The Crucial Relationship Guide on Dating in your 30’s

Dating in your 30s is not the least daunting, let us guide you

By Chelsea Lane
The Crucial Relationship Guide on Dating in your 30’s

Dating in your 30’s is not actually that hard as you may probably think. You will only think that it is kind of hard because you feel the pressure of finding someone you could spend your life with. Probably, you feel left out because you are the only one with a single status in your peers. While many people think that finding someone to date will be hard once you are on your 30’s, you actually shouldn’t feel intimated at all.

Though it may look similar, there is still a difference between dating when you are still on your 20’s and dating when you are already on your 30’s, and you will be surprised if I say that the latter is much easier than the former. If you experienced dating on your 20’s, you would probably notice that you are somehow unsure of who you are and what you want. It’s the time where you try to experience a lot of new things to know who you really are and dating isn’t an exception to that.


Once you reach 30, you probably experienced all the things you needed to discover about yourself. At this stage, you already had a solid vision of your self—you probably know about your strengths, your flaws, and your weaknesses at this point. Once you know about all of these, you can already have an idea about what you are looking for and what you need for a partner.

What is dating in your 30’s like?

While dating in your 20’s seems to feel more carefree because you are still young, dating in your 30’s would probably feel like you are in urgency. However, there are only a few things you need to know about how dating in your 30’s is like:

1. Looks is no longer the top priority.

The first thing that often catches somebody’s attention when looking for someone to date is their looks, isn’t it? But this is no longer the case once you reach the age of 30. Sure, it will still catch your eye but it is not enough to keep your attention attached to them. Once you are 30, you are probably looking for someone you could be with long term, so things like their interests, life goals, and values are much more important than how they look.

2. Taking advantage of Happy hours to socialize

There are a lot of single people who are already in their 30’s that are working on their full-time jobs on a regular basis. This would only mean one thing—their sleeping and waking up patterns are a lot earlier than what they’re used to be on their 20’s. In this case, they should take advantage of their happy hours when they’re not at work. Usually, people take their happy hours as their time to recover and rest, but this is actually also the best time to socialize and meet single people whenever you have the chance.

3. No longer date for fun and genuine relationship to go further

Everything is fast-paced once you are on your 30’s. Realizing that after 10 years, you are already on the ‘midlife’ phase, you will also realize that you do not the time to date just for fun anymore.

Once you are in your 30’s, you will feel that it is totally useless to spend your time with just someone who didn’t ‘click’ with you in the third, second, or even on your very first date.

Tips on Dating in your 30’s as a man

Reaching your 30’s means you can now man up and step up into a more serious kind of relationship. You don’t have the time to play anymore and be stuck with a kind of dead-end women. Of course, you would be the one to decide if she’s already the ‘right one’ or just the ‘right now’, but you probably want to know the following tips to date in your 30’s:

1. Know what the type of woman you want

On your 30’s, you can meet a lot of women and choose who you want to spend your life with. You will probably meet a divorcee, a career woman, and even a woman who’s been single ever since she’s born. Try to create a little chat with them and see if you two would ‘click’ before you decide to go into a relationship.

2. Know where to meet the ideal kind of woman.

You’re done with playing around and if you finally decided to find someone to settle down with, don’t go to strip clubs and the likes. Refined women gather in refined and sophisticated places. You can start at places like museums, bookstores, or cafés. You can even meet them at events like a wedding or a simple house party.

3. Know how to approach a woman.

Now that you have an idea where to start, you will probably immediately spot someone who might catch your interest. The next step after this would be how to approach them.

Don’t use a pick-up line because it wouldn’t work to most women at your age. You can just simply ask them a question, be yourself and show your interests. If possible, you can have an acquaintance introduced the both of you to each other. Also, stop using creepy tactics and man up.

Tips on Dating in your 30’s as a woman

In your 30’s, you have already bloomed into a somehow wiser and more experienced woman. At this age, you have a number of successes in your career and achieved a lot of your life goals. Most women think that the age of 30 is the age to finally settle down, and if you think so too, then you will be fully equipped to take on the dating challenge by following the written tips:

1. Be open-minded.

Reaching the age of 30 means that you have to embrace more possibilities, so you have to keep yourself open-minded. Toss out your list of personalities for your ideal guy, you don’t need that.

At this age, you can’t afford to be picky; you have to date anyone even if he’s not your type of guy at all. Try dating a guy with the same perspective as you or date a guy who could take you out of your comfort zone. You will be surprised to see that you would actually go along with someone who’s not really your type.

2. Look for a man, not a boy.

While dating boys can surely be fun and carefree, you are actually risking yourself to a relationship that goes nowhere. Plus, dating a boy is really tiring since you don’t have any idea where your relationship will go.

Date a man instead—someone who’s emotionally stable and totally capable of investing all his time for you. If possible, find someone who has his future carefully planned out.

3. Never see any guy you meet as “The One”

This is just one of the sad mistakes a woman at her 30’s does. Since the pressure brought by the thought of settling down can pin you down, you will make the mistake of seeing every guy you meet as “The One”.

You have to keep in mind that not all relationships last forever, and choosing the wrong guy will even crush your dream wedding apart. When you started dating a guy, do not immediately expect something from him so that you can keep yourself away from disappointments.

You can still take your time to feel the happiness brought by dating. If you feel that he’s bringing more bad things than good to your life, don’t be afraid to let him go.

Dating in your 30's as a woman

When it comes to dating, women have different perspectives. While some marry while they are still young, there are also some who would choose to date in their 30’s. The common factors that affect their decision about marriage and dating are often about careers and the thing they call the ‘biological clock’.

Some women choose to date and settle down early just so they could bear a child easily while some are still chasing the peak of their careers before deciding to settle down.


Dating as a woman in 30’s is not as easy as dating as a man who’s in the same age. Sure, a woman of this age are a lot wiser and more experienced, but they are often found as intimidating.


That’s why women this age must be more open-minded to a lot of possibilities. If you are on your 30’s and a guy ask you to eat dinner with him, grab the chance to know him. Grab every chance to know every guy who’s interested in you and choose who among them could be the one you could settle down with.

Where to meet singles in your 30’s

Your carefree days are over once you reach your 30’s. If you have plans to take on a serious relationship and find someone who you could date, you can try and meet them at these places:

1. Outdoor Group Work-Out Sessions

There are instances where yoga places and local gyms organize free outdoor group sessions on a weekend. Since it’s free, you can take the opportunity to meet a lot of people all the while getting your body into shape.

2. Weddings

Attending a wedding of someone you knew might bring you closer to what you’re looking for as there can also be singles that would come to this event. Since this is just a romantic celebration, it brings people an optimistic feeling about love and relationship. Since it’s an event where you will be stuck with the same group of people for the time being, take it as an opportunity to talk and mingle.

3. House Parties

There’s actually a benefit for you if you have a social friend who loves throwing house parties and social gatherings. Mostly, these kinds of events are meant to socialize and meet new people so you can take this as your advantage to meet a lot of singles.

4. Seminar

Attending a seminar you are interested in will give you an opportunity to meet someone of the same interests. You will meet more social people here so you won’t find it hard to approach someone who will catch your attention.


People fall into the illusion that once you reach the age of 30, finding someone who you could date will be an uphill task. However, viewing from the optimistic side, reaching this age means you’ve already accumulated a lot of experiences that make you wiser than you are before. Take this as an advantage to choose someone you could spend your life with for good.