15 Fun Relationship Games All Couples Can Play

15 Fun Relationship Games All Couples Can Play

Couple games act as an icebreaker for new couples and as a refreshing activity for old couples. Here are 15 fun and enjoyable relationship games.

By Sanchari
15 Fun Relationship Games All Couples Can Play

Relationship games for couples

It is easy to give up when things are not working. Holding onto it and making it work can get quite tough. Making a relationship work is a serious task, but it doesn't mean you can't add some fun. There are several activities and games that both of you can do together. You already know what you and your partner enjoy the most, so choose games and activities based on your preferences. If you feel that your relationship is starting to lack communication, then you can pick some games that involve lots of conversations, questions, and answers. With the help of these little pastimes, you will see that your relationship will be filled with laughter and love, just like the time you first started going out. Games can actually help in building a stronger bond with your partner. So, if your relationship has lost the magic, then these games are the perfect solution for rekindling your lost love. Develop a stronger relationship with your partner while having some fun together.

Tonight the Pick N Mix Friday Flavas Show kicks off August with another fun packed show full of discussion and music to suit all tastes only on Ace Of Jacks Radio From 9pm - 11pm(GMT) Ace Of'JZacks and Senior Nobleman will be on air discussing Relationship Games. Have you played games? Are you still playing games? Do you have time for games? Get involved! As always Mr J'zacks will be spinning tracks and the Nobleman will be spilling the facts. In addition the boys will be joined by SQUADMedia creators Daniel 'Switchman' Gregory & Lance Mav Prime. They will be disclosing a few details on their upcoming multimedia company as well as providing their views on relationship games. Tune in or watch live via high definition webcam at www.aceofjacks.com/listenlive Get involved via: Tel: 07961 977 707 Don't forget to add +44 and exclude the (0) if your call from outside the UK Twitter: @aceofjacks Email: radio@aceofjacks.com #aceofjacks #seniornobleman #aceofjacksradio #picknmixfridayflavas #pickoftheday #relationships #relationshipgames #squadmedia #djswitchman #lancemavprime #mav #instadaily #instalike #instagood #relationshipdrama #courtship #trust

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Relationship games are for all types of couples

You might think that relationship games are only for couples who are starting to feel bored in the relationship. That's absolutely wrong. New couples can greatly benefit from these fun activities too. If you don’t play these relationship games, then how will you get to know each other? In the early stages of a relationship, it is normal to be a bit shy and reserved around our partners. We are always too conscious of our actions because we don't want to mess things up. These relationship games can actually help new couples loosen up and become more comfortable. You will get to know each other well and most importantly, you will know more about each other's strengths and weaknesses. The games will help you open up and strengthen your new bond. You will start feeling more secure once the wall between the two of you is broken by these relationship games.

Couples engaging in relationship games

These fun relationship games are not only meant for couples who have been together for a long time. Every couple can play and enjoy these games regardless of the length of the relationship. For new couples, these relationship games can act as an ice breaker to help you know your partner better. Need a new idea for a date night? Then give these games a try. It will definitely lift your spirits up. The most important thing is that you can start the games right away without any preparation and without spending a dime.

1. Drinking roulette is a fun relationship game

For this, you need two glasses and some drinks. This doesn't necessary have to involve alcohol. You can use whatever drinks you like depending on your preference. In this game, one person will ask a question and the other person has to answer it in ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If it is a the answer is ‘yes,’ then the person being asked will have to take one sip. If it is a ‘no,’ then there is no need to take the sip. If you are in the bar, then you can have tequila shots for this drinking game. But if you are in a restaurant or at home, then you can simply take a sip of whatever drink is available. Alcohol is not a must for these kind of games, so if you are not fond of alcohol, then any other form of liquid will also do. The main aim is to have fun, so you can add your own personal twist to the game to make it more enjoyable.

