The Perfect Kiss: How To Be A Better Kisser
No one is born a perfect kisser, meaning that it takes a lot of practice in order to get better. That said, here are some hot tips you can use:
Jul 24, 2018

Why is it important to be a good kisser?
There is no such thing as a perfect person. But with a good amount of practice, you can be a hot french kisser that your spouse will love coming home to. It takes a lot of practice and comes with a lot of trial and error. But once you nail it, you will be on your way to enjoying nothing but the very best relationship and sex life in general. Here are some tips you can use to become a much better kisser:
1. Looking good makes us better kissers
People who don’t brush their teeth will never be good kissers – period. So, before you even think about getting into the kissing business, you need to first of all look for tips on how you are going to make yourself hot. First and foremost, make sure that you are clean and your clothes are clean, or body if you opt to kiss while naked. Your oral hygiene also needs to be top notch if you want to attract the person you're planning on kissing. Also, make sure that you smell good by investing in some nice cologne. Get some mints or gum and always use them. If you want to make a good impression while kissing, your partner needs to smell freshness and nothing else. None of these things should be really difficult for you to do. It's practically all common sense. Always find other tips on how to groom yourself better online and you will never go wrong when it’s time to kiss your partner.
2. Be a better kisser by matching your partner’s tempo
In order to be better at kissing, you need to fully understand and complement your partner's rhythm. You can’t be sucking while he or she is slurping because the outcome will be totally awkward. Patience is always a key aspect in kissing, especially when you want things to work out for you. Study your partner and make sure that you are slowing down or speeding up when they are. Don’t be in a rush to kiss them since nothing good, especially in matters of lovemaking, comes with rushing. So always take your time as you learn how to be a good kisser. Doing so will go a very long way and turn your sex life from boring AF to lit. And said earlier, it takes a lot of time and practice before you can become the perfect kisser. Don’t be frustrated if things don’t seem to be going according to plan at first. Just take it as an excuse to keep kissing your partner for "training"!
3. A good kisser sets the mood
If you want your partner to feel aroused by the French kiss that you've been rehearsing on the poor mirror all afternoon, then you need to learn how to make the mood amazing. First and foremost, try shopping around for some hot underwear. Wearing something sexy underneath regular clothes will make you feel sexier and boost your confidence. As discussed earlier, make sure that you are also following essential grooming tips so that you can get your partner in the mood. And instead of jumping on them and immediately locking lips, try and give them a massage, a lap dance, anything that will put them in the mood. And once they are in the mood, you can proceed and make them feel the magic of your slow, sensual kiss which will definitely lead to some hot sex later, which is the whole point of you practicing to be a better kisser.
4. Be better at picking the right time/context
If you want to be a perfect kisser, always make sure that you keep trying to get better at reading your partner’s mood. You will end up being an incredible kisser if you choose the moments that your partner looks a little bit bored but full of energy. That way, they will be more than glad to kiss and make love to you or vice versa and they will grow to love you for that. It would be a good idea for you to also lay off your perfect kisser antics when your partner is clearly not in the mood or has something on their mind. Forcing a kiss or sex when your partner isn’t in the mood might end up being a disaster, which is something that the perfect kisser should avoid.
5. A good kisser knows their partner's likes and dislikes
Before you blow your partner away with a slow, sensual French kiss, at least try to understand what tricks that work on him or her and what turns him or her off. If they love it when you tickle their neck as you kiss them, then by all means, do that. If they don’t, then try as much as possible not to go there. What is hot for one person might be a little different from the next. You don't have to fumble with trial and error over and over again. Instead, try and ask your partner for tips if you have no clue about what they find hot and what they don’t. Your effort to kiss them better will be appreciated. You might be surprised by how hot your partner will find you, especially if you take the time to understand what they love and what they don’t, which will only make kissing them even more epic. Follow these tips with a pinch of salt and try to enjoy each and every single bit of kissing your partner.
6. The gentler you kiss, the better
The gentler you are when kissing, the better the feeling. So always learn how to be gentle and make the most of it. There are some people who believe that the harder you kiss someone, the more you're showing affection. In reality, this aggressive technique just ends up sucking away all sensuality. In short, be a gentle kisser and take your time to ensure that your partner is enjoying the kiss. You can couple a few light kisses on their lips with a warm or tight embrace that will, in the end, make the entire experience worthwhile. The whole point of being a gentle kisser is to make sure that you are in a position to show that your partner that you're not only attracted to them but also want them to feel that you have their best interests at heart, romantically speaking. So, it is important that you start working to be the perfect kisser as soon as possible.
7. A good kisser allows the partner to breathe
You don’t have to be perfect right away, but the most basic tip you have to follow is remembering to allow your partner to breathe. Remember, we aren’t sucking their life force out of them like dementors. Make sure that even if you are French kissing him or her, be nice and give your partner the chance to breathe. Another kissing trick that you can use is ensure that you're using your hands and a little bit of dirty talk. But then again, you have to be sure that your partner is comfortable with the latter. You can use these tips in between kisses as you give your kissing partner a chance to breathe. You can always learn to be a better kisser at any time in your relationship, and the good thing is that you can ask your partner to help you out. At this point, you shouldn’t shy away from asking because, well, your partner is going to benefit the most from you learning to kiss better. They should jump at the opportunity to help you out.
8. You can get better at kissing if you touch
It's super hot when you both touch and kiss your partner simultaneously because it makes the whole thing even more sensual. You will find yourself more engrossed in the act of kissing because it will take your regular French kissing to a whole new level. Make sure that you are using all the other tips mentioned above to complement your sensual and seductive touches. These tips can either be used all at once or you can decide to use some now and save others for later. That is how you can get better and your partner will surely appreciate the fact that you are a good kisser.
9. A good kisser also whispers sweet nothings
As stated earlier, you need to get better at arousing your partner using not just your body, but also with words. Tell them how attractive you find them and what you are about to do to them once you move past kissing. Making your partner anticipate something naughty will definitely make you a much better kisser and you should make a point of doing this over and over again. And just like everything else that comes with being a good kisser, you're going to need a lot of practice in this department to perfect your skills.
10. A good kisser is better at being naughty than most people
Being naughty doesn’t just mean saying nasty, X-rated things. You can also make sure that you're touching your partner in places that you know perfectly well will turn them on. Besides, the whole point of being a better kisser is being in a position to turn them on by kissing them right. If you are comfortable with watching adult movies with your partner, do it! This will go a very long way in making sure that you're getting better with the naughty foreplay, and will, in turn, spruce up your relationship. Don’t be afraid to take things up a notch because it will definitely light a spark in your formerly predictable and lukewarm love life.
As emphasized all over the article, being a better kisser comes with a lot of practice and commitment. Always make sure that you are doing everything in your power to get things done the right way for your partner, because different things appeal to different people. For example, some people love kissing and talking in between while others just prefer kissing silently. Others might prefer a little dirty talk. That said, being a better kisser means that you have to be as observant as you are patient. Only work with things that tickle your partner’s fancy.