40 Best Quotes That Will Help You Get Over A Breakup
Need something really motivating to help you get over your breakup? Find out the best quotes ever written to help you get over your heartbreak.
Jul 24, 2018
![40 Best Quotes That Will Help You Get Over A Breakup](http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cdn.panda-gossips.com/production/posts/eyecatches/000/000/126/original.jpg?1505896728)
Going through the pain of a breakup
A breakup can be one of the most painful things to face. A breakup that is mutual is different than a heartbreak. Your partner decides to end the relationship and wants to move on with life. The reasons for a breakup could be plenty, and many times, a breakup comes at the moment when you least expect it. It is extremely painful to hear your partner say that they don't love you anymore and want freedom from the relationship. This could be shattering and heart-stabbing. You might even feel the ground slip beneath you, especially when your partner wants to leave you for another. Even if you have been feeling something amiss in your relationship, the final moment of the breakup could be worse than you can ever imagine. Love does this to you. Your beloved becomes your entire world and your reason to live. A breakup brings along with it the pain of rejection, a bruised ego and a horrible feeling of worthlessness. The initial pain and disbelief may further give way to anger. This could be a terrible state of mind to stay in. Written below are some motivational quotes for someone who is going through the pain of a breakup. A breakup doesn't end your world. What you have got to understand is that something that is not meant for you, will never stay with you. And something that was always yours will come back to you eventually. Agreed, this is easier said than done and a person who goes through it only knows the agony of it, but a breakup is something that many of us have gone through. While everyone's pain and reasons might be different, one thing is the same for everyone and that is that time heals every pain. It is just a matter of time, that you will feel normal once again. And while you are going through it, refer to some 40 amazing quotes written below by people who have been there and moved on gracefully with their lives.
Important To Do list after heartbreak
These quotes gross up totally what you need to do in order to get over your heartbreak. While all you would want right now might be only to lock yourself up and cry all day long, these quotes will motivate you how to get going and get over easily.
1. “Every single day, do something that makes your heart sing.” - Marcia Wieder
This will not only help you in coping with pain, but will give you something nice to do every day. Do whatever your heart rejoices in. Your favorite hobby, a pleasant and noble deed, an adventurous activity and any such thing that makes you happy.
2. “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” - Guy Finley
The past is over. Take it as a beautiful chapter of your life. Do not remember the pain of the breakup but remember the good times you shared with your partner. This will help you get over the bitterness and start life afresh. There is nothing that can stop you from leading a happy life if you wish.
3. “Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.” - Jack Kerouac
An important to-do list after a breakup should be to close the painful chapter of your life. Take a pledge, the first thing in the morning, that you are not going to let your heartbreak affect you further. Go out and socialize, meet new people and do everything that you love in your life. Enjoy every minute of your life.
4. “Get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.” - Genevieve Rhode
Do not try to gain sympathy from people or your ex by wallowing in self-pity. Get up, wear your best clothes and enjoy life once again as if nothing ever happened. The pain will still be there, but this attitude will make coping easier. A heartbreak is easier to get over with if you decide to do so in the first place.
5. “Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” – Denis Waitley
In the worst of situations, if a couple has to stick together, they do. So, if things did not work out in your case, there is no point in brooding over again and again. It's over and done with. Think what to do next now.
Time will heal your heartbreak
Time is the best medicine for the biggest problems in life. Nothing lasts for ever. Just remember that this too shall pass. You will not even remember the agony of your heartbreak after a few years.
6. “Only time can heal his heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.” – Miss Piggy
Time is the biggest healer, best medicine and a surefire proof of healing all wounds, even a bleeding heart. So, just give it some time to get over.
See some humor and get over your pain
Look at your current situation in a different angle. Surely, it couldn't be that bad. To get over is easy if you think about the situation as funny.
7. “Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.” – Candace Bushnell
A good way to look at the entire breakup scenario and to get over it is by thinking that it's best to have your girlfriends as soulmates. Spend more time with close friends for some time till you find someone better.
8. “In what twisted universe would a girl who's just been dumped still want to be friends with the boy who dumped her?” - Susane Colasanti
How can you even think of being friends with him? He just dumped you girl! Get hold on your self-respect.
9. “I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect.” - Amit Kalantri
Is your relationship worth your self-respect? There should be no terms and conditions for any relationship to thrive. Mutual self-respect is an important aspect of any relationship. Your heartbreak is not a heartbreak but a break of your self-respect.
10. “Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for.” - Mandy Hale
You definitely deserve someone much better. He who just dumped you made the biggest mistake of his life. Good, it ended. You shall find your soulmate soon!
11. "Loving someone who doesn’t love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.”
When something is not meant to be, it will not be. No amount of begging or pleading will make your beau stay with you and even if he does, will you be happy then?
12. “Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts. If they don’t find you worth the effort or the time, why should you waste yours?” – Donna Lynn Hope
Why are you wasting your time thinking about someone who just DUMPED you? Is your time that free or your thoughts so useless? Or is your heart that fragile that you get a heartbreak because of someone so worthless!
13. “I mean, if the relationship can’t survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term?” – Nicholas Sparks
Don't brood over your past relationship even for some time. Whenever you get such disturbing thoughts, try and occupy your mind elsewhere.
