that she should get to know you more over text. Start by telling her how much you like her and that you enjoy spending time together over text and in person. Work up to sending more sexy messages over text so that you can show her that she turns you on and hopefully turn her on, too. Wait to start being sexy over text until you've built up a solid foundation for your relationship. Once you're there, take your cues from her. Don't send too many sexy messages over text if she's not into it. If she is into it, though, then turning her on over text is a great way to show her how much you like her. If you can turn your girl on over text, she'll know that you can turn her on in real life, too. She'll fall for you over text and in person.

Keep The Conversation Going

Once you've started a conversation with the girl you like over text, you have to keep it going. It's not enough to start a conversation over text if you just let it drop off. Be sure to keep an eye on the conversation so that you don't flop over text because she might think you're not worth dating if you can't even talk to her over text. Make sure to respond to your girl over text. If you get to a lull in the conversation, try asking the girl you like one of the questions from above over text to pick things up again. Use questions that are open ended or can lead to follow ups over text because then you'll be able to pick the conversation back up. Your girl will like that you're trying to talk to her over text and she'll help keep things going if she sees you're interested. You can't get a girl to like you over text if you can't even talk to her over text. Keeping up the conversation shows the girl you like that you're worth talking to and that you care enough to work hard to get to know her over text.

Texting The Girl You Like

Texting with the girl that you like might seem scary or hard, but it doesn't have to be. If you want a girl to like you over text, use these tips to start a conversation over text and to keep it going once it's started. The girl you like will smile when she sees your name pop up on your phone and she'll fall for you over text, and then in person.