150 Fun And Romantic Date Ideas For Couples

150 Fun And Romantic Date Ideas For Couples

Bored and tired of your normal love life? Want to have some fun? Here we have amazing date ideas for couples,which can give you a break from them.

By Radhika Menon
150 Fun And Romantic Date Ideas For Couples

1. Date ideas for teenagers, couples

Couples going out for a movie

"When I made the plan to travel around the globe for a year it was supposed to just be me, myself, and I. I had every intention of traveling alone and getting lost in the world. Then Zach came along 24 hours into my journey. My first stop was in Massachusetts to visit my best friend and that's where I met Zach. We were at a mutual friend's house party. Later that evening, we shared our first kiss and the next morning Zach told me he wanted to come with me. So after only 24 hours of being together, we made the decision to travel the world together. He quit his job and booked a plane ticket to Paris to join me on this adventure. It might sound crazy but isn't that what life is all about? Taking risks, falling in love, and enjoying the ride? (📸: @ariel.ariphotography )

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Whether you have been together for a long time or just going out for the first time together, it is very important to create the impression of the most-loving and romantic person. You need to be equipped with the most innovative and out-of-the-box ideas to establish yourself as the person your partner always wants to be with. But sometime one falls short of ideas when it comes to reality. We get a whole bunch of ideas that will make you prepare to create any moment into a magical date. The idea never fades out with time. A good taste in movies always gives an impression of the liking of the person concerned.

Fun dinner for couples is among best date ideas

Her: People ask me how I fell in love with Allen knew he was “the one”. Honestly, there wasn’t one specific moment when I knew that I would marry him. Contrary to the storybooks & Disney princess movies it didn’t happen all at once, instead it happened slowly over time. I didn’t kiss him and see fireworks or get stars in my eyes, but it was the little things that I appreciated. For example, when Allen and I took his nephew to the zoo, seeing them interact & how much Allen loved that little boy showed me that he would be a great father one day. Another pivotal moment was after we had a big, screaming argument, and Allen didn't leave. It showed me that he doesn't run away when things get hard. * Him: 7 months prior to meeting my wife, I moved back to Michigan from Alabama in part for a career opportunity, but mainly to be closer to family. My 1st nephew was turning one and it was important for me to watch him grow up. I didn’t have a girlfriend then & wasn't too caught up in finding one. If I'm being 100% honest, I remember telling my parents that I probably would never get married & would live a life similar to George Clooney. Fast forward to a Sunday evening in early July. I made plans to meet my friends at the mall for dinner, but went early to do some shopping. Afterwards, I went and sat at the bar to have a beer while I waited. That's when I saw this pretty little brown skinned lady sitting by herself, also drinking a beer. I boldly went & sat down next to her. As we began to talk I could instantly tell she was different. She had this brightness about her that you don’t come across every day. It felt like meeting my best friend for the first time. After an hour went by, my phone began to ring and I was getting the “where you at bro?" texts. So we exchanged numbers & I asked for the check. She told me that she’d pay for it. I laughed and said, "No, it’s ok, I’ll take care of it”, but before I could even react she gave the bartender her card. After that, we talked on the phone often, and before I knew it we were going on dates. One night she kissed me and took herself out of the friend zone. Now it's been 3 years since I met my wife & I love her more everyday.

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A full appetite creates the best feeling. Going out for a romantic dinner can create the best moments of your life. These are the moments you will cherish forever in life. Whether you are a teenage couple or a married couple, this will surely work for you at every stage. This works for every couple, at every age. This is the best fun date idea for married couples, as also for teenage couples. The idea is to make the most of these tips to cement your relationship for life and build a relation that others are literally jealous of. You should aim at setting an example for others to follow.