14. “One day they’ll realize they lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones.” - Turcois Ominek
That's a great way to boost your bruised ego. If someone has dumped you, it's his loss and not yours. They will regret it later on. Possibly, they might have a heartbreak soon when you see you happy in life.
15. “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.” - Oscar Wilde
You should be your love's first priority just like he is yours, otherwise, he is not worthy of being your love.
16. “Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either.” - Golda Meir
Weep it out entirely. This is a great way of coping with your pain. You will feel lighter and better. There is also no shame in crying. Strong people cry often.
Important lessons of life are learnt after a heartbreak
This heartbreak will teach you a lot in life. You will get over with it and come out wiser.
17. "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option." - Mark Twain
Love and respect both should be mutual in a relationship otherwise, one will have to suffer.
18. “To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose is the next best.” - William Makepeace Thackeray
It is okay if your relationship did not work out. At least you gave it a shot. Only now would you know that you haven't yet met the one made for you.
19. “No matter how bad you want a person, if your hearts are in two different places, you’ll have to pass and move on.”
An emotional, spiritual and physical connection is important in a relationship to make it work. If any one of these is amiss, then you will have to leave the relationship and move on with life.
20. “What we wait around a lifetime for with one person, we can find in a moment with someone else.” – Stephanie Klein
When it is meant to happen, it will click instantly and you will know that he is the one for you. Wait patiently. No need trying to make it work with someone sacrificing your own self.
21. “Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you” - Ovid
A breakup makes a person stronger, patient and wiser. Just take it as another one of your life's lessons.
Move on and get over with your breakup
Coping with breakup is easier when you move ahead with a positive frame of mind.
22. “For a long time, the fact that I was divorced was the most important thing about me. And now it’s not. Now the most important thing about me is that I’m old.” – Nora Ephron
Don't waste your time brooding over your past. Within moments you will get old and you will regret over a life NOT well-lived.
23. “He loved me. He loved me, but he doesn’t love me anymore, and it’s not the end of the world.” – Jennifer Weiner
It's okay, people fall out of love all the time. Just accept it as a part of human nature and move on to find someone who will not fall out of love for you.
24. “Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck. If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.” – Jean Kerr
A divorce makes you very cautious with other affairs in your life. You cannot afford to commit the same mistake twice. You are more careful with your future affairs in life.
25. “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” - M. Kathleen Casey
It's really up to you to cry yourself crazy over what finished, or to just move on ahead with life in search of something new and exciting.
Do not blame yourself for your heartbreak and get over it
Remember, it is not and was never your fault!
26. “Everyone’s allowed to be in love with the wrong person at some point. In fact, it’s a mistake not to be.” – Harriet Evans
You cannot blame yourself for the breakup. Everyone makes mistakes in love. Mistakes in love are not even counted as mistakes.
27. Hearts live by being wounded.” – Oscar Wilde
You won't die because of your breakup. Your heart will be alright and will beat again for someone soon.
28. “What’s broken is broken — and I’d rather remember it as it was than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” – Margaret Mitchell
A breakup is a knot forever. Even if you patch up later on, the bitter memory will always be there and will make you feel insecure in the relationship. It's better to move on and start afresh.
29. “One makes mistakes; that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.” – Romain Rolland
A great quote for coping with your pain is to think that there is no harm in a breakup. You tried and it did not work out. At least you tried.
Take your breakup positively and get over quickly
See the good in every situation and move ahead. Everything in life happens for a reason.
30. “Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” – Walter Anderson
Just take your breakup as a bad chapter in your life and close it. Move on with your life, there is much to do in life than to sit and brood over the past.
31. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” - Albert Einstein
Very well said, stagnancy will corrode your mindset and damage it forever.
32. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” - Marilyn Monroe
Only when you let go of your good past will you see your brilliant future.
33. “Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” - Paulo Coelho
This pain that you are experiencing is just darkness before light. Your future at the other end of the tunnel is bright and inviting.
34. “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” - Joseph Campbell
Life never goes as planned. There is always a supreme power above us who has everything planned for each one of us. Have faith.
35. “I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” - Alex Elle
Only after a rough patch in life, will you realize the amount of strength you have. Your breakup must have shattered you, but it's only a temporary phase. You will rise much stronger than before now.
36. “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” - Anthony Robbins
Either you decide to cry over what's gone and get yourself into a depression, or you can decide to move further and meet the one made for you.
37. “If you were happy with the wrong one, just think how happy you will be when the right one comes along.”
Now, that is a great way of motivating someone who has just had a breakup. Move on and have faith in destiny.
38. “If you can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much you can love the right one.”
This definitely motivates you to have hope for something better. Better days and better love awaits you!
39. “We always believe our first love is our last, and our last love our first”- George John Whyte-Melville
Love is magical whenever it happens. There is no such thing as first love or last love!
40. “You cannot let go of someone you never really had, and if you had them you wouldn’t have to let go.” – Dr. Gary Funk
If someone is yours, he will stay, else, he was never yours. Believe in that and move on with life.
Each one of us has a different way of dealing with pain. Some cry it out, some disappear from society, some drown in alcohol and some become depressed. It is definitely a rough phase in anyone's life and one should spend maximum time with family and friends after a breakup. True friends and well-wishers will help you go through your breakup. As the days pass by, you will notice your pain becoming less and less until one day you will wake up with a light heart and a renewed hope. This is life, and life is all about this. Read these quotes everyday to make you stronger.