11 Reasons to Have Platonic Love and Intimacy with Him
Explaining the benefits of platonic love between him and her
Mar 31, 2020

What is Platonic Love?
One of the greatest gifts of the new eon has been a greater understanding of the word love and its utility in our everyday lives. Not very long ago, the only relationship that people of the opposite genders were thought to share was only thoroughly romantic and sexual. A girl and a boy could not be seen too close to one another except if they shared a carnal intimacy. It was forbidden to be seen out with your friends of the opposite sex in the daylight because people would make all sorts of gossips about you.
The concept of people being just friends while sharing a non-sexual physical relationship was almost non-existent. This is why so many good friends had to bid one another farewell or else their social rapport and personal lives would be affected rather adversely.

Good for us, we were born into a world where the idea of sharing a platonic relationship with people of the opposite gender is not alien. It has become the way of life in even the most conservative of the regions. Educational institutions grant full liberty to their pupils to intermingle without worry and workplaces are now more inclusive of people from all genders forming healthy relationships with one another without being subject to irrational stigmas.
The meaning of platonic love varies from one person to another and the only aspect of this bond that is universally accepted is that it does not involve any sexual attraction or relation. It is free from all types of lust.

Males and females are now closer to one another as friends and can enjoy a healthy socio-economic environment with their peers irrespective of their gender. You can be in a romantic relationship with someone else and still maintain multiple platonic ones with people who understand you profoundly.
Since boundaries are determined beforehand and respected throughout the tenure of this one-of-a-kind attachment, there is a greater degree of liberty to take advantage of while maintaining your peace of mind since your platonic lovers help you de-stress when needed. No fighting is needed in platonic love as the concept of monopoly is not involved.
Can Platonic Love Exist Between Opposite Sex?

It certainly can.
It is called platonic to help it stand out from the mainstream concept of romantic relationships. Although it borrows its name from the Greek Philosopher Plato who happened to be very well-versed in the art of romance and its facets, it has nothing to do with sexual intimacy and attraction.
While this ilk of companionship can exist between opposite sexes, they are deemed very hard to sustain. Ultimately, one of the two starts to catch feelings for the other which could do irreparable damage to a friendship you once thought you could rely on. No one is to blame. This usually happens in bonds where limits are not pre-defined and every gesture is misread by one of the two parties. As a result, the physical contact that was deemed innocuous and friendly starts to get more sensual.

If you believe you can carry on a friendship with the opposite gender without eventually falling for them, then you should make things very clear to your platonic lover as early as you can to avoid any situation that might be painful for the both of you.
11 Reasons to Have Platonic Love and Intimacy with Him
1. Enjoy greater levels of the happy hormone

Studies have shown that besides having a good relationship with your family and romantic partner, having a reliable platonic partnership can increase the levels of dopamine aka the happy hormone in your brain. This hormone is said to have a beneficial effect on your blood pressure levels, vascular system and can make you euphoric. If you are with someone who makes you joyous but do not want anything romantic with him, then you have always the platonic route that you can take.
2. Mental peace for days

Romantic relationships are not bad in any way. However, they come with heavy baggage. When jealousy, possessiveness, and exclusivity are added in the recipe of love, many people might feel as if they are being crushed under all that weight. Maybe, they are not ready yet to commit to someone or deal with the issues these partnerships come with. If you are a free spirit that has been on its own for very long, then sharing a platonic relationship with him might be the best option for you. This will make you stay with him and allow you to enjoy his company without making things mentally taxing for you.
3. Freedom to figure out who you are and where you want to be

Romantic relationships are not bad in any way. However, they come with heavy baggage. When jealousy, possessiveness, and exclusivity are added in the recipe of love, many people might feel as if they are being crushed under all that weight. Maybe, they are not ready yet to commit to someone or deal with the issues these partnerships come with. If you are a free spirit that has been on its own for very long, then sharing a platonic relationship with him might be the best option for you. This will make you stay with him and allow you to enjoy his company without making things mentally taxing for you.
4. Hang out with them without making things awkward

Do you both like to hug when you meet or cuddle during a movie night but are not lovers? The good news is that you need not be involved with him romantically to keep enjoying this non-sexual physical contact. Even if you just love eating cheap Chinese take-outs with him or sleep in his bed, it is still very much platonic and you can keep it that way without having to give up on this mutual affection that does not involve sex.
5. No expectations no hurt

Platonic lovers allow you to soar as high as you want because they do not keep you rooted to the ground with the weight of their expectations from you. If you cannot do something for them or show up at their mom’s birthday party, it will never be a problem, unlike romantic relationships. Because your platonic partner does not expect you to go out of your way for him to sustain the beautiful bond that you share, there are no hurtful transpiring arguments either.
6. You have your eyes on someone else

You can stay with him, hang out with him and do everything that platonic lovers do while having a crush on another boy. He can even help you understand how male minds work to make you acquire your fantasy beau’s attention.
7. He is the best friend you have ever had

This is 2020 and no one expects you to fall in love with the boy who does for you everything that a lover does. He can just be your friend. If he understands you like no one else does and you can tell him everything without giving it a second thought, then you should certainly consider entering into a platonic relationship with him.
8. Your love hormone enjoys his company

Your body language changes whenever you meet him. You sense your muscles release their tension and can finally take off the mask that you use to greet the rest of the world with. All this indicates that this boy is a friend with whom you are the most comfortable with.
9. You feel better physically with him

Your cheeks blush, your heartbeat speeds up, your stress levels go way down and your body relaxes when you are in their company- all these are signs of an influx of oxytocin in your system. If you experience some or all of these when you are with him, then it signifies that you love being in his company. You need to turn this boy into your platonic bae!
10. He allows you to be honest

The filters in your head, sieving your thoughts take a seat back and you can talk to him about anything. You are sure that there are no secrets between you two and both of you know every important detail about one another. This person, whose name pops up in your mind as you read this, is the person you should always cherish platonically.
11. He helps you do things better

If humans could have survived alone, there would not be 7 billion of us inhabiting planet earth, but here we are. You, like everyone else, need someone who can have your back when the need is and hold your beacon when the road of life gets a bit too dark. We all get tired. None of this is abnormal. If he carries you when you cannot even walk under the crushing weight of this world, then he is your true friend. You should consider entering into a platonic relationship with him.

Couples face these intimacy issues and here are some of them

If humans could have survived alone, there would not be 7 billion of us inhabiting planet earth, but here we are. You, like everyone else, need someone who can have your back when the need is and hold your beacon when the road of life gets a bit too dark. We all get tired. None of this is abnormal. If he carries you when you cannot even walk under the crushing weight of this world, then he is your true friend. You should consider entering into a platonic relationship with him.
Confess your harbored platonic feelings for him and draw lines before it is too late for the both of you. Good luck!