Among best date ideas is that couples should dance

"My wife and I met by being in the right place at the right time. It was the night of September 9th, 2010 and some of my friends asked me to go out to a dance club with them. I didn't want to go but one of my buddies insisted, saying that he had a cute girl he wanted to introduce me to. I had been out of the dating game for a while so I decided to push myself and go, even though I figured it would be another wasted night with these morons. When we got to the club, my friends introduced me to the girl they thought I'd hit it off with. She was nice but as we were started talking, I noticed this other brown-haired girl out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't stop staring. My buddies informed me that she was a shy girl named Claire, and it was then I had complete Claire-ity about what I needed to do. I boldly walked right up to her on the dance floor and just start dancing. We hardly said two words to each other when I leaned in and asked if I could kiss her. She blushed with the most innocent adorable smirk, and nodded her head yes. The kiss was pure magic. Afterwards, we went and sat at a table where we talked for hours. Luckily I was able to finagle getting her number before the night ended. The next day I called her up and asked if I could see her again, and we ended up going to a festival together that night. The day after that, I called again, and asked to see her AGAIN, but she told me she was busy and had plans. I found out she already had a date with another guy that she set up before she met me. The following week, we went out again and I asked her "Would you consider only seeing me from now on?" With that same adorable smirk, she agreed. Five months later, I got her to agree again to the most important question of all when I asked her to marry me. Exactly one year after the night we met we were married. Now we've been together for 7 years, have 2 rambunctious boys, and so many great moments. And to this day, she still looks at me the way she does in our wedding photo- which is the same way she looked at me the night we met."

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Apart from watching a movie, a high voltage game can give the adrenal rush to the body, which can create a lasting impression for the couple.It is something that goes a long way in making your bond last for a lifetime. Every moment here is worth cherishing. A depressing mood can be turned around with a nice dance show. This date idea is very famous among teenagers, just as going to a restaurant or a bar is. It is also pocket-friendly for teenage couples.

Among best date ideas, couples should visit a bookstore

"The man I put on a prom dress for my Senior year of High School is the same man I ended up putting on a wedding dress for 6 years later. Sam and I were set up on a "blind date" by one of my close friends a few weeks before prom. She knew I thought Sam was good looking and in typical High School fashion, decided to go tell him. She also mentioned that I didn't have a date to the prom and that he should ask me. I didn't want to come off as too available, so I played hard to get the next few weeks. However, I ultimately caved because Sam was just too charming and easy to fall in love with. Six years later, after High School and all of college, I am now married to the man that was handpicked for me by my dear friend. Sam teaches me, he leads me, guides me and encourages me. He is my best friend and now my husband! High School sweetheart love is real ❤️"

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What better than a couple coming together for an intimate dance? Joining a dance class or just a normal dance over a romantic number can heal the soul. For those couples who love books, a date at a bookstore is the perfect idea. Who knows amidst those romantic novels one can create one’s own love story? For a married couple, this idea can add some spice to their love life also. In this stressful era, this is the perfect balm. If married couples can engage in this type of activity, it will be good for their health too. Books are a storehouse of knowledge that can be gained and enjoyed together. Just read together and add to your chemistry. Wisdom stored in books can sure be used throughout life to make your bonds last long.

Use the best date ideas; have fun at a museum

"I met Annie on a mountain top in the French Alps when we were both on vacation from Uni. The first thing she ever said to me was, "Hi my name's Annie it rhymes with fanny, I think I love you." It completely caught me off guard at the time, but we spent the rest of the night raving together at the mountain bar. When the evening was over and it was time to head home, we sledged down to the main village on a bin lid together. Since then we’ve been like two peas in a pod. I wrote the song, "Just you and I" a couple years back when Annie and I were both going through separate issues with our families. No matter how bad things got, we've always been there for each other. I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her the best way I know how- through music" (Link in bio if you want to listen to Tom Walker's sweet song about his girlfriend Annie.)

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If you as well as your partner are fond of art and culture, then it is the best date idea for you .This depends on the personal preferences. A good walk inside any museum, viewing the history and indulging in a serious discussion can bring out the romantic, as also the serious person in you. You can go back to your teenage days art and crafts classes. Also, this is a fun date

Head to a zoo together

Love for animals’ shows how good and polite one can be towards the faunal kingdom. This is a fun date, which brings a lot of joyous moments. This date will remind you about your childhood days and many past things about your life, which may strengthen your love with your partner.

