15 Funny I Love You Quotes For People Around You

15 Funny I Love You Quotes For People Around You

Funny I love you quotes that makes everyone happy and joyful

By Sophia R
15 Funny I Love You Quotes For People Around You

Who doesn’t love quotes? They are the way of expressing our feelings in the most sincere, compact, funny and cute way there is. Sometimes, we wish to say something and we might find it hard to do with our own words, and that is when they come in handy; You might find a quote online that says exactly what you want to say to someone and couldn’t find how to. Also, people appreciate when others dedicate quotes to them, as it makes one feel cared for and appreciated. This can even change a bad or sad day, making them feel joyful and loved. Quotes are so much better when they have some humor mixed in with love, as humor makes everything 10 times better. We will give you 15 best fun I Love You quotes out there to make your partners, families or friends day:

Funny I love you quotes for her

Women love quotes. Seriously, all of them dream since they were little girls to have men dedicate a romantic love quote to them. I know that it can be awkward or weird for you to say something too cliche or romantic to them cause you might not be that into novels like language and stuff, that is why we brought you the funniest I love you quotes that you won’t feel awkward with by saying that to her:

We all know that men can be very nasty when they are very comfortable around their girlfriends. If you are one of those who doesn’t have any shame in farting around her and you have an inside joke with it, dedicate this quote to her. After all, you are an expert in both areas: farting and loving. 

Women are always asking about their looks: “ does this shirt look good on me?” “ do these shoes match my outfit?”. Well, use that to make their day better. This quote has the most innocent yet catchy humor to express your love for her. As she is always asking if she looks good, it will make her feel that she only needs your love to look good.

Almost all women love dirty talk and some heat. With this funny quote, you can be a little bit naughty about expressing your love and lust for her. First, you are telling her that she is hot, which she will appreciate much, and second, you are making a sexual innuendo which she will probably end up thanking you later for it. All of this with a simple funny food metaphor. You are basically mixing the two women’s favorite things: food and sex. It can’t get better than this! 

Funny I love you quotes for him

Alright; men are thought not to like quotes and romantic things from their girls, but in reality, if done in the right way, they won’t feel weird about it, they will actually love it. I mean, who doesn’t love to have some love shown to them? As men love humor, we have thought to mix those love quotes with some jokes so that your man will understand them better. Keep reading and find the best quotes to dedicate to him and make him feel loved and make him laugh for a bit:

This quote here is perfect for making your boy feel loved through laughs. It explains perfectly how love doesn’t make you aware of your surroundings, as it distracts you from everything else than the person you love. Well, because of this, you may even walk into a pole for being so lovey dovey! What a funny image!

Women are known to be extremely irritable when they are hungry, and what better way for them to express their feelings through this funny stereotype. For a woman to say that she loves you even when she is hungry is a huge thing pal. I swear they don’t even love their parents at that point. Big statement! 

Boobs are very useful for jokes in all circumstances. What a funny thing to say that she loves you with all her boobs because they are bigger than her heart. Well, my friend, let me tell you she must love you a lot! Lucky you!

Funny I love you quotes for best friends

Best friends are one of the best things that we can have in our lives. They seem to make our days, weeks, months, and years better by just a simple comment, or even by their presence. Friendships are characterized by the fun that we might have when being with our best friend. We have all have had an afternoon filled with laughs by just making simple jokes with our best friends, don’t we? What better way to express our love for our best-friend than through that humor that leads your relationship at all times. Do this with these funny I love you quotes specially made for your BFF:

Friendships can have a lot of upside downs as any other relationships would. You might fight because of stupid things, then make up again; it’s normal. What is important is that you both always know that you both cause the problems between each other, and what better way to address your constant bickering than with this quote about how hard you to can get. It is sure as hell funny!

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Friendships are all about laughing at each other when funny things happen to one of you. But, after all, you will always have the support of your bestie no matter what. It is incredible how they can even make you laugh about those bad times and falls you may have. We are talking metaphoric and actual falls here! With this funny quote about supporting you after a fall but first laughing about it, your best friend will crack up! 

This quote is perfect for expressing how you feel for your bestie with some laughs here and there. We know that we always have our friends backs no matter what, and we might always feel for them when they aren’t in their best times. Nevertheless, we always manage to stop them when they are doing something that isn’t good for themselves. This funny quote is perfect for letting your friend know that you have got their back by using a funny situation, and some funny insults, too. 

Funny I love you quotes for sisters

Sisters: those girls we love so much, but yet seem to annoy a lot. Sibling relationships are filled with love, jokes, fights, bickering, but at the end of the day, you love your sister more than anything. As we said, females die for some cliche expression of love, and sisters don’t stay behind here. Use some humor and express the love for your sister, she might even get a little bit less annoyed by you from now on.

If you are the big sister, you know how maddening it can be when someone messes with your little sister. It will happen though, as boys might break her heart or she will get into fights with girls. You might always feel the need to protect her as you are the big sis, and this quote is perfect for expressing that backup you've got for her with some dark humor. Don’t worry, you can use it if you are the big brother; We know you always want to look out for your little sister, too. She will feel protected as hell now!

Brother and sister or sister and sister relationships are characterized for making funny little evil things to the little sister. That doesn’t mean you don’t love her, on the contrary, it means that you have a relationship that is filled with fun and laughs. What better way to express this than through this funny quote we can all relate with so much!

Alright, we all know that one of the reasons we love our sisters is for their wardrobe. Who hasn’t grabbed a shirt from their sister when going to a date or some shoes for a party? The sure as hell save our outfits one, two or thousands of times! What a perfect way to let her know you love her with this sister inside joke! She will laugh and hate you a bit for it, but love you more on top of everything!

Funny I love you quotes from movies

We all love a funny romantic movie because we can sometimes relate to them in so many levels. They say and so much things that we wish we could do in real life too. These funny quotes from movies are a perfect way to express your feelings in a funny way to your significant other, or to keep them to yourself and relate to them:

This quote is seriously so funny. If you have seen Friends, you know that Phoebe is just completely nuts, of course she would say something like this. She talks about so many incoherent and crazy things like in this case about lobster love. Come on, who would know this? Of course, Phoebe does. Picture yourself with him or her living as old lobsters, and you will feel so much in love with them!

“What does she want with Josh anyway? He dresses funny, he listens to complain rock, he's not even cute in a conventional way... I mean, he's just like this slug that hangs around the house all the time! Ugh! And he's a hideous dancer, couldn't take him anywhere. Wait for a second, what am I stressing about, this is like, Josh. Okay, okay......so he's kind of a Baldwin. What would he want with Ty, she couldn't make him happy, Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes any...then suddenly...Oh my god! I love Josh! I'm majorly, totally, butt crazy in love with Josh!” –Cher, Clueless

We all have had that Cher In Clueless moment where we doubt our love for someone and we try to focus on their bad things to convince ourselves we don’t actually like them to end up realizing we love them. Yes, it is just a funny mess made by our crazy little heads. Have a laugh with this incredibly relatable quote: 

“I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." –Harry, When Harry Met Sally

This quote is hilariously funny but seriously beautiful at the end. When we love, we tend to also love the most annoying and weird things about the other two. And when we are declaring our love, we can tend to funnily rant as it happens in this movie. I know we have all been there, and then we have had our laughs about it!

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Now that you have all of these amazing quotes, you can go out there and dedicate them to your family, friends and your partner to express your love and make their days better with a few laughs. You have got the power to make them happier that they have you in their lives, and you will thank us later for that!