6 Clear-Cut Signs You’re Dating A Fuccboi And Why Leave
If you’re into a serious relationship, a fuccboi isn't for you.
Nov 29, 2020

Well if you’re young, out and about and you’ve never come across a fuccboi (commonly known as fuckboys), I’m pleasantly surprised. Welcome to this article because I have enough experience dating fuckboys to equip all my beautiful brothers and sisters out there. Buckle up because this will be an eye-opening experience for y’all. Let’s get the cats out of the bag and jump directly to what a ‘fuccboi’ really is.
What Does “Fuccboi” Mean?
The title itself starts with the ‘f word’ since he does exactly that, fucks up people’s emotions for his own pleasure. These kind of boys are the ones who don’t have a shred of respect for women but are dependent on them in many ways. They come in, select a target, do everything in their power to sweep her off of their feet and get her to fall in love with them. They do all this with absolutely no intention of committing to her but to manipulate her just for the sake of his own pastime. Yes, they are cruel and insecure creatures who would lose all sense of identity if they don’t have a girl around to fan his ego.
Where Did The Term Originate From?
Wesleyan Argus says that the term fuccboi roots back to 2002 where it was most commonly used by rappers AAVE (African American Vernacular English). There may also be a link between the terms, ’Playboy’ $ ‘Fuccboi’. Back in the day when swear words weren’t that commonly used, playing was the alternative of fuccing with other women’s feelings. That kind of explains the modernized version of playboys – Fuccbois.
What Does A Fuccboi Look Like?
Come on! A fuccboi doesn’t have a tattoo on his head saying that he is a fuccboi. They look just like other guys. There will be a lot of signs in their behavior that sets them apart from the guys. If you’re well-aware, you’ll catch those signs and make decisions accordingly. Keep on readings to find out 6 clear signs of a fuccboi.
Does It Have A Negative Connotation?
Fuccboi does have a negative connotation to it. Whenever someone is labeled to be a fuccboi, the people around them start to judge him to be a manipulator, womanizer, and sexist in some cases. The term also has undertones that are homophobic and sexist.
A person who is attractive to the ladies and who enjoys the company and attention of those women does it with their consent. It’s not okay to go around giving this title to men out there even though there is a chance that he is one but he might not be one too. If it’s the latter, you’ll be assassinating his character.
6 Clear-Cut Signs You’re Dating A Fuccboi
1. He avoids the topic of commitment

Source: https://media.giphy.com
All the fuccboi out there have a commitment-phobia. Just like a person who is scared of heights avoid situations that will make them face that fear, fuccbois will run and hide when the topic comes up. I mean not literally but you will clearly notice their body language change and they will try their best to change the topic.
In my opinion, talking about commitment is the perfect test to separate a man from a fuccboi. If a man is taking you out on dates, making moves to impress you – trust me when I say that you won’t even need to bring this topic up because men will want you to commit to him so that none other can sweep you off of your feet. See if he avoids the topic of commitment and if you’re the relationship kind of girl, rejecting him is your best bet.
2. He seems to go out with a lot of girls
There is a high chance that you’ve been with guys who seem to be unavailable during the peak dating hours. Whenever you call him or text him, he hits back with, ‘can I call you later’? This behavior is a huge red flag except in very few cases where the guy actually is busy. If there is a strong feeling in your gut that you’re not the only girl he’s seeing, you probably are right. Don’t doubt your instincts and take the appropriate action because you let him treat you any less than the Queen you are!
3. He appears and disappears often
This one is MAJOR. If your guy is always disappearing for an extended period just when you think that things are going good – I’m sorry to break it to you but he’s a fuccboi. This guy will ghost you for days and just when you’re about to be over him, he will reappear and act as nothing happened. When you try to question him, he will make you look crazy who is overreacting. Don’t fall into his trap and don’t let him back in. Trust me he will be persistent but lock them doors hard and don’t open up unless a real man is knocking. You should only let people with values let in and not trashy insecure boys trying to get in your pants.
4. He knows exactly how to give you a good time
With experience comes expertise and nobody else has got more experience at manipulating women other than fuccboi. Generally, guys are hesitant and very careful when they’re approaching women because they don’t do this a lot but fuccboi, well it’s a routine for them hence, it is a sign.
5. He wants to rush to the ‘inviting to my place’ part

Source: https://media.giphy.com
Fuccbois have on intention – to have a good time. They get bored by efforts that a healthy relationship requires and hence they want to rush through all that to the part where you’re comfortable enough to ‘Netflix and chill’ with him. Remember that as soon as you give him what he wants, he will always want to meet you at his place and you can forget about movies or dinner dates. If you’re looking for a healthy relationship in which sex is a part of, look for a different guy because for this one – sex is the only part he is interested in.
6. He only wants to talk late at night
A fuccboi doesn’t see you as a woman with feelings, he sees you as an object to turn to for pleasure. Hence, you will never see him calling to see how you’re doing, hell only call late at night. Every time, that conversation will take a dirty turn and it will either be an invitation for sex or all about sex. This one is THE CLEAREST sign that your boy is a fuccboi. Reject him.
Should We Stay Away From Fuccbois?
If you’re new to the dating game, I’d say stay away from fuccbois because they will break you and leave you to pick up the pieces. The same goes for people who are looking for a healthy committed relationship because you’re not going to get that from these guys. Fuccbois do at times fall in love but I’d still recommend to back off unless they put in a lot of effort to change. They will drag you around and might end up falling back to their unhealthy ways. If you’re not looking for anything serious, fuccbois is a good option but for those girls who know how to play manipulative people because you never know – an expert can manipulate the strongest out there.

How to tell if he is a fuck boy, a player that you should just trash
There are all sorts of messed up people out there. Especially in the dating world, you cannot expect all the people to be on the same page as you. Dating is a gamble, the best advice that I can give you is don’t fall for the words, observe the actions. Relationships revolve around efforts and actions. If he’s a sweet talker, you need to watch his actions. A man who deserves you will match his actions with his words. If all he does is play games with you and show all the signs mentioned above, he’s a fuccboi and you need to act accordingly. Backing off is the best option if you’re new to the dating world or are looking for a serious commitment while if you’re looking for something casual, a fuccboi might do. The moral of the story is, you need to be equipped and ready to read signs because people can have bad intentions.