Walk through a lonely lane

(2/2) "In LA, I acquired an amazing new therapist who specialized in domestic abuse and with her help, I began to heal. Things started to get better. I made new friends and started working at a friend's restaurant for the next year and a half. That's where I met Max. I first noticed him when he came into the restaurant one night with another woman, who I assumed he was dating. However, the following Friday, he came in again with his buddies. Right before my shift ended, his friend approached me to tell me Max thought I was cute. After I clocked out, I went to look for him and noticed he was standing on the patio alone. I went out to join him and as we started talking, it felt like everyone around us just slowly melted away. He was incredibly interesting, had a fascinating job, and cool hobbies. I was still apprehensive about getting involved with anyone, but I gave him my number so we could keep in touch. A week later, we went on a date to get ramen and have been in an amazing relationship ever since. He is very respectful and capable of having a discussion that doesn't turn into a blow out fight. We can disagree on things without it being personal. He makes me feel good about myself and supports my dreams and ambitions. He actually appreciates the way I dress and the thoughts I have. He doesn't try to beat me down or take away my individuality, but instead tries to build me up. Max isn't what healed me but he is showing me that relationships don't have to be scary. It's been a year since that first date and now we're applying for a house together. My message for anyone who relates to the abuse I experienced in my former relationship is just because a person doesn't put his hands on you, doesn't mean they aren't abusive. Abuse is control, blatant disrespect, and also hurtful words. Don't settle for emotional abuse thinking it's ok because it's not physical. You are worthy of a healthy, loving relationship that meets your needs on every level." (The woman who submitted this story asked to remain anonymous for safety reasons.)

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A romantic date can start with a long walk with your partner. Going for a long walk on the busy street is surely fun. This is something that needs to be tried by all couples. Walking and holding hands together is itself a beautiful conversation. Walking is also good for health and when you are walking through a lane with your loved one, nothing can be more amorous. For teenage girls and boys, this is a common practice. However, if you are adult and yearning for a romantic experience, you want to sure go for a lovely, fun walk.

A fun coffee date

If you're scrambling for a last minute Mother's Day gift, check out the Spring @fabfitfun box! I love being a #fabfitfunpartner because let's be serious, what woman doesn't love receiving packages? Especially packages that are filled to the brim with amazing products that I actually use and love! I always get so excited when the newest box arrives on my doorstep, and I want you guys to experience it too! It's an amazing present to purchase for a loved one or even just to spoil yourself with. So head on over to www.fabfitfun.com and use my promo code Brooklyn10 for $10 off your Spring box. Also check out my Instagram story for a closer look at some of the spring essentials included inside. It's happiness in a box people!! #fabfitfun #ad

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Love happens over a cup of coffee, often. It is a very old sentence, but it is very much true. A good coffee and music never fails to create its charm; it creates magical moments and helps in bringing couples together. You can arrange a coffee date in any coffee shop or at home also. This one coffee date will add flavor and the strong essence of love in your love life. A lot can be done over a cup of coffee, so are you still waiting?

2. Date ideas for grown-ups

When the mature days of life arrive, relationships cross the hurdle of creating the first impression; it is the time when you take relationships to the next level. When you are teenager, your date ideas are not so mature, but with time you grow up to understand it all!

Here are some interesting date ideas

After knowing the person for some time, knowing his or her area of interest won’t be a bad idea for you to explore. Then, pitch in for a long drive; go to some place where you both can spend some lonely time together. Cook for your loved one; nothing can be more romantic than cooking for your loved one. If you are a good cook, your lover will always fall for you. Write a song or a poem; bring out the poet in you then her or him your writings. Just praise her; surprise him or her; rekindle your love.

Party, go for a fun trek or shop together

Party and have fun the whole night, it surely breaks the monotonous routine and brings more energy in your relationship. Introducing your lover to your parents will make him or her judge your seriousness towards the relation. Just taking care of your lover will make you a more responsible and perfect match. Plan a trek or go for rock climbing or outdoor camping; awaken the traveler inside you. The age-old trick of shopping never fails, especially for women! Shopping will always make her love you more. Even an outdoor picnic along with friends is a fun option for couples.

