12 Quick Ways to Get Over Someone You Never Dated

Fix Your broken heart quickly for someone who you never dated

By Aey
12 Quick Ways to Get Over Someone You Never Dated

Getting over someone you never dated can be frustrating and confusing as there’s no middle ground. The other person might not think twice about you but you, on the other hand, may find it difficult to even get the thought of the other person out of your head. It’s all about healthily processing your emotions in an attempt to move on. Here’s a list of how you can start to move on from a person that you never dated.

12 Quick Ways to Get Over Someone You Never Dated

1. Acceptance

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First and foremost, you need to accept the fact that the person you like might not reciprocate the feelings that you have for him/her. You may delude yourself into thinking that this person might like you at some point in time if you keep waiting. To truly get over someone that you never dated, you must realize that spending your efforts, time, and energy into something that won’t be required is not worth it as you could channel this energy into something that may be more fulfilling.

2. Stop checking in on them

Allowing yourself to constantly check up on them and brood over them will only enable those feelings of loss and unreciprocated love to grow which might not allow you to move on at all. To put an end to a loose ended relationship that has no happy ending, you should unfollow them or block them on all social media platforms so that you don’t cling onto the emotions associated with that specific person. You may consider blocking the person a bit harsh at first, however, doing so is merely a form of self-care and self-love.

3. Acknowledge your feelings

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Sweeping your feelings under the rug won’t allow the wound to heal in time. Accepting the fact that the person was never meant to be with you and then acknowledging your feelings is one step closer to getting over the person. Giving yourself time to let go of the strong feelings that you once had for someone is a slow process that requires patience and consistency. If you don’t acknowledge these feelings in due time, you might catch yourself thinking about this person when you might be in a relationship with someone else. This will be unfair to the person you might date in the future and it will also take a toll on your emotional well-being as you will be stuck on someone from the past.

4. Note down the strengths and weaknesses of the person you like

Firstly, appreciating what you liked about the other person will help you understand the qualities that you might want in your significant other or someone else that you want to date in the future. This will also shed light on how this person is not the only one who might possess these qualities - making it easier for you to notice these qualities in those around you much more frequently. Secondly, listing down the attributes that you disliked about the other person may snap you back to reality as you realize that your love for that person disregarded any shortcomings that that person might have had. This will not only help you stay more vigilant in your next romantic endeavor but it will also help you identify your behavioral patterns which made you turn your back on the other person’s fallibility.

5. Find new hobbies

Occupy yourself by finding new hobbies or by completing an impending task that will keep you distracted as your mind will not wander off to that person. The new hobbies that you take up may rekindle a sense of purpose in your life which will put off any intrusive thoughts that might creep back in. These hobbies could consist of anything that you previously enjoyed doing such as any physical activity, reading a book, painting, or traveling.

6. Love yourself

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Not ending up with the person you liked but never dated could take a severe hit on your self-esteem as you may start blaming yourself for not being good enough for this person. In such situations, you should not allow daft notions to get to your head. Some people go to great extents to make themselves look appealing by altering their overall attitude at the cost of losing themselves in the process for someone who’s not worth their time and energy. Instead, you should lean towards taking on a much healthier form of self-improvement which may include being part of activities that boost your self-confidence and give you a better insight into your worth as an individual.

7. Talk to your friends

 Having a third person’s perspective may assist you in looking at the actuality of the situation. This may rule out any thoughts that you may have regarding that person as your friend might knock some sense into you. Being mindful of who you open up to is imperative as the wrong person might end up blaming you for something that you might not have even taken into consideration before. If your friend circle consists of the person that you had strong feelings for, you may want to distance yourself from that particular group of friends for a while.

8. Write down what you are feeling and thinking

Writing down your feelings will enable you to express them in a certain way that can help you move forward. It serves the sole purpose of structuring and making sense of the perception that you had of the other person. A recent study suggested that writing may even improve one’s immune system which may further aid in easing feelings of emotional trauma that one may have faced over time. Furthermore, jotting down your feelings may help you gain a better understanding of your internal experiences and conflict.

9. Understand what the relationship was really like

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Looking back at the sort of relationship that you had with that person may help you move on as well. You might begin to question if their words truly matched their actions and if they truly cared for you and your happiness. Answering these questions will allow you to take a step back and reevaluate your feelings that you had for this person. This will also give you a heads up on what you are looking for in an individual that you may be interested in, in the future.

10. Understand your feelings without letting them get to your head

Looking at the bigger picture may help you make sense of your emotions as you may begin to question why are you so emotionally invested in this person. Could it be because you craved the idea of having them around rather than getting to know them? Could it be possible that you were out on a scavenge for someone who may take into account your unconditional love and support that you had to offer? Taking all the reasons into account is important as it helps validate your feelings and you understand what that is that you truly want.  

11. Understanding that this process will take some time

Certain factors contribute to how much time you may take to get over a certain person. Some of these factors include how long you knew this person for, to what extent were these feelings reciprocated, and how strongly you were attracted to the other person. If this person was someone that you looked up to or held in high regard, chances are that getting over this person might take some time; you must allow yourself to fully comprehend your emotions rather than suppressing your emotions.

12. Remember your options

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In a world of seven billion people, you may eventually find someone else who truly loves you. The metaphor, “there’s plenty of fish in the sea” really does hold! Accepting the fact that you may be much more compatible with someone else could even help you create a distinction between your perception and the actuality of that person. By knowing that there are other people out there who crave for your love and attention, you might finally settle on someone who’s much better and someone who truly deserves you.

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Whether it was a crush or someone you knew for a long period, getting over someone that you didn’t date may require you to slow down and reevaluate certain aspects of your life. Learning to accept the reality and moving on can remove a great hindrance that may begin to cave in on other facets of your life.