5 Geekingly Sweet Dating Site for Gamers You Should Try
What Are the Usual Websites Gamers Log on for Online Dating?
Apr 28, 2019

In the modern day there is an app and website for everything, even dating! But is there a website for the gamers where they could get together and start dating, find their soul mates, or casually just go on dates with likeminded people? In today’s world, we believe there are geniuses out there that saw the opportunity of an online dating forum for gamers and ended up creating them!
Some of these websites are well known, others linger in the back but are available in case anyone needs them. The first website in question is dating4gamers.com, the registration forms on this website ask for the gamer’s interest so that they could be matched to their own kind. There isn’t a huge pool to scroll through, but there are still relatively enough people to choose from.

Other websites include Date Craft, Game Dater, and Game Crush which are designed to cater to the love needs of a gamer. The spectrum for gamers to connect and finally get involved with someone has been small over the years, but with time we can see a trend where there are various platforms for gamers to interact with each other, and if lucky, find the one they have been looking for.
2019 Best, Popular and Good Dating Sites for Gamers Seeking Love
1. GamerDating:

Let’s face it – finding love in the gamer district can be pretty hard, when the people that you interact with are behind avatars, some of the times (or mostly) they don’t even have a real name. How are you supposed to find love like that? What if you find the perfect gamer online, but you have no idea who they are? All you know is their username and an avatar, and that they pull at your heartstrings with their abilities at the controller!
GamerDating has an answer to your question: it not only provides you with a platform but it encourages you to participate, they help you unveil the identity of the gamers that you take interest in. Unlike usual dating websites, where there are awkward first chats, here at GamerDating, you can play your way through. The website also has a remarkable reward system, it gives you a free game every time you make contact with someone. What more could you want?

The website has no initial subscription fees, its basic account set up is free, however the payment plan starts immediately, you have two packages to choose from: you could either get a 2 month subscription for $35 or you could subscribe for 4 months altogether for $70. In our opinion, love couldn’t cost less!
2. Soul Geek.com

If you are a video game enthusiast, if you love cosplays, the fiction world, and if you are an absolute geek – this website is for you. Soulgeek.com has a very easy sign up process, all you have to do is give them your gender, your age, and area code. Based on your activities on the website it will connect you to your nearest match.
You know how usually dating websites would only involve match making activities? Well, this website provides a unique twist to the story. While you look for your perfect match, you could enjoy fictional discussions, you could play games online, and or participate in discussions on the forum with like-minded people. There’s something in it for everyone.

This website is not just for gamers, but for the general “geek” gathering. This should not be thought of as a bad thing, considering that not only do you meet gamers, you meet people with different interests; you could never know where you might find love so the more the merrier! The membership to this forum is free, but if you wish to avail perks with your basic membership you would have to pay $9.95 per month.
3. LFGDating:

This is a dating website for the gamers of today. It was originally created by a school teacher and a Marine Corps, the duo seems oddly unorthodox but they ended up creating a genius platform for those in search of love, and a home for their hearts. Like many other websites, this one also focuses on the interests of the gamers and connects them to the people that like the same things as them.
What sets this website apart is the fact that this was designed for more than just a casual dating forum. It is easy to find a person in any social gathering that wants to hook up and forget it the next morning. But can you really be in a long term relationship with people that you randomly meet? You need time, efforts, and compatibility with someone that you see yourself with for a long term. LFGDating helps you find that perfect match for your heart.

It is a website for the gamers that wish to establish a long term relationship with the ones they find interesting and have something in common with. The best part is that it comes with no price. Everything on this website it free for you. If you want to create an account, it is free. If you want to Search people on the website, it for free. If you want to send a possible future interest a message and start knowing them – it is also free!
4. Gaming Passions:

Do you ever feel like the people that you hang out with don’t usually get it? They don’t understand your passion for your game, your books, and your general interests at all? Do you ever feel like it might be a little difficult for you to find love, you know with you being a “geek” and all? We’ve got a little good news for you: GamingPassions is here to rid you of all these feelings in a jiffy!
It is a website for dating for gamers, mainly for video gamers. This is place where you could unleash the inner you – your love for video games, books, or anything at all. People here would always understand you. This is a website for casual dating, but it truly depends on the individual dating whether or not they just want to casually go out for coffee dates, or want something more than just that.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone who shares the same passion for games or books as you? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a best friend to share your interest with you in the person that you are also dating? Sounds like a myth, doesn’t it? But with Gaming Passions it is now more than possible. In addition to all its awesomeness; the website is absolutely free of all registration or membership fees.
5. MaiGamers:

The last one on our list is a website that is fairly new but has made a significant impact on the overall community of gamers that are dating. MaiGamers is a website that brings people who are like-minded and have the same interests in terms of the games they play and the things they do.
You may think there is nothing new in what this website offers and the others, but the truth is, each website has its own perks. While it may seem to be like a usual website for dating, it has more than that. The website offers a wide range of people that live “near” you. Usually websites would match you with people that live halfway across the globe, with MaiGames, you reduce this chance.

It will only suggest people that are approachable, making your dating game a reality!
Above all, the only cost you need to pay is the initial premium subscription, after that everything you choose to do on the website is completely free!
In today’s world where Tinder, Crush, and other dating websites are making a huge impact on the love life of people, we refuse to believe that there is nothing out there for the traditional geeks and gamers of our world. When we inquired we found out that there are many websites out there that can become the figurative wingmen for our gamers out there. The websites we discussed earlier in the article are 5 of the most searched websites, we can assure you there are a lot more where that came from!

Gamers no longer have to feel left out, or feel awkward in approaching the people that they like. What is even better Is that a gamer can now befriend a gamer buddy and maybe start something special. Websites like GamerDating, SoulGeek.com, and LFGDating may come with a minimal price but what they have to offer is of far greater value than what you pay them initially. However there are also websites available online like MaiGames and GamingPassions that find you your loved one for free.
While dating usually was the game of the most popular kids in school, the jocks, and the quarter backs; there is no denying that the modern day geeks are no longer lagging behind because the internet’s got something for everyone. So access these websites, and find a friend that you could spend time with!

For all the single women out there, meeting your ideal match, one having the same wavelength as you, is like searching for the all elusive four leaf clover.