Is It A Good Idea If Your Ex Wants To Be Friends Again?

Find out if it's a good idea to be friends with your ex

By Kimmy
Is It A Good Idea If Your Ex Wants To Be Friends Again?

What does it mean when my ex still wants to be friends


I’m sure this dilemma has happened to a lot of people. Your ex wants to be friends with you after breaking up and they honestly believe it would work. Why do they want to be friends with you? For most people, they don’t want to lose someone they were once so close completely. They want to believe that just because you can’t be lovers doesn’t mean you can’t be friends.

Most likely they just want to hold on to that feeling, of someone being close to you. That’s why they hope to be friends with you. Sometimes it’s not that they want to get back together with you, they just want to find someone to fill in the void. After all, you did spend so much time together once and was the most important part of each other’s life. It’s not easy to just suddenly lose contact and never hear from each other again.

Most likely your ex just wants to have a smooth transition to get used to a life without you and eventually will get comfortable with never talking to you again. Or sometimes, they want to be friends because it would be awkward otherwise. This mostly happens to co-workers or couples that share the same friendship group. You almost feel the need to be friends with them to keep your other friends or to work efficiently in the office.

There’re ten thousand answers to these questions. There really isn’t the right or wrong answer. However, you should still see what others facing similar situations are doing to give you a hint to what you should do!

What should you do if your ex still wants to be friends? Should you really be friends with your ex? What if there’re feelings left? Or what if you’re unsure about it? We’ve got all the answers here!

Ex wants to be friends again but I don't


Whether you still want to be friends with your ex or not highly depends on how the relationship ended. If you’re the one that got dumped, usually you wouldn’t want to be friends because you felt unwanted and your ex reminds you of that feeling. If you dumped your ex, either you would feel guilty about it so you would agree to be friends with them or you just want to move on and don’t want to be a part of this anymore.

When it comes down to it, it really doesn’t matter why you feel how you feel. Don’t feel forced to be friends with your ex if you don’t want to. You don’t owe anyone anything. You shouldn’t feel guilty about telling your ex straight up that you just want to move on and you don’t think that staying in contact is the way to do it.


You don’t even owe your ex an explanation as to why you don’t want to be friends. You’ve already said everything needed to be said when you broke up. You just need to tell your ex that right now you don’t want to stay friends. Either you’re dating or you’re not. There’s no in between.

It’s more tricky if you work together because it’ll be awkward if you two act like complete strangers when everyone else knows better. Still, this shouldn’t be held as leverage. You don’t have to be either an enemy or friends with your ex. You can just be co-workers. You can work together peacefully and still be professional about it. There’re always many challenges at work. This shouldn’t be the hardest to handle.

Ex wants to be friends but I still love her

This is a dangerous territory to go down to. Rationally, you would not need to stay away from her so your feelings can cool down but of course, your heart would tell you to be friends with her, in hopes that maybe she will take you back.

Let me tell you now, it’s a bad idea to stay friends with your ex when you still love her. It just makes it way harder to move on and to work on yourself. Whatever you do, it’s because you hope that she will take you back. Unfortunately, in most cases, the other person doesn’t feel the same. Maybe they just want to stay friends just to be civil and nothing more.

It’s even worse if your ex wants to be friends because she knows you still love her. She might just want to use your love and affection. She feels safe because she knows you will still do anything for her since you still care so much about her.


You need to stay away from her as soon as possible if this happens. Maybe you also want to be friends with her, which is okay, but not when you still love her. Love is a crazy drug. It will make you do crazy things, things that you really shouldn’t be doing for someone that won’t return the favor.

It’s not wrong to be friends with your ex, but you both have to move on first and there’s no feeling left, good or bad. Maybe in 6 months or in a year, you will get there. Right now you’re not there. Don’t let yourself drown in the false hope that she will take you back. A breakup is a breakup for a reason. Just stay focused and push yourself to work on something else, keep yourself busy so you don’t have time for her.

Ex wants to be friends after years of no contact


Interestingly, this is the one occasion that I would say it’s a good idea to be friends with your ex. You will see why.

A person can change a lot in just one year, let alone years. Your ex may not even be remotely similar to how you remember. So much could’ve happened. You both have changed and it’s interesting to know about each other’s stories over the years.

Even if you held grudges at first when you broke up, you should still have completely moved on and felt nothing for your ex anymore. It’s a different story if he/she did something unforgivable, of course. But in most cases, if it’s just a breakup between you two, all these years should have helped you made peace with it already.


People grow, you will find it interesting how the other person has changed and what he/she has achieved over the years. It’s also a time for you to share what you’ve been up to and how’s life going. Maybe one or both of you already got a family. Isn’t it an interesting thought?

The main point is that you truly have no feelings for your ex for this to work. Then it’s just like two old friends reuniting to share their stories. Maybe you will even find your ex perfect you know, even to your own surprise. It’s just all about meeting the right person at the right time. Why not give this a try? You may be surprised by what this leads you.

It’s always a magical feeling to meet someone after years to find out they’ve been doing well and that they probably were thinking about you from time to time as well. If you have that one ex from years ago, maybe you should shoot them a text as well. You two could be too young to know how to love each other at the time, or you just weren’t a good match, to begin with.

It could even give you a chance to reconnect and rekindle your love if you find out you’ve both changed to someone that you want to be with. After all, the wrong timing back then could mean the right timing now. 

Related Article: 10 Stages Of Grief After A Breakup And How To Get Through Them
10 Stages Of Grief After A Breakup And How To Get Through Them

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Love is a crazy drug and a breakup is a crazy lesson. Maybe one day when you re-visit your past you will realize that it actually wasn’t so bad. We all learned something from it after all. You can surely talk to your ex if you’ve made peace with what happened. You should just never force yourself to be ready just because you feel guilty about what happened or because you didn’t know how to say no.

You should always do what’s comfortable for you. There’s no model answer to this eternal question ‘’should I be friends with my ex?’’ It’s always just about doing what feels right for you, and what’s best for you. As long as you can do what’s best for you, not what’s best for your ex, you’re good to go!