10 Adorable Ways On How To Initiate A Kiss With Someone
How can you initiate a kiss with someone without scaring them off?
Jun 10, 2019

10 Ways On How To Initiate A Kiss On A Date
We all like to kiss people we like whether it is on a date, at the movies, just chilling, or any other situation where you are together. This doesn't mean kisses are the easiest to give, and that taking the first step isn't scary at all. I know we have all been there: you feel that it is the moment for a kiss, you want it, you know they want it too, but you don't know how to go for it. The butterflies and nerves can definitely get to you, my friend.
Why would you want to be the best at initiating a kiss? Well, because that phrase is actually quite important if you want anyone to accept and kiss you back with pleasure. Trust me, having a kiss be rejected is awful!
There is actually no reason for you to worry much about this issue you may have; we have got you covered with these 10 ways to initiate a kiss depending on the situation you are in. Stay tuned!

How To Initiate A Kiss While Cuddling
Cuddling is one of the best and nicest activities you can do with your partner. I mean, who doesn't love to be all cozy and close to that person whilst being in a comfortable bed or chair and just chilling. Also, it is one of the best ways to express affection and care towards your partner. If you want to make things more intimate whilst cuddling, there is no better move than to lean in for a kiss. How?
Check out the ways here:
1. Neck Kisses

When cuddling, all of our body is basically intertwined with the others. It is just so intimate and it can mean so much. The best way to start a kiss in this position is to start by kissing their neck and chest whilst you are cuddling them. Then, start progressively going up until you reach their lips, and go for it right there. They will love the anticipation and the kiss will be magical.
2. Caresses

If you are cuddling, caresses and petting is the best way to show affection and desire at the same time. If you wish to bring even more love to the moment, a kiss will be perfect. How to make it happen? Use those caressing in your favor: touch their face, trail your fingers down their neck and chest, touch their lips, and finally grab their hair gently and lean in for the kiss. They will even get goosebumps.
How To Initiate A Kiss On The First Date

We might often not know when is the best time to kiss on a date and less if it is the first one. It may be a desired and expected moment on both sides, but it is difficult to know what is the right time and how to do it so that the other person is not offended or rejects you as they are not ready.
Whether you are a man or a woman, we will explain how to initiate a kiss on the first date. Leave aside the stress that can cause that moment and make this first experience pleasant, enjoyable and unforgettable. We give you all the tips so that the inaugural kiss leads to many more. Take note!
3. Be attentive

Pay attention to whether the other person is receptive or not towards you during the date. Before taking the step and kissing that person on the first date, see if there are signs that make it possible and that show that they are indeed, interested in you, too. If you are getting closer, they look at your eyes or your mouth at all times, show interest in your life, chances are that they will like a kiss from you. If you see these signals, go for the kiss without any doubt!
4. Choose the place and time

Choose the right and perfect time to go for the kiss. Remember, after all, it is the first date, which you will always remember as something special and unique. Therefore, we advise you to do it in an intimate moment, in which both of you have approached and felt comfortable with each other. Don't even think about giving the first kiss in the middle of a meal or in a crowded place.
On the contrary, the ideal way is to wait for a private, quiet and romantic moment. It will be way more comfortable and better for both of you.
5. Be slow

Never, and I do mean never, start a kiss on the first date in a harsh way. Things have to initiate slowly and softly so that you don't freak anyone out. I mean, no one would like to be aggressively kissed on a first date is it might be too much for the short time between you two.
Approach little by little and keep the tension. This moment is magical, so you should try to live it 100%. Keeping your eyes closed as it occurs will make you experience deep and intense. On the other hand, with the eyes closed the other person will not feel intimidated while the longed-for kiss occurs.
How To Initiate A Kiss During A Movie

Going to the movies is a very romantic and fun thing to do with your partner. The darkness, coldness, and the comfy seats can be a very exciting place to have some other way of fun with him or her if you know what I mean. Kisses whilst watching a movie can be quite enjoyable.
Nevertheless, they can’t be that over the top, as after all, it is a public place where other people might see you and it can get very awkward and kind of disturbing. There are different ways cinema kisses can be one of the best ones in your relationship.
Find out what they are here:
6. Use romantic movies in your favor

If you happen to be watching a romantic movie, use the events, phrases, and other aspects of the movie in your favor. For example, if the protagonists start making out and it seems to turn you on, lean in for the kiss. If they say a cute phrase, say something like: " that is exactly what I would like to say to you" and the kiss will automatically come after. If there is a really romantic or intimate scene, give them the kiss by leaning in gently and softly. No one can resist that!
7. Give some signs

What another way to let someone know you want to kiss them quietly than giving them some signs. Whilst you are watching the movie, grab their hand, caress their fingers, touch their legs or thighs, grab their arm, lay your head on their shoulder, and they will immediately know you want some action. The movie might even need some, too!
8. Just say it

Some movies can get very boring, and who would want to lose time while being with their partners and could be doing some other better things. If this is your case, what better way than to get out of there and have some fun than just saying it. Tell your partner that you don't like the movie and that you would rather do some other things. Better case scenario: you will get out of the cinema or just turn the TV off, and get some action yourself. Who knows? You could even stay at the cinema and not pay attention to the movie at all!
How To Initiate A Kiss At A Party

I know we have all kissed some stranger or friend at a party. We can all admit that it is not a bad experience at all, and it can even lead to more things to happen both physically and sentimentally between you two if the kiss is actually good.
How can you initiate a kiss at a party without being weird, awkward, out of line, and not be rejected? These are the best ways to do so, and enjoy the party way more:
9. Dance

Approaching someone on the dance floor and luring them with your dance moves is one of the best ways to initiate a kiss at a party. Just get to the dance floor, ask for a dance, and be chill about it. Whilst you actually dance, if you see the other person is interested in you, slowly lean in for a kiss. Remember to keep it chill as you are surrounded by people and it won't be pretty to wildly kiss in front of everyone.
10. Flirt

Parties are one of the best places to flirt. You are getting to know new people that can be possible candidates for a romance with you, and what better way to let them know by flirting and kissing them? Start by talking to them about their life and yours, throw in some questions, and start to say flirty comments here and there. When you have done this for a while, try kissing them by slowly leaning in. It works every time!

Kissing is a fun adventure that everyone wishes to experience. As a woman, your aim is to turn on your guy while kissing him. Learn more on how to achieve this.

Now that you know all about starting kisses, I bet you are never going to be rejected again! Everyone will fall for your ways and they will gladly kiss you if you use any of these ways to do so. Now you can confidently go for that kiss with the girl or boy you like on your date next week, or when you go to the next party. Isn't that amazing? Yes, I know, you are welcome!