12 Tips to be that perfect girlfriend your boyfriend desire

12 Tips to be that perfect girlfriend your boyfriend desire

Find out how to be that perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend

By Evelyn
12 Tips to be that perfect girlfriend your boyfriend desire

The definition of a Perfect Girlfriend

What makes a perfect girlfriend? Do you think you got what it takes? Contrary to what most people think, the perfect girlfriend is not the one with the killer looks (the look helps, of course, men are visual creatures smiley) but it's not the main thing.

The definition of the perfect girlfriend consists of a number of characteristics or qualities that, according to men, a girl should have. What are those qualities? We'll mention a couple of them so you can do a checklist.

1. The perfect girlfriend has a sense of Humor

The perfect girlfriend knows how to laugh at herself, laugh with others and basically have a good time. Guys love it when you laugh at their jokes (though you should do that only if they're really funny) but they also like it when you can crack some jokes of your own. In a relationship, a sense of humor is crucial, it helps to "roll with the punches". Don't take life so seriously and laugh a lot, guys like that.   

2. The perfect girlfriend is independent and self-confident

It's nice to be part of a couple but remember that you're your own person too. Guys might feel intimidated sometimes when they're in front of a girl who knows what she wants and has lots of self-confidence, but they like that, it means that they have to work harder to get your attention.

3. The perfect girlfriend is honest, caring and loyal

Honesty is much-appreciated by guys. Show him that "what you see is what you get", don't try to be someone you're not, that's going to show eventually. Guys like girls who are caring, but not overly so, just the right amount so they can feel appreciated. Loyalty is another quality that guys seek in a girl, someone who will stand by their side.

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12 Tips on how to be a Perfect Girlfriend

There's a lot of misinformation or misconception out there about what it takes to be a great or a perfect girlfriend. Girls, it's not about looking perfect every day or learning to cook so you can make him his favorite food or just go along with whatever he wants (by the way, this last one is a no-no). Fixing yourself so you look nice in a date or baking him his favorite cookies help, but is not the heart of the matter.

Being yourself in any situation is key, you need to be the best version of yourself because that should be enough. Trying to understand who he is and what he wants helps, just don't try to change him into someone you want him to be, that never works, eventually it all falls down.

You want to be a great girlfriend right? Someone he can't stop talking about with his friends and family? Well if you want to be a keeper take notice of the following tips, it can help you become the perfect girlfriend.

1. Be a good companion to him

You need to be "the friend" in girlfriend. Girls you are in a relationship, there's got to be more than just the physical part. For things to really work out it needs to be something more, a connection, intimacy and that can only be achieved if you share interests, and points of view. So talk to him, be his friend too.

2. Avoid being clingy

The perfect girlfriend knows that his guy sometimes needs his space, it's nothing to do with you or something you did, that's just how he is. Clingy girls are a major turn-off, don't be one of them. Remember that independence is a quality of the perfect girlfriend.


3. Appreciate him

Maybe you haven't realized this but men are craving for appreciation. It's not just that they want to feel loved by all your attention and all you can give him, it's a little more than that. Your guy probably wants you to acknowledge him for what he provides, he wants to feel like his efforts (giving you a great date night or cooking for you or surprising you with a detail) were a success.

You need to compliment him, not for what he is but for what he's doing, if he sends you a bouquet of flowers, called him or text him saying something like "Thank you for my flowers, that was so thoughtful". He'll really feel appreciated and you'll make him feel like your hero.

4. Don't be possessive, trust him

Demanding to know where he is at all hours is not going to get you anywhere. He'll get tired of that, you'll make him feel caged and that will be it. Trust him to have his own space, if you question him constantly about his whereabouts when he's not with you will make you look crazy possessive.

Trust is pivotal in all relationship, that goes both ways. You need to trust him but you also need to set boundaries for when that trust is broken, be very clear about that. 