3. Fun date ideas for married couples

When you are married, some of the ideas mentioned above will not work as they have been repeated and over time become boring. Trying something new is always recommended, especially when you are married and spend lots of time at home; one can make plans at home to make life more romantic. We have some amazing date ideas, which will surely help you

Have fun with a massage at home; watch a movie

"Staring at those two telltale lines on the pregnancy test, I started crying happy tears. Feeling equally elated and terrified, I picked up the phone to share the news with my mum. At 40, after longing to become a mother for most of my adult life, it was finally happening. I hadn’t found love, but after one round of IVF, I was pregnant. Having carved out a successful career in brokering, which allowed me to travel extensively, I know I appeared to lead a glamorous life. But without children it wasn’t enough to make me happy. I had a steady stream of dates but I’m sure they could sense my desperation and nothing blossomed into a steady relationship. So while all my friends were coupling up and having kids I was left on the sidelines, feeling inadequate, questioning if my time would ever come. Reaching 40 was the turning point. I didn’t give up on finding love, but I knew that being a mother was more important to me. I was in a good job and had saved carefully, so I began to explore treatments. With extremely low hormone levels I required not only sperm donation but egg donation. In March 2012 I started IVF and felt incredibly lucky when I became pregnant after the first round. At my first scan, I discovered I was carrying twins. Admittedly, a glimpse into the future as a single mum, firmly outnumbered, added a new dimension of fear – but I didn’t let it derail me. As my bump grew I stopped thinking about finding love, so I’m sure it’s no coincidence that at 4 months pregnant, I met my husband. I connected with Mark after commenting on a picture of his motorbike on a friend’s Facebook wall. We started chatting online and arranged to meet at a pub. The attraction between us was instant. Unphased by my situation and having spent every moment together, he proposed just 10 days later. I think we both knew straight away this was something special. Later, he told me how in awe he was of my independence, while I was blown away by his openness. When Sam and Ollie were born 5 months later, Mark was holding my hand. When they were 9 months, we were married in an intimate ceremony. But the icing on the cake was the day the boys turned one- when Mark officially adopted them."

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Plan out something at home like a party, a dinner or a movie. Help him or her complete daily chores; show your love in a subtle way. Give him or her or a nice massage after a long, tiring. Add more life to your relationship. Just watching a movie at home can be a really nice remedy to break the monotony. Go out and camp together. It may be to an unknown place. Discovering unknown places together is a fun idea and always works. After marriage when you are staying 24/7 with your partner at home, it is very important to make extra plans that can rejuvenate your love life. Special treatment is surely needed to get rid of boredom.

Visit a haunted place, enjoy adventure

"If I hadn't sent Brian an accidental text message during thanksgiving break in 2012, he wouldn't be my now husband Let me explain... Brian and I were both born and raised in Michigan but Brian moved away to Colorado after college. One of my coworkers who knew Brian tried to set us up one summer when Brian was home visiting for the weekend. - but we both had other plans and it never ended up working out. However, when Brian got back to Colorado he sent me a message on Facebook saying, "I'm sorry we didn't get to hangout. I'm not on Facebook much, so I figured I would just send you my cell phone number." I thought it was nice so I stored his number, but I never planned on contacting him. I didn't see the point considering he lived in another state. Then the night after thanksgiving in 2012, I was out with my friend when her car broke down. In an effort to find someone to jump her car, I went to text my other friend named Brian and texted my now husband by mistake. He responded and we haven't stopped talking ever since. He moved back to Michigan in December and we got married this past September. There really are no accidents."

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A visit to a haunted place can sure be thrilling; it is indeed an out-of-the-box idea. If you and your partner are fond of adventure, plan a visit to a to a ghost house; inject fresh life into your relationship. You can feel the closeness in this thrill. Go for a long ride or visit a place that you have never been before. Or visit a place you have read about in books. Try out something new, apart from bike-riding or going out for a long ride, horse-riding is a new thing to be tried out. Play tennis together and enjoy every moment. Any indoor game is a lot of fun.

4. Ideas to rekindle love

If there is any problem in a relationship, it is important to take steps to sort it out. Get more involved and rekindle your dying love.

Visit a holy place, cook

If you and your partner believe in God and love to visit holy places, then plan a date to a temple or a church. It will give you inner peace and also help you spend time with other. Visiting a holy place to calm your mind and purify it of all negative thoughts is a good idea to rekindle the love. Work as a volunteer in an organization and help the needy. Doing charity also brings peace in mind; helping others together as a couple is an awesome idea to express your love. Just celebrate a day of being in love and make him or her feel how awesome is to be together. Cook something new or something not known to each other. No matter whatever the outcome is, the process of trying it out can make your lover feel for your hard work.

