8 Things I Actually Face When I Say I Love You More

The emotional feelings I face when I say I love you more

By Sophia R
8 Things I Actually Face When I Say I Love You More

“I love you more” the phrase that gets us all going. “I love you more than I love myself” “I love you more than I love life” or just simply “I love you more” means so much. Sometimes we can’t tend to look past it, but in reality, these words are very deep, and we should start being more aware of them. In this post, we will talk about the meaning of these 4 simple words that can make our ground shake.

Signs when I love you more

You might think it’s not, but it is actually okay and normal that one of the persons in a relationship loves the other more than the other loves them. It doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t working, that it isn’t good, or that it won’t last; it is actually not bad for it at all. Also, it won’t be permanently like that, that feeling will shift between the two of you during the relationship. 

Of course, if you feel that the difference is big, it might become an issue there. Try talking it out and find a way where you can balance it by doing more activities together, spending more time with each other, talking more, etc.

These are the general signs when one loves the other more in a relationship:

1. They move heaven and earth for you

You might feel that the person drops everything they are doing for you at any time. You know that you can ask for anything, and they will do it for you, no matter how hard it might be. Think of those times were they picked you up at the airport in the midnight, or when they got you that limited edition purse that you wanted so bad and it was sold out everywhere. If you can’t seem to be able to give them the same back, they are definitely more in love with you than you are with them.

If you can’t find the strength to make an effort and pay them with the same gestures, you might have a problem there.

2. They always want to be with you

If he or she doesn’t want to literally separate from you at any time, they are more in love with you than you are. Not wanting to hang out with their friends because they'd rather stay with you, not letting you do things by yourself because they want to be with you at all times, offering to accompany you everywhere, are some of the things they may do when they feel this way.

Let them know that this is not the healthiest way to have a relationship. You both need separate time to make you miss each other and in that way build more excitement to see each other. If it is not this way, it might get boring and monotonous, which I know they don’t want that at all.

3. You have met their parents but they haven't met yours

If they have introduced you to their family, and you haven’t yet, they are way more in love with you than you are, my friend. This means they see a future with you and that they want you to be a part of their family too. If you don’t feel the need to do the same yet, it might mean that you don’t take the relationship as seriously as they do, which, don’t get me wrong, is not bad of you at all. Everyone takes relationships on different rhythms, the key is in talking it out and going more or less to the same beat there.

4. They apologize all the time

When one person apologizes too much in a relationship, it means they love you so much they don’t want any problems between the two of you. By doing this, they show they always want to have a peaceful relationship with you, and they fear conflicts as it might lead to the end of it, which they never want.

This also means that your partner will have your back in any situation, even when you are not right and they shouldn’t. They are loyal to you at any point because they love you so much.

This can be negative for your relationship as it might lead to codependency, so if you feel it is getting too much, talk to them about it. 

5. They answer to your phone calls and texts instantly

Picture this: no matter the time, place, or situation, he or she will reply to all of your calls or texts in less than one minute. You, on the other hand, don’t really feel the need to be there 100% of the time. That is a sure sign that they love you more than you love them.

6. They remember everything you say and do

There are two ways it can go from here: your partner is either a romantic or they are putting more attention to details than you are. When a person remembers everything you say and do, and you don’t, they are more in love with you. As they love you so much, they basically admire everything you do and they keep it in their minds.

7. They make all the plans

Dates, trips, lunch plans, if they do all of them all the time and you just tag along: they love you more honey. Yes, it might be cool to have everything planned for you, but, common, surprise him or her, and do the plans yourself once in a while. It will be a beautiful gesture.

8. They always ask for your opinions

No matter what, your partner asks you before doing anything, and you don’t really seem to do the same ever. This means that they love you so much they care about what you think of them and what they do, and that they love you more than you do. They will always want your approval on things, as they feel the need to please you with all they do.

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When I say I love you more, it means...

Saying I love you more can mean a lot of things depending on everyone’s feelings and situations. These are some of the things that people mean when they say I love you more:

  1. When I say I love you more it means that I love you more than the fights we will ever have
  2. When I say I love you more it means that I love you more than you love me
  3. When I say I love you more it means that I will always be faithful to you
  4. When I say I love you more it means that I love you more than life
  5. When I say I love you more it means that I love you more than anyone in this world
  6. When I say I love you more it means that I need you to feel alive
  7. When I say I love you more it means that I just want you more than anything or anyone else
  8. When I say I love you more it means that I can’t live without you

When I love you more I don't mean...

As pretty much everything we say, I love you more can be misunderstood in so many ways. Again, this depends on the person, feelings, and situations he or she might be going through, but here are some of the things I love you more might not mean:

  1. When I say I love you more I don’t mean I love you more than myself
  2. When I say I love you more I don’t mean that you can control me
  3. When I say I love you more I don’t mean I will always forgive you
  4. When I say I love you more I don’t mean that I love you more than you love me
  5. When I say I love you more I don’t mean you should love me the same way
  6. When I say I love you more I don’t mean I love you more than my family
  7. When I say I love you more I don’t mean I would give my life for you
  8. When I say I love you more I don’t mean we will last forever

Quotes about When I love you more

Quotes are perfect for any ocassion, and why wouldn't these be one of them, too. Here we got the best I love you more quotes that you can easily relate to and dedicate to anyone you wish: 

“When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us. I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us. I love you more than any obstacle that could ever try and come between us. I love you the most.”

No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.

I Love You More Than Yesterday and That's How I Feel Every day.

I promise you this, no matter who enters your life, I will love you more than any of them.


Now that you know what those 4 big words mean, you won’t be as confused by them as before. Remember, they can mean different things depending on the situation or feelings you are going through, so never forget to always talk about hem before using them and letting them be miss understood which can become a huge mess. Good luck on those dedications then, my pal!

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