9 Sex Games To Play For Long Distance Relationship
Make the connection through steamy sex games in mobile and console
Nov 21, 2019

How to Keep LDR Stimulating (And Yearn For Each Other)
Lately, I have met several couples who live in distance, as if it were a new style of love in modernity. Each of them confronts it in different ways according to their beliefs and needs: for example, a couple I know has a daily, constant and full communication, allowing if necessary, they can enjoy the benefits of sex with another person as long as there is no emotional bond; another that decided to maintain sexual exclusivity giving rise to numerous messages, audios, photographs and videos that approached them both emotionally and physically.

That is, there are multiple ways to deal with sexuality in the distance, and you can even enjoy multiple benefits: greater closeness or complicity with the each other despite the remoteness, a strengthened trust as you share each other's fantasies, a kind of security and commitment in showing the other person erotic interest, self-care - because self-eroticism reduces stress, depression, anxiety, increases self-confidence and the feeling of joy and strengthens all bodily systems - and a full awareness of the feelings of the other and their own, reinforcing intimacy because there is perhaps nothing more exciting for someone than knowing and seeing their loved one enjoying.

Although distance relations are not generally successful and the majority are not fans of it, it is possible to overcome the kilometers of distance with much patience. When one of you goes on a trip or decides to move to another place, speaking and adapting to a whole new modality of the relationship can be, frankly, frustrating and exhausting. Not only when love seems short to support the physical absence of the other, but when finding their scent on clothing results in nostalgia and desire that is born in each part of your body and is contained as an explosion between your legs. Are you familiar with that feeling? In this article, we will help you face that need if your loved one is nowhere near you.
10 Sex Games Suitable For Long Distance Relationship

There are numerous ways to keep long-distance relationships interesting and full of surprises. The best ones: sex games! Here are some suggestions to keep that flame alive.
Mobile Apps from the AppStore or Google Store
1. Sexy vibes

With this app, your mobile phone becomes a vibrator, which has different intensities ranging from "the washing machine", to "the jumping rabbit." It's million and a half downloads show that it is one of the favorites. How to apply it to your long-distance relationship? Perhaps you can call your loved one and use the same phone as a vibrator whilst you sexy talk. Get creative!
2. Kindu

In this game, the truth is fundamental. This sexual application gives you different sex games and 600 questions that each of you will answer in order to get to know all of your preferences when it comes to sex. How to play it in a long-distance relationship set? As you will be using your cellphone, turn on Skype or FaceTime in your computer, and get it on!
3. We-connect: vibrate.

Combined with the We-vibe erotic products, this app may be one of the best in the market. We-connect is the application that "unites couples". Thanks to remote control, which you can connect directly from your phone, you can control your partner's vibrator.
In addition, it has chat functions, with voice and video messages, so you can see each other while enjoying the app. What a great invention, right?
4. Couple

This is an application designed exclusively for people who have a distance relationship. The social network was made to be able to have conversations through chat, voice notes, photos, videos, draw and share the location to talk with the only contact you can have in Couple that is your partner.
In addition, everything that is sent is automatically saved in a separate folder. It also gives you the option of entering a password to prevent anyone from lending your phone from accessing risque conversations. If you know what I mean! Another function is Thumbkiss that works like a virtual kiss. Try it out and thank us later!
5. Bliss

One of the biggest problems that people have in long-distance relationships is the lack of physical contact. That is why the creator of Bliss makes that not an excuse anymore, as with this app couples can get to practice the best cyber-sex. It has 700 challenges so you can enjoy together even tough you are not physically present. As the game progress, it gets more sexual and erotic. Spicy!

Here are 15 sex games for couples to be added to their bucket list. These games will add excitement and spice to their relationship.
On Gaming Consoles
Video games have never been an exclusive thing for children and that is reflected in the many genres there are. One of those genres, the erotic, is intended especially for the adult public and today we want to talk about it. Then, why not use this amazing entertainment type to keep the desire going in your long distance relationship? I mean, it is time to put all the assets to work!
To do this, we have prepared this report in which we will present the 5 best erotic video games in history, so you can know which risque titles have surprised us most and which will help you keep the flame in your long distance relationship!

Acclaim Entertainment offered us in 2002 BMX XXX, a title for GameCube, PS2 and Xbox-style Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX but only for adults and with high erotic content. Nowadays, it is available for many more consoles. The peculiarity of this game is that we could control sexy topless girls and unlock videos of real strippers as we overcome challenges. Hot hot hot!

2. Catherine
Back in 2012, Atlus surprised us with Catherine, an adventure that mixed role with puzzles and had quite erotic cutting sequences. In it, we controlled the young Vincent Brooks who was happy as a couple with Katherine until he found in his life a mysterious girl named Catherine.
His problems between the two girls made him live nightmares, but you will have a great time with his fantasies, if you know what I mean. Don't forget that Catherine Full Body is now available on PS4 and PS Vita, adding a third girl to the equation.

3. Dream Stripper
Developed by Ensing Games, DreamStripper invites us to create our ideal strip dancer. We have to decide what to wear, their movements on the American bar and even the music with which to make the number. Thus, DreamStripper gives its users the opportunity to create tracks of sexy dances with which to delight by moving the camera at their leisure around the dancer while she slowly undresses. Why not create a stripper that looks like your girlfriend you miss so dearly and is so far away from you? Great way to remember her and what she is capable of.

4. PlayBoy The Mansion
But if there is a simulator of erotic life above all, that is PlayBoy The Mansion. This title developed by Cyberlore Studios for PC, PS2 and Xbox was a kind of The Erotic Sims when it came out. In this game, we put ourselves fully in the skin of the late Hugh Hefner, owner and creator of PlayBoy, with the aim of directing his empire. Thus, you will have to set up parties at the PlayBoy Mansion, make photo shoots with the "bunnies", hire staff for the magazine ... In short, live the life of Hefner himself. What a great life to live, right? Even if it is for an hour or so.


Your long-distance relationship won’t be boring and sexless anymore after reading this article, darling! Get your sexy on and show everyone that distance doesn’t mean not enjoying yourselves if you know what I mean. After all, who says you can’t have some sexy time through technology? We have just shown you it is actually more than possible, so try it out, and spice that LDR up now!