2. "Never Have I Ever" is a one of the popular relationship games

This game is easy and packs a lot of fun. If you are at home on a weekend, then don't worry that you'll run out of fun activities to do. This game is the perfect way to keep your partner and yourself busy. You'll both have a lot of fun playing this game. Get a piece of cardboard or paper and write "Never" on one side and "I Have" on the other side. Then, you're all set! Start shooting questions at your partner. For example, if you can say "I got caught for DUI." You and your partner will show your cardboards at the same time. Show the side that says "Never" if it doesn't apply to you. But if it's true, then show the side that says "I Have." This way, you and your partner will get to know each other's best-kept secrets. You can also play this with other couples and take turns in asking questions.

3. Couple games in the kitchen? Try pretzel challenge

When was the last time you and your partner enjoyed each other’s company in the kitchen? If you don’t even remember, then it's the perfect time to bring your partner over to the kitchen and enjoy making pretzels. To make the game even more exciting, you can set a time limit. Find out is the better or faster one when it comes to the kitchen. If you have just started going out with him, then these kind of games can be a perfect date idea for you. It won’t cost you anything and you will also know how good or bad they are at cooking. But if you'd rather eat pretzels than make them, then you can also turn this game into an eating challenge.

4. Origami games for creative couples

For creative couples, making origami can be a great pastime. Doing creative things together can add more fun into your relationship. You don't need to be an origami expert to pull this off. Search for online videos and pick the ones you want to do with your partner. All you need now is a bunch of colorful papers. Turn this into a fun game by making it a timed challenge.

5. Grocery shopping games can be fun

When you think of games, grocery shopping does not usually come to mind. Grocery shopping can be quite a boring thing to do with your partner, but if you can make it exciting by adding some challenges. If you have 20 things on your list, then split the list equally into two. Now ask your partner to grab all the items on his list within a certain time limit. You also have to do the same thing. The first one who gets to the counter with all items will be the winner. Just agree on a prize before starting the game. For example, the winner can be the one to decide where to go for dinner. The simplest activities in life can be turned into fun games if you add a little challenge to it. If you don't like doing household chores, then involve your partner and turn it into competitive games. These games will not only help you have fun with your partner, but it will also reduce the time of getting chores done.

6. Scavenger hunt games with a twist

In the scavenger hunt, you will typically have to find the things that are listed on a scroll or paper. But this game is a bit different from the usual scavenger hunt. Here, you will be asked to help people and do social services. In order to win the game, you will have to complete all the services that are listed on the scroll. If you have successfully accomplished your tasks by the end of the day, then you will become the winner. This is also a great way of knowing your partner’s nature. If he or she is good with people, then he or she will be able to complete all his challenges with a smile on his or her face. Otherwise, he or she will easily get irritated and give up. It will help you decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life with a person who is not compassionate at all. So if you want to get a better idea if your new partner is capable of empathy and compassion, then give this game a try!

7. Knowing each other through relationship games

It doesn’t matter whether you have been married to each other for a five years or five months. You might think that you know everything about your partner, but chances are, there will always be new things to discover about each other. Want to see how much you really know your partner? Try some interesting games that involve asking questions. One of the games you can play is this called "two truths and one lie." It's pretty self-explanatory. Take turns in saying two true statements and one lie. See if your partner can separate the lie from the facts!

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8. Stare into each other’s eyes

A staring contest seems like one of those old school games. However, you'll realize that it's not that easy once you actually start playing it. If you've been together for quite a while, then you should definitely give this game a try. When was the last time you looked into your partner's eyes with pure romance? A game like this may seem silly to some people, but it can be a good way to reconnect with your partner and rekindle the romance. How exactly should you play this game? If you ask your partner to have a staring contest with you, then there's no guarantee that they'll be up for it. One thing you can do is to simply fix your eyes on his. Don't say anything. Feel the moment and focus on looking at their eyes with love and compassion. Try it once and you will thank us for this idea.

9. Twisting your relationship to another level

We have all played these twister games in our childhood. So, there's no need for an explanation, right? You're probably thinking that it's rather silly to play twister as grown adults especially if you're no longer that fit or flexible. But if you're looking to have fun, then why not? Playing a game from your childhood is a good way of bonding as a couple. Remember how good it felt to just play and have fun when you were a child? You and your partner will surely laugh a lot and forget the worries of your daily life. It might even be a way for you to get fit together.