Invite relatives home, dance like crazy

"Cinco De Mayo 2011 was Chris' 25th birthday, and the day that would change his life forever...and indirectly, mine. Chris was adopted and never knew his biological family. His birth-mom had him when she was only 16 years old and decided adoption was the best route. She never attempted to reconnect with him because she was afraid he didn't know he was adopted. Chris never pursued looking for his birth parents either. He had always maintained that his "adoption parents were his real parents." Then on the night of his 25th birthday, Chris struck up a conversation with a random stranger while waiting to get a drink at the bar. She was a sweet middle-aged woman named Roberta, and when she asked Chris where he was from, he told her he was adopted from Easley, SC. Little did Chris know at the time, but this stranger named Roberta was actually best friends with his biological mother. In fact, they had known each other since they were kids and Roberta was even there when she got pregnant at 16 and gave her son up for adoption. However, Roberta didn't put two and two together in that moment. It wasn't until later on that evening that a light bulb went on in her head. 2 weeks later, Chris was at the same bar when he noticed the same woman heading straight towards him. Roberta declared, "I don't know how to say this, but I think I know who your biological mother is." She went on to explain that only one boy was born at the small local hospital in Easley, SC on Cinco De Mayo and that boy was adopted. Chris only knew his mother's last name and once mentioned out loud, both of their mouths dropped. After a few weeks and a DNA test, Chris met his mother, his 2 half sisters, and eventually his biological father as well. Here is where I enter the story. One of Chris' half-sisters, Ashley, is my best friend. I had just moved back to SC after graduating college and called Ashley to meet up/ catch up. She asked me if she could bring her brother along. I was very confused but she promised to explain in person. We all went out and Chris and I instantly hit it off. At one point, Chris turned to his sister and said, "I will marry that girl one day." 5 years later he did just that."

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Relatives and family friends are very close to our hearts. So many stories are associated with them; it is always a nostalgia trip. Treat your relatives well, invite them to your house; cook together and make your relation special. Being with your own people is also an antidote to depression. You can also plan a trip abroad and holiday or go for a drink; talk about the problems that are creating trouble in your relationship. A simple step can do wonders to your love life, just like flying a kite together can heal depression to a large extent. Play wild music and dance like crazy. Release all the stress and also involve your partner in this activity.

5. Fun ideas for couples

"After 9 years of being in a relationship with a man I cared deeply about, he proposed and I said yes. I remember in that moment feeling overjoyed. After all, I was 31 at the time, and after 9 years of being in a relationship with someone, marriage felt like the natural progression. I truly never imagined that 6 months later, I would be giving back the ring. But when planning our wedding went from exciting to a chore neither of us enjoyed, I think we both knew our issues ran much deeper than flower arrangements and cake flavors. So we agreed to call off our wedding and go our separate ways. I never knew what "soulmate" love felt like or if I even believed in such a thing, but I did know that I always felt like something was missing in that relationship. I knew I was settling for mediocrity, when I really wanted magical love. Fast forward 2 years later... I went out for the night in Vancouver with two of my other single girlfriends. We had a few drinks beforehand and joked about how one of us needed to meet our husband that night. Well I guess the universe was listening, because at the end of the evening as we were headed to get late-night, I spotted Daniel walking down the street. The energy between us was palpable. As I got closer, something came over me and I yelled out, "Where have you been all my life?" We bantered back and forth for a few minutes and then he took down my number. I wasn't thrilled when Daniel made me wait a whole week before he called, but he explained later it was because he was scared. He knew this was going to be something big and he was still guarded. Turns out, Daniel had also just ended a 10 year relationship prior to meeting me, after his ex-wife cheated on him. The night he called, he invited me over for wine on his patio and we got lost in conversation for hours. He asked me to dance and we danced until I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning I woke up and heard "Beautiful, what would you like for breakfast?" He gave me the kind of attention and affection I had always longed for. On our second date, he said, "Listen, I have no interest in seeing anyone else. Will you be mine?" I was ecstatic! I finally found my magical love."

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No relation is perfect. It is normal to make mistakes and hurt your lover, but what is more important is to be sorry for the behavior and make up for it. For that, here are a few time-tested ideas that work well.

