First Move: 10 Questions To Get A Guy To Go Out With You
Asking a guy out can be a piece of cake, read on to master it!
Nov 29, 2020

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been in a pesky romantic situation, heads over heels in love with someone who we’re unsure feels the same way for us. As glorified as this pining is in both literature, and pop culture, it can get kind of painful and nerve-wracking if it goes on for a long amount of time. In such excruciating scenarios, it’s always better to take your chances for love and ask the object of desire out, instead of suffering a slow, poisonous death at the hands of your romantic aspirations.
Having said that, however, while the idea of asking out a guy might seem easy on paper, the reality of the situation is far more anxiety-inducing than one might imagine. For most women, the tendency to put their crushes on a pedestal outweighs all facets of logical reasoning, which usually results in them treating the object of their infatuation as this god-like deity, instead of the human that they are.

As a general rule of thumb, no one’s ever made the first move on a god and gotten away with it, which is precisely why it is essential for women to realize that the men they like are exactly that - men, with their individual set of flaws and strengths. Only then, can you hope to successfully get a guy to go out with you!
While there are many nuances associated with the tedious process of making the first move, particularly for women, with the right tricks up their sleeve, all women can subtly drop hints and let their crushes know that it’s time they go out together.
If you’re currently on the fence with a guy, pining in anticipation for when he finally gathers enough courage to ask you out, keeps reading on to put both of yourselves out of misery with you finally popping the question!
How Often Do Women Make The First Move? How Does It Go?
Before we can get into anything else, let’s put this out to open- dating, especially as a woman, in this time and age, is mind-bogglingly hard. Not only do women have to put up with a plethora of downright problematic behavior from their romantic partners, but they are also expected to do so with a huge, chagrined smile plastered on their face, without even uttering a single word of complaint. Based on a general observation, however, it would seem that men have a pretty skewed idea of the role that women play in relationships, which makes it all the more difficult for women to make the first move on the guys they like.
If you’re a woman who’s had her fair share of tumultuous romantic endeavors, you might be wondering if it’s actually even advisable to make the first move on a guy. Well, although women don’t really make the first move on their men, those who do report that it’s actually a tried and tested way to guarantee a response from their men. In most instances where a woman asks her man out, the guy is more likely to say yes, since he appreciates the courage it must have taken her to pop this simple question.
Why Is It Okay For Women To Make The First Move?
If you’re a woman on the brink of asking someone out, you might be facing a fair share of peer pressure from your friends and colleagues to simply abort the mission plan, and wait for him to ask you out. While this does eradicate the risk of getting rejected by someone you’ve been pining over for a significant amount of time, it induces a different kind of pain- the pain of never taking a risk for someone that you were genuinely interested in.
Although dating in today’s modern age, where sloppy tinder hookups have long since replaced the notion of true love, is quite hard, it’s always okay to be brave and ask someone you like out. In a worst-case scenario, they might not feel the same way about you, which is still a better alternative than not letting the other person know about your romantic feelings at all. As a general rule of thumb, in matters of the heart, it’s much better to be brave and shoot your shot, rather than being careful and regretting it later on in life.
How Should I Prepare Myself If I’m Considering Asking A Guy Out? Do I Really Have To Prepare That Much?
Once you’ve plucked up the courage to finally ask the guy of your dreams out, you’ll need to start your preparation right from the get-go. And no, we don’t mean preparation that consists of you stalking your crush’s social media platforms with an alarming frequency. Instead, we mean to brace yourself and put both yourself and the object of your desire through a bout of some very difficult questions.
Before you can get into anything else, you might want to analyze the reasons you like him so much. More often than not, we tend to like individuals that we think will ‘fix’ or heal the broken parts of us, which along with being a trauma response, is also a major red flag. Despite the skewed and manufactured version of love that Hollywood has sold to us over the course of the years, true romance can never actually bloom between two individuals who are using each other as a means of fixing themselves, instead of seeking therapy.
Once you’ve gotten through this tedious process of scrutiny, you can prepare to ask out the guy you’re interested in by cultivating an interest in the things that he’s interested in. Ask him questions about his hobbies and interests, his memories, his childhood experiences, along with anything else that might give you a clue into what your crush is really like, and how’d compatible you be once you start dating.
10 Questions To Get A Guy To Go Out With You
After you’ve done your homework, and come to the conclusion that you and your crush will make the perfect couple, you can make the first move on him by asking him the following questions. Whether it’s your co-worker, a cute guy you met at a coffee shop, or a stranger who bumped into you in the street, asking the questions we’ve listed below is sure to make him swoon for you!
7. Do you want to have children? If you do, do you think you’d make a good parent?
And lastly,
While some of these questions might seem a bit redundant and irrelevant, they’re the perfect lead up to the tenth question, by which point, you’ll have a clear idea of the person that you’ve just asked out!
What Are Some Fun Date Ideas To Truly Get To Know Someone?

After months and months of pining, now that you’ve finally popped the question, you might be wondering where you and your beau should go for a date. Usually, first dates can be very nerve-wracking, which is why we’ve listed some fun date ideas below:
- Go to your favorite bookshop and spend the whole day browsing through library shelves together.
- Go to the zoo, and feed the animals together.
- If you’re into cooking, get high-quality produce from your farmer’s market and cook up a hearty meal together.
- Go on a hike together.
- Go visit a favorite museum together.
- If all seems to stress-inducing, go for a simple stroll in a park, and have ice cream on your way back home.
What if I Don’t Actually Come To Like Him, How Do I Tell Him?
Oftentimes, the people we ask out don’t really meet our expectations once we’ve gone out on a couple of dates with them. In these awkward scenarios, you might find yourself looking for excuses to back out of dates, which is exactly where you need to tell the other person that you’re not interested in pursuing a relationship with them. Pluck up the same courage that you did when you asked them out, and let them know of your real feelings instead of leading them on.

Ask these 12 questions for a boy before jumping into relationship
Although dating today might seem hard and tedious, relying on the tips we’ve mentioned above is an excellent way of navigating the tumultuous realms of relationships with great ease.