10. Charades games with couples

You can play this game with just the two of you or with other couples. Write some movie titles on a pieces of paper and keep them in one bowl or box. Take turns in picking a title and acting it out. Your partner or the other couple will then try to guess the movie title. It can quickly get boring if it's just the two of you, so it's much better to get other couples to join the game. You can also add new twists to the game to make it more interesting. For example, you can make it girls vs. boys. Or, you can also give a consequence for the person or team who fails to make a correct guess.

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11. Ask 21 questions to play relationship games

First, think of something. It can be a person, an object, or an event. And then, make your partner ask several questions to guess what you have thought in your mind. So, if you have thought of a movie or TV show, then your partner can ask questions like: "Is it your favorite pass-time? Do you love to do the activity every day? Is it something to watch or to play?" He or she is allowed to ask you only 21 questions before coming up with a final guess. Note that the questions must only be answerable by a yes or no. Don’t drop any other hint because it will spoil the fun. Guessing games like this one is fun and quite intriguing too. Let's see how good your partner is when it comes to reading your thoughts!

12. Guessing games for couples

There are lot of fun guessing games that couples can play. If you've just come home from grocery shopping, then why not play a game? Spread out a variety of grocery items in front of your partner and ask them to guess the price of each item. You can use whatever it is that you just bought - chocolate bars, vegetables, fruits, toiletries, and the like. Keep track of how many times your partner guesses correctly and prepare a special prize!

13. Truth or dare scrabble as a relationship game

Now, this special scrabble game is played with a twist. The person who completes a word first asks the other person to choose truth or dare. You can have lots of fun by giving some outrageous dares to your partner. In case your partner opts for truth, then you can ask him or her some intimate questions that have been on mind for a long time. This is the perfect opportunity to ask those questions and have fun. Whether your partner chooses truth or dare, he or she will have no choice but to answer your questions truthfully or perform some hilarious consequences.

14. Fun sing-along games to add fun to your relationship

This game can be extremely fun and not complicated at all. Are you and your partner sitting on the couch and feeling bored? Start singing a song and challenge your partner to continue with another song based on the last word that you sang. It does not matter if you have a good singing voice. Don't focus too much if you're out of tune or not. What matters the most is that both of you are having loads and loads of fun. It is the best way to kill time and enjoy each other’s company. If both of you are good singers, then it will be like icing on the cake. But in case both of you turn out to be rather tone deaf, then you can just laugh about it. In either case, keep the games going

15. Relationship quiz games for couples

Relationship quiz games can be a great way to discover how well you know each other. Not only is it interesting, but it can also be done anywhere. Prepare a list of questions about you. Ask those questions to your partner during a date or even while you're stuck in traffic on your way home. These questions can include: "What was the name of my best friend in high school?" "What is my idea of a perfect date?" "What food do I hate the most?" If your partner answers every question correctly, then that's awesome! If not, then at least he or she was able to discover something new about you.

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Now enjoy the relationship games and have fun

If your relationship is just in its formative years, then also these games will help you make your bond stronger. While playing these games, you will get to know each other well. Those moments spend with each other will help your love blossom even more. Games help couples stay connected while having fun. Whenever you think that both of you are getting too engaged in work or other daily activities, try out some games to keep that spark alive. Don’t choose the easy path of moving away from each other, rather make every effort to grow closer. Luckily, you can do this while having fun with your partner.

A relationship is better when you add some fun into it

Lack of communication and quality time can result in roadblocks in a relationship. That is why it is very important to put effort in a relationship, whether it's old or new. These games offer couples fun ways to bond with each other. Relationship games should be played by every couple regardless of the relationship stage that they're in. Even the boring day to day activities can be turned into a crazy and fun affair if you include these relationship games in your life. Start adding some fun to your relationship with the help of these awesome games that you and your partner will surely enjoy.