Swim, make dinner or paint the house

Just cuddle-up in a cozy bed and be one with your partner. Say sorry for every misdeed that you have committed; it does not take much to say sorry! Swimming can relax both the mind and the body. Swimming together can also heal relationship issues and help in starting everything all over again. Be a fun-loving person, go to a hookah bar and enjoy every moment with your partner. Make an exercise schedule. Workout not only helps you lead a health life, but also helps in relationships. Fishing together and then cooking it can be a mission and if accomplished, nothing can give more satisfaction! Cooking together and feeding each other is a splendid idea, which helps in healing depression too. Sing together; record your voice and hear it in future. If you have a terrible voice, make fun of it; just make your partner happy and have a good laugh. Playing any board game can add much-needed thrill to a relationship. Try out something new, like a hot-air balloon ride and enjoy viewing the nature together. Paint the house occasionally; also decorate it, so that living together can be more. Make yourself a rocking couple.

6. Light-hearted, fun moments at home

It is not necessary to go outside to have fun. Staying at home can also be a good idea if planned properly because you are the most comfortable inside your own home

Enjoy a book, indulge in a pillow fight

Reading is a good habit, but reading together is the best thing that can be done. Watch an old classic and enjoy every scene of the movie together. Watch some movies over and over again, just relive your memories of staying together. Dancing is another way to getting some relief from the rut of daily routine. It is a wild way to express your love. Dressing and undressing each other, and making your lover special in every way goes a long way in generating happiness. Just have a quarrel over a silly issue, so that you can get engaged in a conversation. What can be better than a pillow fight? It is sweetest thing to try out often. Just go ahead and indulge in one! If you are a timid person, you need to show your lover your wild side some time to make her feel that he or she is rediscovering you. Enjoy the betting. Win and lose money in the process of playing poker. Gardening is another age-old trick to lead a happy life. Just watch the moon lying on the roof together; it is the most romantic thing you can do as a couple. Just try it out.

7. Outdoor date ideas for couples

A couple that loves outdoor events and spends time mostly outdoors can try out few tricks to have fun together.

Try yoga, running, exercise or karate

Yoga not only helps in keeping the mind calm, but also in making your relationship stable. Want to do more work-out together? Running in the morning is good for health and the mind. Engage in other types of exercise to sweat out all the distress. Hike sometimes to cut the negativity in the relationship. Camp at an unknown place and make life more adventurous. An unplanned visit to a remote place can also do wonders. You can also register your activity on a blog. Build a tree house or indulge any small construction work; surprise your partner with your skills. Bring out the superhero inside you! Join a karate class and let your partner know that you can defend him or her if need be! Join a dance class and learn a new step. Relax your mind; enjoy the feeling of being in a relationship.

8. Ideas to re-discover love

"It was my Senior year of college and graduation was approaching. I decided to apply to give the commencement speech for my class. I started watching other commencement speeches on YouTube to get some inspiration and came across Mitch's in the search results. I loved the sound of his voice but more importantly, I loved how witty he was. I emailed him to ask if he would read the draft of mine. He wrote back saying he would. A year passed of not talking when I messaged him online and said 'Do you remember me? I’m the graduation speech girl.’ He responded: 'Of course I remember.’ That night we chatted for hours, connecting on so many parts of our lives and laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt. I had just moved to NYC and Mitch mentioned he would be visiting from California for the Challenged Athletes Foundation charity event. We arranged to meet for a boat ride with some of his friends on the Hudson River. As I saw him walking towards my cab at Chelsea Piers, I became nervous because I wasn’t expecting to be so attracted to him. I purposely dropped my credit card in the cab, gaining some time to compose myself. Within the first minute, I knew he was the one. When I got out of the taxi, he said, ‘Oh my, you are so beautiful’ and quickly apologized for being so blunt. We spent every day together for the next week until he had to fly home. He proposed just four months later and I moved to La Jolla, California. After our wedding, he convinced me that we should do a 70.3 Half Ironman together for our honeymoon. We did the entire race together, start to finish and got a drafting penalty for biking too close to each other. I’m forever grateful to have trusted my intuition after watching his speech to reach out to him. He is my soulmate. Finn, our first baby, was born three months ago and when he smiles, he has the same eyes as the man I found on YouTube. Anything is possible."