5. Take care of yourself

You need to take care of yourself, you know, keep a healthy lifestyle (exercise, clean eating), keep "grooming" yourself the same way you were doing before you meet him and you became an item. Guys appreciate a girl who makes the effort to look good for him. It's not that you have to look perfect all the time (that's unrealistic and so... exhausting) but just wear a little makeup when you're meeting him or if you too live together, wear your sweatpants but with a little bit of style. wink

He's not going to stop loving you if you don't look good, it's just that he likes that you make the effort. so indulge him a little, it'll keep things exciting.

6. Get the seal of approval from his friends

Get to know his friend and make them like you. Not by being someone you're not just so they accept you, make friends with them by being yourself, that should be enough. He'll really like to see that you get along with his friends, that's like a pat on his back for choosing you because in the eyes of his buddies you'll be awesome (that's a given but give them the opportunity to discover it smiley).

7. Pick your battles

You're bound to have fights, it's unrealistic to assume everything's going to be peachy. Just remember to pick your battles wisely, don't sweat the small stuff. Learn to distinguish between the important and the trivial, if the issue you're discussing is not important let it be, don't ruin your day or your relationship bickering about everything. He'll appreciate that and will pay attention when you're fighting about important stuff. 

8. Master the art of nagging constructively

Guys can be childish and messy and... yeah all that. is not that he's like that all the time, but sometimes it can get on your nerves. Instead of exploding and yelling at him to "stop behaving like that!" or to "pick up his mess!" breath deeply and talk to him in a soft tone bordering on seductive. All that sweetness is going to disarm him, it won't' feel like nagging, it'll come out as genuine concern and he'll responder better to that.

9. Positive attitude and a killer smile

Girls, a smile is a great weapon if you got one use it. Having a positive attitude draws people to you because it's infectious, that's the kind of girl he wants to spend a great deal of time with. We're not saying that you have to have a smile plastered to your face all the time (you're going to have rough patches) but you should try to have a positive outlook.

10. Learn how to listen

Know that sometimes your guy needs to vent, maybe he had a bad work day or a bad day in general. Hone your instincts and learn when all he wants is to vent, he's not asking for advice or for placating words, let him rant. Knowing when to speak your mind is important but in a relationship the art of listening is much more important.

11. Give his ego a boost

Sometimes a tough exterior hides well some insecurities, so giving your guy a boost to his ego will get you in the perfect girlfriend category. Make him feel good about himself, tell him and show him that you found him attractive and desirable, usually a good and truthful compliment will do the job.

12. Don't put your own life on hold

Maintain your own life outside of the relationship. You need to have your own thing going, your own hobbies and passions and circle of friends, a girl who's center of the universe is her boyfriend is doom for failure, guys don't like that (unless they've got mental issues and those you should avoid).
You need balance in your life so you can have a healthy relationship, so look for sources of happiness and fulfillment outside of him.

Books on How to be a Perfect Girlfriend

If you want to expand on the tips and advice on how to be the perfect girlfriend, there are a couple of books you could get. They might shine more light on your quest.

How To Be The Perfect Girlfriend (How to be Perfect Series book 4)

How To Be The Perfect Girlfriend

You'll find some practical advice on this book, that is part of a series called How to be Perfect. It covers topics like the ones we have talked here but more in depth. You'll find it very useful. Check it out.

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man: The Keys to Catch a Great Guy

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man

This book is more on dating advice for women, but it could help you understand your guy better. The author, Gregg Michaelsen claims that he will teach you"Man Mode" so you can communicate better with him. It's worth a try, so check it out too. 

Quotes on How to be a Perfect Girlfriend to Your Boyfriend

Need a little inspiration on how to be a perfect girlfriend? We got you covered, take a look at these quotes.

"Being in a relationship isn't about the kissing, the dates or the showing off. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can." -Anonymous

"For the first time, I've found someone that I hate leaving. I've found someone that I can't get enough of. I found someone that accepts me for who I am and doesn't tell me I need to change. I think I've found someone that I can fall in love with." -Anonymous

"I can't promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone."


Girls, we're not perfect no one is. All we talked about above are just tips to help you understand your guy better so you can be a great girlfriend and your relationship can grow and become something meaningful. Just be the better version of yourself and if you have room for improvement then work on it, before you know it you'll be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend.

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