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People get involved in daily chores and tend to forget those they love, which can leave a bad taste in relationships. It is very important to make each other feel the love, which was once the centre of your life. With time, passion dies and relations becomes more of a responsibility. To break this wall, one needs to rediscover love. Try these ideas out.

Go to places where you first dated

A visit to the place where you first met your dream person can bring the flame back in your life. Just a walk in the locality and enjoying every part of it along with your lover is enough to re-kindle dying love.

Buy a good wine, dress up nicely

Enjoy a vintage wine together. Again, if you are treating a lady you must know her dressing style. Wash her dress and make her feel comfortable. Just take out some time for being together.Cooking can never fail to impress your partner and if the dish is her favorite, it can break any barrier between the couple. Make some gift all by yourself and then give it to her. It will add more value to it because you have made it!

9.Send a surprise letter

A letter is thousand times more cherished than any other gift. Writing to your lover may be an outdated idea, but has got the huge potential to rekindle the dying love when other things are not working. Decorate the place where you live and enjoy a new start together, once again.

10. Play together

If you both love sports, there are many things which can be played together and make the game more fun and filled with love. Doing any physical activity can help to cut the depression to large extent. Any physical or mental involvement is a good option to decrease the negativity from life and relationship. There are many games that can be played together as a team or as opponent and brings same amount of fun and happiness in life. There are specially designed games meant for couples but in general the normal games which are played by anybody can be used as a tool to overcome relationship problems.

Try skating, golf or tennis

There are varieties of indoor game which are fun and create enjoyment while playing together.Go skate around the city holding hands together and fill the thrill. Another option of enjoying a game is to enjoy ice skating.Play like professional a challenge each other.Give more effort and sweat out all the depression from life. Playing Table tennis gives same result just another fun game to be played together or team up as a couple and beat the opponent couple.Show each other how much brainy you are. You can also impress your partner by the bold move you can make on the board.Enjoy the action and lead a filmy life while playing the video game.There are many card games which can be played at lone times.though it is not a game, but can be planed to be played as a game. One can create own rules and regulation and introduce own level of fun in it.

11. Ideas for a meaningful conversation

A good conversation is always needed to make a relationship more meaningful. A good time depends on the amount of good conversation made between the couple. And for a good conversation, one needs the perfect start. Here are a few ideas.

Discuss an intellectual topic, talk about future

Enjoy overseas film and discuss over it.Bring out any topic and share your ideas on it.It is easy to make a film from your smart phone and enjoy it later.Write a whole novel and dedicate it to your partner or Just a story which can reflect your love life.Plan your future, nothing can make her more happy to build her dreams.Plan to buy something big. A home or a car which will always bring smile to your partner.What can be more romantic to plan for the next trip when you are already in a trip.Decorate and redesign the house once again for your partner.Just enjoying the moment and talk about anything is also a perfect date for a couple.

12. Ideas for elderly couples

Love can happen at any age. When you are old, you have lots of time to be together and this is the time when your partner will need you the most. There are many ideas that can help you enjoy every moment with your lover. But understanding your partner is the most important task and making a plan accordingly is the best idea! No matter what idea one chooses to make the partner happy, it is important to make her feel special at every moment in life so that she never feels that she made a wrong decision in choosing you.

Watch old albums

Relive olden days, walk on the beach; talk about times gone by! Go out for slow cycling, gift a pet, have breakfast on the bed, indulge in a romantic dance, add fun to your life! Draw her portrait, have a nice time with grandchildren or just hold hands Rent a hotel room, play a role model, visit your home town, build a snowman, take a pole-dancing class, go to the circus, learn to play any instrument, watch the sunset, paint each other, stare at each other; there is so much to do. Better still, go for shopping, put a candle light and chat over anything, make him or her sleep like a baby, go for a roller-coaster ride, go to a disco, revisit you college, go for target shooting, join a charity, gift an expensive ring, make a super-cozy bed; enjoy each moment. Invite friends, propose once again, get married once again, go for another honeymoon, clean the home, scream together, laugh out loud, get pampered in a spa; there is so much in life that should not be missed out!

LIVE LIFE, TOGETHER Try out these amazing date ideas and feel the togetherness with your partner. He or she is the most important person for you in the whole, wide world. Just try to give your best. There is a surprise that always awaits at the next corner!